Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 359

Chapter 359

"Fuck, this is too fast!"

"One minute, one minute to kill the No. 1 seed of the Magic Capital Military University, this Nima is not a human!"

"Don't you think that the scene just now is like the animation, such a big crocodile was thrown away, and the power of this Purple Prison Demon Bull is too terrifying!"

"The most frightening thing is that the plague demon rat has been watching!"

"That's a bit of a joke, give him the championship directly!"

The stadium and the bullet screen exploded completely, and all spectators who paid attention to the National League were shocked by the battle just now.

Is this really just a silver level 3 beast?

It's too exaggerated!

In the contestant area of Shuimu University, the instructor said solemnly:

"Chaoyi, if you play against him, you must be careful with these control skills."

Tan Chaoyi nodded, his eyes locked on the ring.

Angry Blood Demon Wolf, Purple Hell Demon Cow, Plague Demon Rat

In the end who can be the breakthrough?

"Just lost like that?"

Chang Minglei stood blankly in the ring, as if he had not yet recovered from his failure.

Before the war, he had watched Xiao Yao's battle video, and he was ready to fail at that time.

It can be seen from the video that Xiao Yao's three beasts all have at least 4 skills, and although the level of the beasts is not high, whether it is the speed and resilience of the Angry Blood Demon Wolf, or the power of the Purple Prison Demon Bull , defense power, and the attack power and toxicity of the plague demon rat have all reached the peak of the silver level, and even have a tendency to surpass the silver level.

In the face of such an opponent who has no shortcomings at all, he doesn't know how to win?

But even if he wanted to lose, he never thought that he would lose so quickly and so thoroughly.

"After today, I should be the strongest background board~"

Chang Minglei laughed bitterly at himself.

Xiao Yao took back the beast, turned his head and saw Chang Minglei's lost soul, he pursed his lips and walked straight down the ring.

"Nice job!"

Long Jingyu stroked his thumb.

"Xiao Yao, you should have set the record for the fastest elimination in the league just now." Zhao Feilu said.

Teacher Feng also said: "If nothing else, one minute and seventeen seconds should be the fastest record."

One minute and seventeen seconds, not bad!

Xiao Yao nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, his speed can be faster. If Tucci also shot just now, he is sure to solve the opponent within a minute.

But generally in the arena, the three war beasts solve their respective opponents, so after the white-headed griffin is eliminated, Tuqi is too lazy to "grab monsters".

Teacher Feng said: "The next is the semi-finals, everyone, come on!"

Long Jingyu, Lei Kuang, and Xiao Yao looked at each other and smiled at the same time:

"come on!"

"Ming Lei, don't be so frustrated."

The teacher of the Magic City Military University patted Chang Minglei on the shoulder and comforted:

"Your opponent is currently the first genius of the Dragon Kingdom. There is no shame in losing to such a monster. You have seen his battle video. How much better than you is that Lei Kuang from Kyoto University?"

Chang Minglei smiled bitterly and said, "But teacher, I lost so badly in front of the people of the whole country, can it be the same?"

The teacher comforted: "Maybe the next one is even worse than you~"

Have I been reduced to a point where it is more miserable?

Chang Minglei shook his head helplessly.

"Friends from the audience, the quarter-finals have officially ended, and four of them have successfully advanced to the next round. They are..."

"Kyoto University - Long Jingyu."

"Kyoto University - Thunder Madness."

"Shuimu University - Tan Chaoyi."

"Kyoto University - Xiao Yao!!"


The scene broke out again, like a tsunami of shouting.

"Okay viewers, this round is officially over, let's see you in five days!"

After the quarterfinals, several players became famous.

To be able to enter the semi-finals in the National League means that they are already the top talent. If nothing else, they are very likely to become diamond-level powerhouses in the future.

So as soon as the quarterfinals ended, countless media rushed to interview these players.

It's just that both Kyoto University and Shuimu University have adopted strict access control measures. It is not that the students of the school cannot enter at all, which also makes many media reporters blocked at the gates of the two schools.

Among them, the gate of Kyoto University is the most popular. Three of the top four are students of Beijing University, and there is a super popular player - Xiao Yao. All the media are eager to get Xiao Yao's first-hand interview materials.

"This classmate wait a minute."

A reporter from Wanghai Evening News grabbed a student who was about to enter the campus and asked:

"Classmate, do you know Xiao Yao?"

