All I Want - All I Want Part 31

All I Want Part 31

Liam shakes his head. "Noah plays baseball, and I don't want him to miss it."

"What about you missing his games?"

Liam pulls out a chair and sits down. "I'm torn, but this is my job. I'm not the only musician with kids, and they all make it work. I think it's because I haven't always been there that it's more of a problem."

"That's not your fault."

Liam's crinkles his face. "I know, but it still hurts them when I leave."

I lean against the wall and realize that Liam is probably a little bit like me. When I first met him I had a crush on him, but Harrison nipped that quickly. It didn't take long before I saw Liam as a brother and not a love interest.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?" he leans on the desk, clasping his hands.

"Why did you leave?" I bite the inside of my cheek, afraid of what his reaction is going to be.

Liam rubs his hands over his face and sighs. "Everyone had this idea of what I was going to be and when I went to college, I realized that wasn't who I was. I was too afraid to tell the people that I loved the most that I was unhappy. I was heading for the biggest drug-induced downward spiral without the drugs and just left everyone and everything behind."

"Do you have any regrets?"

He shakes his head. "I don't. Had I stayed, Josie and I probably wouldn't be married. I'd likely be an accountant or a teacher, living in a run-down house and seeing my kid on the weekends. Things happened for a reason, and while yes, I missed ten years, I had to in order to find myself. I probably sound selfish and I don't mean to be, but you can't live your life by someone else's dreams. They have to be your own and just because it was a dream at one point, doesn't mean it's your dream now. The beautiful thing about dreams is that they're ever changing."

The lights flicker, causing Liam to laugh. "It's time for dinner, or linnerthat's what Noah calls it because we're eating dinner at lunch time."

Liam puts his arm around me and we walk up the stairs, bumping our shoulders into each other with each step we take. When we open the door, everyone is gathered around the table, including Xander. When he sees me, his smile is wide, but he keeps his head down. I know what he's thinking about-his red cheeks give him away. It's okay, though, because I've been thinking about it all day, too.

Once dinner is done, the kids open more presents. Watching Eden open hers is funny. She gets so excited for the box but doesn't care about what's inside. As I look around, I see my brother with his girlfriend, wife, his life partner and can see how happy they are. My other brothers, Liam and Jimmy, both married and with kids, are happy. Their smiles are genuine and not forced. I don't know if this is something I can have or not, but I don't see Oliver fitting in with my family, and this is what he wants. He wants a big family, holidays and birthday parties. I want it too, but I also want to be center stage.

Xander hands me eggnog and tells me its adult flavored. This will calm my nerves for my flight later. I hate that I have rehearsals tomorrow and have a feeling Oliver did that so that I'd have to come right back. Sometimes I think he does things to be malicious so I can cry on his shoulder. I'm done with that though. I need to be able to stand on my own two feet.

The night beckons and all too soon, it's time for me to leave. Xander offered to drive me to the airport so I say my goodbyes at Liam's. I hug everyone and am surprised that Peyton is waiting for one.

"Thanks for my necklace," she says as I pull away. I see the delicate silver chain hanging from her neck and my pride swells. I need to get to know these girls and be an aunt to them.

"I'll see you guys soon," I say, as I walk out the door and rush to Xander's car. He's already transferred my suitcase from Harrison's car to his. He and Harrison will return my rental for me tomorrow. I balked at first when Xander offered to take me, but the thought of having him for the ride to the airport would be worth it.

We hold hands throughout the drive, but don't speak. The air between us is heavy and I know we should talk about what happened last night, but I'm not sure what to say. I don't want to cheapen what we did by adding unnecessary words.

Xander guides me into the airport after parking his car. He waits while I check in and walks me to security. I fall into his arms, and let him hold me. I'm going to miss him more than I can find the words to tell him.

When I look up at him, he cups my face and kisses me softly. His lips linger on mine for a moment before I make a move to deepen the kiss. I know I'm leading him on, but I'm leading myself on too. I need this last memory of him on my lips before I board that plane.

"You have my number, right?"

