Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 357

Chapter 357

Lei Kuang VS Lu Qingqing

One is the No. 2 seed of Kyoto University, who used to be No. 1 on the True Dragon List, and the other is the No. 1 seed of Yamashiro University.

There was no suspense in this battle, Lei Kuang won with a crushing advantage and advanced to the top four.

As a loser, Lu Qingqing didn't have much loss on his face.

Being able to break into the top eight in the league is already a very good result for herself and for Yamashiro University.

Next is the third group: Fei Peng VS Tan Chaoyi

Fei Peng, as the No. 1 seed of Southwest Military University, has attracted a lot of attention since the start of the competition. The audience likes this boy with iron and blood.

As the No. 1 seed of Shuimu University, Tan Chaoyi was considered to be the strongest contender for the championship before the game.

So this group matchup is extra exciting.

After taking the stage, both players chose the form of team battle, and soon the battle officially started.

Fei Peng's strength is very strong. The three beasts are Silver Level 5 Lei Peng, Silver Level 5 Blood Moon Demon Wolf, and Silver Level 4 Six-Winged Frost Centipede.

These three war beasts have a very high level of tacit understanding, and their fighting style is as neat as an army.

In the beginning, it did cause a lot of trouble to Tan Chaoyi.

But soon Tan Chaoyi showed his strength as the No. 1 seed of Shuimu University. By changing tactics and using the mental attack ability of the war beasts, the three war beasts unexpectedly eliminated the six-winged frost centipede.

After the six-winged frost centipede is out, the next battle will be one-sided.

In the end, Tan Chaoyi defeated Fei Peng and successfully advanced to the top 4, and also kept the honor for Shuimu University.

After the third group is over, the next is the much-anticipated duel.

Xiao Yao VS Chang Minglei!

When the two stepped onto the ring, the cheers from the scene shook the entire venue slightly.

Guan Shen introduced in a warm and excited tone: "Audience friends, before this showdown begins, let me introduce the players from both sides again."

"The first contestant Chang Minglei, the No. 1 seed of the Magic City Military University, and a Level 5 Silver Summoner. In the first few rounds of selection, he even defeated many powerful enemies and advanced to the quarterfinals."

"Next person!"

Speaking of this, Guan Shen's voice raised two degrees again: "He is an excellent creator in the music industry, he is the No. 1 seed of Kyoto University, he is the youngest silver-level summoner in the history of the Dragon Kingdom, and he is "

"Xiao Yao!"

woo woo woo woo! ! !

The scene resounded with tsunami-like cheers, and countless audiences waved their cheering sticks and shouted loudly.

Every national league is a moment to witness the rise of genius.

The vast majority of league champions can eventually become top players, and even two of the four grandmasters are former league champions.

And now Xiao Yao's appearance has made everyone look forward to it.

Will this super genius who broke the history of the Dragon Kingdom be the next grandmaster?

Yi Yang looked at the two people beside him and asked, "You two choose the fighting form."

"Team battle!" Chang Minglei said first.

The strength of Xiao Yao's three beasts is too strong, there is absolutely no hope of winning the arena battle, and only through team battles can they find a chance of survival.

Seeing that Chang Minglei chose a team battle, Xiao Yao said, "Team battle!"

"Okay, the two sides step back and summon the war beasts to prepare!"

The two retreated according to the referee's order and summoned the beast.



ah hoo~

After Xiaoke's three beasts appeared, the atmosphere of the whole scene broke out again.

The handsome and domineering black wolf, the powerful purple cow, and the mouse with a bow and crossbow.

All the audience opened their eyes wide, wanting to see what was so special about this super-genius beast of war.

At this time, Chang Minglei also summoned his war beasts, and the information of the three war beasts appeared in front of Xiao Yao.

[Name of the beast] Red Flame Tiger

[War Beast Level] Silver Level 5

[War Beast Skills] Flame Possession, Explosive Breath, Flame Acceleration

[Name of the beast] Swamp iron crocodile

[War Beast Level] Silver Level 5

[War Beast Skills] Mire Vortex, Iron Tail Slam, Giant

[Name of the beast] White-headed griffin

[War Beast Level] Silver Level 4

[War Beast Skills] Gale Pounce, Random Feather Arrows

Wang Xiaoyu: "Everyone, audience, before the battle begins, let me introduce the battle beasts of the two players."

"Chang Minglei's three beasts are the silver-level 5 red flame tiger, the silver-level 5 swamp iron crocodile, and the silver-level 4 white-headed griffin."

The camera turns to the three war beasts, and the audience can clearly see the flames rising from the red flame tiger, the two rows of sharp teeth of the swamp iron crocodile, and the smart eyes of the white-headed griffin.

"Competitor Xiao Yao's beasts are the silver-level 5 plague demon rat, the silver-level 3 blood-raging demon wolf, and the silver-level 3 purple prison demon cow!"


After Wang Xiaoyu's introduction, the audience at the scene was shocked and puzzled.

What was shocking was that Xiao Yao's two war beasts were only silver-level 3.

You know, except for Xiao Yao, all the players who can make it to the top eight are two silver level 5 and one silver level 4.

And compared to them, Xiao Yao was only three levels inferior in the level of the beasts.

What they wondered was that Xiao Yao's war beast level was obviously low, so why did he become the No. 1 seed of Kyoto University?

Could it be that Kyoto University forced him to the top eight in order to push this genius?

If so, then this super genius is not so amazing!

Guan Shen: "I believe that many viewers and friends will have some doubts at this moment. Can Xiao Yao's strength be worthy of the No. 1 seed of Kyoto University? Let's wait and Doubts?

The corner of Xiao Yao's mouth twitched.

"Tucci, my opening match is up to you!" he said inwardly.

(Okay, okay~) Tu Qi grinned, and a sinister laughter echoed in Xiao Yao's mind.

"Both sides are ready!"

Referee Yi Yang's voice sounded in the arena, and all the audience immediately held their breaths and stared at the ring.


As soon as the voice fell, the white-headed griffin immediately rushed into the sky, and hundreds of illusory feathers shot towards the opposite side like a shower.

Random Feather Arrow


The sharp air-breaking sound was like a whistle, causing many audience members to cover their ears.


The old cow swung his body horizontally, protecting Tuqi and Xiaoke behind him.

puff puff~

Countless arrow feathers fell on the old cow, making a dull sound.

The audience watched in shock.

The arrow feathers that can pierce the ground can't even break the skin of the Purple Prison Demon Cow, what a terrifying defensive power.

oh **** ho~

Tucci hid behind the old cow, licked the corner of his mouth, and a dark light condensed in his hand. The arrow was aimed at the white-headed griffin in the air, and he quickly pulled the trigger.


The black poison arrow was fired at lightning speed.

The moment he saw the black arrow, the white-headed griffin immediately flapped his wings to try to dodge, but the next second he felt severe pain in his body, his eyes darkened, and he immediately lost consciousness.


The white-headed griffin landed heavily on the ground, making a loud noise.

Yi Yang moved him out of the ring, and after he treated him, he loudly announced: "The white-headed griffin is out!"


At this time, the venue was silent.

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