Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1812

Chapter 1812

Fu Mingfeng was holding his arm, blood was still splashing.

His right arm was not cut directly, but was cut in half from the middle of his palm!

In other words, looking at it at this moment, half of the arms still exist, and half of the arms are gone, extremely hideous.

Fu Mingfeng was also a ruthless person. It was useless to keep this arm at the moment, only severe pain. Under his teeth, an ordinary long sword appeared in his hand, and he directly cut off the remaining half of his arm.


A large amount of blood erupted, but was covered by Fu Mingfeng, his face turned pale at this moment, and a lot of pills were swallowed by him.

"Elder Fu, you..."

Wei Ziyan's complexion changed again, and deep in his eyes, there was a touch of hideousness and murder.

"Good good!"

Fu Mingfeng shook his head gently, and immediately looked at Su Han, Sen coldly said: "It's really the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave! Obviously it is only a first-grade Xutian realm cultivation base, but with such strength, the old man admires it!"

Having said that, from the coldness of his tone, one can tell that this is definitely not a good thing.


Su Han stretched out his long sword and pointed directly at Fu Mingfeng.

"The one with you, get out of here immediately."

The voice was flat, but it was full of great shock.

He has used his strength to prove everything.

Fu Mingfeng snorted coldly, and he really stopped working on Su Han. He lifted his steps and walked directly out of the hall.

Wei Ziyan did the same, following him closely.

And the elder of the first-grade Divine Sea Realm glared at Su Han, and said gloomily: "Little guy, you are cruel enough, but I don't know, when my Silver Moon Sect army descends on Tianshan Pavilion, will you still be so confident!"


As soon as his words fell, Su Han's blade light had already drawn a perfect arc in the void, and went straight to the old man.

The old man obviously did not expect that Su Han would even make a move, but he was not afraid.

"Elder Fu just didn't expect that he was injured by you. Do you really think that you can beat the Divine Sea Realm?!"

A cold snort came from the old man's mouth.

A layer of yellow mask appeared on his body, and when the sword light descended, the mask was directly cut to pieces.

But that knife mang also collapsed.

Up to this moment, the old man finally had time to turn around, and the terrifying Divine Sea Realm spiritual power in his hand surged, and the moment he turned, he was about to attack.

But at this moment--

"Elder Liu, be careful!"


Wei Ziyan's voice came, and the old man's pupils shrank rapidly, his face changed drastically!

But seeing the man in white, I don't know when, he has already stood in front of him.

And the magic sword Jiye was standing sideways, less than three points away from his neck!

Almost when the old man turned around and his pupils contracted, Su Han also showed a strange smile on his face, and the magic sword was wiped directly on the old man's neck.


A tiny crack appeared, and after the crack, a lot of blood began to spurt out wildly.

The old man's eyes widened and his mouth was open.

Until now, he didn't know why Su Han's speed was so fast!

From Su Han's shot to the time the old man's neck was cut open, it took only a few moments. Even Fu Mingfeng from the second-tier Divine Sea Realm was too late to make a move!

When Fu Mingfeng turned his head, he clearly saw that Su Han's finger was pointing at himself.

And this scene is exactly the same as when he was imprisoned before and his arm was cut!

This is also the reason why Fu Mingfeng has been forbearing and dare not make a move.

"call out!"

As for the old man, his neck was cut open and his head fell off, making it useless.

His Yuanshen rushed out fiercely, but he no longer possessed the breath of the First-Rank Divine Sea Realm, he was obviously lost, and his cultivation was greatly damaged.


And just as his soul rushed out, Su Han's big hand had already passed through the void, grabbing the old man's soul.

"Dare you kill me!!!"

The old man was going to die in horror, but he still roared: "You dare to move me, Silver Moon Sect must let the entire Tianshan Pavilion be buried for you!!!"

"Until now, you still don't know why I want to kill you. Your brain is a good thing, but you don't have one."

Su Han shook his head lightly and smashed the old soul with a bang.

"What I hate most is being threatened."

Ling Xiao is naturally the best soul of the first-grade Shenhai Realm.

But there is no doubt that killing it at this moment is the most shocking!

In fact, it is exactly the same. The people of the two major sects of the Hidden Blood Sect and the Silver Moon Sect are now full of panic in their eyes looking at Su Han, and their faces are pale.

It's just that Chen Changping's Seventh Stage Void Heaven Realm is not an opponent. They can find excuses, saying that Su Han can do it in the same realm.

That Fu Mingfeng's arm was cut, they could still make excuses, saying that Su Han's secret technique was so strange that Fu Mingfeng didn't react.

But this elder of the Divine Sea Realm was killed...

What excuses do they make? How can you make excuses?

From beginning to end, no one helped Su Han, and from beginning to end, it was in this old man's expectation!

He was in the Divine Sea Realm and had time to react, but he was still beheaded by Su Han!

This kind of thing, even Fu Mingfeng, who is a second-rank Divine Sea Realm, dare not say that he can do it!

Fast, really too fast...

Su Han shot, and after a while, the old man's blood splashed on the spot!

Beheaded soul of the soul died!

Any place that can be seen by the line of sight is filled with extremely huge shock.

"If you don't come, this matter will not happen, and Su will not trouble you."

Su Han looked up, stared at Fu Mingfeng with a gloomy expression, and said lightly: "If you come, that day, the mountain star... will be your burial place!"

Upon hearing this, Wei Ziyan and others' expressions changed again.


Su Han suddenly shouted.

The people from these two sects immediately reacted, without hesitation anymore, without even saying cruel words, and left in such embarrassment.

They clearly remembered that the old man of the first-grade Divine Sea Realm had just died under his mouth.

Looking at their backs, Su Han narrowed his eyes.

Su Han doesn't know if these people will come again, but even if they really dare to come, Su Han is not afraid.

What about the entry-level sect? How about two?

Killed their sect masters, deputy sect masters, and so on, and killed all of their Divine Sea Realm, the remaining people are just a mob!

"Why let them go?"

Ren Qinghuan's beautiful eyes flowed, looking at Su Han, and whispered softly: "You can kill them."

"If you really kill them, I'm afraid the Hidden Blood Sect and Silver Moon Sect will immediately besiege Tianshan Pavilion."

Su Han shook his head slightly, and then said again: "Just as the Phoenix Sect is coming up, there is nothing else to do. When the time comes, let's practice with these two sects first."

Upon hearing this, everyone was speechless.


As soon as you come up, you will directly get into the stream-level sect to practice...

I am afraid that Su Han would dare to say such things.