I laugh. Earlier this morning, he put his number in my phone and texted himself, marveling at how excellent he is in bed. I saved that text message.

"I do. I'm sure I'll be using it."

"Remember: no sexting while I'm working." He laughs and kisses me one more time.

"I can't make any promises," I say, winking. He blushes and shakes his head.

One last kiss and I'm making my way through security. I wave at him before I turn the corner and disappear down the hall. My phone chimes, and I roll my eyes. He can't even wait until I was home before he texts. I pull out my phone and tap my message icon.

Lindsey: Thought you should know Oliver has been spending time with Cami, and she's on the list as the lead for tomorrow.

I stop dead in my tracks. Cami is my rival and much younger than I am. Let's face it, I'm no spring chicken, but I take care of myself and I work hard to retain my youthful appearance. She has been after my role for months. I've caught her a few times flirting with Oliver, but he assured me he wasn't interested in her. If she's taking my spot that only means one thing. They're sleeping together. I know I have no room to talk, but I've never been with him to advance my career. If she's taking the lead, I don't have practice for a few days. I look around at the lack of people traveling today and wonder what I'm doing.

I look down at my phone and pull up Xander's message from earlier. The message from him gloating about his prowess stares back at me. I don't know what I'm doing, or what I want, but maybe if I spend more time with him and my family I can figure it out.

Do you have plans for New Years Eve?

Note from the Author Hello & Happy Holidays! Thank you for taking the time to read 12 Days of Forever. As you can see, Xander and Yvie are not done and will re-release in February with more content and a new cover. Also, their story will lead into The Beaumont Series #5 where we join Liam and Josie and the gang!

Copyright 2014 by K.A. Robinson All rights reserved.

Editor: Jovana Shirley, Unforeseen Editing, No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Visit my website at or Please note-This novella can only be read after reading Tamed. Tamed is book five of the Torn Series, but it can be read as a standalone novel.

Tamed information:


Some people were blessed with happiness. They hadn't done a fucking thing to deserve it, but they ended up with everything they could ever want-money, love, and success. They had it all, and they hadn't lifted a finger to get it.

They were the lucky bastards.

The rest of us got nothing but shitty luck and disappointment. No matter how hard we worked, no matter how much of our hearts and souls we threw into whatever we did, we would rarely reach our goal. We never managed to feel the satisfaction of having it all right at our fucking fingertips.

Everything was an uphill battle.

But sometimes, the greatest battles would bring the greatest triumphs. Every once in a great while, shit happened that would blow your mind and leave you breathless. It would make every single moment of suffering worth it all.

That was the birth of my daughter.

After my years of simmering anger, jealousy, explosive emotions, and pure sorrow, she was the light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, she was one of the lights. Amber was the other.

I'd believed that soul mates and love at first sight were bullshit, but Amber had changed all of that. She had changed everything. That first glimpse of her had spun my fucked-up world out of control.

Past October The moment I'd opened my eyes that morning, I'd known that something was going to happen. I'd had no idea what it would be, but I could feel it in my bones. I didn't believe in premonitions, but I always trusted my gut instinct. It had never failed me before. If I had listened to it years ago, I would have avoided a lot of heartache and utter bullshit.

So, yeah, when I'd woken up with the feeling that something was about to happen, I'd known it would.

I was right.

"Adam? You here? Or are you already thinking about tonight's piece of ass?"

My head jerked up at the sound of Drake's voice. He was the lead singer of our band, Breaking the Hunger. At just eighteen, he was a couple of years younger than me, and he was cocky as hell, but for some reason, I loved the shithead like a brother. Fuck, he was my brother as far as I was concerned. Jade, our drummer, and Eric, our bass player, were like family to me as well. Over the past few years, they were the only ones whom I'd felt truly connected to. Maybe it was because we would spend so much time together at shows and at practices. Whatever the reason, I trusted those three with my life.

I smirked at Drake. "I'm always thinking about my next piece of ass."

"Save your boner until after the show." Drake grinned back at me. "I don't wanna look over and see that shit while I'm singing."

