Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 689

Chapter 689


In the exclusive conference hall of the Dragon Kingdom, hundreds of people gathered here. Everyone held wine glasses and chatted in groups of three or five. The atmosphere was warm, but the protagonists of this banquet were undoubtedly the young people standing in the center.

"Xiao Yao, I have long admired your name~" A smiling middle-aged man stretched out his hand, "Yan Keming."


Xiao Yao gave a firm grip.

"Yan Keming is a Diamond Level 4 Summoner, and he is also a veteran of the awakening battlefield." Zhang Lao introduced from the side: "You can talk to him more these days to understand the situation here."

"You can come to me too~"

At this time, a slightly old voice came from one side.

I saw an older man who seemed to be in his 60s walked over quickly and shouted loudly, "Old Zhang, don't contact me when you come!"

"Old Zuo~" Zhang Lao raised his voice and greeted him, his face full of joy and excitement of meeting an old friend, "It's been more than ten years, I didn't expect you to be alive!"

"I'm going to die behind you~" Zuo Kunlun walked up to Mr. Zhang with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The two old men looked at each other, then laughed and patted each other's back heavily, their voices full of emotion.

"Old man, it's great to see you!"

Xiao Yao stood aside, he could feel the incomparably deep friendship between the two old men, and when he thought of the teacher's age, he could still have familiar friends alive, and he couldn't help but feel happy for the teacher in his heart.

"Come on, let me introduce you." Zhang Lao grinned and said, "This is my old friend Zuo Kunlun, a diamond level 5 summoner. The two of us have known each other for over a hundred years."

"Don't look at him looking young, he is actually a dozen years younger than me."

Ten years younger than Zhang Lao, that is close to 200 years old.

Xiao Yao said quickly, "Hello, Grandpa Zuo!"

The rest of the juniors quickly followed: "Hello, Grandpa Zuo!"

"Okay, okay, how are you!" Zuo Kunlun smiled, then looked at Xiao Yao and said, "Old Zhang, this is your disciple who is known as the first genius of the Dragon Kingdom."

"That's right!" Elder Zhang stroked his beard, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "My close disciple, Xiao Yao, is a diamond-level summoner."

It's really diamond!

Zuo Kunlun was envious and said sourly, "Damn, you are so lucky!"

To be honest, who doesn't want to accept a talented disciple, especially this disciple is likely to become a master or even a king in the future, and then a teacher will naturally be famous all over the world.

It's a pity, the most talented child has been taken by Lao Zhang, but the remaining few are not bad. The 20-year-old platinum level can definitely be called a genius at the enchanting level.

Want to try it?

"Old Zhang, introduce these children to me~"

Zhang Lao noticed the gleam in Zuo Kunlun's eyes, and smiled secretly in his heart. With his understanding of Zuo Kunlun, he naturally knew what the old man was thinking, so he said:

"This is Bai Lingxiao, Xiao Yao's girlfriend, and the daughter of our teacher Bai Chengfeng from Kyoto University"

"Hello, Grandpa Zuo~" Bai Lingxiao bowed her head obediently.

"Hmm~" Zuo Kunlun nodded slightly.

This girl is very good both in appearance and talent, but there is already a diamond-level master in the family, so she is not suitable to be his disciple.

"This is Tao Yaoyao, a family member of our professor at Kyoto University."

"Hello Grandpa Zuo~" Tao Yaoyao bowed slightly.

"Hello~" Zuo Kunlun smiled, but there was a slight wave in the depths of his eyes.

"This is Li Yu, he is a descendant of Li Chu."

"Oh, the descendants of Li Chu." Zuo Kunlun glanced at Li Yu more. After so many years of awakening on the battlefield, he became more and more aware of the difficulties of Li Chu, the creator of the world, and this descendant of Li Chu is worthy of everyone. 's care.


The children of the Li family naturally have no shortage of masters.

Three in a row were disciples of a big family. Zuo Kunlun was a little discouraged, but he could understand that, after all, children from ordinary families, no matter how talented they were, would not be able to get a job at the age of 20 without the support of family resources. Reach Platinum level.

So he didn't hold out much hope for the last child.

Although Zuo Kunlun did not change his face, Mr. Zhang could still see the emotions hidden under his eyes at a glance, so he pointed at Xu Xingliang and said with a smile: "This child's name is Xu Xingliang, he is the best friend who played with Xiao Yao since childhood, but he He is from an ordinary family, plus he is too young, and he is not very mature, otherwise you will bring him more after the old left?"

Xiao Yao's best friend came from an ordinary family!

Zuo Kunlun held back his eyes that wanted to widen, and pretended to be sullen: "No problem, let this child follow me in the future!"

