Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1651

Chapter 1651


In the cave, Su Han's loud laughter passed out.

This is his excitement to such an extent after his first breakthrough since his rebirth.

"Ninety-six times ascendance, even in the third stage of the virtual world, I can still fight!"

Su Han muttered to himself in a deep voice: "Fourth-Rank Void Heaven Realm, it's absolutely impossible to kill me. Even though I'm in the fifth-Rank Void Heaven Realm, I'm invincible, but when I don't use items such as Shengzi Xumijie. Next, I'm as sure to escape!"

"With my current peak combat power, if you want to kill me, you need to be at least the sixth-grade spirit realm or above!"

"Just like Yuwen Chengyin before, he suddenly shot and imprisoned me. It is impossible to happen again, unless his cultivation level is also improved!"

Thinking of this, Su Han's eyes revealed a thick murderous intent.

"Yuwen Chengyin... Su does what he says, you have to wait for me in the Taiyin Sect!"


The breath fell and quickly dissipated, Su Han's cultivation was restored to the level of an ordinary first-grade spirit body.

His face was extremely pale, and when he flipped his palm, he threw a lot of first-grade pill into his mouth, which was also mixed with many spirit crystals.

"This ninety-six-fold increase is indeed scary, but for me, the consumption is also very huge." Su Han shook his head slightly.

In fact, this is also inevitable.

He has the comprehensive strength that can fight the virtual world realm, but he does not have the cultivation base of the virtual world realm. The storage of spiritual power in the body is only limited to the first-grade spiritual body realm.

If there is no reserve of resources, his spiritual power will definitely not be able to support his ninety-six times increase, too long!

The improvement of cultivation base not only brought Su Han's strength growth, but also the grade of the refined medicine pill was greatly improved.

Before Su Han, refining the first-grade pill, every one could be the best, but for the second-grade pill, let alone the best, it would be extremely difficult.

But at this moment, under the peak, Su Han refines the second-grade pill. The top-grade is definitely not a problem, even if it is the third-grade pill, he can refine the superior quality!

And this kind of medicine is the most favorite of the strong in the virtual world.


Taking a sigh of relief, Su Han slowly got up.

At the moment he completely broke through, the white light that the power of the day and earth had turned into completely disappeared.

This made Su Han a little disappointed. He originally thought that if the power of this world was endless, he could swallow it.

But it turns out that he still thinks too much.

"How can there be so much power of heaven and earth here? It's more than when I was through the Tribulation of Wucai Supreme."

Su Han was puzzled, raised his eyes and looked towards the end of the front.

There were originally endless white awns there, but at this moment, it was completely dark.

In the silence, Su Han's figure flickered, and soon came to the end of the Star Spirit Cave.

There is nothing strange here, it's really just pitch black, and there has never been a teleportation array.

On the opposite side is a cave wall.

On the cave wall, a statue was engraved.

This statue is different from the one seen when entering the Xingling Cavern.

It is also lifelike, but the previous statue is a bit strange, but this statue... is somewhat similar to Ren Qinghuan!

When Su Han looked at it, he could find that the entire statue was only the head, and everything under the head was completely broken, as if it had been hit hard.

"The strong power of heaven and earth, could it be that what was radiated from this statue could not be achieved?" Su Han frowned.

If the guess is correct, the owner of this statue should be... Ren Qinghuan's father!

Unable to get an answer, Su Han stood here again for a while, and in the end he didn't find much. In silence, he planned to leave.

But at this moment--


On the intact head of the statue, there was a place that suddenly shattered.

Su Han took a halt and couldn't help turning his head to look.

But seeing it in that broken place... there is actually a piece of flesh and blood!


Su Han's pupils contracted and took a step back.

"Kacha, Kacha..."

As it retreated, the head of the statue was completely shattered.

Look again at this moment, what kind of statue is this, it is clearly a head solidified by the statue! ! !

Su Han could clearly see that this was a middle-aged man, and his appearance was indeed very similar to Ren Qinghuan.

His face was a little pale, and he was extremely handsome even in his middle age.

The jet-black eyes were looking at Su Han, causing Su Han's body to vibrate.


Su Han couldn't help but speak, and at the same time took a step back.

"do not be afraid"

It seemed that he was aware of Su Han's thoughts, and that head actually spoke at this moment.

Su Han's footsteps stopped suddenly, his expression inconceivable.

He was not afraid, but he couldn't believe what happened at this moment.

"Senior, you are..." Su Han frowned deeply.

"Let me tell you, to make a long story short."

The middle-aged man stared at Su Han, pondered slightly, and said: "I am trapped here because of the curse, connecting to the different world, using the body as a medium to transmit other powers."

"Don't tell Qinghuan, I'm still alive, that will make her sad."

"I am Ren the father of Ren Qinghuan."

"Life is limited, take care of Qinghuan for me."

As the last words fell, the middle-aged man's breath became weaker and weaker, but his face showed a smile of relief.

"Senior, you..."


Before Su Han could say the following words, the middle-aged man's face was directly torn apart.

There was no blood splashing, no brains overflowing, just after the split, it turned into the mud on the body, solidified quickly, and finally hardened completely.

At first glance, it seemed as if this was a statue, already torn apart, but embedded in the wall.

But Su Han, who just saw and heard everything, was very clear.

This is not a statue, but a living person! ! !

"Different force... Could it be that the power of heaven and earth is not successful?"

Su Han was breathing fast, staring at the torn apart statues, and it was difficult to accept for a while.

If this is true, then Ren Qiying fell into such a situation because of...self? !

It is because he has absorbed these forces of heaven and earth and reached a critical point, Ren Qiying's body cannot be transmitted as a medium, so... will it be torn apart?

No, it's not like this...

Su Han could not accept this result.

If it's someone else, that's fine, but this person is Ren Qinghuan's father!

"The one who cursed him, sealed him here...who is it?" Su Han's eyes showed a strong sense of coldness.

He couldn't stay here any longer. In his silence, the figure retreated and left the Star Spirit Cave.

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