Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3304

Chapter 3304

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Astronomical calendar 18976 century, 2377, October 19th.

News spread all over the world--

The Holy Dynasty Alliance officially collapsed.

Azure Dragon Sage, Xuanwu Sage, Thousand Shadows Sage, Brilliant Sage!

As well as the dean of the Fourth Avenue Academy, there are also many superpowers of the Saint Dynasty Alliance.

All killed!

The Saint Dynasty Alliance's 4.3 billion soldiers temporarily took the Phoenix Saint Dynasty realm into consideration, waiting to be sent down.

On this day, the medium star field shakes!

The news of the collapse of the earth is even more unbelievable than when the beast descended.

After all, every sacred dynasty has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years! ! !

For such a long time, the medium star domain powerhouses have come out all the time, and current affairs have changed frequently. I don't know how many major events have happened.

The Ling Dynasty was destroyed, some dynasties collapsed, some dynasties collapsed, and some dynasties were renewed.

But only the top ten sacred dynasties, permanently at the top of the medium star field, stand tall!

No one has ever thought that one day, the ten sacred dynasties will be destroyed.

Therefore, when the Tianhan sacred dynasty was promoted and the misty sacred dynasty collapsed, a storm was directly set off.

But compared with this battle, the rise of the Tianhan Saint Dynasty was still different.

Although I dare not say anything, everyone knows that Tianhan Sacred Dynasty used certain methods to catch Misty Sage Dynasty off guard.

If the battle is real, Tianhan Saint Dynasty will not necessarily be the opponent of Misty Saint Dynasty.

And here in Phoenix Saint Dynasty, it was really a real battle.

From the beginning to the present, I don't know how many wars, big or small, and how many people died.

Until the end, the Heavenly Frost Lord broke through the divine realm, and everyone thought that the Phoenix Holy Dynasty would be destroyed.

The latter, another big comeback!

This war, here, even if it is completely over.

No one would doubt the status of the Phoenix Saint Dynasty anymore. On that day, Su Han used his own power to suture the void cracks to resist the arrival of the beasts and save the middle star regions.

This is witnessed by everyone!

For them, it doesn't matter how strong Su Han is.

All I know is that he is the number one strong in the middle star field, and no one can shake it!

Early this morning, news came from Xuanyuanqiong.

Some casual cultivators spontaneously spontaneously condensed on Youantai and began to build a statue of Su Han.

After learning the news, more and more casual repairers went to You'an Terrace.

The so-called Youantai is a platform established by a small force in the early years, which means'God Blessing Peace'.

However, shortly after its establishment, this little power was destroyed.

Human life cannot be handed over to heaven.

You'an Terrace is actually not well-known, but because it is in the center of the middle star field, these casual cultivators will go there to build a statue of Su Han.

The center is the site of the major sacred dynasties, but some desolate places are still not occupied by the major sacred dynasties.

You'an Terrace is one of them.

Su Han did not stop it.

These casual cultivators should be because they saved them.

This is not flattery and flattery, because Su Han doesn't even know who they are.

The existence of the statue is naturally good for Su Han.

Although he is not in the realm of gods, he has already broken the robbery and possesses the power of the realm of gods.

At this moment, he can already absorb the power of faith.

Su Han sensed the existence of those powers of faith, but it was not too clear.

As long as his cultivation reaches the **** realm, and the dragon riding emperor technique breaks through to the dragon spirit emperor technique, he can use the power of these beliefs to increase his cultivation.

At this moment, even if it is able to absorb the power of these beliefs, it can only be used as combat power like ordinary gods.

"The statue may be the last opportunity."

Before the window sill, Su Han held his hands and looked in the direction of You'an Terrace.

Even if his eyes were so long, he couldn't see You'an Terrace with his naked eyes, the distance was too far.

Therefore, Su Han can only rely on divine consciousness.


Divine consciousness expands, and the entire medium star field has a panoramic view!

As long as he wants to see, there is nothing invisible.

This point, even the Heavenly Cold Holy Lord at the beginning, couldn't do it!

Among his spiritual thoughts, I saw that there were a dense number of monks piled up at You'an Terrace.

The statue is already very tall, but it hasn't been formed.

But what shocked Su Han was that the place where he entered the clouds...

It's just the knee of the statue!

"How high do these guys want to pile me..." Su Han smiled bitterly.

He didn't feel embarrassed.

If we say that the middle star field has to find a person who can be worthy of this statue.

Whether it's past and present, whether it's the medium star field hundreds of millions of years ago, or this moment--

This person must be him Su Han!

From the emergence of the medium star field, until now, no one has ever been able to possess the power comparable to the one-star virtual **** realm in the first point of the gods.

He Su Han is worthy of this statue!

"When this statue is completely established, perhaps the power of faith will become clear..." Su Han took a deep breath.

A figure came from behind and hugged his condensed flesh.

The aroma is tangy, with a cold taste, Su Han can smell it, this is Ren Qinghuan.

"Don't hate me?" Su Han turned his head.


Ren Qinghuan glared at Su Han: "No way, you are also for Xueer's good. I can see that although the previous battle was cruel, she really grew a lot."

"We can't be her umbrella forever."

Su Han sighed: "Xue'er is too strong and too beautiful. Whether it is talent or looks, she is unparalleled. She blinks too much and will attract attention wherever she goes. If I don't learn to protect myself, how can I be at ease? "

Ren Qinghuan was silent, just holding Su Han in this way, without saying a word.

"Here in the medium star field, I have settled everything, but the upper star field is just the beginning."

Su Han said, "There is still a sanctuary behind. With Xue'er's qualifications, she must step into it, but the premise is that she must live. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ren Qinghuan raised her eyes slightly and stared at Su Han from bottom to top: "How do I feel that it is appropriate for you to be the pavilion master?"

"No, I dare not."

Su Han couldn't help squeezing Ren Qinghuan's Qiong nose: "I didn't expect your cold personality to have such a playful time?"


Ren Qinghuan snorted and said, "Actually, I came to you to ask... Sister Shanshan, what are you going to do?"

"Shan Shan... Sister?"

Su Han's eyes flashed: "It's so kind? It seems that your relationship is already very good!"


Ren Qinghuan shrugged: "It's just that she can't say something, so I'll help her ask you."

"I have my own plan." Su Han pursed his mouth.

"It's best."

Ren Qinghuan stared at Su Han for a while, then whispered: "I can't wait for tens of millions of years."