Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3747

Chapter 3747

According to the meaning of the ancient **** of thunder, he also wanted Su Han to enter the purification pond and let him practice meditation for three years.

If this is true, three years later, Su Han will at least break through the Profound God Realm, and there is still no problem.

But the current situation does not allow Su Han to do this.


In the room, Qin Yun fiercely threw the sound transmission spar in his hand to the ground, mixed with a little strength of cultivation, the sound transmission spar shattered with a bang.

Su Han's face was also a little gloomy, all because of the news from the sound transmission spar.

"The gang of dogs in the Tianjiao Alliance really pick the time. You have only returned to Prince Yun's Mansion for a few days? They spread such rumors? I really want to tear up their dog mouths!" Qin Yun was furious and charming. His face looked flushed.

"Because I was scared, I secretly returned to King Yun's Mansion from Clan Jieshan, planning to hide for a hundred years?"

Su Han murmured, and finally laughed in anger: "These people are really conspiring. It seems that there are people staring at me in the Clan Jieshan? Otherwise, I will leave. How can news be transmitted to the superior star field immediately?"

In his mind, the faces of Shang Wenming and Ji Yuance slowly emerged.

You don't have to guess at all, just think with your toes, knowing they did it.

"I heard that Taizong Xingzi also joined the Tianjiao Alliance and became another leader?"

Su Han looked at Qin Yun: "And the descendants of the demon ancestors and the descendants of the four domains, have also won a group of Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list and joined the Tianjiao Alliance?"


When Qin Yun mentioned this, Qin Yun became even more angry, but she still replied, "Except for the descendants of Pangu Xingzi, Wufan Xingzi, and the descendants of Yaochi, all the other people, including the descendants of the Four Great Xingzi and the Nine Gods, have joined the Tianjiao Alliance, including More than 80% of the guys on the Tianjiao list have entered the Tianjiao Alliance."

"Sure enough, all the big fish were caught!"

Su Han squinted his eyes: "The establishment of the Tianjiao Alliance actually has only one purpose, and that is to target me, the descendant of destruction. Everyone knows this. Even if the mind is really dull and at a loss, the forces behind these Tianjiao will also I told them, and now they have chosen to oppose me."

"I don't understand, what do they think? What can you do if you are a descendant of the gods? As for you have to kill them like this?"

Qin Yunxiu frowned: "There are so many arrogant talents in the first-class star field, can they still not target all of them? If this continues and no one is in charge, this first-class star field will be really smoky! "

Su Han looked up at Qin Yun, and suddenly smiled: "Why are you so angry? They are not targeting you."


Qin Yun turned his eyes to the side, his eyes dodge a little, and coldly snorted: "If they are all right against me, I will definitely let the master come out in person and clean them up one by one!"

"Actually, I can do that too, but if I really do it, the people of the superior Star Territory will think that I will only rely on other people's trash, and the title of destroying descendants is not true... I still need the power of faith. That's right!" Su Han shook his head and sighed slightly.

"In fact, in terms of your combat power, whether you have the power of belief is not that important." Qin Yun said.

"The power of my faith can be used to increase cultivation. This is the most important thing." Su Han smiled.

Qin Yun did not show a look of shock, she seemed to be used to anything that happened to Su Han.

But Su Han guessed something, he said: "You all know, right?"

"What do I... know?" Qin Yun lowered his head.

"My identity." Su Han stepped forward.

Qin Yun didn't excuse him, it was tacit approval.

Su Han took a fierce step forward, raised his right hand, and gently raised Qin Yun's chin.

Qin Yun's eyes widened, and his face instantly became red!

Even though this is not the first time to have such close contact with Su Han, at this moment, her heartbeat is still fast, like a small deer crashing.

"Now, can we get married?" Su Han said with a smile.

Qin Yun felt anger in his heart and directly slapped Su Han's hand: "I don't care who you are. In my heart, you are the **** shameless person. I will not despise you because of your identity, or high Look at you, if everything I'm doing at the moment is really helping you, it's just because..."

"Because of what?" Su Han seemed to smile.

"Because you helped me!" Qin Yun said.

"No, that's not helpful."

Su Han shook his head: "First of all, I participated in the Biqin Conference only because of the mission you issued in the Cloud Palace. Secondly, even if I did not get the first place in the Biqin Conference, you have a master like Primordial Demon God, your father. I can't force you either."

"But you just won the first place!" Qin Yun insisted.

"So what? You have to marry me?"

" are still so shameless!" Qin Yun gritted his teeth.


Su Han laughed and felt much better.

He turned around and whispered: "The decision of Prince Yun's Mansion cannot represent each of you. Although you are also a member of Prince Yun's Mansion, you have the right to choose. At present, I am weak and it is not worth it. ."

"Here again, I hate your bad temper. What do I want to do, Qin Yun, do I need you to take care of? If you are really capable, then you will be alone, overturning the Star Alliance and overturning the Yuan Ling, also overturned the demons! Can you? If you can't, don't blow!" Qin Yun glared.

Su Han frowned But what I have to say is that Qin Yun's words are ugly, but they do make sense.

Those who have been following themselves, I am afraid they have never considered the future, right?

Then, why are you so indecisive?

Turning around abruptly, Su Han stood in front of Qin Yun: "In this case, let's really get married. As long as you become my wife, then the Primordial Demon God will definitely be on my side. At that time, my The background will be stronger, and the guys from the Tianjiao Alliance will definitely not be able to overcome any storm!"

" get out of here!!!"

"this is my room"

"Okay, then I get out!"

Looking at Qin Yun's fast-going figure, the smile on the corner of Su Han's mouth became stronger.

Women are really cute when they are ashamed, especially a beautiful woman like Qin Yun.

Standing at the door for a long time, Su Han turned around and sat on the table.

He poured himself a cup of tea, but didn't drink it. Instead, he looked at the steaming heat from the cup and fell into deep thought.

"Tianjiao Alliance?"

"Wait, wait..."

"After everyone has appeared, I, Su Han, will calculate the new and old accounts together with you!"

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