Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1649

Chapter 1649

Xingling Cave, the most precious place of Tianshan Pavilion.

It breeds spiritual energy and is extremely rich. Anyone who enters has a great possibility of breaking through.

Su Han followed the passage and quickly came to the Xingling Cavern.

The place was damp, with water mist over his head, and some muddy water under the water. When Su Han was walking, he appeared to be half-floating.

Xingling Cave, as the name suggests, is actually a cave.

After Su Han arrived, that rich spiritual energy rushed to his face, astonishing.

He found that the water mist above his head was all caused by too strong spiritual energy, and the damp soil underneath... the same!

The walls are not black, but silvery white.

This is not the kind of spirit crystal wall that you see in the starry sky battlefield. It is not so rich that it is just dense with aura.

When Su Han looked up, he saw a white light in front of him, which seemed to be the end of the Star Spirit Cave.

Many people have told Su Han that the Star Spirit Cave is not big.

At this moment, Su Han frowned.

If it's just a little bit of aura, how can you make yourself break through?

In the starry sky battlefield, the walls of the spirit crystals were so dense that Su Han had crossed a lot of distance and swallowed all these spirit crystals before breaking through.

At that time, it was just breaking through a small realm, but at this moment, what Su Han wanted to do was to break through from the seventh-ranking spiritual realm to the first-rank spiritual realm!

"I'm a little disappointed..."

Su Han sighed lightly, shook his head and muttered to himself: "Fall, it's already here anyway, even if you can't break through, you can accumulate some, it's okay."

Thinking of this, Su Han did not hesitate and sat down cross-legged.

The dragon spirit emperor technique was operating, the power of devouring unfolded, and the dense white mist all around came towards Su Han.

Because the richness of the spiritual energy was not satisfied, Su Han swallowed it, and he didn't have much confidence.

He still wants to understand now, Tianshan Pavilion, after all, is just an influential sect, how can it have the kind of place that anyone can break through?

Once I figured it out, I was relieved.

With Su Han's swallowing power, all the white mist in this place was quickly absorbed.

And the benefits that these auras brought to Su Han were not unavailable, but not so great, compared to breakthroughs.

Just as he got up and planned to leave here--


The area of white light in front suddenly burst out.

The astonishing beam of light, like the refraction of the sun, radiated light and heat, and came straight to Su Han.

Su Han's pupils shrink!

In this beam of light, he felt... a strong breath! ! !

This kind of breath is said to be spiritual, but it is not counted. It is said to be other, and no one has ever felt it.

But Su Han had a profound understanding of this kind of breath.

The power of heaven and earth! ! !

"how can that be?!"

Su Han's eyes widened and couldn't believe it: "How come the power of heaven and earth is here? Looking at this terrifying power in the entire inferior star field, there is no power. If you have it, you can have it, right?"

This life, the power of heaven and earth, Su Han has encountered it once.

That is what happened after successfully crossing the Wucai Supreme Tribulation in the Dragon Emperor Realm!

It was precisely because of the power of the heavens and the earth at that time that Su Han had a multicolored supreme shadow!

The power of heaven and earth is full of colors, and it is the same as the source, but it can't exist. It can only be swallowed, absorbed, refined, and strengthened to become the peak of the world.

"There will be the power of heaven and earth here, this..."

For a while, even Su Han was stunned.


When he was stunned, the many white rays of light turned into beams of light and directly rushed into Su Han's body.

At this moment, Su Han's body swelled, and in a vague way, he looked like he couldn't digest it.

Su Han reacted immediately, without saying anything, the Dragon Spirit Emperor technique had been directly operated to its peak, and he did not dare to delay any further.


Behind it, the Wucai Supreme Shadow seemed to feel something, and it flashed out by itself.

With its big mouth open, there was also a monstrous swallowing power, and it quickly swallowed these white rays.

The beam of light seemed to be endless, even if it was swallowed by Su Han himself and the Multicolored Supreme Shadow at the same time, it still continued.

In Wucai Zhizun Ying, as it was swallowed, its height of 500 zhang was growing rapidly.

Five hundred and ten feet, five hundred and twenty feet, five hundred and thirty feet...

And Su Han himself quickly swallowed, refines, and then transformed these powers of heaven and earth, and his martial arts cultivation base in the seventh stage spiritual body realm, as well as his physical cultivation base, were all in a terrifying surge!

"Boom boom boom..."

The muffled noise continued to spread from his body, and Su Han's face was full of excitement.

"Half an hour!"

Su Han's eyes flickered, and his mouth murmured: "Just let me swallow half an hour, then my cultivation level can completely break through to the spiritual realm, and the colorful supreme shadow can reach six hundred zhang!"

This is the horror of the power of heaven and earth!

If it is an ordinary spirit crystal, or an item like a pill, it takes too much to make Su Han break through.

Moreover, not only does it require a lot of resources, even if there are such resources, it takes a long time.

As before Su Han went from the sixth stage to the seventh stage, plus the time wasted to travel to and from the black market of Menghan, a total of twenty years have passed since the saint son's Xu Mijie!

But at this moment, this is in the outside world, just devouring half an hour, will be able to make Su Han, in the case of breaking through the spiritual realm, also raise the five-colored supreme shadow by a hundred feet!

It's terrible! ! !

"I really didn't expect that what made me extremely disappointed before would have such a great fortune!" Su Han took a deep breath.

The power of heaven and earth is hard to find.

Until now, Su Han didn't know where these forces of heaven and earth came from.

Perhaps, only after the devouring is finished and heading to the end of the Star Spirit Cave can the answer be obtained.

And at this moment... just try to swallow it!

As time went by, half an hour was being consumed rapidly.

For a moment--


The colorful supreme shadow suddenly stood upright, its illusory figure standing in the cave, seeming to stand upright.

Six hundred feet! ! !


Almost at the moment when Wucai Zhizun Ying reached six hundred feet, Su Han's body, a roar suddenly spread.

As this roar spread, a monstrous aura burst out of Su Han at this moment.

The horror of this breath, its richness, and its astonishing, is by no means comparable to the previous Seven-Rank Transition Spirit Realm.

It immediately turned into a storm, with Su Han as the center, and quickly swept away towards the surroundings.

However, this kind of storm is not destructive, and after a period of time, it quickly dissipates.

Yipin...spiritual realm!