Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 358

Chapter 358

At this moment, the mute button seemed to be pressed in the venue, and no sound could be heard.

There was incredible shock in everyone's eyes.

Chang Minglei's body stiffened and his expression froze.

He himself never thought that the white-headed griffin would be eliminated so quickly.

At this time, Guan Shen's excited commentary broke the dead silence on the scene: "My God, what did I see! In just 7 seconds at the beginning, the plague mouse directly eliminated the white-headed griffin, which created the fastest elimination since this league. Records, if nothing else, this should also be the fastest elimination record in the National League so far."


With Guan Shen's excited tone, the entire scene and the barrage went into a frenzy.

"My God! So fast!"

"The other side is the No. 1 seed of the Magic Capital Military University. This Xiao Yao is too scary!"

"I lost mine, I eliminated one without seeing anything clearly!"

"Is this a legendary genius, it's simply invincible!"

Under the ring, the rest of the contestants saw this scene, and their pupils almost shrank into a needle.

"Did he become stronger again!" Long Jingyu asked Lei Kuang in a low voice.

Lei Kuang said solemnly: "I think he should have concealed his strength before, otherwise, it is impossible to improve to this level in such a short period of time!"

Zhao Feilu smacked his lips: "Fortunately, I didn't put me and Xiao Yao in the same group, otherwise I would be that background board!"

"Chaoyi, you must be careful of this plague demon rat when you confront him." The teacher of Shuimu University said solemnly.

Tan Chaoyi frowned, and looked at Tucci with extremely solemn eyes.

How on earth did he do it?

The white-headed griffin is also a silver-level 4 war beast, even if the plague demon rat is a silver-level 5, but one move is too unreasonable!

Fei Peng and Lu Qingqing, who were eliminated, opened their mouths wide, and they suddenly felt lucky.

Fortunately, he is not Xiao Yao's opponent, otherwise his self-confidence will be destroyed in this battle.

Chang Minglei pursed his dry lips, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

As soon as you come up, you lose a war beast, so what should you do next?



Xiao Ke and Lao Niu let out a low growl and entered the state of bloodthirsty werewolf and violent bull.

Twitch has taken out his opponent, and now it's their turn.

It's hard to get into a fight, but you should cherish this opportunity.

Guan Shen: "We saw the Angry Blood Demon Wolf and the Purple Prison Demon Bull enter a humanoid state. I believe that in this state, the abilities of the two war beasts will definitely be improved."

Seeing that his opponent was already charging, Chang Minglei became firm in his heart.

Anyway, if I lose, I will lose, but at least I have to use my full strength.


Chi Yanhu's whole body suddenly burst into flames, like a **** of fire coming into the world, his mouth opened wide, and the blazing flames sprayed forward.

Explosive Breath

The old cow's expression remained unchanged, and he rushed forward with the flames, while Xiaoke kicked on the ground, accompanied by a lonely wolf howl, his entire body suddenly turned into a black shadow, and rushed towards the swamp iron crocodile at a very fast speed. go.

Endless bondage

The swamp crocodile had just pushed the [Swamp Vortex] to block the old cow's way, when suddenly he felt dark in front of him and instantly lost consciousness.

puff puff puff ~

The tearing through the loudspeaker sent the scalps of all audience members tingling.

A few seconds later, I saw that the face of the swamp iron crocodile was scratched, and several ferocious wounds stretched from the top of its eyes to the corners of its mouth, and the flesh and blood were extremely scary.


The swamp vortex blocked in front of him, the old cow kicked his footsteps, and his body exploded with astonishing speed.

Savage Clash

The purple shadow crossed the quagmire and slammed into the Chi Yanhu with unrivaled momentum.


The Chiyan Tiger flew upside down for more than ten meters, and the flame on his body was extinguished immediately.

The audience looked at the scene in front of them, their mouths opened involuntarily, and they were speechless in surprise.

Just one face-to-face was beaten like this, the difference in strength is too big!

The swamp iron crocodile woke up, and the pain in his face drove him into a state of madness.


With a roar, his body quickly expanded and became bigger, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a beast more than three meters high.

Iron tail strike


Xiaoke deftly avoided this move, and the iron tail hit the ground, directly smashing a half-meter deep pit.

The Swamp Iron Crocodile swung the iron tail again, and activated the skill [Swamp Vortex].

Xiaoke jumped lightly, dodging Iron Tail's attack again, but at this time, the ground under his feet had turned into a black swamp vortex. If he fell into it, he would definitely be swallowed by the swamp.

The audience also noticed this, clenching their fists one by one, not daring to blink their eyelids.


Just as Xiaoke was about to fall, a black chain flew from the side. Xiaoke grabbed the chain and flew towards Chi Yanhu with a strong swing.

Guan Shen: "My God, the Purple Prison Demon Bull used his own chains to not only resolve the crisis of the angry blood demon wolf, but also send the angry blood demon wolf to Chi Yanhu."


Chi Yanhu looked at Xiaoke who was coming quickly, his head tilted up, and the bursting flames spewed out of his mouth again.

Just as the flames were about to come, Xiao Ke put his arms in front of his eyes, and his body glowed with yellow light.


The blazing flame devoured Xiao Ke, and outsiders could only see the faint shadow in the fireball.

Will not be eliminated!

Why didn't the plague demon rat take action!

Many viewers were nervous and confused. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


At this time, the domineering wolf howl once again attracted their attention to the ring.

Xiao Ke flew out of the flames, and some flames were still burning on some of his hair, but these flames not only didn't make him look embarrassed, but made him look majestic.

Chi Yanhu heard the wolf howl, his eyes filled with extreme fear, and he turned around to leave.

Xiaoke poked his paw into the back of his neck, and with a light claws, it snapped his spine.


Chi Yanhu fell to the ground uncontrollably, with deep fear and pain in his eyes.

"Red Flame Tiger is out."

Yi Yang promptly transferred Chi Yanhu to the stage and announced after the treatment.

Wow! !

Before countless viewers could react, they heard the news that Chi Yanhu was eliminated.

"What is this, I didn't see it clearly?"

"No, it's too fast to eliminate another one!"

"Who can tell me why it's so easy to beat Silver Level 3 to Silver Level 5?"

Just as the audience was talking about it, Lao Niu rushed to the side of the swamp iron crocodile with one combo of [Savage Clash] and [Earth Shattering], shaking his body into the air.

Then he grabbed the iron crocodile's tail with both hands, his waist and abdomen twisted and his muscles burst, accompanied by a loud shout. Under the shocked eyes of the spectators, the huge swamp iron crocodile was thrown away by the old cow.


The swamp iron crocodile fell under the ring, and the whole ground trembled!

"This battle, Xiao Yao wins!"


When the referee announced the result, the whole venue went into a frenzy.

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