Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2550

Chapter 2550

Hundreds of billions!

This title spread throughout the entire land of 100 billion on the day Su Han returned.

Everyone knows what this title represents.

Hundreds of billions...

It is not only one hundred billion land, but also one hundred billion people!


The supreme is for respect!

Hundreds of billions of dignity represents the strongest person on the land of hundreds of billions, and it also represents the respected, admired, fanatical, and admired person of hundreds of billions of people!

Such as the Emperor of the Nine Shadows, that is because Su Han's title of Master of the Nine Shadows didn't come until after Su Han had a strong strength.

The feeling of Nine Movie Emperors is more of fear and panic.

That is the title that just appeared just now because of strength, forcibly suppressing the major forces.

And the one hundred billion is different!

Hundreds of billions, no fear, no panic, and said, just fanaticism, admiration, and respect!

Thousands of truly convincing!

However, it is only the disciples of the major sects that spread this title, or in other words, only the disciples who guard the edge of the hundreds of billions of land.

They are truly convinced by the title of the One Hundred Billions.

However, after all, there are still a lot of strong people nowadays. Not all of them belong to the Phoenix Sect, and they cannot, willingly address Su Han as such.

What Su Han said was just his side words.

The matter of the entrance of the demon from outside the territory is too important, how can you trust it?

Before a thorough confirmation, more than 80% of people still called Su Han as the 'Emperor'.

Phoenix City, Phoenix Sect, in the main hall.

Su Han's return caused the whole family to cheer.

Through Lian Yuze's report, Su Han learned that Venerable Yueyi and others had already lived in Phoenix Sect.

They are casual cultivators themselves, without any influence, Shen Mengli and Shen Menghan are close to Su Han.

The most important thing is that in the past ten years, they have clearly understood what kind of status the Phoenix Sect is on the hundreds of billions of land!

Even if they are driven away, they are probably unwilling to leave.

Naturally, Su Han would not say much about this.

Venerable Yueyi himself is the super power of the seventh-rank Dao Venerable Realm. After a little training, he can be promoted to the emperor.

This person is also upright and has a very good temperament. Su Han is still very optimistic about him.

As for seeing Shen Mengli and Shen Menghan and others, Su Han did not go.

He didn't want to waste time on this. After returning, he first gathered many high-level members of the Phoenix Sect for a meeting.

Of the eighteen nine-level blood crystals, Su Han took out ten.

For example, Xuanyuanqiong and other four war clan sub-xian-level powerhouses each have one.

As for Xuanyuan Feng, Xuanyuan Ninghui, and Xuanyuan Chengyu, the seven-rank Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses of the three war clan, Su Han gave them two each.

This time, it was truly smooth.

When he was in Sandi Mountain before, Su Han was worried about whether the distribution of Good Fortune Holy Spirit Pill would cause dissatisfaction among Xuanyuan Ninghui and others.

Even though they didn't feel that way, Su Han still didn't feel like it.

After all, it was the powerhouse of the Seven Great Wars that came together, who had been in a balanced state, and was suddenly pulled away. Even Su Han himself was a little bit Xuanyuan Ninghui and the others, and felt unfair.

At this moment, the three of Xuanyuan Ninghui, two each, and the four of Xuanyuan Qiong, one each.

After they all swallowed and refined, the cultivation base of the seven people would be leveled again.

Seeing the joyous appearance of the three of Xuanyuan Ninghui, Su Han couldn't help sighing in his heart.

If they really didn't complain at all, how could this be possible?

At the edge of the hundreds of billions of land, Su Han instructed those sect disciples to enter the starry sky and sweep away the heavenly demons in one month.

And this month's time, in fact, is for the war clan!

This time, Su Han has obtained too many blood crystals, let alone the people of the war clan, the drooling eyes when they saw it, even the martial arts monks, magicians, etc., gave birth to thick Deep jealousy.

There is no doubt that with these blood crystals, the promotion of the war clan will be huge again.

In addition, Su Han has already broken through to the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and can increase the time flow of that saint son Xumijie to three thousand five hundred times!

Even if it is only one month, it is equivalent to close to three hundred years of the outside world!

What's more, there is no peace in the cultivation of the war clan. With these blood crystals, the children of the war clan will inevitably make a great breakthrough in this month!

In the early morning of the next day, news came from the Phoenix Sect, demanding that on the land of hundreds of billions, among all the sect forces, the top high-level people, come to Phoenix for a meeting three days later!

This is a request, not a discussion!

Whether you want to come or not, you must come!

Venerable Yueyi and others, once again, saw the terrifying deterrent power of the Phoenix Sect.

After three days, starting in the morning, they saw huge starry sky battleships descending hundreds of miles away from Phoenix.

There were countless high-ranking sects who were only able to see in the legend, descended from the starry sky battleship and went straight to the Phoenix Sect.

The Qing emperor, the dark witch Taihuang.

Shintoism, wind chime warlord!

Taixujiao, Emperor Yushuang!

Palace of the Snakes and Saints!

Pure God School...

Seventy-two sects of the three religions and nine sects all arrived, and none of them dared to defy the instructions of the Phoenix Sect.

Moreover, just like the news from the Phoenix Sect, all those who come are in their respective sects and have the most right to speak.

Sisters Shen Mengli and Shen Menghan were almost shocked!

Those super powers like idols, just follow the orders of the Phoenix Sect and arrive.

Between the eyebrows, although there is indifferent existence, they dare not have the slightest arrogance.

In addition to them, there are some long-established powerhouses, and even figures such as the Ten Great Young Masters, Ten Great Fairies, and Ten Great God Sons, who followed their respective sects.

"Sister, look at it, that is Brahma Ling, Lord Zhenhai Brahma!!!!"

"And that, Young Master Yunchong, Han Junjie, is so handsome!"

"The woman is a little familiar...It's the fairy Chen Fei, the fairy Chen Fei of the Saintess Palace, the Hua Qing concubine!"

"An Qiye, that is Wuwang Demon An Qiye, and Dark Demon He Yiming, they are all magicians with super magic talent!"

"Sister, do you know a magician? The magician with the strongest attack power!"

"Oh my god, so many arrogances, I have only seen their portraits before, but I didn't expect to see real people today!"

"It's so handsome, so cool, it really is just like the legend, the temperament is excellent, the momentum is amazing!"

Before the Phoenix City, Shen Menghan looked excited, pulling Shen Mengli's arm and shaking constantly.

And Shen Mengli was helpless, and even a black line.

Of course, although she has tried her best to suppress it, she can also see from her eyebrows...

She was also very excited!


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