Old guy, it looks like it~

The corner of Zhang Lao's mouth twitched slightly, patted Xu Xingliang's shoulder, and said, "Liangliang, you have been following this grandfather Zuo during this time. He is very strong and has rich life experience. Following him will definitely make you Benefit a lot.

To be honest, he likes Xu Xingliang very much. He doesn't talk much, he is honest, and he is very hardworking. Children from ordinary families can always keep up with these friends from big families. If he has not made up his mind, he will regard Xiao Yao as If he is a closed disciple, then he will definitely include Xu Xingliang as his disciple.

However, it is not bad to give Liangliang to Zuo Kunlun. He can see that his old friend is influenced by him and wants to cultivate a talented disciple, while Xu Xingliang is too young and not deep in the world. He is not particularly mature in dealing with others and doing things. He needs a leader to grow up with him, so this is a win-win situation, which is a good thing for both of them.

"Grandpa Zuo, please advise me in the future." Xu Xingliang bowed politely.

"Okay, okay!" Zuo Kunlun laughed.

He fell in love with this honest-looking boy at a glance, and broke through to the platinum level at the age of 20. If he is trained well, it is very likely that he will become a young master-level powerhouse after Xiao Yao in the future.

Although he is not Xu Xingliang's master yet, he is confident that he will be able to develop a deep relationship with this child during this period of time.

Next, Zuo Kunlun pulled Xu Xingliang aside to chat, while the rest of the platinum and diamond-level masters also joined up and got a familiar face.

To put it bluntly, everyone here today is here for Xiao Yao. Who doesn't know that Xiao Yao is the future fifth master of the Dragon Kingdom, and Xiao Yao himself is a diamond-level summoner, and his strength exceeds that of most of the people present. , Now make good friends, whether it is for the future or the current situation, it is a good thing.

During the conversation, everyone found that the famous Dragon Kingdom first genius was not at all arrogant as everyone imagined. He was polite, sincere, and generous, even in the face of a platinum-level summoner who was not as powerful as himself. With his superior attitude, everyone who talked to Xiao Yao couldn't help being impressed by his charisma.

The first genius of the Dragon Kingdom is truly extraordinary!

Just as the preparations were intertwined on the Dragon Country side, some people outside the base also held a secret meeting.

"This distance is enough, the beasts of Wen Quling will never be able to perceive it," said a man with a short stature.

"Xiao Yao has come to awaken the battlefield. Let's think about it, is there any way to get rid of him directly here." Jingu Musashi glanced at the more than 50 people present with a serious expression.

Jingu Musashi has participated in two secret operations to assassinate Xiao Yao. The first time was at the Xiaojunshan base. He almost killed Xiao Yao with one finger, but under the protection of Zhang Daoxuan, he ultimately fell short.

Later, under the command of Kazuo Miyamoto, together with the diamond-level masters of the Cold Kingdom and the Eagle Federation, he assassinated Xiao Yao again.

That time, although they were stopped by Zhang Daoxuan, the shadow society behind Miyamoto and Xiongbu exiled Xiao Yao in space and disappeared.

I thought that with Xiao Yao's gold-level strength at that time, it was absolutely impossible to survive in the turbulent space, but who would have thought that he not only came back alive, but even broke through the platinum level.

And not long after Xiao Yao returned, Miyamoto Kazuo's ghost eyes were all removed by the Dragon Kingdom. According to reliable information, the leader of this incident was Xiao Yao himself.

The demise of the Eye of the Ghost Road is also inseparable from Jingu Musashi, so due to various domestic pressures, he had to come to the Awakening Battlefield with a mission, and was not allowed to return to the country until he obtained a sufficient amount of Awakening Stones.

Who would have thought that just a year later, Xiao Yao, the culprit who brought him down to such a situation, would come to the battlefield of awakening, and his strength had reached the terrifying diamond level.

A 20-year-old diamond-level talent, this kind of talent is really terrible. Although he has failed twice, Jingu Musashi's killing intent on Xiao Yao has become stronger.

If this super genius is not removed, then perhaps within ten years, there will be five masters or even two kings in the Dragon Kingdom. By then, the situation in the Ghost Kingdom will definitely become more difficult.

So today, Jingu Musashi secretly summoned everyone in the ghost country to brainstorm to see if they could formulate a meticulous plan to keep Xiao Yao on the battlefield of awakening forever.

"Master Musashi, I think this matter is very difficult." A platinum-level expert looked embarrassed: "Xiao Yao himself is a diamond-level powerhouse, and there are probably few people present who can beat him, not to mention this is the Dragon Kingdom. If the situation is exposed, then we

He didn't finish his speech, but everyone understood what he meant.

