Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3305

Chapter 3305

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Celestial calendar 18976 century, 2377, November 1st.

The three major forces of the White Tiger Saint Dynasty, the Qilin Saint Lord, and the Vermillion Bird Saint Dynasty officially left Phoenix and rushed to their realm.

Before leaving, Su Han personally came out to send them off.

The Qilin Holy Master just clasped his fists and left with a complicated smile.

The Suzaku Saint Master had stared at Su Han for a long time, and then stopped talking.

I didn't say what I wanted to say.

Su Han caused a tingling pain in his waist.

Nangongyu and Luo Ning, one left and the other, grinned as he pinched his teeth.

In this regard, Su Han was really helpless.

In the last life, even if he had become the ancient emperor of the demon dragon, there were not so many women who fell into his arms.

In this life, he is still ordinary, why can he be contaminated with so many peach blossoms?

Here, the Suzaku Saint Lord, Su Han really dare not talk.

Only the last Mu Jingshan.

Su Han originally wanted to say something to her, but she didn't even look at Su Han.

After just saying hello to Ren Qinghuan, Xiao Yuhui and others, they turned and left under the eyes of everyone in the White Tiger Saint Dynasty who didn't know how to describe it.

Su Han opened his mouth, but still made no sound.

After the three holy dynasties left, the Cold Light Medicine God, Promise Pill God, and Pill Emperor and others also bid farewell to Su Han.

Sheng Wushuang, An Yunyi, and Flame Sovereign are also heading towards their respective places.

The crisis has been completely resolved, and the Phoenix Saint Dynasty is the sky in the middle star field.

No one can pose a threat anymore, they continue to stay here, it is no longer necessary.

All things, after all, there is a time to calm down.

After the initial storm, the monks in the middle star field gradually accepted this result.

Even, they all felt that the Phoenix Saint Dynasty could win, much better than the Saint Dynasty Alliance.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that from the beginning until now, it has never been the fault of the Phoenix Dynasty.

The Saint Dynasty Alliance, with their power to suppress people, they have been high in the middle star field for a long time.

Many people, from the subconscious, have the idea of wanting to overthrow them.

Unfortunately, this is harder to compare.

The victory of the Phoenix Dynasty is a historic moment.

It proved to the world that there is no force that can permanently suppress one party.

Talented people have come out from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years.

Even the Tushen Pavilion, which was inexhaustible at the beginning, will eventually fall.

Over time, the medium star field calmed down.

Previously, due to the pressure of the superior stars, many places collapsed and many buildings were destroyed.

Many monks are repairing these buildings.

Perform their duties.

Which side wins does not really make a difference to them.

What they have to do is still to obtain fairy crystals and practice day after day, and then use higher cultivation bases to obtain resources, and then continue to practice.

This is a virtuous circle, dull and boring.

On the Youan stage, that amazing statue is getting bigger and bigger.

The monks piled up statues are like a group of ants.

Before the statue, they looked extremely small.

But they are still piled up happily, as if to pile up the statue to the same height as the sky.

Even though Su Han was in Phoenix, he would sometimes check with his divine mind.

After more than two months, after the efforts of millions of monks, the body of the statue has been completely portrayed, with only the head remaining.

The neck of the statue was completely beyond the clouds. It was really hard to tell how high it was.

In short, if you just look at it with the naked eye, you can stand under the statue and look up without seeing the statue's knees.

Too high.

I don't know if it is an illusion or real. The monks who built the statue occasionally felt that there seemed to be some kind of energy surging in the statue.

When they felt it carefully, the energy disappeared again.

This seems to be just an ordinary statue, but it is a little big.

In the middle star field, only Su Han and the Queen of Destruction knew that there really was energy in the statue.

That is the power of faith.

It is impossible to feel the existence of the power of faith if it has not reached the divine realm and has not passed the tribulation of the divine realm.

This is also the reason why those casual practitioners can't feel it.

As Su Han thought, as the statue got higher and higher, the power of belief that was originally vague became clearer.

At the moment when the statue is completely condensed, the power of faith absorbed in it can be used by Su Han!

"How strong is the power of faith in a whole middle star field?" Su Han's eyes flickered.

The power of belief depends on personal cultivation.

The stronger the monk, the more power of faith exuded, the stronger.

Although the middle star field does not have a **** realm, there are too many of them, and the power of faith that can be gathered is definitely not a minority.

"Unfortunately, although I have a strong reputation, there are still many cultivators who don't care about me in the middle star field."

Su Han secretly said in his heart: "I have to think of a way to make them all believe in me."

To monopolize the power of belief in the middle star field is definitely something that has never been done before, and there is no one to come after.

The former gods, even after passing the tribulation, immediately entered the superior star field.

They have very little exploration of the gods, and they don't even know the existence of the power of faith.

It is too late to get the faith of people in the middle star field after waiting for the upper star field.

Such as Su Han, who can use the power of faith in the fairyland is really the first.

Time passed, another two months passed.

The huge body of the statue took two months.

But the last skull took another two months!

This shows how meticulous the carvings of the heads by those monks are.

And it was the moment when the entire statue was all carved--

In the Phoenix City, Su Han suddenly opened his eyes!

In its induction, the power of belief has been completely clear!

Looking up in the direction of You'an Terrace, there seems to be a monstrous energy column, rushing out of the statue's head, extremely dazzling!

But can only see this scene, and only Su Han.

The Queen of Destruction knows the existence of the power of faith, but she can't see her cultivation base here!

"Is it done?"

Taking a deep breath, Su Han's figure disappeared directly.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the front of the statue.

He looked at the statue again at this moment. Although it was huge, it looked exactly like himself in terms of figure and appearance, and it was almost lifelike.

There are also many monks standing around watching.

When they admired, they suddenly saw Su Han appear.

At that moment, countless people were stunned.

Then, they all knelt down on one knee!

"I'll wait, and see God Lord Phoenix!!!"