"Afraid you'll feel inadequate?" I shot back.

"Compared to you? Nah. You'd probably boost my self-esteem if we started measuring."

"If you guys pull your dicks out of your pants, I'll tie them together with your guitar strings," Jade said after walking in the doorway from the bar.

I winced at the mere thought. I had no doubt that Jade would follow through with that threat.

"We'll keep them in our pants . . ." I told her. "For now."

She rolled her eyes and glanced over at Eric. He was leaning against the wall, shaking his head and laughing silently. His shaggy brown hair hid part of his face, but I could still see the smile tipping his lips. He might keep silent most of the time, but deep, deep down inside him, I knew he was just as bad as Drake and me.

"Good, because it's time to go on," Jade said. She turned back to the door, twirling her drumsticks between her fingers.

The rest of us followed her to the door. The moment she opened it, the crowd started whistling and shouting. We were playing at Gold's tonight, our main bar. We had a pretty decent fan base, especially considering we lived in Morgantown, West Virginia.

My home state was known for its coal and love of country music, not its appreciation for rock 'n' roll. That was okay though. We'd still rock this fucking bar every time we played.

I grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulled it over my head, and tossed it next to the door. I hated wearing a shirt while playing, and since no one ever complained about my lack of clothes, I could get away with it. I smirked when I heard a few women whistle and call out my name.

I wasn't blind. I knew I was hot. Every woman who looked at me knew the exact same thing, especially the ones who had a thing for tattoos and piercings. I thought of my body as a piece of art, and I'd decorated accordingly. I sported two full sleeves. Plus, my chest and back were covered in tattoos. I would be lying if I said every tattoo had meaning. A few of them I'd gotten done just because I liked the designs, but several of them represented things in my life that I didn't want to forget. In some cases, they were things I did want to forget, but I'd refused to allow myself that reprieve. My stupidity, my sorrows, my love-my whole motherfucking life was tattooed on my skin.

I hadn't stopped at tattoos though. I loved going for shock value. I'd dyed my dark brown hair an electric blue, and I would style it into a Mohawk that attempted to defy gravity. I had two piercings in each of my eyebrows along with a set of snakebites. I had another piercing, but it wasn't visible unless I stuck my tongue out.

I looked like a badass motherfucker, and that was what I wanted. I wanted to wet the panties of every woman around me. I wanted to scare the shit out of every guy who looked at me. Most of the time, I could manage to do both of those without even opening my mouth.

What could I say? I was gifted.

Where I went for shock value, Eric was the opposite. He had a few tattoos on his arms, but that was the extent of his art. His light-brown hair hung in his eyes most of the time, and I thought it was something he did on purpose. Eric was as deep as the ocean, and I knew he had secrets that I didn't even want to think about, so I wouldn't.

Jade was a feisty little Southern belle who had learned over the years just how to put all three of us guys in our places when we needed it. I still liked to piss her off whenever I could, but I loved her to death. She constantly changed her hair, so I never tried to keep up with the color. Whatever color she decided to go with, whether it was brown or blue or pink, it would suit her. Jade was like a lion cub-cute, but she still had claws.

Drake was the dark one. He was also as much of a whore as I was. I thought that was what had bonded us in the beginning-our mutual love of pussy. He'd sleep around almost as much as I would. His hair was styled the same as Eric's, but Drake's was almost black. He sported a few piercings of his own but not as many as me, and it was the same with tattoos. I knew he had one big-ass tribal tattoo across his back that went from elbow to elbow, but I didn't think he had any others-at least none that I'd ever seen anyway.

The four of us jumped up onto the stage and waited for the lights to go up. It was dim as fuck on the stage, making it easier for us to see out into the screaming crowd. My eyes scanned over each face as I wondered whom I'd end up leaving with. I glanced over at the table that our band usually occupied, and I was surprised to see three women and a guy sitting around it.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled.

Everyone knew to leave our table alone.

My voice caught Drake's attention since he was standing only a few inches away from me.

He followed my gaze over to the table. "They're with me. It's cool," Drake said.

