Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3539

Chapter 3539


When his figure is standing in the arena, the resources above his head are already covered with a thick layer.

However, this is just the beginning.

As these people said, those big shots who have never made a move can't help it finally.

The duel in the spirit realm of God, although it made them feel unattractive, it was a confrontation between Hundred Billion and Gabriel!

One is the existence of winning more than 100 games more than a thousand years ago.

One, a rookie with 501 consecutive victories!

This level of confrontation completely surpassed that kind of crushing game, and even more joyous than the duel between the gods!

They want to see a hearty battle, but they want to see that a certain person is instantly tortured and killed by the other party!

That is a kind of pleasure, contradictory pleasure!

There was a ray of light flying out of a certain seat.

It was a middle-aged man who threw out this light.

He stared at Su Han, and said lightly: "Five-grade lower-grade elixir, a total of five, as encouragement, don't let me down."

Su Han didn't have a good impression of these people, but he still held his fist and said, "No."

There was another light, which was thrown out from the side.

Su Han turned his head and looked, it turned out to be a very young and beautiful woman.

There was a little blood red in her eyes, as if she hadn't slept for a long time, and bloodshots covered her eyes.

On her body, Su Han felt a hostile spirit, a strong hostility.

"Not Human?" Su Han said in his heart.

"The Scorpio Crystal Emperor, comparable to the five-grade middle-class pill, does not require refining, you can swallow it directly according to your cultivation level."

The woman was also staring at Su Han: "There is only one, but it is invaluable."

"Thank you." Su Han clasped his fists.

"No need to be like this."

The woman faintly said: "Who wins and who wins is still unknown. If you die, then the Scorpio Crystal Emperor belongs to Gabriel."

Su Han smiled, and said nothing more.

"Brother Hundred Billions!"

At this moment, somewhere in the stands, Geng Jin's voice came again.

Compared to others, he couldn't wait even more, otherwise, he wouldn't give Su Han the fragments of the ancestral witch catalogue in advance.

He wants to kill Gabriel, but he is convinced that in the arena, if he kills him honestly, then he is the real man, who can truly express his illness!

So, even after waiting for more than a thousand years, he still didn't do anything to Gabriel.

But time cannot obliterate Geng Jin's murderous intentions.

He placed all his hopes on Su Han!


There was a pill, which had never been contained in a jade bottle, and was thrown out.

"True Dragon Bone Marrow Pill, the top five medicine!"

Gengjin said solemnly: "This is my encouragement to you!"

Looking at the pill, Su Han's eyes brightened.

Five top-grade pill...

This is the first time he has seen this kind of high-level pill in the upper star field since his rebirth.

From this, it can be seen how much Geng Jin expects for himself.

If Su Han is killed by Gabriel in this duel, and this True Dragon Marrow Pill is taken away, I wonder if Geng Jin will vomit blood.

"Don't let me down!" Geng Jin exhorted at last.


Before Su Han could speak, the sudden loud laughter came from a distance.

Everyone followed the place where the sound came from.

But seeing there, there are three figures walking slowly towards the arena.


Gabriel with a beard and beard, everyone knows naturally.

However, when the crowd saw the other two, their expressions changed a bit.

"Chuang Shen?"

"Black snake!!!"

An exclamation sound came from the crowd.

Beside Gabriel, a man in gold stood.

has fair skin, a slightly feminine appearance, and a smile on the corners of his mouth.

is the creator of God!

Gengjin said before that Chuang Shen and Gabriel are twin brothers.

The looks of the two of them are totally different from each other.

Of course, the appearance of Chuang Shen was something that everyone had expected. After all, he and Gabriel were brothers and had been working together.

It was another person who shocked them.

Black snake!

As the name suggests, the black snake has dark skin, as if it has been exposed to the sun for countless years, except for those pale eyes, if you don't look closely, you think it's a shadow moving.

All his hair on both sides was cut off, only the back was missing a short pigtail.

The figure is burly and sturdy, up to two meters high. Just this height gives people a sense of visual oppression.

His eyebrows are filled with seven crimson stars!

"Peak True God Realm? In more than a thousand years, has he really reached the Peak True God Realm?"

"This kind of cultivation speed is really fast. Normally speaking, at this level, more than a thousand years, can break through a small level, it is already considered good."

"It seems that during this period of time, the black snake has also gained a lot of good luck!"

"Tsk tsk, more than a thousand years ago, when he was four-star True God Realm, he could kill the Peak True God Realm. At this moment, his cultivation level...could it really be able to fight the God Realm?"

"Not to mention Black Snake, even Gabriel and Chuangshen, both have reached the pinnacle of true gods, and their combat power should not be underestimated!"

"They appear together, what do you mean by UU reading Two brothers, Gabriel, have not dealt with Black Snake very much?"

"I don't understand this? The enemy's enemies are friends. They came together, obviously because of hundreds of billions."

"These hundred billion, I am afraid it is going to be dangerous!"

"Yes, although his combat power is also very strong, but after all, his cultivation base is too low, and Gabriel and the others are too far apart, this duel...Nine dead!

The crowd is bustling.

Because of the arrival of Black Snake, it seems that Su Han's winning rate is much smaller.

And Su Han is also looking at the Gabriel trio.

are all pinnacle true gods, but there is no aura radiating from them, and it is temporarily impossible to know what kind of combat power they have.


No matter how powerful the battle is, Su Han will not take it seriously!

Gabriel and Chuang Shen, Su Han had already regarded them as dead.

As for that black snake, no matter how strong he is, how can he pass the three-star spirit realm?

Once Su Han swallows the spirits, breaks out the **** nine clear fifth clear, and the dragon blood violent, then he can be killed as a three-star spirit realm!

Those who don't know are fearless!

In everyone's eyes, this is regarded as a completely invincible existence under the gods, but in Su Han's eyes, it is just a clown! !

"Form a group to die?"

Su Han's eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth lifted: "Haha...not bad, really good!"