Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 473

Chapter 473

the next morning

"Yo, Xiao Li, it's so early today~"

Before eight o'clock, 'Little Li' came to the Yunxi Club early, which surprised the girl at the front desk on duty.

"Oh, I had insomnia last night, I really couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd come earlier~" Xiao Li yawned.

"Then why don't you help me bring in Lange's breakfast~" The little girl blinked with a begging look in her eyes.

Qin Yuen Long had an odd personality, and he would beat and scold him whenever he was not satisfied, which made everyone in the club not want to approach him.

Even those "female public relations" who accompany the wine are no exception.

'Little Li' pretended to hesitate for a while, and under the offensive of the little sister's pitiful eyes, reluctantly said: "Okay!"

"Thank you, Brother Li~" The little girl said sweetly, "You are the best!"

Heh, woman, it was Xiao Li just now, but now she is brother Xiao Li!

'Xiao Li' pouted secretly.

But this is just right, there is no need for him to make excuses to enter Qin Yuen Long's room.

"By the way, does the second master prepare breakfast?" 'Little Li' asked.

The younger sister said, "Second Master went home last night, I don't know if he will come today~"

"That's it~"

'Xiao Li' nodded and said, "Then I'll change clothes first, and let me know when breakfast is ready."


When she came to the locker room, Chen Jiaying changed into the uniform of the clubhouse and sat in a chair to think quietly.

According to what Xiao Li told before, Qin Yunfei and Qin Yuanlang came to the Yunxi Club together the day after Chenxi Company was attacked.

Based on this, she also had a guess in her heart, that the matter of Chen Xi was probably planned by the two of them together.

And her guess was also confirmed by Xiao Yao.

"Since Qin Yunfei is not here, let's break through from you first!" Chen Jiaying's eyes flashed.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the employees came one after another, and the little girl at the front desk also informed Xiao Li and asked him to bring breakfast to Qin Yuen Long's room.


'Little Li' carried the plate and carefully walked to the entrance of Yaxiang Pavilion. This room is where Qin Yuenlang has been staying these days.


A soft knock sounded on the door.

"Come in!" Qin Yuanlang's lazy voice came from inside the room.

'Little Li' quietly walked into the room, holding a plate, and respectfully said, "Brother Lang, your breakfast is here!"

After speaking, he glanced at the room. Qin Yuen Long and two disheveled women had just come out of the suite, with sleepy eyes and their hair fried into chicken coops.

And his eye circles were a little dark, and he subconsciously supported his waist while walking. Obviously, he spent a lot of "energy" these days.

"Put your things down and go out!"

Qin Yuen Long waved his hand and said with a yawn.


'Little Li' placed the dinner plate on the table facing the sofa, then turned his back to Qin Yuen Long, and lightly wiped the metal ashtray with his palm.

The next second, the original ashtray disappeared, replaced by an ashtray with a very similar style and color.

"Lango, take it easy!"

'Little Li' respectfully left the room and gently closed the door.

After exiting the room, Xiao Li went straight to the toilet and sent a text message.

"Boss, it's time to start!"


Xiao Yao turned on the phone, saw the text message, and said to Jiang Yun who was beside him:

"Yunqi, now inform reporters that our park will open in half an hour, and all reporters can enter and visit."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Okay chairman, I'll make arrangements now."

After Jiang Yunqi left, Xiao Yao called Guo Jingang again: "Let me know, in half an hour, a large number of reporters will enter the park for interviews, and the security department is ready."

"Yes, Chairman!"

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Yao showed a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Let's see if you can take the bait this time!

"Reporters friends, welcome everyone to our Chenxi production park!"

Jiang Yunqi stood at the entrance of the park. There were dozens of reporters with long guns and short guns in front of him. The reporters' faces were full of excitement.

This is the first time the Chenxi Group has shown the situation of their park to the public since the attack.

Could it be that they have recovered?

Or can it be re-sold to the outside world?

With curiosity and excitement, the reporters followed Jiang Yunqi and entered the gate of Chenxi Park.


As soon as they entered the door, everyone stopped abruptly, their eyes full of surprise.

The endless sea of flowers and lawns coexist, the bright flowers and green grass form a beautiful picture, the air is full of refreshing fragrance, even if you only take a sip, you will feel full of vitality.

"It's so beautiful!" The reporters had already forgotten to shoot, and were completely immersed in this shocking scene, unable to extricate themselves.

"Cough cough!"

Jiang Yunqi coughed twice and said, "Friends from the reporter, today we allow you to take pictures, and we hope that after the visit, everyone can promote our Chenxi Group more!"

"Oh, that's right!"

The reporters woke up like a dream, quickly set up their cameras, and frantically pressed the shutter.

"Okay, then I'll show you our production workshop!"

"Manager Wang, I'm a little dizzy. It seems that I have a cold. Can I take a long leave?" Xiao Li found Manager Wang and said while sniffling.

"Ahhh~~~" After speaking, Xiao Li sneezed again.

"Go, let's go!" Manager Wang covered his mouth with his hand and said disgustingly: "Come back when the cold is cured, don't infect others!"

"Don't worry, Manager Wang, I'm in great shape. I usually get better from a cold in two days." Xiao Li patted his chest and said.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Manager Wang waved his hand in disgust.

Xiao Li bowed slightly, quickly ran to the locker room, changed his clothes, and walked out of the Yunxi Club.

Leaving the clubhouse, he quickly walked to a remote location nearby, sat on the bench, and took out his mobile phone.

On the mobile phone, the real-time video of Qin Yuen Long's room was displayed impressively.

"Then we'll see if you'll be hooked!" A cold light flashed in Chen Jiaying's eyes.

After breakfast, Qin Yuen Long lay on the sofa and said weakly:

"Lingling, come and rub my waist."

"Okay Lange~" Lingling, who was white and beautiful, sat beside Qin Yuenlang and said with a tender smile:

"Lang Ge, is your waist uncomfortable?"

Qin Yuenlang turned his head to look at her, and said with a smile, "It's not that you two little goblins did the harm!"

Another beautiful woman smiled sweetly and said, "Brother Lang, we both did according to your You can't blame us for the back pain!"

Qin Yuen Long buried his face in the pillow and said helplessly: "Alas, these two are playing too crazy. I have to take a good rest today, or I can't bear it anymore."

In the next period of time, Lingling massaged Qin Yuen Long's body, while another beautiful woman took out her mobile phone and swiped today's hot searches.


After a while, the beauty said in surprise, "Chenxi Group has been on the hot search again."

"My God, is this their park? It's too beautiful!"

"Wow, it's going to be sold again the day after tomorrow, this time I must buy a bottle of No Trace Essence."

Chenxi Group!

Hearing this name, Qin Yuanlang was shocked.

He turned over, grabbed the woman's cell phone, and quickly read the information on it.

As he continued to slide down, the expression on his face became more and more ugly.

"You go out first!" Qin Yuanlang said with a gloomy face.

"Okay Rango!"

Seeing that Qin Yuanlang's face was wrong, the two women didn't dare to make a sound, and they didn't even dare to change their clothes, so they carefully exited the room.

How could it be so fast?

Qin Yuanlang held the phone tightly, his face uncertain.

"No, you have to tell Second Uncle!"

Qin Yuenlang took out his phone and quickly dialed it.

"Hey second uncle, something big has happened!"

off topic

Yesterday, Chapter 472 was reviewed and unbanned twice, and now it has finally been adjusted, and there are no duplicate chapters.