The student looked at him with a speechless expression:

"You asked this question, can I still not know Xiao Yao?"

The reporter was not angry, and asked enthusiastically:

"Then do you know what kind of person Xiao Yao is?"

"I still understand that."

The student said: "Xiao Yao is a very low-key person, humble, without the arrogance of genius, and he is very considerate to his friends and classmates. By the way, he doesn't like to be too much attention, so I think you want to interview him. raletively hard."

The reporter asked suspiciously, "This classmate, it seems that you know Xiao Yao very well!"

The student showed eight clean teeth: "Because I'm Xiao Yao's roommate~ my name is Li Yu."


As soon as he heard that it was Xiao Yao's roommate, the reporter stayed there.

Is it really such a coincidence that Xiao Yao's roommate can be found by just catching one person?

"Oh, classmate, don't go!"

As soon as they heard that this person was Xiao Yao's roommate, countless media gathered around.

But the witty Li Yu was ready long ago, and ran into the school as soon as he finished speaking, leaving a dashing back to many reporters.

The reporter hammered his thigh regretfully: "I knew it earlier and went straight to the topic. Did he have an affair with Lu Yiyi?"

"Xiao Yao, what is your relationship with Lu Yiyi?"

The female reporter of Kyoto TV asked with a smile.

Xiao Yao's mouth twitched faintly.

When will the official media ask this kind of question? Long Jingyu and Lei Kuang on the side were smiling, as if they were watching a play.

If other media asked this kind of question, Xiao Yao would be too lazy to answer, but after all, this is the official media, so it still has to save face.

"Lu Yiyi is my girlfriend's cousin. I only met her at a concert a few months ago."

After saying this, Xiao Yao couldn't help but ask:

"Will this kind of thing be reported?"

The female reporter smiled and said, "No, no, I'm a fan of Lu Yiyi, it's just my personal issue."

"Oh, okay~"

Xiao Yao breathed a sigh of relief, it would be really embarrassing to report this kind of thing on official news.

"Xiao Yao, do you have the confidence to win the National League Championship?"

In the presence of Lei Kuang and Long Jingyu at the same time, the female reporter asked another very sharp question.

Xiao Yao said frankly: "The purpose of my participation in the National League is to win the championship."

The female reporter turned her head and asked Xiang Long Jingyu and Lei Kuang, "Are you two confident?"

Long Jingyu took the lead in saying: "I can enter the semi-finals, my goal has been achieved, as for the championship~"

He shrugged: "There is some pervert, I don't expect the championship."

"Classmate Lei Kuang, what do you think?"

Lei Kuang said calmly: "It's enough to be able to exert my strongest strength!"

"That's it~"

The reporter nodded: "Okay, then this interview is over. Thank you to the three classmates for their cooperation."

After the female reporter left, Xiao Yao looked at Teacher Feng and asked:

"Teacher Feng, there won't be any other interviews~"

Teacher Feng said with a smile: "I don't know about that. This Kyoto TV station was also approved by the principal. As for whether there are other media behind it, I really don't know."


Everyone can understand the intention of the principal's move. After all, in this league, Kyoto University has been in the limelight and its reputation is booming. If it is properly promoted, its reputation will definitely go to a higher level.

Fame is related to the source of students in the school. If the reputation of Kyoto University can keep the stability of Mizuki University, then the best summoners who are about to take the college entrance examination will regard Kyoto University as their first choice. In a few years, Kyoto University will meet Mizuki University. Completely widened the gap and became a well-deserved first university.

"Okay, let's go back and rest, cheers for the semi-finals!"

Teacher Feng is in a good mood.

Three of the top four are students from their own families, which has created the best results at Kyoto University in decades.

As an instructor, he naturally has his share in the honor.

"Good teacher Feng!"

The day after the interview ended, a special interview about the three contestants of Kyoto University was posted online.

From the interview, the audience learned a lot of interesting things about the preparation of the contestants. From the dozens of minutes of interviews, they could see the personalities of the three contestants, the gentle and jade-like Long Jingyu, the rough and domineering Lei Kuang and The humble and confident Xiao Yao.

As the focus of attention, everyone can see Xiao Yao's confidence in winning the league title.

At the end of the interview, a small tidbit once again detonated the entire media.

"Xiao Yao, what is your relationship with Lu Yiyi?"

