Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 472

Chapter 472

"The Thief with Thousand Faces~"

"You can just call me a thief!" Chen Jiaying showed a bright smile, "Can I call you Lao Du?"

Lao Du looked at her and said lightly, "No~"

Only the boss is qualified to call him Lao Du, and the woman in front of him is obviously not qualified!

"Okay~" Chen Jiaying said angrily.

"Tell me, what do I need to cooperate with?" Lao Du knew the purpose of Chen Jiaying's visit this time, and asked straight to the point.

Chen Jiaying's face turned straight and she said, "I want to know the scope of Qin Yunfei's recent activities."

"Qin Yunfei has been staying at the Yunxi Club these days and has not gone anywhere else."

"The Yunxi Club?"

"The Yunxi Club is the Qin family's property."

That's it~

Chen Jiaying pondered for a moment and said, "In that case, you can help me find an internal staff member of the Yunxi Club. I need his home address."

Lao Du nodded and said, "Yes, I can get it to you before tonight."

So fast?

Chen Jiaying was very surprised.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon. Listening to Lao Du's words, he could collect general information about a stranger within a few hours.

This kind of intelligence ability is really amazing!

Lao Du glanced at her lightly and said, "If I have nothing to do, I will leave first."

"Uh, okay!"

Lao Du nodded lightly, then walked straight out of the door.

"What's the air~" After Lao Du left, Chen Jiaying pouted and slandered in secret.

However, when he thinks of Lao Du's platinum-level strength, it seems normal to be arrogant.

After all, if she faced a summoner whose strength was not as good as hers, her attitude would not be much stronger than that of Lao Du.

"Forget it, work hard!" Chen Jiaying's eyes lit up with excitement.

The thief with thousands of faces is back in the arena!

get off work at night~

Xiao Li changed his clothes and walked out of the Yunxi Club, and whispered to his colleagues, "Why are Brother Lang and Er Ye staying in the club recently?"

The colleague patted his arm lightly and scolded in a low voice: "Don't ask if you shouldn't know!"

Xiao Li shrank his neck: "I'm just curious!"

"Curious shit!"

The colleague smiled coldly: "I think you just like Xiaoxue. Seeing that she has been with the second master for the past two days, I feel uncomfortable!"

"I didn't!" Xiao Li denied.

"Cut, I don't know you yet!" The colleague curled his lips, and then said earnestly: "Xiao Li, people like us should not expect too much, work hard, and when we save enough money, go back to our hometown and marry someone who looks similar. That's it."

Xiao Li was unconvinced and said, "Then Manager Wang's background is similar to mine, he didn't marry a beautiful daughter-in-law."

The corner of the colleague's mouth evoked a disdainful smile: "Manager Wang? He is a standard pick-up man, before his wife..."

Speaking of this, the colleague suddenly paused, he was worried that Xiao Li would tell others what he said, and if Manager Wang found out, he would be miserable.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. Anyway, I advise you to have some careful thoughts, otherwise if you are discovered by the second master or Lang Ge, you will not be able to eat and walk around."

"I see~" Xiao Li said glumly to his colleagues, and after riding a bicycle for dozens of minutes, he returned to the small house he rented.

"Alas!" Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Li sighed. When he thought of Xiaoxue who was flattering and shy beside the second master, but extremely cold in front of him, he didn't feel good in his heart.

When will I be able to have such a woman!

Just as he was lustful, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Hello, is anyone here?" A delicate voice came.

Xiao Li was shocked and got up quickly. Through the cat's eyes, he saw the woman outside the door.

The woman looks bright and elegant, dressed in professional attire, even through the eyes of a cat, you can see her hot figure.

Xiao Li swallowed his saliva and said, "What's the matter?"

"Hello, I'm the resident downstairs. Your house seems to be leaking a bit. Can I go in and take a look?"

downstairs? Why didn't I know there were such beauties downstairs?

Between the lights and flint, Xiao Li opened the door without hesitation: "Please come in~"

The beauty immediately showed a bright smile: "Little brother, thank you."

Seeing this smile, Xiao Li felt that his heart was about to melt.

Prettier than Xiaoxue~

Bah, who is Xiaoxue, I don't know her!

Walking in the door, the beauty also closed the door by the way.

"Beauty, where is the leak in your house!"

Xiao Li's eyes swept across the hot body, and he was a little distracted.

The beauty turned to look at him and smiled.


At this time, a terrifying monster covered in black mist appeared in the room, causing Xiao Li to open his mouth and scream.

"Dare to scream, don't want that thing below you!"

"Uh!" Xiao Li quickly covered his mouth tightly with both hands, his face flushed instantly, and he shrank his legs subconsciously.

"Li Bing?"

"Hmm!" Xiao Li covered his mouth and nodded frantically.

"I'll ask you to answer next, or else..." The corner of the beauty's mouth evoked a cold arc.

Xiao Li felt that his second brother was cold, and whispered: "I said, I said!"


an hour later~

Chen Jiaying changed into Xiao Li's appearance, changed into his clothes, and rode a bicycle back to the Yunxi Club again.

As for the real Xiao Li, she was already stunned by her medication, and with the physique of an ordinary person, she couldn't wake up in two days.

"Hey, Xiao Li, why are you back again?" Manager Wang wondered.

'Little Li' scratched his head and said, "I forgot to take something~"

"You boy~"

Manager Wang shook his head and said, "That's right, a dozen boxes of red wine have arrived. You and them will move the wine to the basement, change your clothes, and take a few bottles to the second master's house."


'Little Li' followed his colleagues and carried more than a dozen cases of wine to the basement. After that, he found his cabinet, changed his clothes, carried two bottles of red wine on a tray, and came to the Yaxiang Pavilion on the third floor.

"Second Master, have another drink~"

"Lango, I feed you!"

'Little Li' walked into the house cautiously, and saw two men on the sofa hugging each other, enjoying the service of the beautiful woman, so happy.

Among them, the burly man is the target of this time - Qin Yunfei.

Chen Jiaying also learned the identity of another young man from Xiao Li.

He is Qin Yunfei's nephew, Qin Yuanlang, the third generation of the Qin family.

"Who is that, why are you standing still, why don't you get me the wine as soon as possible?" Qin Yuanlang shouted loudly.

"Okay Lange!"

'Little Li' picked up the bottle opener prepared on the tray, immediately opened the two bottles of red wine, and brought them smoothly to the table in front of Qin Yuanlang.

"Pour me the wine!" Qin Yuanlang said impatiently with Erlang's legs crossed, hugging the delicate body of the beautiful woman beside him.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

'Little Li' poured wine into both Qin Yuanlang and Qin Yunfei's glasses.

"Go away!" Qin Yuanlang waved his Yes! "

'Little Li' bowed and slowly retreated to the door.

When he was about to leave the room, his eyes swept across a dark metal ashtray on the table facing the sofa.

It's you~

Closing the door, the corner of 'Xiao Li''s mouth twitched.

off topic

The next chapter is a repeat chapter, you must skip it! ! !


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