Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3538

Chapter 3538

A few days later.

When Su Han came out of the saint son Xumi Jie again, the star on the center of his eyebrows had changed from seven to one.

The same stars, but different colors.

This time, it is light red!

Whether in the previous life or in this life, Su Han was used to seeing the red stars and seeing countless true gods.

However, Su Han inevitably feels a little bit sighed when he really reaches himself and reaches this level again.

After all, one's own true spirit is completely different from others'!

The stars revolve, and the red light sometimes comes true.

The power of faith brought from the middle star field is almost completely invisible under the cover of this light red.

is still too little after all!

But in addition to the power of faith, there is also a power that is many times larger than before. It is constantly brewing and surging!

"One Star True God Realm..." Su Han took a deep breath, opened the corners of his mouth, and muttered to himself.

He has absolute certainty, one-star spirit realm, two-star spirit realm, and three-star spirit realm!

This is Su Han's confidence!

In other words, Su Han in the one-star true **** realm is almost invincible under the four-star **** realm!

This is much better than previously expected!

"If you add spirits and dragon blood rage, it will be a three-star spiritual realm, and it can be easily killed!" Su Han secretly said in his heart.

The breakthrough in cultivation base led to a violent increase in combat power.

The higher the level, the more combat power will increase after the breakthrough.

The nine deities are a bottomless pit, but its huge benefits will be fully revealed at this time.

"Almost all resources are consumed, but it's worth it!"

smiled slightly, Su Han's figure flickered, and he walked away.

After he left, a few figures appeared immediately around him.

"Where did he...before? Why is there no breath at all?"

"It should be a special space. We have been following him all the time. He disappeared here and appeared here. In other words, in this process, I am afraid that I have never left!"

"This is not important, the most important thing is that he... broke through!"

"Yes, within a few days, from the peak of the virtual **** realm to the one-star true **** realm, what kind of cultivation speed is this? It is that he has long been a matter of course, but the accumulation is more than this time, right?"

"There is a monster's cultivation speed, it is so abnormal, but the most important thing is his combat power."

"Yes, how strong will he be when he breaks through to the one-star true **** realm? Can he even fight in the **** spirit realm?"

"This is impossible!"

"Yes, absolutely impossible, he is at best invincible under the gods, and it is absolutely impossible to fight the gods!"

"God spirit realm, that is the real big power realm, is the strength pillar of every medium power, that level is completely different from the true **** realm!"

"It is very difficult to deify the spirit with the spirit and oppose the spirit with the spirit. One out of 100,000 people is already considered good. How could it be possible for him to fight against the gods with the true gods?"

"It is true that the old man broke through the Divine Spirit Realm at first, and it took a full 130,000 years before he succeeded. It was an extremely difficult process, and the increased strength was unimaginable. He would never be the same as the Divine Spirit Realm. war!"

"In this way, the descendants of the four stars and the nine gods..."

"Huh, how many stars are there in this superior star field? How many descendants of gods are there? They can't be measured by common sense!"

Early this morning, news broke out

"I have done five hundred duels."

"Gabriel, you can come!"

Obviously, this is a message from Su Han.

He didn't spend any money to pass it on. He just needs to say that the people in the City of Chaos are willing to spread the news for him.

City of chaos, it's not big or small.

In less than an hour, the news of the 100 billion challenge to Gabriel has spread to everyone's ears.

The arena is already overcrowded.

Although I don't know when Hundred Billion and Gabriel will appear, it's not a bad thing to take a seat here and wait.

"Hey, I heard that the hundred billions have broken through again?"

"How long is this? Besides, he is already in the Peak Void God Realm. If he breaks through... it will be a One Star True God Realm?"

"Yes, it is a one-star true god!"

"I don't know how strong he will be at this moment!"

"Hahahaha, I look forward to it!"

"I have been reluctant to give out the resources before, but for the two of them in this battle, I must give them a little encouragement!"

"Those big people who have never made a move, I am afraid they will also make a move."

In the arena, the voices are loud and the sky is full of noise.

No one is fighting inside, but here, the surrounding water is still impenetrable.

Everyone was whispering, talking to each other, and even temporarily forgot the hatred of the past.

At this moment, a streamer flickered in the distance.

was very fast in the beginning, then it seemed to become very slow, and gradually turned into a Changhong.

Countless people raised their eyes and they saw clearly that it was an old man with an old face. His body seemed to be a little rickety, and it seemed that he would step into the grave at any However, this is a very The inconspicuous'old man', but after arriving, instantly made the arena cheered.

"A hundred billion is here!"

"Hahaha, I knew that he would never let us down!"

"The battle between Hundred Billion and Gabriel, I feel excited when I think about it!"

"Hundreds of billions, this is the resource I used, a third-grade pill, although not many, it can be regarded as your encouragement!"

"Hundreds of billions, Gabriel is the king of the battlefields of thousands of years ago. If you can defeat him, then from now on, I will regard you as the only faith!"

"Hundreds of billions, your 500 consecutive victories are rare, but don't be taken away by Gabriel!"

Su Han has a smile on his face.

He passed through the crowd, slowed down a lot, and nodded occasionally, still looking as humble and polite as before.

As he walked forward, beams of light were also on both sides of him, and they followed to the arena.

That is a jade bottle, a plant of medicinal materials, a weapon, a set of equipment.

In terms of unity, all are resources, resources for this duel!

There is so much more than before.

Su Han felt clearly, and at this moment, there were at least a hundred pills of the third grade pill.

Four-pin pill, also reached more than ten. .

As for weapons, equipment, etc., there are countless more.

However, because Su Han didn't care about these things, he didn't pay attention.