Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 690

Chapter 690

The lava mountains stretch for thousands of kilometers, and the terrain is complex and changeable. Some places are as barren as the Gobi, with only red rocks and minerals. Some places are as dense as forests and full of life. In some places, there are giant volcanoes, and magma can be seen occasionally. eruption.

In the redwood forest, there is such a giant tree with a crown like a cloud, as high as several hundred meters, and its trunk is thicker than a skyscraper.

Hundreds of fire crows fly around the giant tree. If you look closely, there is an obvious class division between fire crows. Those small fire crows can only fly and settle at a height of tens of meters, while medium-sized fire crows can stay in the place. In the middle of the giant tree, and at the top of the giant tree, four giant fire crows can be seen. The wings are spread out to be tens of meters long. The feathers are like ruby. The fire flashed.

There are bird nests made of red plants on the branches, black and smooth stones can be seen in the bird nests, fire crows sometimes fly around the tree, sometimes rest on their feet, the air is full of rich fire elements and tyrannical coercion, making Nearby monsters dare not approach.

Just then, two uninvited guests suddenly appeared near the giant tree.

"Are you going to challenge such a strong opponent in the first battle?" Zhang Lao looked at Xiao Yao with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

[Monster name] Fire Crow

[Monster talent] Lieyang Jinghuo

Xiao Yao glanced at the giant tree and said, "Four heads are at the diamond level, more than 50 at the platinum level, and the rest are at the gold level."

"It's not a big problem, it can be solved."

"Four diamonds, more than 50 platinum, is this not a big problem?" Zhang Lao's mouth twitched slightly.

It is hard to imagine that Xiao Yao's strength has reached such a level.

If it was him, 4 diamonds would be able to fight together, but if more than 50 platinums were added, he would definitely turn his head and run away without a second thought.

"Teacher, leave this battle to me~" Xiao Yao's eyes flickered with high-spirited fighting spirit. After breaking through to the diamond level, he was entangled in mundane affairs and had not experienced battle for a long time, and the beasts had to wait every day. In the Imperial Beast Space, if you don't come out, you will really have trouble holding back.

"Okay, I'll give you the battle in this battle!" Zhang Lao nodded.

Since Xiao Yao is confident, let him do it.

Anyway, with the strength of the two, protecting themselves is definitely not a problem.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yao waved his hand, and Warwick, Lao Niu, Mo Teng, Tucci and Wukong appeared beside him, and Yumi got into his body early.




As soon as they appeared, the three fighters Warwick, Lao Niu, and Sun Wukong immediately shouted loudly, as if to release the suffocation of recent months.

Tuqi is not bad, because he had to prepare an antidote in the previous paragraph, he often came out to let the wind out, and Mo Teng was like a cold killer who didn't say a word.

As soon as several war beasts appeared, the amazing momentum immediately attracted the attention of the fire crows. Several diamond-level fire crows fluttered their wings and looked at them condescendingly. The remaining fire crows followed closely and formed a group. A continuous fire cloud formed, and the bursting hot breath pressed towards Xiao Yao like a tsunami.

"Wukong, get together!" Xiao Yao shouted, with an undisguised excitement in his eyes. @ Essence/Book Pavilion*First update~~


Wukong got the order, and instantly turned into a red streamer, pouring into Xiao Yao's body.

I saw that Xiao Yao's skin quickly grew golden hair, his body was pulled up a bit, his domineering battle armor was close to his body, his long stick was in his grip, his eyes were burning with raging fire, like a **** of war in the heavens, his body exuded a rebellious and strong aura. .


The long stick whistled towards the sky, and the corner of Xiao Yao's mouth rose, shouting out that classic line.

"Hey, eat my old grandson!"


The somersault cloud rose from the soles of his feet, pushing Xiao Yao to fly towards the most powerful Fire Crow like a shooting star.

His speed is extremely fast, and the distance of several hundred meters is approaching in an instant. The long stick surrounded by black flames slammed into the top of the fire crow, causing a thunderous explosion. At the same time, two illusory clones flashed around him, waving The long stick, attacked the two fire crows next to it.

[Assault on the Clouds] Wukong uses somersault clouds to rush to the target. If there is an enemy near the target, Wukong will split up to two clones to attack the target. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter six hundred and ninetieth, the monster fire crow, Wukong fit

Mark, after using this skill, Wukong's attack speed increases by 50% for a period of time.

The long stick landed firmly on the top of Fire Crow's head, and only a thud was heard. Along with the sound of bones shattering, Fire Crow was shaken back tens of meters and let out a shrill whine.

"What a hard body~" Xiao Yao licked the corners of his mouth. Through the blow just now, he could clearly feel the extremely powerful body of the monster. If it was a monster of diamond level 3, it would be inevitable after being hit with a stick. Serious injuries are inevitable, but the blood volume of this monster has only dropped by less than 20%, which is far from being seriously injured.

