Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Why merge the Dark Tribe into the Vulcan Tribe?

In fact, this idea came into being when Xiao Yao conquered Hades.

From Hades' memory, he learned the general situation of the Dark Tribe.

The population exceeds 10,000, and the number of fighters exceeds 3,000. The top 30 fighters have the same strength as Joey and Otto before, and they are on the verge of the sky, that is, gold level 5.

What is the concept of a tribe with more than 30 gold level 5 warriors?

Taking Xiao Yao's hometown of Yancheng as an example, there are less than ten gold-level summoners in the entire Yancheng, and there are only one gold-level 5th summoner.

Even if a summoner of the same level has an advantage over a three-eyed Eldar warrior, compared with the Dark Tribe, Yancheng's combat effectiveness is simply slag.

And that's just the number of fighters at Gold 5.

In the memory of Hades, the "irresponsible" patriarch, the top 100 warriors of the Dark Tribe all have good fighting power.

Those who can be judged by him as "not bad" are at least at the level of Gold 3 or 4.

Roughly estimated, the number of gold-level warriors in the entire Dark Tribe is at least more than 200.

What's more, it also has thousands of silver-level warriors and thousands of bronze-level warriors.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the entire Dark Tribe is suddenly placed in the center of Yancheng City, the entire city will be quickly destroyed in a short period of time.

Can he not be envious of a tribe with such combat power?

What's more, after merging the Dark Tribe, it can completely solve his worries.

It can be seen from today's incident that the strength of the Vulcan Tribe is still too weak, not only lacking top combat power, but also seriously lacking in overall strength.

When he's out hunting, a herd with a platinum leader can slaughter an entire tribe.

Of course, the current situation is better. After all, both Joey and Otto have reached the platinum level, but what if they encounter a super-large beast tide?

Can Joey and Otto alone protect the entire tribe?

But after the Dark Tribe was incorporated, the situation was completely different.

With Hades, a level 5 platinum powerhouse, and more than 3,000 warriors guarding him, he believed that no monster race would dare to attack the tribal base camp.

At that time, not only can he go out hunting with confidence, but other friends can also lead more team members to kill more monsters.

In the eyes of Hill, Joey, and even a few friends, the Vulcan Tribe's annexation of the Dark Tribe was a bold, hasty act that could be called a snake swallowing an elephant.

But in his opinion, annexing the Dark Tribe is not difficult.

First of all, Hades, the patriarch of the Dark Tribe, has become his subordinate, and after his deliberate guidance, Hades did not resist this matter.

Of course, he could also force Hades to obey the order, but that would not be conducive to the subsequent fusion of the tribes.

Secondly, what Hill and Xiaoxiao are worried about is nothing more than the fact that the Vulcan tribe can't suppress the dark tribe.

But in fact, they all ignored the influence of Joey and Otto.

The two have already broken through the realm of the sky, their strength is only below Hades, and they are enough to deter those who have evil intentions.

In addition, the interior of the Dark Tribe is not monolithic.

In the past few years, the dark tribe has developed rapidly, from a small tribe of several hundred people to a large tribe of 10,000 people, but this has also brought many problems.

Several elder factions are divided, and there are many internal contradictions. If it hadn't depended on Hades' powerful combat power, I'm afraid the dark tribe would have been torn apart long ago.

In view of this situation, as long as he arranges it properly, he can quickly integrate the two tribes.

"You don't have to worry too much~"

Xiao Yao smiled and said, "The annexation of the Dark Tribe is not something that can be accomplished in a short time. It requires us to make very detailed planning and preparations."

According to his assumption, if the environment of the Dark Tribe satisfied him, then arrange for the collective transfer of the Vulcan Tribe.

If the conditions are not good, such as the difficulty of diverting water and the harsh environment, then let the Dark Tribe move to the position of the Vulcan Tribe as a whole.

But the second case would involve the transfer of more than 10,000 people, which would be an extremely complicated project. Just for tribal planning, housing construction would consume a lot of energy and time.

If conditions permit, he still hopes that the simpler the better.

"If you have any ideas, feel free to bring them up."

"I fully support the idea of Vulcan!" After relaying Xiao Yao's words, Hill immediately made a statement with a very excited expression.

If the Dark Tribe can successfully merge into the Vulcan Tribe, then in his lifetime, he may really see the reappearance of the Vulcan Tribe.

"I... I'm fine!" Joey paused and said.

In fact, in his heart, he still has concerns about annexing the Dark Tribe, but since Vulcan is so sure, all he has to do is to cooperate fully.

"Me too!" Otto nodded.

"What about you?" Xiao Yao looked at his friend.

"Don't look at me!" Xu Xingliang waved his hand, "You can decide."

He thought to himself that he didn't have enough judgment to express his opinion on such a major event, so he just listened to Xiao Yao as before.

"I don't think it's a big problem!" Li Yu said carelessly.

It's just annexation of a barbarian tribe, what's the point of looking forward to it? Even the boss has been captured by Xiao Yao, can the rest of the people survive the waves?

"Where's Xiaoxiao?"

Bai Lingxiao said, "I don't have any other problems. I trust your judgment."

All along, Xiao Yao has always made plans and then acted, and he has never missed anything.

His self-confidence shows that he has weighed the pros and cons in his heart, and has full confidence.

If that's the case, then I have nothing to worry about.

"Yaoyao, forget it!"

Seeing Tao Yaoyao shaking her head decisively, Xiao Yao couldn't help but smile.

Yaoyao is like this. Whenever you ask her, she will always get an answerI have no problem, I will listen to everyone.

However, although Yaoyao looks soft and waxy, in certain matters has an extraordinary determination and will, and is not a little girl who follows the crowd.

"Since everyone agrees, then I will start preparing for the next step."

Xiao Yao looked at Hades, "Hades, show me your dark tribe!"

If the conditions of the Dark Tribe are suitable, then he can quickly complete the fusion of the two tribes. Of course, he still has some difficulties to solve before taking action.

For example, several elders of the Dark Tribe.

If you want to annex the Dark Tribe, the biggest resistance must come from these elders. These people jointly master all the power of the Dark Tribe, and their status is second only to Hades.

Hades surrendered, it didn't mean they would be obedient.

"So, it's up to you whether you know the fun~" Xiao Yao murmured, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

If he doesn't know what to do, he doesn't mind massacres! ! !
