Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3540

Chapter 3540

As far as Su Han knows, Na Gabriel has a winning percentage of one hundred and fifty games, while his brother Chuang Shen has a winning percentage of 164 games.

Black Snake was the person who had the most consecutive victories in duels under the spirit realm more than a thousand years ago.

a full 240 games!

In other words, if all three of them really come up to a duel with Su Han, and if Su Han wins, then his total win rate will completely exceed a thousand games.

If this is the case, the task in the chaotic city is considered complete.

necklace, with resources!

Of course, Su Han is still very confident about killing these three people.

In general, this time in the City of Chaos, the gain is not small.

"If you get the three of them, you can return to the Yunwang Mansion Domain, and then use these resources in your hands to make another breakthrough." Su Han secretly said in his heart.

Just his battle with Gabriel has already had a lot of resources.

These alone are enough for Su Han's cultivation base to be promoted to a small rank.

Coupled with the next two games with Chuangshen and Black Snake, as well as the Jade Sea Spiritual Ascension Pill and the Jingyue Concentration Pill that he bought at the Li family auction before, he reached the three-star true **** state. It's not a problem.

"With that kind of cultivation base, if you worship the mountain, it will be much safer..."

Taking a deep breath, Su Han turned his head and looked at Gabriel again.

The latter at this moment is also staring at Su Han.

The corners of his mouth were lifted, and his beard all over his face was shaking. When he was a little sloppy, he looked very hideous again.

It is worth noting that Gabriel's face was a little pale, but his lips were red, as if he had just finished drinking blood and still had blood stains on his lips.

To be honest, Gabriel's appearance alone made Su Han very uncomfortable.

"I heard, did you talk before?"

The person who speaks is not Gabriel, but Chuang Shen.

"Not only my brother, but also my head, do you want to take it too?"

Su Han smiled: "I just want the winning percentage that you have on your back."

"So confident?" Chuang Shen smiled and didn't care.

"Wait and see."

Su Han shrugged: "After Gabriel is dead, don't be too angry."

"Whether he will die, I don't know, but you must be dead!" Chuang Shen still smiled.

Su Han curled his lips and did not speak again.

The words on the mouth are at best a little bit cheap, but in the end, you have to see the truth under your hand.


At this moment, somewhere in the stands, a hoarse voice came.

Su Han and Gabriel turned their heads at the same time, but they saw an old man sitting there.

"More than a thousand years ago, the old man was extremely optimistic about you, don't let the old man down!"

After 's voice fell, the old man waved his palm and took out another jade bottle.

"Gu Yuan Gu Shen Dan, can promote most of the gods to a small level, don't you always want to either?"

The old man said again: "If you win this time, the old man will help you refine and help you break through from the true **** realm to the **** spirit realm in one fell swoop!"

Hearing this, Gabriel's eyes brightened!

He stared at the jade bottle of Gu Yuan Gu Shen Dan, his eyes were full of fiery and greed.

A moment later, he looked at the old man again, his expression showing respect.

"As entrusted by the seniors, the juniors will definitely live up to expectations!"

Su Han looked at this scene, and immediately believed Geng Jin's words in his heart.

Gengjin is the son of the City Lord's Mansion in the City of Chaos. Logically speaking, this Gabriel should not have the courage to insult him.

At this moment, someone behind Gabriel is also instigating!

"Sure enough, there is no unprovoked fight in this world." Su Han snorted in his heart.

At this moment, Gabriel's figure suddenly rushed out, like a huge stone, crashing into the arena.

Su Han could feel that the arena under his feet trembled fiercely. Although it was not broken, there was a huge shaking force spreading towards him.

"That's it?"

Su Han raised his eyes, squinted and smiled, his figure did not move at all, letting the force of the vibration spread to himself.

He quickly removed this power in a very strange way.

The people in the stands only saw Gabriel fall and stand with Su Han, but they didn't know that they had already discussed it in secret.

"Interesting." Gabriel snorted.

The power he had just now was enough to shake the ordinary true gods below four stars to death.

Even, the latter may not be able to detect the existence of this vibrating force!

But there is nothing wrong with Su Han here!

This couldn't help but Gabriel became interested in Su Han.

"Can you start?" Su Han said.

"If you are in a hurry to die, you can do it." Gabriel said lightly.

"it is good."

Su Han smiled slightly, and then slowly raised both palms in Gabriel's scornful and contemptuous eyes.

Left hand, index finger stretched out.

With the right hand, the broken blue **** soldier appeared!


With the fall of the word Su Han, the sword light of the God Breaker also attacked at an extremely terrifying speed!


Blood was splashed, and Gabriel's body was cut in half directly!

At the same time, Su Han's left hand, which used to perform the calming magic technique, waved fiercely again, turning out a huge palm, and grabbing Gabriel's screaming soul. !

For an instant, the audience was silent!

Countless people stared at this scene dumbfounded, they couldn't believe it, it was true!

Everything happened too fast and too fast, from Su Han's shot until now, Gabriel's body was cut in half, and the soul was caught...

is just a blink of an eye!

No, it's only a tenth of an eye!

Those people in the stands didn't even react! ! !

They only saw that Su Han's sword light fell, and then Gabriel's soul fell into Su Han's hands.

What kind of crushing force is this?

Gabriel, the king of victory over a thousand years ago, didn't even have a chance to shoot? ? ?

At Chuang Shen, he stood up with a cry.

His expression changed drastically, but he still shouted loudly: "A hundred billion, dare you!"

Black Snake's pupils contracted, and when he looked at Su Han, the expression on his face had already changed completely.

"In the arena, there are still threats?" Su Han smiled lightly.

"Chuang Shen."

Gengjin immediately heard a voice: "You know the rules of the arena. If you dare to talk such nonsense, you are afraid that you won't even have the chance to play.".

Chuangshen's face changed again, and instantly became gloomy.

Here in Gabriel, the soul is constantly screaming: "Hundreds of billions, your method is too despicable!!!"