However, [Taking the Clouds and Driving the Mist] is not Wukong's strongest attack method, and there are more moves in the back.



The whimper of the leader made all the fire crows react. They flapped their wings, and red-golden flames emerged from their bodies. All the energy was locked on Xiao Yao's body, and they were about to kill him by focusing fire.

But just between the lightning and flint, Xiao Yao stepped on somersaults and smashed the golden cudgel in the air. In an instant, with the bottom of the long stick as the center, a circle of spatial ripples appeared, instantly affecting all the fire crows.

[God's Needle Sets the Sea]: Sun Wukong manipulates the golden hoop stick to impose a confinement effect on a wide range of enemies, lasting 1s-3s (depending on the strength of both parties).

The confinement effect made all the fire crows stand still, the flames on their bodies swayed slightly, and panic flashed in the child's hole.

what's going on?

take a break~

Taking this opportunity, Tucci immediately launched an attack. Hundreds of split arrows fell from the sky and fell into the body of the Platinum Fire Crow precisely.

Although the monster has a strong physique, in the face of Tu Qi, who has taken ten thousand poisonous fruits and has reached a diamond level of 3, his body is almost as brittle as paper. The platinum-level fire crows all fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Laotong's hole shrank slightly, and a storm surged in his heart.

Killing dozens of platinum-level monsters with one move, Tuqi's strength is too terrifying!

Although the Diamond Rank can easily kill the Platinum Rank, it is in a one-on-one situation. In the face of dozens of Platinum Rank sieges, some Diamond Rank with less strength may be injured, let alone kill them all in one move. .

Tucci is indeed the sharpest killer in Xiao Yao's hands!


At this time, the four diamond-level fire crows broke free from their confinement. Seeing the tragic deaths of dozens of compatriots, they suddenly went mad, and their screams could pierce their eardrums. , smashed at Xiao Yao and the other beasts with their heads covered.

bang bang bang~

Xiao Yao made the long stick airtight and blasted all the incoming fireballs. At the same time, he communicated with the beast secretly.

"Give me two ends, and Warwick and Moten will solve the remaining two."


After receiving the order, Warwick let out a roar full of fighting intent. He completely ignored the fireball coming from the front. Two golden rays shot out from his eyes, penetrated the fireball, and landed on the left wing of a fire crow, directly causing two bowl openings. Big blood hole.

Immediately afterwards, Warwick swayed, and the next moment, he appeared strangely on the back of Fire Crow.

[Ghost Blinking] Warwick's eyes release extreme child rays, which deal a devastating blow to the target, and Warwick can flash to the location of the ray at any time.

Feeling the sinking of his body, the Fire Crow didn't have time to scream for the blood hole in the left wing, and the whole body erupted with an astonishing scorching sun, trying to burn the enemy behind him to ashes.

The scorching sun essence fire is really terrifying. The moment it touched Warwick's feet, it burned most of them. However, Warwick's amazing self-healing power made his feet regenerate quickly, and the holy flame burst out, and the scorching sun essence broke out. At the same time, he grabbed the back of Fire Crow's neck with one hand, raised the other wolf claw, his palm burst into a dazzling dazzling light, and with a move [Holy Flame Aurora Cut] stabbed the back of Fire Crow's head fiercely .

Feeling the hot wind blowing from the back of the head, the fire crow screeched, and the blazing sun's essence fire broke out even more fiercely. From a distance, it was like the golden crow in the center of the sun, which was going to burn out the little bugs around it. Error free update@

But its counterattack was too late. The sharp [Holy Flame Aurora Cut] passed through the fire, like a drill, it sank into the fire crow's brain.


A pain in the back of the head, the fire crow's expression suddenly solidified, his eyes burst into flames, and the whole body was flaming with the naked eye. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter six hundred and ninetieth, the monster fire crow, Wukong fit

The visible speed went out, and after a few seconds, it plunged headlong to the ground.


Warwick landed lightly, and the parts burned by the fire grew rapidly and quickly returned to their original shape.

This fire crow is a diamond level 2 monster, with a strong body, and the innate ability, Lieyang Jinghuo, is extremely domineering. Even in the face of diamond level 3 and 4 beasts, it can not fall behind in a short period of time.

However, Warwick's close-up is too abrupt, [Children's Blink] makes him appear behind the fire crow in an instant, and [Holy Flame Aurora Cut]'s armor-piercing effect and high damage allow him to easily Pierce through the flesh of the fire crow, causing it to die directly.

On the other hand, the battle between Mo Teng and Fire Crow was also very exciting.


The arm blade slashed on the crow's claw, and there was a sound of metal symphony.


The fiery scorching sun burst out from the Fire Crow's body, and its claws reached towards Mo Teng's shoulder. It seemed that he wanted to tear Mo Teng in half.

Mo Teng retreated violently, throwing out two chains in his hands, which were attached to the Fire Crow.

