Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1813

Chapter 1813

"Although today I am happy for a while, but the Hidden Blood Sect and the Silver Moon Sect, both of which are the first-class sects, have been completely offended now. With their virtues, I am afraid it will not be so easy to let go of my Tianshan Pavilion."

Xiaoyaozi frowned. When she spoke, she seemed to think of something, and quickly said to Su Han, "Su Han, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you did something wrong."

"No." Su Han smiled slightly.

"In fact, everything you do today is the most correct thing."

Zhou Linghui said: "The previous three times were only the arrival of Silver Moon Sect. This time, even the people of the Hidden Blood Sect came with some so-called beauties. Obviously, Wei Ziyan was already impatient and wanted to persecute. If Su Han If they don't do anything, I'm afraid they won't just let things go.

"After all, my Tianshan Pavilion is too weak."

Ren Qinghuan sighed lightly and said: "This is also normal. The weak and the strong eat the strong. This is the law of this world."

"It's okay."

Su Han smiled lightly: "I dare to attack them, naturally there is a certain truth. If they dare to come, then I dare to kill them all."

Ren Qinghuan's eyes lit up, and a delicate and seductive smile appeared on her cold face again.

"Let's talk about it, what level is the current peak combat power?"

Others are also looking at Su Han at this moment. In fact, they have long wanted to ask, but this question is a bit sensitive. Everyone is willing to retain a little bit of their own strength, and only Ren Qinghuan can ask.

"Aren't the two sect masters of the Silver Moon Sect and the Hidden Blood Sect, the third-rank Divine Sea Realm?"

Su Han paused slightly, and then said again: "Killing them is not a problem."


In the hall, there was a sound of cold breath.

Even Ren Qinghuan had a shock on her pretty face, and then asked, "Using the first-rank virtual world to kill the third-rank Shenhai realm?"


Su Han nodded.


Mo Xie stood up, walked in front of Su Han, patted him on the shoulder, and sighed: "Think about when you first joined the Angel Army and became the captain of the hundredth squad. There were so many people who refused to accept it. I feel that you don't have the qualifications in my heart, so look at the present... Ha ha, time has changed!"

Su Han joined Tianshan Pavilion until now, he has walked over under the eyes of these high-level people.

They had already witnessed Su Han's strength, but they still couldn't believe that someone could cultivate so fast in such a short period of time, and the increased strength was so terrifying!

"You are now the strongest person in my Tianshan Pavilion!"

Zhou Linghui glanced at Ren Qinghuan without a trace, then smiled at Su Han: "With your combat power at the moment, if you marry a woman, the other party will not be considered married."

Ren Qinghuan's face immediately blushed, very beautiful.

She knew that Zhou Linghui was talking about herself.

Not only she knows, everyone knows.

But soon, the blush on Ren Qinghuan's face disappeared, and he returned to the coldness he once had, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Su Han looked at Ren Qinghuan and chuckled lightly: "Marriage is a different story, but if you can give me a massage..."


Everyone laughed suddenly.

Ren Qinghuan got up and said as he walked: "The soldiers are here to stop, and the water comes to cover the earth. I, Tianshan Pavilion, is the number one powerhouse like Su Han. If the people of the Silver Moon Sect and the Hidden Blood Sect really dare to come, the big deal is !"

When the words fell, Ren Qinghuan had already gone behind the scenes and was about to disappear.

She paused slightly and said to Su Han, "If you really dare to let me massage, then come to my room."


Su Han coughed and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

If you really go, I'm afraid this woman will be death.

Everyone dispersed and prepared.

Many people think that the Silver Moon Sect and the Hidden Blood Sect are 80% likely to besiege Tianshan Pavilion.

After all, if this matter were to be spread out, it would be dull to these two sects.

But Su Han felt that as long as the sect masters of the Hidden Blood Sect and Silver Moon Sect were not fools, then they would not come to Tianshan Pavilion.

Fu Mingfeng knows how strong Su Han is. Otherwise, he wouldn't even put a single fart. Su Hanran and the others would go away immediately.

If Fu Mingfeng is really good for the Yinyue Sect, he will definitely tell the Silveryue Sect Master of the matter.

Su Han believes that anyone who can get to this point is not a fool.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the Silver Moon Sect and the Hidden Blood Sect coming to besiege Tianshan Pavilion.

After leaving the hall, Su Han did not really go to the latter's room and let her massage as Ren Qinghuan said.

Instead, he returned to the cave, entered the saint son Xumijie, refined the pill, and the magic sword Jiye.

The materials are already sufficient, and preparations must be made for this.

Time is like flowing water, silent and silent.

A month later, in the valley of the saint son Xumijie, a golden light shone.

The light was a little dim, not dazzling, obviously it was just a low-grade imperial weapon.

Su Han shook his head helplessly. After all, the grade of the material was too low. Otherwise, with his peak combat power and refining skills, it was enough to refine the magic sword to the level of a top-grade imperial weapon.

However, a low-grade imperial weapon is enough for Su Han today.

His strength lies there. If he encounters people like Shi Wushuang and Lin Qisha again, even if they wear a high-grade imperial weapon, Su Han will have the confidence to cut this imperial weapon away with a single knife. They kill together!

And the one thing Su Han has been struggling with all the time is the spirit of Jiye.

The spirit of the weapon, also known as the soul of the weapon, is the soul of weapons and equipment. There are powerful refiners who can integrate weapons into the same three souls and seven souls as humans.

There is no doubt that this weaponry will be the strongest kind.

If this is the case, even the low-grade imperial weapon can easily tear the same low-grade or even the high-grade ghost weapon!

The equivalent of a human monk's higher-level battle!

Of course, with Su Han's current cultivation base, he couldn't achieve that level. Even if he could, he couldn't find a suitable tool spirit.

After refining the magic sword Jiye into a low-grade imperial weapon, Su Han began to refine alchemy again.

Day after day, month after month.

One year from the outside world has passed, and a full 120 years have passed since the Holy Son Xumi Jie.

The siege of the Silver Moon Sect and the Hidden Blood Sect did not come, which relieved many high-level members of Tianshan Pavilion.

And in the valley of Saint Son Xumijie, the pill beside Su Han was completely piled up, and at first glance, it looked like piles of hills.

There are first-class pill, second-class, third-class or even fourth-class.

There are common elixirs, gray ones, and golden ones.

Undoubtedly, the gray heaven-defying pill, the golden legendary pill, and the fourth-grade pill...

Not too much.