"Lu Yiyi is my girlfriend's cousin. I only met her at a concert a few months ago."

"Will this kind of thing be reported?"

"No, no, I'm a fan of Lu Yiyi, it's just my personal problem."

"Oh, okay~"

The people are always very interested in this kind of gossip news, and for a while, this tidbit quickly rushed to the hot search.

"Haha, it turns out that geniuses can also be fooled by reporters!"

"This reporter doesn't talk about martial arts, I just want to say - well done!"

"Xiao Yao: It's over, it's over, now all the people in the country know that I've been deceived!"

"Shouldn't you focus on Xiao Yao's girlfriend?"

"Mom, I'm lost in love!"

"Ahhhh, who stole my brother Xiao Yao, I'm going to fight with her!!"

"The insider said that Xiao Yao's girlfriend's father is a diamond-level powerhouse."

"Cough, what an immortal couple, bless you!"

"I can guarantee that Xiao Yao's girlfriend is definitely not as good-looking as me (picture)."

"Upstairs, don't post your disfigured face. No one wants your appearance in our village."

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, and people are discussing this gossip.

In real life, Xiao Yao's face is as black as the bottom of a pot!

"Your uncle, what kind of reporter are these!"

"Haha, so you will be fooled." Li Yu laughed.

Xu Xingliang also smiled and said, "This reporter is too rude. He can't tell the truth, but he posted it on the Internet."

Xiao Yao's teeth are itching with anger, well, now people all over the country know that he was deceived by reporters.

Sure enough, Zhang Wuji was right!

"Xiaoxiao, what are you looking at?"

Xiao Yao saw that Bai Lingxiao was holding the mobile phone, and his hand kept sliding.

Bai Lingxiao said without looking up, "I'm looking at what these girls who are prettier than me look like."


Xiao Yao's mouth twitched.

What's the matter~

"Don't think about it, it's already like this anyway, it's not a big deal, eat and eat!"

Li Yu patted Xiao Yao on the shoulder and said.

"Forget it, let's eat~"

Xiao Yao took a bite of food and said while eating:

"How is your recent progress, do you feel any signs of breakthrough?"

Li Yu said: "I'm feeling a little bit here, and I'm going to find an opportunity to go out and hone it. Why don't we wait until Xiao Yao goes to King Kong Forest, let's do the task together."

"Okay~" Tao Yaoyao nodded.

"Xiaoxiao, what do you think?"

Bai Lingxiao put down the phone and nodded, "No problem, there are signs of a breakthrough on my side, and I really need an opportunity."

"Then it's settled! I'll pay attention to see if there are any suitable tasks recently." Li Yu said with a clapping of hands.

Xu Xingliang said: "I think I can do the task of cleaning the black pine forest. I remember that it will be our turn at Kyoto University next month."

"Okay~ Xiaoxiao, Yaoyao, what do you think?"

Bai Lingxiao and Tao Yaoyao nodded at the same time: "No problem~"

They did the task of cleaning the Black Pine Forest once last semester, and they are more familiar with the situation there. In addition, there will be a leading teacher to protect them. It is indeed a good test site.

"By the way, Xiao Yao, how long are you going to go to King Kong Forest?"

Xiao Yao said: "Not sure, about ten days!"

He has two tasks to go to the King Kong Forest this time, one is to help Lao Niu get enough King Kong for the King Kong giant spirit body, and the other is to break through the gold level.

At present, Tuqi's experience value has exceeded half, and breaking through the gold level is just a step away, and Xiaoke and Lao Niu are both close to silver level 4. If the opportunity is right, he plans to let all the war beasts break through the gold in the King Kong Forest. class.

"Ten days, it's okay, I hope we can gain something when you come back."

"Well, let's work together!"

A look of anticipation appeared in Xiao Yao's eyes.

If Li Yu, Xiaoxiao, and Liangliang all break through the silver level, then three more heroes will be added to their team.

Biochemical Demon - Zac, Nine-Tailed Fox - Ahri and Void Reaver - Kha'Zix!

The appearance of these three war beasts will bring a qualitative leap to the small partners, especially allowing them to improve quickly and keep up with their own pace.

He hopes that after his own diamond level and master level, a few friends can at least reach platinum level or even diamond level.

By then, their team will be truly invincible!

Come on guys, come on, surprises are waiting for you!

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