Fire Crow felt a pain in his body, as if he had been stabbed by something, but the pain was not strong, it didn't care too much, opened its mouth, and spat out a ball of fireball the size of a grinding disc, which shot directly at the demon. Error free update@

In the face of the fireball, Mo Teng did not move, only to see a layer of white mask appearing on his body. When the fireball touched the mask, the fireball and the mask disappeared at the same time strangely.

Dark Asylum


Fire Crow screamed angrily, flapping its wings, and was about to launch the second wave of offensive, but at this moment, its body suddenly froze, and there was a thick color of fear in its eyes.

[Wordless Fear] takes effect.

Taking this opportunity, Mo Teng instantly launched the [Dream Demon Piercing Soul Kill], and the powerful mental power directly chopped the fire crow's soul into pieces.

[Dream Demon Piercing Soul Kill] - The magic power turns into a mental shock wave, causing high mental damage to the enemy. During this process, the magic power cannot be selected, and if the enemy is mentally damaged (fear, shock, confusion...) , will take double damage.


Another fire crow died. At this time, there were only two diamond-level fire crows left in the sky fighting with Xiao Yao, and those fire crows who were not at the platinum level were directly intimidated by the terrifying power of the scene, hiding aside and shivering. .


The long stick of the Flame of Destruction swept across, sending the two close-fitting fire crows flying into the air. Xiao Yao stepped on the white clouds, pointed his long stick diagonally, and pierced the sky with high fighting intent, looking down at the world like a **** of war.

The tragic death of the two companions even aroused the **** fury in the bones of the Fire Crow. They did not have a trace of fear in their hearts, and their only thought was to shred the enemy.

But their unyielding is in line with Xiao Yao's heart,

If you just want to kill the fire crows, the battle should be over long ago, although the two fire crows have a diamond level 2 and a diamond level 3, and the level is slightly higher than that of the diamond level 1 Wukong.

But the original Wukong's strength, speed, and defense are stronger than the two, and after the combination, the attributes of the summoner and the beast are superimposed, and the advantage is even more obvious.

And the blazing sun essence fire that Fire Crow relies on most is far inferior to the flame of destruction that combines holy flame, **** fire, samadhi fire and super poisonous fire.

The battle can continue until now, entirely because Xiao Yao wants to experience more of the state after he has merged with Wukong.

It was his biggest dream when he was young to become Sun Wukong and fight against demons. Now, he is incarnated as Sun Wukong. Although it is only the game version, the fighting style is very similar, so he can't really experience it.

In addition, after merging with Sun Wukong, he has a lot of martial arts knowledge about sticks in his mind. He has always fought with his bare hands against the enemy, but it is not without the possibility of using weapons in the future, so he must be proficient as soon as possible while merging. Master these moves.

bang bang bang~

Xiao Yao wielded a long stick, and his moves were simple, nothing more than a few moves such as squatting, sweeping, picking, and flirting, but when he used it, it made Huoya scream in pain, his bones were broken in many places, and the blood in his body was surging.


Xiao Yao shouted excitedly, raised the long stick in his hand, and suddenly stretched more than ten meters, and smashed it towards the top of the fire crow's head with the momentum of just no casting. For a time, the wind and clouds were stirred, and the space around the fire crow seemed to freeze. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter six hundred and ninetieth, the monster fire crow, Wukong fit

Generally, it is difficult to move half a point.

[Smashing Strike]: Wukong smashes the target with a golden hoop at an amazing speed, causing high physical damage and reducing the target's physical defense by 10%-30%.


With a hard blow, Fire Crow's head exploded like a watermelon, blood sprayed down, and his heavy body fell rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, under the advancement of [Tengyun and Riding the Mist], Xiao Yao instantly got close to the last Fire Crow, and took the long stick of Black Flame to the bottom, hitting the back of the Fire Crow's heart. It was shattered, and only after hearing a whine, the last diamond-grade fire crow swooped and fell to the ground.

With the deaths of four diamond-ranked fire crows and dozens of platinum-ranked fire crows, the rest of the fire crows completely gave up hope and dispersed. Error free update@

Tucci pulled the trigger at and eventually left dozens of fire crows, but these fire crows were too weak to be worth pursuing further, so they let them go.


Xiao Yao slowly fell to the ground, and Wukong was released from the fusion state, sweeping through many spoils, the corners of his mouth could not help rising.

This battle, the harvest is not small~

At this time, Zhang Lao flickered to Xiao Yao's side, looking at the fire crow on the ground that had lost its vitality, his eyes were full of amazement.

These fire crows, which required at least twenty platinum-level and two diamond-level summoners, were all taken care of by Xiao Yao alone, and the battle ended so neatly.

It seems that Xiao Yao's strength has far surpassed himself.

Zhang Lao sighed in his heart, and at the same time another thought appeared in his mind.

Maybe, I should have prepared earlier~.

Chapter six hundred and ninetieth, the monster fire crow, Wukong fit