Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 691

Chapter 691

"Next, it's time to get the demon pill."

Xiao Yao used his mental power to sweep the corpse of Fire Crow. Different types of monsters have different positions of the demon pill, and Fire Crow's demon pill is located on the upper part of the abdomen.

Due to the need to cut through the solid skin of the fire crow, the work was handed over to Warwick and Moteng. The two used a claw and an arm blade, just like a seasoned butcher, accurately dismantling the belly, digging out four A diamond-level fire-type demon pill.

The demon pill is about the size of a fist, bright red, and contains a powerful fire element. It is like a soldering iron when held in the hand, emitting an amazing amount of heat.

"Teacher, can fire-type demon pills be used only for fire-type beasts?" Xiao Yao turned to look at Zhang Lao and asked.

Zhang Lao said: "The matching attributes will definitely have the best effect, but the mismatch of attributes is not completely useless. At least it can temper the physical body to a certain extent, but in general, it will still be greatly reduced."


Xiao Yao nodded, then glanced at the system panels of the three fire-type beasts Warwick, Lao Niu, and Wukong. Among them, Wukong's experience value was the highest, reaching 97%. In the secret realm, he killed a large number of tiger sharks as soon as he appeared, and was transformed by the light of evolution in the later stage, so he was only one step away from breaking through the diamond level 2.

The experience points of Warwick and Lao Niu are about the same, about 90%, and they are not too far from diamond level 2.

"Then let Wukong try it first, Lao Niu, Xiao Ke, you two wait a second." Xiao Yao communicated in his mind.

"Okay~" The two brothers didn't have any opinions. Anyway, the breakthrough was a matter of time, and they didn't care about the moment.

"Teacher, how to use the demon pill?"

"It's very simple, let the demon pill come into contact with the body, and then use mental power to mobilize the energy in it to melt into itself. During this process, the energy in the demon pill will have the effect of tempering the body and enhancing the ability of the corresponding elements."

"But remember, the fire-type demon pill is the most violent. Once the body can't bear the impact of the demon pill, you must stop it in time." Zhang Lao's expression was serious.

"Understood~" Xiao Yao nodded, and then handed the Diamond Level 3 Fire Crow's demon pill to Wukong and said, "Wukong, let's start."

Wukong took the demon pill and held it in the palm of his hand.


The violent flames rose from the demon pill and went all the way along Wukong's arm, eventually igniting his entire body.

Wukong was bathed in flames, his expression was calm, and his eyes were glowing with fire. He could feel that the blazing yang essence fire was constantly invading his body, trying to burn the meridians, bones, and internal organs to ashes. The protection of the bad body and the true fire of Samadhi makes this blazing yang essence that burns all things like a flame in a steel furnace, constantly quenching his hundred-refined steel, making his body stronger.

Gradually, the demon pill became smaller and smaller in Wukong's hands. When it finally shrank to the size of an egg, irregular cracks appeared on the surface of the demon pill, and then burst open. in vivo.

"So fast!

When he saw that a whole demon pill was absorbed by Wukong in a short period of time, Zhang Lao couldn't help showing a shocked expression.

Although the demon pill can temper the body, at the same time, during the absorption process, it will also cause certain damage to the body, especially the fire-type demon pill, which is the most destructive to the body, so almost all battles The beast has to divide it several times to absorb the entire demon pill.

And Sun Wukong actually absorbed all of it like a fire-type demon pill in just a few minutes. The strength of this physical body is really terrifying!

"It's 99%, it's still the last point." Xiao Yao handed Wukong another demon pill.

Zhang Lao stretched out his hand and was about to persuade Xiao Yao to let the beast come back slowly, but Wukong grabbed the demon pill in the palm of his hand, and the blazing flame ignited his body again.

"That's enough~" Elder Zhang shook his head and put his hand down. He understood that Xiao Yao's war beasts were all outliers and could not be treated with common sense.

99.2%, 99.3%, 99.7%

Xiao Yao stared at Wukong's system panel. When the experience value reached 100%, Wukong's body had an amazing vision.


The blazing flames roared, the ground quickly dried up, and cracks appeared. Wukong's eyes were round, golden light jumped in the boy's hole, red fire ignited on his hair, and a dragon-shaped flame pattern appeared on the golden hoop rod. He inserted the long stick into the ground, and a reckless, domineering, and violent aura raged around like waves.

Monkey King, Diamond Level 2!

