Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1814

Chapter 1814

"These pills should be enough for those guys to use."

On this day, Su Han opened his eyes and completely awakened from the closed state.

He looked at the medicinal pills around him with a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth. When he thought that the group of Phoenix Sect should be able to come up soon, the smile on the corner of Su Han's mouth became even stronger.

He has always been paving the way for the Phoenix Sect, and until now, for decades, this kind of paving is acceptable.

For Lingjing, Su Han has nearly 10 billion.

For the pill, Su Han has close to 100,000.

For strength, Su Han at this moment, at least among the hundreds of stars in the Tianshan Star, was enough to shelter the Phoenix Sect.

Sovereign's responsibility, he fulfilled it.

Of course, these many resources will soon be exhausted after the Phoenix Sect people come up.

But their arrival will also add countless helpers to Su Han, and the plunder of resources will definitely be much stronger than Su Han alone.

"All is ready except for the opportunity!"

Su Han took a deep breath.

In the next time, Su Han did not continue to retreat to refine the alchemy, and still classified these pills.

Phoenix Sect's people have different cultivation bases, so naturally the medicines that can be used are also different.

On the whole, I am afraid that many of them are only in the Dragon God Realm or even the Dragon Pill Realm.

Spirit crystals are the most suitable thing for their cultivation.

A few days later, Su Han came out of the saint son Xumijie.

He walked out of the cave and looked out to the sky. The heavy snow like goose feathers was still flying, and the temperature between the sky and the earth was extremely cold. It seemed that there was no summer or spring and autumn. The only thing that existed was cold winter.

The blood on the ground turned into astonishing blood, flowing from high places to low places.

At a glance, between the heaven and the earth, it seems that there is a rain of blood blowing, and there is weirdness in the hideousness, which can not give people a sense of security.

Countless disciples often come out to check, but this heavy snow, day after day, year after year, seems to never stop.

"I don't know whether this inferior star field powerhouse has discovered such a catastrophe..." Su Han muttered.

Not to mention whether this heavy snowfall will continue in the future, but at least, judging from what is coming at this moment, the condensed extraterrestrial demons are already extremely terrifying.

Su Han has already experienced it once, and he has some experience in this matter.

"If that day comes, I'm afraid it will be ruined again..."

Su Han sighed, and immediately his eyes showed bright colors.

"However, it's not that there is no benefit at all!"

"For example, Xuanyuanqiong and others, more than six million war clan, majoring in."

"And the blood crystals of these extraterrestrial demons can not only increase lifespan, but also increase strength!"

"Zhanzu, there are even seven layers of seals. At the beginning, I just unblocked their first seal. Although they could also untie the seal, it required great perseverance and resources. With my current repair For, enough to unlock the second and third seals on them!"

Thinking of this, Su Han couldn't help getting a little excited.

The blood of more than six million war clan!

Looking at the entire Milky Way galaxy, how many people are there in total?

If the second and third layer of seals on Xuanyuan Qiong and others could be unlocked, then their cultivation speed would be extremely terrifying.

Plus these blood crystals...

Su Han has no doubt that the six million people of the Zhan Clan will quickly become the mainstay of the Phoenix Sect!

"Now, I hope this catastrophe will come sooner..."

Three days later.

"call out!"

A figure came from a distance, it was Luo Ning.

"Is Su Han here?" Luo Ning asked Yang Ying before landing in the cave.

Just like the original Ye Xiaofei, Yang Ying looked at Luo Ning's extremely hot figure, then looked at herself, and suddenly lost herself.

"stop looking!"

Luo Ning seemed to be a little anxious, and asked again: "Is Su Han? I'm looking for him in a hurry."


Before Yang Ying could speak, the light curtain of the cave mansion flickered, and Su Han walked out of it.

"Senior Sister." Su Han smiled.

"You are still ashamed to call me Senior Sister, except for the last time I met, I never saw your shadow again!" Luo Ning hummed.

Su Han couldn't help touching his nose, a little embarrassed.

This is also true. Ever since I met Luo Ning, the other party has been looking for him, but he has never looked for Luo Ning.

"That...I have been cultivating." Su Han said.


Luo Ning glared at Su Han: "I'm not here to trouble you, but to tell you that the Phoenix Sect has already arrived in the lower-level star field."


Su Han suddenly raised his head, his eyes exploded with intense light.

"where is it?"

"It hasn't come yet, in the starry sky fault of the inferior star field."

Luo Ning said anxiously: "Although they have already come up, the aura on their bodies cannot be reduced, and many people have felt it."

"So what? Star Alliance doesn't care about it, and others can't." Su Han said.

"That was not what I meant!"

Luo Ning said again: "I mean Among the Phoenix Sect, there are many magicians and many physical training. Although they don't have the qualifications for testing, they also attract many sects. The seventy-two sects were not in sight. It may be the reason for their low cultivation level, but there are more than a dozen influential sects that have surrounded them. They insisted on inviting them to join and refused. It's useless, and Tianshan Pavilion is useless to come forward. Even Tianshan Pavilion is surrounded."

"Strong buy and sell? Do they treat it as hard work?"

Su Han's expression immediately fell cold: "I'll go take a look."

"Okay, I'll go too, Brother Chen and the others are already waiting for us." Luo Ning nodded.

Without saying anything, Su Han went straight to the teleportation formation together with Luo Ning.

During the journey, Su Han couldn't smile again.

It is also a good thing to be scrambled by so many sects, and it reflects the value of these disciples of the Phoenix Sect.

If others don't look at it, what use is there for them?

Su Han had long expected this scene to happen, especially the magician, who was extremely scarce in the lower-level star domain, and the effect was very huge.

But he didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen when the Phoenix Sect members came up.

Star fault, where many sects are connected.

There is a planet slowly turning below.

The planet was earthy yellow, and obviously the aura on it was not strong. According to the level, it was just an abandoned planet.

It is Longwu Star, also known as Longwu Mainland!

And above Long Wuxing, a huge platform emerged. On this platform, densely crowded figures stood, at a glance, at least ten million!

They... are all Phoenix Sect members!