Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3306

Chapter 3306

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"Everyone, please." Su Han took a deep breath.

He raised his hands, clasped his fists slightly, and then bowed to everyone below.

"Wen does not use pen to discuss the world, Wu does not use ability to pressure."

"Sumou He De, how can you trouble you so much!"

Looking at this scene, and then listening to Su Han's words, the casual cultivators standing around were flushed with excitement.

Flattered, they can hardly be described.

Their ability to build this statue is enough to prove their respect for Su Han.

No one thought that the legendary Phoenix Divine Master would appear in person when the statue was built.

Moreover, it is still so friendly, it looks like an old friend, without any majesty.

But the more so, the more excited they are.

"The Saint Dynasty Alliance is destroyed, the phoenix is the sky, and I wait for my own initiative, how can I bear such a great gift from the divine lord!"

During the roar, everyone's heads were lower.

"Hurry up, everyone, please."

Su Han waved his palm with a gentle force, supporting everyone, and stood up abruptly.

This amazing power once again shocked these monks.

"My Phoenix Saint Dynasty, regardless of the strength of cultivation, regardless of status, I have never advocated kneeling."

Su Han looked at these monks and said, "Although you and I have differences in cultivation level, there is no distinction between noble and inferior. When you see the deity, you can salute, but you don't need to kneel."

"The monk is going against the sky, he doesn't kneel down, but only worships his parents. I hope you will remember!"

"I'll wait and follow the words of the Lord!!!" everyone roared.

There are many weak monks, such as the fairyland, the fairyland, and they cry at this moment.

Their mood is not bad, but facing a figure like Su Han, they still can't conceal the tremor in their hearts.

"After a while, the Phoenix Saint Dynasty will collect soldiers again. If you are willing, you can try."

Su Han smiled slightly, then clasped his fists again: "So, the deity will leave first!"

"Send to God Lord!!!"

Celestial calendar 18976 century, 2378, March 18th.

The largest statue in the medium star field, completed.

Countless people came from all directions, like a pilgrimage, wanting to pay their respects.

Everyone who saw this statue was shocked.

If in the past, when the top ten holy dynasties were standing, absolutely no one would let such a statue exist.

But at this moment, it is there, no one dares to move!

Astronomical calendar 18976 century, 2378, March 19th.

The Phoenix Saint Dynasty officially declared the world--

Starting today, the Phoenix Holy Dynasty has been promoted again, completely renamed, Phoenix God Dynasty!

As soon as the news came out, the medium star field was shaking!

In history, the highest power level in the middle star field is nothing more than a holy dynasty.

But now, there is a dynasty!

The first dynasty, and the strongest one!

The phoenix divine master, with the supreme might, spent less than a hundred years leading a spiritual dynasty to a **** dynasty.

This can no longer be described as a 'legend'.

No words can interpret the four words 'Phoenix God Lord'.

He is superb and dazzling!

Like a real **** falling into the world, causing a storm.

As for the Phoenix God Dynasty, after announcing the promotion, another news came out--

The enthronement ceremony of the Lord of God will be held in half a month.

At that time, everyone can come and visit!

"Have you heard? The enthronement ceremony of God Lord Phoenix is set for April 18."

"Of course I heard that this news has spread all over the world, I am afraid that few people know it."

"The Grand Ceremony of the Divine Lord, the strongest existence in the entire middle star field, I'm afraid that the event will be very lively, right?"

"Be sure to check it out, hahaha, this is much stronger than the contest for casual cultivators and the honorable emperor's battle!"

"Although there may be new divine masters in the future, the Phoenix divine master is, after all, the first in the history of a medium star field, and the scale is definitely not much smaller."

"It seems that the place where the Enthronement Ceremony is held is in the open space in front of Phoenix. It is a large area, but many people's bones are buried. I don't know if they have any deep meaning."

"A great accomplishment, hasn't that been the case since ancient times?"

"I don't know how to deal with the 4.3 billion soldiers of the Saint Dynasty Alliance. It has been nearly half a year, and there is still no news."

"With the fierce personality of the Phoenix Divine Lord, they should kill them all? After all, they have slaughtered many soldiers from the Phoenix Saint Dynasty."

"The God Slashing Heavenly Emperor advocates all killings, but the White Tiger Saint Lord and others can't bear it. After all... they are all lives!"

"Yes, since they have already won, there is really no need to kill them. These soldiers are just some of the lowest-level monks. They are all forced to do nothing."

"Hmph, when they sneered before, they didn't see any helplessness!"

The middle star field, the streets and alleys, are all talking about the enthronement ceremony.

In ancient times, the Holy Lord enthroned, amnesty the world, and rewards endlessly.

Today there is a God Lord, but I don't know what the scene will be.

In short, almost no one wants to miss this event.

The open space before Phoenix was very large, and at that time the 5 billion soldiers of the Saint Dynasty Alliance were able to deploy.

But half a month before the enthronement ceremony, there was already overcrowded there.

There are too many monks in the medium star field, and the number is not clear.

Not to mention that all of them came to Phoenix, even if it was only one tenth, it was already much more than the original Saint Dynasty Alliance soldiers.

In that clearing area, many monks were standing, their voices were not loud, but there was a hum, like a storm.

This shows how many people are here.

Although it had already been expected, when it happened, Lian Yuze, Huque and others who were in charge of the enthronement ceremony were still shocked by this.

Lian Yuze is better to say something, after all, he is used to big scenes.

But the puffin is different.

When Su Han bought it from the slave market, Huque never thought that one day Su Han would be in such a high position.

At that time, Su was just a little casual repair!

Looking back at the time, and now, the puffin really feels dreaming.

He is not very strong in the Phoenix Holy Dynasty.

But I have to admit that in the middle star field, Huque is the great elder of the Phoenix Saint Dynasty!

Even some big powers have respect for him.

He handled many things in Phoenix Sacred Dynasty very well, no less than Lian Yuze before.

"My skunk can actually live in such a high position in my lifetime..."

Every day, the puffin would stand on the wall and watch the figure like a flood.

And every time he saw it, he would sigh so.

To put it vulgarly, his vanity is really greatly satisfied.