Surprised, I simply nodded. Drake didn't have many friends outside of the band-at least none that I knew of. Obviously, seeing a table full of his friends was the last thing I'd expected. I glanced back over at the table to take another look at his friends.

My eyes skimmed over a pretty blonde sitting next to the only guy who was also blond. I smirked. They matched. My eyes landed on a redhead next. She was pretty but not my type. I moved on to the last woman. My entire body locked up when I finally managed to get a good look at her. She was by far the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. Her hair was a rich chocolate color. Her nose was tiny, cute even. Her eyes were wide and expressive. I could see that from this far away. Her lips were what really caught my attention though. I had a thing for lips. Hers were perfect-full and pouty. My dick hardened as I pictured her on her knees in front of me with those lips of hers sucking me dry.

My eyes moved lower. Her tits looked perfect from here-big enough to play with, but not so big that I'd smother myself. I prayed to God that they were real. I knew one thing. I wanted to find out for myself.

I sucked in a shocked breath when I realized that my fucking heart was beating out of my chest. I narrowed my eyes at the brunette. I was suddenly angry with her. My goddamn heart had never raced at the sight of a woman. I wasn't even sure if it beat half the time.

I shook my head and looked away. Fuck that shit. I didn't want anything to do with a woman who made me feel anything at all, especially after only a glance in her direction.

I should have known right then and there that things were about to go to shit, and it would all be because of a brunette with perfect lips and nice tits.

Through our entire set, I refused to look at the brunette. I swore, I could feel her eyes on me, but I wouldn't dare glance up at her to confirm my suspicions. I was afraid that I'd take one look at her and lose all control. Gold's didn't care if I performed shirtless, but I doubted that management would appreciate it if I jumped offstage, grabbed the brunette, and fucked her from behind on the table. They might even kick me out.

When our set ended and the crowd roared around us, I forced my usual cocky smirk onto my face. I set my guitar down in its stand and jumped offstage to grab my shirt. I took my time with pulling it over my head, giving my bandmates time to close up shop. Gold's staff would store our instruments in the back room for us just like they always did. I had another one I'd use at practices and other shows, so it was just easier to leave this one here.

Jade left the stage first and made her way over to our table. Eric and Drake followed behind her. I took a deep breath before following them. Jade dropped down onto the last empty chair at the table, forcing the three of us to steal chairs from another table. I frowned when I realized that I would end up next to the brunette. I pretended to ignore her as I sat down and scooted my chair up to the table.

Drake spoke up, introducing all of us, "Guys, this is Chloe, Logan, Rachel, and Amber. These two idiots are Eric and Adam. Jade is the tiny chick."

Amber. She even had a pretty name.

I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye for a split second. She'd caught my eye when I was onstage, but as I sat next to her, she literally took my breath away. Her green eyes were bright as she studied the band. Her skin was tan and smooth. I wanted to reach out and trace my fingers along her jawline. If her skin was half as soft as it looked- No. I forced myself to stop thinking about touching her.

She was friends with Drake, which meant she was off-limits. I couldn't pull my usual one-night stand with her without someone ending up pissed off.

Besides, I needed to stay away from her. She wasn't good for my heart. I knew that much already since it was beating out of my chest.

Eric asked me a question about one of our songs, and I dived into a conversation with him, nitpicking every little thing he asked. I was desperate to forget about Amber and the fact that she was sitting so close that I could actually feel the heat coming off her body. Drake joined our conversation, but it didn't help. I could still feel her. Every time she moved, I would catch a faint whiff of her perfume. She smelled like cotton candy and flowers.

I wanted to run my tongue across her skin to see if she tasted like cotton candy, too. My dick hardened instantly at the thought of touching her.

I jumped slightly when a hand landed on my shoulder. I looked up long enough to see that the chick touching me wasn't Amber. Without another thought, I grabbed the random girl and pulled her onto my lap. Her short dress slid up her legs until it barely covered anything.

Thank God. I needed this distraction.

"I'm Stacey," the girl said.