If the situation is revealed, everyone present may never be able to return.

"I understand what you said." Jingu Musashi's face was cold, "But have you ever considered that once Xiao Yao grows into a master master, can our ghost country maintain the current situation?"

Jingu Musashi's sword-like eyes swept across the audience, causing everyone to bow their heads slightly, not daring to look directly into his eyes.

But secretly, some people don't care.

Jingu Musashi is a ghost country royal family, and he will naturally try his best to maintain the royal family's rule over the country, but they are not so loyal. , still confident that it will not be affected.

However, I would definitely not dare to say these words in front of Jingu Musashi.

Seeing that everyone was silent for a long time, willing to be an ostrich, a trace of anger flashed in Jingu Musashi's eyes, but also a touch of sadness.

Due to the terrain surrounded by the sea, the ghost country has to guard against the attacks of sea beasts all the time. It takes a lot of Summoner's life every year to barely maintain stability. It is getting more and more difficult, and many summoners have begun to secretly plan a retreat.

Now, he misses Kazuo Miyamoto immensely. If the Imperial Fox were present, he would not need to discuss with these ulterior minded wastes.

"Forget it, I'll figure out a way to do this myself." Jingu Musashi said coldly, "You people, keep your mouth shut, if anyone dares to reveal a word, you and your family, prepare to be loyal to the royal family. ."

"Yes!" Everyone quickly bowed their heads and said in unison.

Early the next morning, Xiao Yao changed his clothes and met with Mr. Zhang at the agreed place.

"Have you eaten yet?" Zhang Lao asked.

Xiao Yao nodded: "I've eaten it!"

"Then let's go straight."

Zhang Lao took Xiao Yao through a narrow path in a rugged area, and finally came to a large array. Standing in the center of the large array, the token in his hand suddenly burst into a bright light, and the space flowed. In the blink of an eye, it will appear outside the base in the next second.

When he came to the ground, Xiao Yao was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

On his left side, there was an endless mountain range that could not be seen at a glance.

On the right side of him is the boundless sea, the sea is dark and dark, like ink splashed, exuding a deep and cold aura.

One fire, one water, one cold and one hot, Xiao Yao felt as if he was standing at the intersection of two worlds, and there was a strange feeling of separation in his heart.

"It's been more than ten years, and it's still the same here, and it hasn't changed much."

Zhang Lao looked at the boundless sea, the sea breeze blew his silver-white hair, and the wide robe was hunting.

"Xiao Yao, the mountain on the left is called the Lava Mountain. It stretches for thousands of kilometers. After crossing it, it is the realm of the Kingdom of Zhu Rong. The Wu people of the Zhu Rong clan are good at using fire and have a violent and cruel personality."

"And the sea area on the right is called Jiuyin Minghai, and the other side of the sea is the territory of the Gonggong Divine Kingdom. The Gonggong family is good at water and has a sinister and sinister personality."

"The Zhu Rong clan and the Gonggong clan are incompatible with each other, but with the isolation of the lava mountains and the Jiuyin Sea, the two races rarely fight."

The fire **** Zhurong, the water **** Gonggong.

Sure enough, it's in line with myths and legends~

A strange color flashed in Xiao Yao's eyes.

"Our dragon country's space teleportation point is just at the intersection of the two worlds. It can be attacked and retreated, and it can be defended. It is very concealed. It can be regarded as a god."

"Remember, the token in your hand must not be lost. This is the only pass for you to return to the base."

"Hmm!" Xiao Yao nodded.

"Teacher, apart from the Zhu Rong clan and the Gonggong clan, are there other witch clans here?"

"Of course, there are six major witch clans in the Awakening Battlefield, namely, the Shou clan, the Jumang clan, the Gonggong clan, the Zhurong clan, the Houtu clan and the Dijiang correspond to the Jin, Wood, Water, fire, earth, and space."

"The five clans are of equal strength and are surrounded by the periphery, while the Dijiang Kingdom is the strongest and is located in the center."

"But to be honest, hundreds of years have passed, and no one in the world has really set foot in the territory of the Dijiang Kingdom."

Zhang Lao's tone was full of emotion. His strongest war beast was King Qiongkong, which was a space war beast, which happened to correspond to the Dijiang family.

Before he came, he made up his mind that if he could not break through the master level by all means, then before the end of his life, he would venture to the Dijiang Divine Kingdom to see if there was an opportunity for breakthrough there.

But this plan, he is not going to tell anyone, including Xiao Yao.

"Six Great Ancestors?"

The corners of Xiao Yao's mouth lifted slowly.

The world is getting more and more interesting.