Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 531

Chapter 531

Hours later!

"Vulcan, all the dark tribes have arrived."

At the door of the Vulcan tribe, Esta respectfully said to Xiao Yao, behind him was a crowd of people, and everyone's faces were full of shock and confusion.


The Vulcan tribe we are about to join actually has an alien Vulcan?

Elder Esta, Patriarch Hades, what happened to you?

"Esta, all the houses left for the dark tribe have been built. It's up to you to arrange how to divide them." Xiao Yao said calmly.

"It's Vulcan!" Esta nodded.

The conversation between the two left the clansmen of the Dark Tribe at a loss.

This alien fire **** clearly did not speak the language of the Three-Eyed Spirit Race, so how could it seem that Elder Esta could understand what he said?

Not to mention the Dark Tribe, even the members of the Vulcan Tribe felt incredible.

Especially Joey and Otto.

They both knew that Vulcan could communicate with Hades normally, but unexpectedly another person who could communicate with Vulcan would appear.

Is this due to their talent, or is it due to some means of Vulcan?

To be honest, seeing that Esta and Hades can communicate with Vulcan without obstacles, the two of them are somewhat envious. On weekdays, they rely on Hill to relay Vulcan's words, which can be very troublesome at times, and this also leads to their closeness to Vulcan, which is far less than that of Hill and Hades who can communicate with Vulcan normally. .

The two looked at each other and seemed to have an idea in their hearts.

Soon, under the guidance of the Vulcan Tribe and the first wave of Dark Tribe warriors, thousands of newly arrived tribesmen were quickly divided into various stone houses.

Maybe they came to a new environment, or maybe they were shocked by the cleanliness of the Vulcan Tribe. During the whole process, the members of the Dark Tribe were very obedient, and no one dared to take matters into their own hands.

And just when everything went very smoothly, a panicked voice sounded.

"No, Vulcan, Father Hill, a large number of enemies are approaching the tribe."

Varo ran wildly from outside the tribe, with an uncontrollable look of horror on his face.

"What enemy?"

Hill frowned and asked.

"They, they..."

Varro swallowed his saliva, his eyes were full of fear, "They even have spiritual eyes, but their skin is green and their teeth are so long, they feel like a group of beasts."


Hearing Varro's description, Hill's face changed greatly, and Hades on the side also showed disbelief.

"This is the Demon Eye Clan!" Hill's voice was clearly trembling, and his entire body was trembling slightly.

"Hill, what is the Demon Eye Clan?" Seeing Hill's expression, Xiao Yao asked quickly.

"The Demon Eyes..." Hill forcibly calmed down his trembling heart and said quickly: "The Demon Eyes are the natural enemies of our Three-Eyed Spirit Clan. We can enhance their strength by killing the Three-Eyed Spirit Clan."

"But a hundred years ago, it took Vulcan more than ten years to slaughter the Demon Eye family. How could there be any remnants of the Demon Eye."

"Varo, how many people came from the Demon Eye Clan?"

Varro recalled for a moment and said, "At least 20,000 people!"

"Twenty thousand!" Hearing this number, Hill's face became even more ugly.

"The God of Fire, the Demon Eyes are all soldiers. Even if they are not awakened, their bodies are still much stronger than the ordinary Three-Eyed Spirit Race."

"The 20,000 Demon Eye Clan, this kind of strength absolutely surpasses the current Vulcan tribe!" Qiang Xie read the sacrifice

Speaking of this, Hill's face even showed a hint of despair.

"What are you afraid of!"

Before Xiao Yao could speak, Hades shouted loudly: "I am here, and the Vulcan is here, so what if it is the Demon Eye Clan, don't forget, the Three Eyed Spirit Clan and the Demon Eye Clan are each other's natural enemies, we Killing them also gains power."

His eyes are full of firmness and fighting spirit, and the mountain-like momentum is vigorous, giving people a strong sense of confidence and security.

At this moment, he was the Dark Tribe Patriarch Hades who was admired and worshipped by countless clansmen.

"That's right, being afraid before fighting is a big taboo." Xiao Yao said solemnly: "Don't think about anything else now, Hades, inform the tribe to prepare for the enemy!"


Hades raised his right hand to the sky, and a mass of black air suddenly exploded in the sky.

"Foreign enemies invade, all soldiers must gather quickly!" A serious voice resounded throughout the tribe.

In an instant, whether it was the Vulcan Tribe or the Dark Tribe, all the warriors immediately took their weapons and gathered at the door of the tribe.

The rest of the ordinary people did not sit still, the old and weak women and children moved closer to the center of the tribe, and the young men took up arms and stood in front of them.

dong dong dong~

More than 3,000 soldiers from the Vulcan Tribe and the Dark Tribe were all concentrated at the door of the tribe, ready to fight.

"Hades, what's going on?"

Esta walked to the front of the team and asked with a frown.

"Esta, the Demon Eye Clan is coming!"

"What, the Demon Eye Clan?"

Hearing this name, Esta's face also changed greatly.

"How is it possible, haven't they been killed by the former Vulcan?"

"Now is not the time to discuss this, prepare to fight!" Hades looked ahead with a hint of war in his voice. Now Zhang Si

dong dong dong~

The dull and messy footsteps approached, and after a while, everyone finally saw the true face of the enemy.

It was a large group of terrifying monsters with naked bodies, knotted muscles, dark green skin, blue faces and fangs. They had the same eyes as the three-eyed Eldar on their foreheads. But these eyes all exude a terrifying blood-colored murderous intent, like a hungry beast.

"Twenty thousand people, Varro's estimate is correct!"

Xiao Yao stood at the front of the team. At this time, he was extremely fortunate that he chose to let the Dark Tribe migrate to the Vulcan Tribe.

The Vulcan tribe is backed by the mountains, so even if the number of enemies is large, they will only use concentrated forces to deal with the frontal enemies, while the Dark Tribe is located in the center of the plain. In the absence of manpower, once faced with siege from all directions, it will collapse instantly.


Seeing that thousands of people in front of them had already formed formations and were waiting in a serious line, the leader of the Demon Eye Clan suddenly stopped. His stature is twice as tall as other Demon Eye clansmen, even comparable to the old cow under normal conditions.

The demon eye leader slammed his chest, opened his mouth wide, and let out an earth-shattering roar.


The violent aura poured out, like a **** of death descending into the world, making everyone tremble.




After him, excited and bloodthirsty howls came one after another, and one after another astonishing momentum erupted, causing the surrounding air to continue to distort.


Xiao Yao's brows were tightly locked together. control the big lord

According to his perception, the strength of the magic eye leader is not inferior to Hades at all, and there are 10 auras that reach the platinum level among them.

That is to say, not counting Hades, the Vulcan Tribe had to deal with 10 platinum-level powerhouses at the same time.

But aside from Joey and Otto, only Xiaoke and Lao Niu have platinum-level combat power, which means that the four of them need to deal with two platinum-level enemies at the same time.

"This battle is difficult!"

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