Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 528

Chapter 528

The process of subduing Esta and Beverly went very smoothly. Both of them were gold-level warriors. Even if they didn't let go of their hearts, the strength of Mo Teng was enough to stabilize them.

After Mo Teng planted the seeds of fear, Xiao Yao could communicate with the two of them without barriers, and also obtained more information about the Dark Tribe from their memories.

The Dark Tribe is divided into 5 factions, of which the strongest is undoubtedly Esta. As the direct descendant of the Dark Tribe, Esta has nearly a thousand warriors and more than 3,000 three-eyed spirits under Hades' power. The clan occupies almost half of the entire tribe, and the remaining four elders are of equal strength, and there is no obvious gap.

On weekdays, the members of these five forces almost went their separate ways. Only when the spirit beasts invaded would they join forces to defend against foreign enemies. Because of this, the entire tribe seemed to be divided, the internal management was extremely chaotic, and there was no obvious binding force.

Of course, the fact that the Dark Tribe has come to this point is inseparable from Hades' lazy governance and decentralization. Esta has urged Hades countless times to take up the responsibility of the patriarch and vigorously rectify the tribe, but the lazy Hades Si was really not interested, which eventually led to the current situation.

In Xiao Yao's opinion, with Hades' character, he really can't hold the position of the patriarch. He can turn the tide at a critical moment and become the Dinghaishenzhen of the tribe, but to become a qualified patriarch, he not only needs strong strength, but also needs extreme Strong sense of responsibility and management skills.

Obviously, both of these are things that Hades doesn't have.

In addition, through the memories of the two, Xiao Yao also roughly understood the personalities of Esta and Beverly.

Esta is a serious and serious elder who is dedicated to strengthening the strength of the tribe. He has a strong wrist, but at the same time is very responsible and trusts Hades very much.

Beverly has a delicate mind and a cautious personality. He knows how to read words and emotions and recognize the situation clearly. It is no wonder that he was able to make a correct judgment just now, but his enterprising spirit is not strong, and he only wants to preserve his strength.

Obviously, Esta is more suitable to be the chief steward of the tribe, leading internal affairs, while Beverly is suitable for some logistical work.

"You two will be like Hades in the future, call me Vulcan!" Xiao Yao said.


The two nodded in unison, and glanced at Hades calmly.

They now understood why Hades had such a high regard for Vulcan, an alien.

They who were planted with fear seeds naturally had no opinion on this, and even had a deeper reverence for Vulcan.

The power of Vulcan is really unfathomable to be able to subdue a powerhouse like Hades!

"Vulcan, what's next?" Hades asked.

"Integrate the tribe first, the dark tribe is too divided now, which is not conducive to the next tribe migration." Xiao Yao glanced at the three corpses on the ground.

Hearing Xiao Yao's evaluation of the Dark Tribe, Hades had a look of embarrassment on his face. In fact, he also knew how unreliable the patriarch was. Internal conflicts will become more acute.

"Esta, Beverly, notify all members of the tribe and quickly gather at the gate of the tribe."

Hades said, and then he waved with one hand, and a large cloud of black air wrapped the bodies of the three of Ashid and floated out of the door with him. Now Zhang Si


There was a touch of excitement on Esta's face. It was his long-cherished wish to integrate the tribe, but he never got the support of Hades. He didn't expect that after the arrival of Vulcan, this wish would finally come true.

Vulcan, you are too timely! !

Esta, Beverly, and Munger quickly informed the tribe, and it didn't take long for tens of thousands of members of the Dark Tribe to gather at the tribe's gate.


The black air held Hades' body and slowly floated into the air. Many tribesmen raised their heads, their eyes filled with awe and admiration.

Hades seldom appeared in the tribe, and many people did not even see the patriarch for a few months. In their hearts, the patriarch was an extremely powerful and mysterious image.

"The clansmen of the Dark Tribe!"

The majestic voice resounded over the tribe, Hades changed his usual laziness and casualness, and his expression was very serious.

"Today I'm announcing something big!"

With a wave of his hand, a large cloud of black gas fell to the ground, and the black gas dispersed, revealing the appearance of three corpses.

"This is?"

When they saw the true faces of the three corpses, all the onlookers were shocked, and their faces showed incredible expressions.

"Elder Ashid!!"

"Elder Ron!!"

"Elder Halken!!"

Panic, angry, and uneasy exclamations continued from the crowd, and the entire tribe immediately fell into a deep panic.


Hades shouted in a deep voice, like the voice of the gods, which shocked everyone, and looked at the sky blankly.

"Asid, Ron, Halken committed the following crimes, trying to poison me and Elder Esta."

Hades' voice entered everyone's ears, causing an uproar!

Several elders dare to poison the patriarch, are they crazy?

Many clansmen, especially the subordinates of these three people, have deep doubts about this. They know that the elders of Asid have never liked Elder Esta, and they curse in private on weekdays.

But poisoning Patriarch Hades?

They did not think that the elders had such courage, or that they would do such irrational things.

But Asid is dead, it's too late to say anything, do they still dare to question the prestige of the patriarch?

Contrary to these people, UU Reading www.uukanshu.comEsta's men almost cheered excitedly.

Because of the many internal conflicts within the tribe, they often fought against the forces of these people. Sometimes, Asid and others would end up in person, using their elders' status to forcibly put pressure on them, causing them to suffer a lot of grievances.

Well now, as soon as these three die, how could the remaining Elder Beverly be the opponent of Elder Esta.

The Dark Tribe is finally changing!

"I discovered the conspiracy of the three of Ashid in advance. I personally shot and killed the three of them. Considering the current situation within the tribe, I will make some adjustments next."

Hades said solemnly: "The forces of Ashid, Ron, and Halken all belong to Esta, and Beverly remains intact."

The result of this distribution was negotiated by Xiao Yao and Hades. Next, Esta has to shoulder the heavy responsibility, strengthen the management of the tribe, and cooperate with him to complete the integration of the two tribes. Therefore, the power must be concentrated, and Beverly will be Xiao Yao plans to arrange it in the logistics sector, and the strength does not need to be too strong, just keep it as it is.

Hearing Hades' arrangement, Asid's three men seemed a little hesitant and uneasy, they were worried that Elder Esta would bully them because of the previous contradictions. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

But the patriarch has spoken, and the three of Ashid are dead, what can you do?

In an uneasy atmosphere, the integration process of the Dark Tribe began!

off topic

Started to resume the update, the first three shifts in the past two days, let me get back the feeling of writing, and save the manuscript for the subsequent outbreak. control the big lord

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