"Wuhu, not bad~" Xiao Yao smiled with satisfaction. He found that the Awakening Battlefield was simply his treasure.

Killing monsters can increase experience points, monster pills can be used to improve strength, and the soul fragments of monsters can also be absorbed by blood spirit beads, which can be used to improve the spiritual power of war beasts in the future.

This is called eating one fish three times, and reusing it, squeezing the value of monsters to the extreme.

Now that Wukong has been promoted, the remaining two diamond-level demon pill Xiao Yao will be handed over to Warwick and Lao Niu.

Lao Niu and Warwick took over the demon pill, and after communicating with Wukong, they mobilized the energy in it.



The two figures were bathed in flames, but the situation was a little different.

Lao Niu's physical strength is the highest among all war beasts, even higher than Wukong, so the violent energy in the demon pill can't hurt him at all, and the absorption process is quite smooth.

And Warwick's physical body is naturally far inferior to the old cow, but he has a very terrifying self-healing ability. Even if the skin is burnt and the meridians are broken during the absorption process, he can quickly recover.

After a few minutes, Lao Niu and Warwick successfully absorbed all the demon pills, the experience value increased by about 2%, and the physical body and flame intensity were improved to a certain extent.

"Teacher~" Xiao Yao glanced at the platinum-level fire crow corpse next to him and asked, "Does the platinum-level demon pill have any effect on diamond-level war beasts?"

Zhang Lao shook his head: "It's very small, basically no one will use platinum-level demon pills on diamond-level war beasts, this kind of behavior is absolutely wasteful, but anyway, there are quite a lot of platinum-level monsters here, you can try it. "

"Okay, let me try it~" Xiao Yao asked Mo Teng to dig out a platinum-level fire-type demon pill, and then handed it over to Warwick.

As soon as Warwick's thoughts moved, he drew out the energy in the demon pill and quickly inhaled it into his body.

Xiao Yao carefully stared at Warwick's experience bar. After absorbing a demon pill, Warwick's experience value only increased by 0.1%, which is indeed very small~

Forget it, don't waste it, just keep it and sell it.

There is an internal trading platform for Yaodan in the base, which can be traded with everyone in the base through the platform.

In addition, there is also a demon pill recycling center in the Dragon Kingdom. A platinum-level demon pill is 2 million yuan, and a diamond-level demon pill is 10 million yuan. Depending on the attributes of the demon pill, the price will fluctuate.

Due to its close proximity to the Lava Mountains and the Nine-Yin Underworld Sea, the fire-type demon pills and the water-type demon pills are the most common, so the price is the lowest, while the recovery price of other attributes of demon pills will be much higher, such as the rare dark element, light element, thunder Elements, etc., are almost several times that of the fire element and the water element.

Next, Xiao Yao asked the war beasts to dispatch all the demon pills of the dozens of platinum fire crows, and then stuffed them into the beast-defense space together with all the fire crow corpses.

However, just as the Fire Crow's body was stuffed into the beast-preserving space, Xiao Yao discovered a problem.

"Teacher, do gold-level monsters also have demon pills?" Xiao Yao asked.

"Yes!" Zhang Lao nodded, "But the gold-level demon pill can be said to be useless."

"Why can war beasts above the platinum level absorb the demon pill? The main reason is that after reaching the platinum level, the physical strength of the war beasts increases and can withstand the impact of the energy in the demon pill, and due to the existence of the fusion mechanism, their spiritual power will be reduced. The leap-forward evolution has occurred, and the control ability has been greatly enhanced. Once the body is severely damaged, the absorption of the demon pill can be stopped at any time."

"But it is obviously difficult for gold-level war beasts to do it, because of the mental power. Many war beasts have good physical strength and can withstand the tempering of demon pills, but beasts are beasts after all, and their mental power control ability It is far less refined than human beings, and once you can't control the outpouring of demon core energy, it is very likely to cause devastating damage to yourself."

"After all~" Zhang Lao glanced at Warwick, Lao Niu, and Sun Wukong, "Not all war beasts can absorb the demon pill at one time."

"Understood~" Xiao Yao was stunned.

No wonder there are no gold-level summoners in the Awakening Battlefield, one is because of insufficient strength, and the other is because of the unabsorbability of gold-level demon pills.

It's a pity that these gold-level demon pills can only eat ashes in the beast-defying space.

"Teacher, let's continue to go~" Xiao Yao said.

The first battle has such a harvest, let Wukong successfully break through the diamond level 2, it is a good start, and I hope that the next time will be as smooth as before.

