Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2549

Chapter 2549

Time passed, and another year passed.

Hundreds of billions of land are in sight.

It took six years when I went, and only one year when I came back.

Along the way, Su Han killed the extraterritorial celestial demons, but it was obviously a drop in the bucket compared with the Supreme Crown.

And what made him completely relieved was that in this starry sky, there really were no ninth-level outer heaven demons.

The strongest is only Grade 8.

Even at level 8, there are not many, Su Han only met three.

There were two of them, which were beheaded by Su Han, and one was left and fled.

Su Han didn't pursue it either, he didn't want to waste time on this.

The reason why he came back in such a hurry was because the time that Yin Yang Sword Saint could exist in the lower star domain was only one year left.

Everyone who steps into the wonderland can stay in the lower-level star field for at most, no more than ten years.

As a fairyland, the speed at which the Yin-Yang Sabre Sage can wipe out the Heavenly Demons outside the domain is clearly incomparable to others.

Su Han wants him to make a real 'contribution' to the lower-level star domain in this last year.

Not just...just for the benefit of the sect!

Hundreds of billions of land, on the edge.

"You said, why hasn't the Nine Movie Emperors come back?"

"Yeah, this has been in the starry sky for ten years."

"Did it come back from another place? We didn't see it? After all, this hundred billion landmass is so big, where is our cultivation base?"

"Probably not. With the prestige of the Nine Movie Emperors, once they return, there will be news."

"Should it be..."

"What nonsense? You can eat rice but don't dare to talk nonsense!"

"Yes, with the fighting power of the nine kings, no one can deal with him, even the outer heavenly demons can only be swept by him."

"Some words are taboo, it's better to close your mouth!"

Many of the major sects and disciples guarding here gathered together and discussed each other.

This is a common thing. After all, there is no way to practice here, and you have to work shifts on time. If you just stand there, it would be too boring. It is better to get together and gossiping.

However, just when they spoke to each other--


A huge roar came from a distance.

Countless people are looking up at this moment.

But I saw a dark green trajectory, which was coming quickly from the distance of the starry sky.

"what is that?"

"Couldn't it be an attack by an extraterritorial demon, is it coming?"

"Get up immediately and be ready to report at any time!"

All of them stood up at this moment, their faces full of coldness.


Under those many gazes, the dark green trajectory directly came to the edge of the hundreds of billions of land, and even penetrated the light curtain, standing on the hundreds of billions of land.

Until this moment, those disciples could not see clearly, that track...

It turned out to be a path of blood, all formed by the blood of the extraterritorial demon! ! !

And the person who made this road is at this moment, standing not far away from himself and others, the young man in white clothes who wins snow!

"Yes... it's Lord Monarch!"

"Master Emperor is back!"

"I'll wait and see Lord Emperor!!!"

Many disciples of the sect were completely dumbfounded before, but only then reacted and hurriedly saluted.

When they saluted Su Han, they couldn't help but dig out their spiritual thoughts and looked at the **** road in the starry sky.

"That has to be... how many extraterritorial demon were killed!!!"

"The Nine Movie Emperors, after all, are the Nine Movie Emperors, and the way they come back is so domineering!"

"In this world, the only one who can do this is the Nine Kings, right?"

"Yin and Yang Sword Saint, they are too far behind him..."

Lightly patted his body, the dust that did not exist.

Su Han turned to look at these disciples.

Coincidentally, on the Taixujiao's side, the man who came to guard him was the man who had received Yueyi and others ten years ago.

Obviously, he was on a shift again and was transferred here.

"Lord Monarch, you had friends here ten years ago. One of the Daoist realm superpowers is called the Moon One. The junior has brought them to the Phoenix Sect, waiting for your return." The man was a little excited. Tao.

It seems to be an honor to be able to talk to Su Han.

"Oh? They have all gone to Phoenix Sect?" Su Han raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, the junior didn't dare to neglect, he personally led the way and sent them to Phoenix Sect." The man said.

"Thanks a lot."

Su Han smiled, waved his palm, and a storage ring appeared and fell into the man's hand.

"Emperor, how can this be..." The man's expression changed, flattered.

"Just hold it."

Su Han said faintly, and then said: "The people of the major sects, immediately return to the sect and inform your high-level officials. After a month, all the forces will be dispatched to wipe out the outer demon!"


Upon hearing this, the disciples were all taken aback.

Go to war with the outer demons?

Could it be that the Nine Movie Emperors already have the confidence to destroy the outer heavenly demons?

"The entrance of the extraterrestrial demon into the lower-level star field has been destroyed by this sect, and the **** river that nourishes them ~ has also been destroyed by this sect."

Su Han continued: "From now on, there will be no more extraterritorial celestial monsters appearing. Every time you kill one, there will be one less of this inferior star field!"

"Moreover, without the **** river, these extraterritorial celestial demons will have no nutrients. As time goes by, their strength will gradually decrease."

"Today's inferior star field, the highest level of extraterritorial demon, that is, only eighth level, according to the prediction of this school, the number will not exceed ten at most!"

"and so"

"Since today, you don't need to have any fear anymore. Extraterrestrial demons can no longer pose any threat to you. What you have to do is massacre!"

"Use your actual actions to return the inferior star field, a real peace and prosperity!"

When the voice fell, Su Han's figure flickered and went straight to the distance.

The disciples of all the major sects left in a place, stunned!

"The Nine Kings... destroyed the entrance of the extraterritorial celestial demon????"

"I thought that in the past ten years, Lord Monarch was going to save his friends. It turned out...I was doing such a big thing!!!"

"If what the Lord Emperor said is true, then from now on, we will no longer have to, we will keep shrinking on this hundreds of billions of land!"

"Hahahaha, hahaha... the shocking crisis that has lasted for more than a hundred years, is it finally solved?"

"I'm still thinking, what should we do after a thousand years of peace of hundreds of billions of land? Unexpectedly, there is no need for a thousand years..."

"This kind of crisis, I am afraid that it will be ten thousand years, can not be solved by changing other people? And the nine emperors, it only took a hundred years..."

"He is no longer an emperor, but... a prince of hundreds of billions!"


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