Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2548

Chapter 2548

It is the strong man who trapped Liu Qingyao!


As this voice came, the monstrous light condensed, and the starry sky seemed to be torn apart.

Su Han saw clearly.

This time, it was no longer just a palm, but... a huge figure! ! !

This figure is so big that he can't even hold him in the starry sky.

After its appearance, huge coercion immediately struck, giving Su Han's body a sense of tearing.


At this moment, the gray figure suddenly waved towards Su Han.

Immediately there was a ray of light falling on Su Han, and the violent tearing sensation disappeared.

Su Han was short of breath, full of shock.

He could feel that as long as the gray figure gave himself a little later, he would be directly torn to pieces by the huge pressure!

"Dare you come to the realm of the deity?"

The gray figure raised his eyes, with a calm tone, but it was full of indescribable domineering.

The palm of his hand was gently swung out, and he slammed it at the huge figure.


Hearing a shocking explosion, that huge figure, under this grasp, collapsed!


Seeing this scene, Su Han couldn't help taking a deep breath.

It is hard for him to imagine how strong this gray figure is!

The strong man who trapped Liu Qingyao has already surpassed the pinnacle of this world and belongs to the dominance state.

But at this moment, under the grasp of this gray figure, it is so fragile!

He just screamed and swept the sky with great pressure, but he didn't have time to shoot! ! !

The next moment, the starry sky became quiet again.

"Originally, I only intended to rescue the girl, but you are so shameless, that the creatures belonging to the Milky Way starry sky, you will return to the deity!"

The gray figure snorted coldly, and his palm stuck out again.

But this time, it was only a moment, and it was taken back.

Until this moment, the gray figure looked at Su Han and said: "Other creatures, regarded as a gift from the deity, will be reincarnated with the girl, don't forget!"

Su Han was taken aback.

Other creatures?

Immediately afterwards, the seventy-two dark blood angels and three bright angels appeared in his mind.

In the place where Liu Qingyao was trapped, apart from them, Su Han had not seen any other creatures belonging to the Milky Way galaxy.

Obviously, it was these angels that the gray figure said!

"Thank you senior!" Su Han clasped his fists gratefully again.

That's a dark blood angel!


These quantities, even if you look at the sanctuary, account for most of them.

The most important thing is that there are three bright angels!

These are all terrifying existences close to the peak under the dominance.

At this moment, the gray figure regarded it as a gift and gave it to himself!

This is simply an opportunity against the sky! ! !

"Senior wait a minute!"

Seeing the gray figure leaving, Su Han said again: "Dare to ask Senior, will the terrifying powerhouse who appeared before...will come again?"

"Just him, can be called a terrifying powerhouse?"

The gray figure sneered and shook his head. "He doesn't dare, you can rest assured."

When the voice fell, many gray and white rays of light dissipated, and even his figure was gone without a trace.

And Su Han, still recalling what he said just now-just him, can also be called a terrifying powerhouse?

"The gods are fighting!" After a while, Su Han laughed bitterly.

Entering the starry sky this time is really rewarding.

He has obtained countless blood crystals, destroyed the entrance of the outer heavenly demon, dissipated the **** river, and possessed 72 dark blood angels and three bright blazing angels who will reincarnate after ten thousand years!

The most important thing was to rescue Liu Qingyao, and rescue her thoroughly!

From now on, Su Han no longer needs to worry.

That terrifying powerhouse did not dare to enter the Milky Way galaxy again, and Liu Qingyao's safety, there was no need to worry about it!

At this moment, Su Han has only one thing to do, and that is...

Quickly return to the hundreds of billions of land, and at the fastest speed, wipe out the inferior star regions and the remaining extraterrestrial demon!

Thinking of this, Su Han put away the Supreme Crown without saying a word and rushed towards the distance.

He unfolded the fastest speed, no longer the same as before, a cycle of one hundred thousand feet.

Almost all of the mighty extraterritorial heavenly demons have been killed by the Supreme Crown. Others can't stop him at all, and he doesn't need to worry!

And as he left, Su Han rushed out of the range of 100 million li, rushed out of the range of one billion li, and rushed out of the range of 10 billion li.

Focusing on the place where the Supreme Crown existed before, within a billion li, there is no blood crystal.

But apart from these billion li, the remaining 9.9 billion li... are all blood crystals! ! !

Obviously, when the seventh supreme orb merged with the supreme crown, it wiped out the extraterritorial celestial demon within a billion miles.

And for the last time, the Supreme Crown personally launched an attack, and even wiped out the extraterritorial demon within tens of billions of miles!

The many blood crystals are like a sea of blood, densely packed, everywhere!

At the speed of Su Han, it only takes about one day to make a circle around the range of tens of billions of

But in order to collect these blood crystals, he spent three days.

Without the threat of the young man, without the ninth-level extraterritorial demon attack, Su Han at this moment is truly happy!

To be exaggerated, this is totally a pie in the sky! ! !

If Su Han's own power wanted to kill so many extraterrestrial demons, how long would it take?

How could he kill those eighteen nine-level extraterritorial heavenly demons and those tenth-level young men?

It wasn't until other extraterritorial demon roared and besieged Su Han that Su Han gave up and continued to collect.

Of course, he has charged nine tenths, which is really enough.

The remaining ones can't be said to be no, but in the future, the extraterritorial demon will be wiped out, and it will not be too late to get it again, and it will not disappear anyway.

After doing all this, Su Han finally did not hesitate anymore and went straight to the hundreds of billions of land.

When he came, it took him six years.

Among them, a part is used to kill extraterritorial demon, another part is used to be cautious, worrying that those ninth-level extraterritorial demon will appear.

Now returning home, Su Han didn't have any burden in his heart.

The Cang-breaking God Soldier condensed a huge sword beam that was ten thousand feet long, standing so straight, grabbed by Su Han's hands, and stood in front of it.

Under that astonishing speed, all the extraterritorial demon who dared to stop Su Han were cut in half by this sword light!

If anyone is here, they will be shocked to see

There is a dark green trajectory flashing quickly from the starry sky!

That is not the color of the sword light, but the color of the blood of the demon outside the domain!


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