Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1650

Chapter 1650

What is the spirit state?

Turn everything into spirit completely!

The mortal realm and the spiritual realm are two concepts in themselves.

Ordinary realm: Ordinary person, ordinary mind, ordinary body, ordinary way.

Spiritual realm: spiritual person, spiritual heart, spiritual body, spiritual path.

It looks like a word, but in fact it is different.

The transformation of spirits is merely the transformation of the ordinary into spirits, which is a foreshadowing, and the spirit body is the real spiritual realm!

At the moment of reaching the spiritual realm, the amazing power of cultivation will completely wash the original mortal body by itself, remove all impurities in the body and the soul, and completely sublimate the soul of the whole person!

At this moment, Su Han almost reached the spiritual realm, and his physical body had changed.

At the time of each breakthrough, a transparent body appeared. At this moment, it completely disappeared.

As if he were invisible, only a white shirt could be seen floating there, but no human figure was visible. Even the hair was completely gone.

But, the next moment--


A finger appeared there out of thin air.

The fingers are flesh and blood, and the inner lines are not clear. They can only be seen from the outside, and they seem to be whiter than before.

And with the appearance of this finger, the second, the the fifth!

Immediately afterwards, there were two palms, two arms, upper body, lower body, and even...the last head!

Su Han's figure appeared again.

Su Han was still the same as before.

But at this moment, he is full of energy and blood, and when he breathes, he feels like he is swallowing the tide, and there is light surging between his eyes.

When transforming into the spiritual realm with seven products, it is like a gap.

"This is the real spirit body..."

Su Han looked at his hands and couldn't see the transparency as before, even when his divine thoughts protruded, they couldn't penetrate.

Back to Basics!

From the beginning of the mortal realm, with the practice, he began to remove impurities from the body, making the body gradually transparent.

Now, breaking through the spiritual realm, completely transforming the mortal into the spirit, the whole body has been sublimated, the flesh and blood are reunited, and finally the spiritual realm!

This is a scene that every person who breaks into the spiritual realm must experience.

In the previous life, Su Han had experienced it. This time, another experience was completely different from the previous life.

Because in this life, he is the nine deities, possessing nine bodies, and at the moment when the essence rises and recondenses the flesh, it is the nine deities condensed together.

This kind of cohesion, the strength that Su Han has increased, is really terrifying.

Between each of his breaths, he can drive the space in front of him to appear ripples, like a breath, which can make the space shatter and burst.

"In the last life, there was only one body, so after the breakthrough, you can experience what kind of strength you have."

"But in this life, he has nine deities, and possesses the nine clear blood, the multi-colored supreme shadow, and the spirits..."

"So, what kind of strength has been improved, I don't really know if I don't try it..."

While his eyes flickered, the light was exposed, and Su Han's face couldn't hide the excitement.

The two lives were humans, and they took completely different paths, so with every breakthrough, Su Han couldn't see himself at this moment with the eyes of the previous life.

"Since you don't know it, try it!"

Taking a deep breath, Su Han closed his eyes. At this moment, the bodies of the nine deities completely merged!


At the moment of fusion, a terrifying breath burst out directly from Su Han.

That kind of breath is completely different from those who have just reached the first-grade spirit body state, and it exceeds it too much!

"With the power of my physical body, only one deity can crush opponents of the same level, and when the two deities are merged, it is possible to achieve instant kills."

Feeling the aura in his body, Su Han murmured; "The three deities merge at the same time, and they can fight the second-grade spiritual body state, and the four deities merge at the same time to crush the second-grade spiritual body..."

Based on the experience of the previous life and Su Han's mastery of the strength of those ordinary spiritual realms, finally came to the conclusion

Under the fusion of the nine deities, with the power of the flesh, you can...a battle with the fourth-rank spirit body, you can't say win, but you will never lose!

The further the state is, the more strength will be improved, and the harder it will be to cultivate.

Naturally, Su Han knew this better than anyone.

Otherwise, according to the previous accumulation, under the fusion of the bodies of the nine great deities, they would be able to crush the Fourth Stage Spirit Body Realm, but this is obviously impossible.

As far as the physical body is concerned, at most, he can fight the fourth stage spirit body realm.

However, this is just the flesh.

Su Han also has the martial arts cultivation skills of the nine deities!

"If the martial arts cultivation base is integrated with the physical cultivation base?"

Su Han's eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth smile more intensely.


In the next instant, the martial arts and physical cultivation of the nine deities directly merged.

A breath that was more terrifying than before, like two levels, spread quickly.

Su Han's body swelled at the moment of fusion.

For a moment, Su Han almost couldn't suppress the urge to make a move.

He bowed his head, stretched out his hand, and looked at his palm. The majestic power hidden beneath the flesh was shaking.

"With these...under the Void Heaven Realm, it is enough to be invincible!"

In any realm, Su Han had walked through it in his last life.

He is naturally very familiar with each realm and what kind of strength he possesses.

Therefore, Su Han can immediately tell the difference between the two.

With the combat power at this moment, under the virtual world, it is absolutely invincible!

Immediately after Su Han did not hesitate, and the blood of the nine clear and the fourth clear, suddenly unfolded.


The eight-fold increase in strength caused Su Han's breath to surge for the third time.

But Su Han shook his head slightly here, and said softly: "The virtual world is not at the same level as the spiritual body. It is not as simple as an increase of eight times. I don't know if I will be defeated, but I can't win it!"

Thinking of this, Su Han's heart moved, and the multicolored supreme shadow that just dissipated behind him appeared again.

This time, it was one hundred feet.

One hundred feet, plus the superposition of the **** nine clear and the fourth clear, raised Su Han's strength sixteen times.

When the strength of this sixteen times increased, Su Han almost immediately had huge confidence.

Facing the first-grade virtual world, absolutely not afraid!

Then, two hundred zhang!

Two hundred zhang, 16 times more, a total increase of 32 times the overall strength.

Next, three hundred feet, four hundred feet, five hundred feet, and six hundred feet!

And Su Han's multiplier increased from thirty-two times to forty-eight times, sixty-four times, eighty times...

Ninety-six times! ! !

And with the rapid increase of that multiple, Su Han's face, although excited, gradually paled.

Because under this multiple, his consumption is also terrifying!

ps: This is the second update. The others should be in the afternoon.

Don't worry, everyone, there will be no less updates, but I didn't save the manuscript, and I always have to write it bit by bit. I can change it out of thin air...

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