Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 471

Chapter 471

"Boss, look for me~"

Chen Jiaying walked into the office.

"Well, now there is something that requires you to go to Kyoto."

Xiao Yao printed out the information sent by Lao Du, bound it, and handed it to Chen Jiaying.

"Look at it first~"

Chen Jiaying took over the information, and after reading it carefully, a look of anger flashed in her eyes:

"Boss, was our company destroyed by this Qin Yunfei?"

Xiao Yao shook his head and said, "Not sure, but he is currently the most suspicious, so now I need you to go to Kyoto and try to find evidence from him."

Chen Jiaying put down the information and said solemnly, "Boss, leave it to me."

Although Qin Yunfei is at the diamond level, she does not need to confront him directly to find evidence. As long as the method is appropriate, she believes that with her own experience and ability, she will definitely be able to gain something.

"This mission has certain dangers, so be careful." Xiao Yao urged.

"Boss~" Chen Jiaying smiled slightly: "Don't underestimate the ability of a thousand-faced thief~"

Xiao Yao laughed: "Then I'll ask the Thief of Thousand Faces to return to the arena this time!"

In fact, he had thought about going out on his own before and finding some evidence by approaching Qin Yunfei.

However, due to the characteristics of the phantom **** mask, it is still possible to see through the disguise at the diamond level, so after thinking about it, he can only send Chen Jiaying to the scene.

Chen Jiaying's [Transformation] belongs to the war beast skill, even a master level can't see through her disguise.

So this time, it's up to her, the otherworld version of "Mystique", to come out in person.

"Let me tell you my thoughts..."

According to the information obtained from the materials, Xiao Yao talked about his thoughts, such as what opportunities can be approached to Qin Yunfei, what methods can be used to get effective information from him, and so on.

"This is just my idea. The specific plan should be made according to the actual situation." Xiao Yao said.

"Understood~" Chen Jiaying nodded.

"After you arrive in Kyoto, find this person."

Xiao Yao took out a note, wrote a string of phone numbers, and handed it to Chen Jiaying, "He will fully cooperate with you."

Chen Jiaying took the note and asked curiously, "Boss, this is...?"

Xiao Yao smiled and said, "He is in the same situation as you, and he is also my subordinate."

Seeing Xiao Yao's delicate expression, Chen Jiaying immediately understood the meaning of "the situation is the same".

"He is my first subordinate and the current head of the intelligence agency in my hands. You can call him - Lao Du!"

"Old Du?"

Chen Jiaying asked curiously: "Boss, can you tell me about this old Du, is he easy to get along with?"

Xiao Yao waved his hand: "You don't need to know so much, just know that he will fully cooperate with you."

"By the way, be careful when dealing with Lao Du."



A subtle smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Yao's mouth: "Lao Du is a Platinum Level 2 Summoner."

"What?" Chen Jiaying exclaimed, "Platinum level 2? Boss, how can you...?"

She really could not have imagined that the boss would be able to subdue a Platinum Level 2 Summoner. This is too exaggerated!

"It's inconvenient to tell you the specific situation." Xiao Yao said: "You just need to know that Lao Du is very strong and capable, and he is an absolutely reliable teammate."

Hearing this, Chen Jiaying took a deep breath and said, "Understood boss! I'll go now!"

"Wait a minute~"

Xiao Yao raised his hand and said, "Before leaving, I also prepared a useful piece of equipment for you."

Chen Jiaying asked curiously, "What equipment?"

Xiao Yao opened his palm with a smile, and there was a silver ring in his palm.

Ring... Chen Jiaying's eyes lit up, and she said in surprise, "Smashing the empty ring!"

"That's right, this is a one-cubic-meter shattered ring." Xiao Yao smiled.

In fact, Chen Jiaying's war beast pocket jellyfish has the ability to store items, but the war beast must be summoned when storing and taking out items, which is not very convenient in some occasions.

So he asked Elder Zhang to buy a broken ring for Chen Jiaying, hoping to help her in her next actions.

Chen Jiaying couldn't wait to put the Shattered Space Ring on her finger and said happily, "Thank you boss!"

She has always longed to have a smashing ring, after all, the use of the smashing ring is much more convenient and concealed than pocket jellyfish.

But the shattering void ring is indeed a rare thing, and there are very few channels to obtain it, so even if she has money in her hand, she never gets a shattering void ring.

For her, getting the Void Fragment Ring in front of her is definitely a powerful force, making her more confident to complete the task.

"Boss, I'm leaving now, you can wait for my good news!" Chen Jiaying said confidently.

"Yeah!" Xiao Yao nodded, "It's up to you now!"

in a few hours~


Chen Jiaying walked out of the high-speed rail station and dialed the unfamiliar number in the crowd:

"Hello~" A hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"The boss asked me to contact you, I have already arrived in Kyoto." Chen Jiaying said straight to the point.

The opposite side was silent for a moment and said, "You come to this address."


The other side hung up the phone, and soon Chen Jiaying received a text message.

Glancing at the address above, Chen Jiaying deleted the text message and took a taxi to the designated address.

An hour later, Chen Jiaying got off the taxi and stood at the gate of a community that looked like a village in the city.

Most of the houses here are self-built, small and dilapidated, but there are many people, and many migrant workers live in low-cost houses here.

Chen Jiaying walked in the community and looked around. According to her "professional experience", the monitoring equipment in this urban village is very lacking, and there are monitoring dead spots everywhere. It is a good place to hide your identity.

"It seems that this old Du is also a cautious person~" Chen Jiaying's mouth curled up.

She likes to work with such thoughtful people~

Turning left and right, Chen Jiaying came to a remote road. She walked to the middle of the road, glanced at the house number on the wall, and determined that this was the address sent.

bang bang bang~

Chen Jiaying knocked gently on the door.


The rusted iron door slowly opened, Chen Jiaying pushed open the door and walked into it slowly.

This is a hut of about 60 square meters. There are no lights in the house, and the heavy curtains block the sunlight, which makes the house have a gloomy atmosphere.

For some reason, Chen Jiaying suddenly felt dizzy, she swallowed and walked into the living room.


Suddenly, the light was turned on, and a man with a beard suddenly appeared on the sofa in the living room, which shocked Chen Jiaying.

Lao Du slowly got up, stared at Chen Jiaying blankly, then raised his hands and placed them in front of his chest.

Seeing this, Chen Jiaying immediately took the same pose.


The two keep making shifting gestures, but on closer inspection, each gesture is exactly the same.

After changing more than a dozen gestures the two stopped at the same time and said solemnly:


When they heard that the other party also said this strange name, the two of them completely let down their guard.

Lao Du stretched out his rough hand, his voice still hoarse: "Lone Wolf!"

Lone Wolf, isn't it Lao Du?

Chen Jiaying half held Lao Du's hand and said, "The Thief with Thousands of Faces!"

Thief with thousands of faces?

Lao Du narrowed his eyes, and he roughly guessed why the boss sent this woman here.


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