"Okay~" Zhang Lao nodded.

Recently, his task is to accompany Xiao Yao to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment, and to explain some experience and knowledge of the awakening battlefield. After Xiao Yao is fully used to it, he will be able to retire and consider his own problems.

"Wukong, it's up to you~" Xiao Yao looked at Wukong.

Once, Warwick was a scout in the team. With his excellent sense of smell, he could help the team quickly locate prey.

And now, Goku also assumes part of the scout duties.

Wukong's [Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes] has a passive effect of being delusional, which can see through all illusions, and an active effect of clairvoyance. Although the sight distance cannot reach the real thousand miles, it can still be achieved in dozens of miles.

With his clairvoyant ability, Goku can spot suitable targets faster than Warwick.


Wukong stepped on somersaulting clouds, soaring into the sky, his eyes emitting bright golden light, his sight spanned dozens of miles, his head slowly turned, looking for the next prey.

Soon, Goku locked on the target.

"30 kilometers, it's quite far." Xiao Yao smiled slightly, "Teacher, just follow me."


Next, Xiao Yao and Zhang Lao hurried to their destination, and if they encountered other monsters in the middle, they would also easily deal with them.

However, in the process of traveling, Xiao Yao always felt as if he had overlooked some information, and this information was very important to him.

what is it?

He frowned slightly, and the scenes just now flashed in his mind, from the beginning of the battle to the end of the conversation with Zhang Lao at the end.

"But beasts are beasts after all, and their ability to control their mental power is far less refined than that of humans. Once they can't control the outpouring of demon core energy, they are very likely to cause devastating damage to themselves."

beasts, humans


Xiao Yao's footsteps paused, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning in his mind, completely tearing apart the fog.

"Teacher~" Xiao Yao turned his head and asked excitedly, "Do you think humans can absorb the energy of demon pills?"

"Human, summoner?" Zhang Lao shook his head decisively, "Impossible, let's not talk about whether the physical strength meets the standard, the most important point is that the power of the summoner all comes from the beast, and it does not have the source of power itself. You can absorb the demon pill, but where do you want to store that energy?"

"If there is no place to store it, these energies will only cause damage to the Summoner's body."

Zhang Lao patted Xiao Yao on the shoulder and said, "I know that your physical strength is comparable to that of a diamond-level monster, but don't make such a useless and dangerous attempt."

"Teacher~" Xiao Yao licked the corner of his mouth, but the excitement in his eyes disappeared, "What if there is a source of power in the human body?"

"There is a source of power? How is this possible!" Zhang Lao shook his head.

"I didn't mean Summoner!" Xiao Yao took a deep breath, his eyes burning: "It's the Three-Eyed Spirit Race!"

Three-Eyed Spirit Race!

Zhang Lao's body froze, his eyes widened instantly.

"Yes, the Three-Eyed Spirit Race!"

He has been to the Vulcan Tribe, and naturally knows the situation of the Three-Eyed Spirit Race.

The Three-Eyed Spiritual Race is different from the Summoner. Their Spiritual Eyes are the source of their own strength, and below the Platinum level, the Three-Eyed Spiritual Race's body is significantly stronger than the Summoner of the same level, almost the same as the War Beast.

If you think about it this way, the Three-Eyed Spiritual Race can completely try to absorb the energy in the demon pill, and those gold-level demon pills that make them useless and discarded may also be useful.

"Quick, let them try!" Zhang Lao said excitedly.


Xiao Yao closed his eyes, his consciousness projected on the distant clone.

Inside the stone house

The clone opened his eyes, waved his hand, and a golden fire crow appeared on the ground.


The black flames erupted from the **** together, and cut open the abdomen of the fire crow like a scalpel, and took out a demon pill the size of a pigeon egg.

The clone held the demon pill, pushed open the door, and said to the guard at the door:

"Notify all the generals and elders to come to In addition, find another gold-level warrior with abilities related to fire."

"Yes, Vulcan!"

The guard hurriedly sent someone to inform the elders and generals, and selected a warrior from the team who had good strength and whose abilities were related to flames.

A few minutes later, all the elders and generals gathered together, and then a tall, dark-skinned warrior walked in and bowed cautiously to everyone.

"Vulcan, what's the matter with you calling us here?" Hades glanced at the warrior and said.

The clone nodded and said:

"Yes, this is a major event related to the overall improvement of the Vulcan tribe's combat power."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.