All I Want - All I Want Part 30

All I Want Part 30

The thought of asking her to stay in Beaumont has crossed my mind. Her brother and nephew are here. Her mom is here a lot, and she has a sister-in-law and two nieces to get to know. But that's not enough for someone like Yvie. The way she speaks about her goals and dreamsBeaumont can't compete with that. Hell, I can't compete with that, not that I'd even try.

I told myself this morning that my heart is shut off. This thing between Yvie and myself is nothing but a vacation hook-up. She goes back to New York tomorrow night, and I'll go back to doing what I do best, or find a new hobby. I may even start dating. There are plenty of eligible women here . . . once I find one who wants me for me and not for my connection to the band.

So why I can't I stay away? Why can't I walk into a room and not make eye contact with her? Until I met Yvie, I thought I had to have what everyone else described: the electricity, the fire that burns when you touch the person you're meant to be with. No one said anything about the magnetic pull that someone can have on you. That is what I'm feeling. Yvie is the energy source feeding my addiction.

It was never my intention for us to get caught in a compromising situation, and I should've known better than to pull her aside in a house full of people, especially her family, but I couldn't resist. I had to be near her to see if she's feeling the same way I am.

"We should join them," I tell her, nodding toward the other room. Yvie smiles and starts to walk way, solidifying my thought that we're working toward two different goals. Mine needs to be protecting my heart. I don't know what hers is, and honestly I'm not willing to find out. If I'm lucky enough to have her again, it's going to be nothing but sex.

I don't realize how long I stay in the other room watching her walk out of my life until I enter the dining room. Christmas music is playing and eggnog is flowing.

"Tonight, the night before our kids become more spoiled, is for letting loose and enjoying our family. As parents, we know how stressful and exciting tomorrow is, so we all need a little relaxation," Liam says, raising his glass. I quickly grab one and follow suit. "Tonight, let's be adults while our children are making their last minute wish lists."

"Here, here," everyone says as our glasses clank together.

Yvie is across the room next to her mom and Katelyn, and she's focused on them. This is how it should be. We aren't a couple and my betraying heart implied that we were when I arrived earlier. I can't make that mistake again.

"So you and Yvie?"

Jimmy pats me on the shoulder, as if to congratulate me. Only he doesn't know that there's nothing to celebrate.

"Nah," I say with a shake of my head. "We're just friends."

"That's too bad, mate. She needs a good bloke like you around. That arse she's been with is a total loser."

"So I hear." I haven't really because we haven't talked about him much. I honestly don't care about him and if he succeeds in getting her back, he's one lucky bastard in my book. But if I find out he tells her she has a fat ass again, I may just have to fly to New York and beat his.

I hate that these thoughts are running through my head. I need to be enjoying the moment and not thinking about what it's going to be like when she goes. She's leaving, there's no question about that. Yvie's been pretty damn clear from the get-go she's only here visiting.

"You'd treat her better."

There's no doubt about that, but it's never going to happen. "Are you telling me that I should move to New York?"

"What the bloody hell are you going on about? Yvie needs to move here, and you're the one that could make it happen."

My gaze falls onto Yvie, who happens to look in my direction. Her smile is infectious, and I find myself returning one.

"JD, even I don't have the power to make a woman change her mind. Yvie has a career in New York, a life. Beaumont doesn't have anything to offer her."

"That's where you're wrong. Take a look around you. We're her family. If she knows you can give her all this as well as a happy life, what more could she want?"

I down the rest of my eggnog and turn toward him. "Women like Yvie are just like you. You crave the bright lights, the fans and the stardom that comes with doing something you love. Unlike you though, where you can set up a studio anywhere, she can't. Broadway holds all her dreams, so unless I gave up my business and followed her, I'm strictly in the friend zone."

I have to walk away from Jimmy for two reasons: one, he makes everything seem so simple and two, because he's right. She does belong here, but she'll never be here as long as her dream is there. Sadly, there isn't anything we can do about our dreams.

Headlights shine into my window, illuminating my dark living room. I bailed on Harrison's the first chance I could get. After my conversation with JD, I just couldn't be there anymore. I never thought I would fall so fast for someone, but I have. When I think about my future, I see Yvie standing next to me. I know it's all a part of my imagination, and I just need to get over it. Everything will be fine once she goes back home. I'll be able to move on with my life, and she'll fulfill her dreams. It's a win-win for the both of us.

I'm opening the door before she finishes knocking. Yvie steps in, and I slide my arm around her waist, pulling her to me with a little force. She smiles, biting her lower lip, teasing me. I shut the door and push her coat off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. I should stop now, but I can't. I want this with her even if my heart breaks in the morning.

"You left me," she whispers in the darkness. My fingers trail along her cheekbone.

"I didn't think you'd notice." I place a tiny kiss on each side of her mouth.

"How could I not?" she whispers, as my teeth tug on her earlobe. Her hands slide under my shirt and move until she's tracing my pecs with her fingernails. I step back and pull my shirt over my head because I like the way she's exploring my chest and don't want her hands restricted.

"I see you were expecting me?" she says, pulling on my already loose belt.

"I was getting comfortable." I crouch down and run my hands over her legs. She's wearing a red sweater dress with black boots that go to her knees. All night I thought about what lies beneath. I trail my hands up her legs, pushing up her dress as I go. I stand and pull her dress over her head.

"Oh fuck," I blurt out when I'm rewarded with her perfect breasts covered in black lace. I suck one into my mouth and her nails dig into my back. My heart is yelling at me to stop while both my heads are telling me to go faster.

I pick her up and her legs squeeze around my hips as I carry her up to my room. Each step I take is done so blindly since my lips haven't left her breasts. I pay equal attention to both until we reach my room.

Setting her down on my bed gently, I slip off her boots and she slides down her tights. Her beautiful porcelain skin looks alabaster against my dark comforter with the moonlight shining through.

"You're so beautiful," I say against her skin. I shed my pants before I crawl up next to her. We're side by side and we're at the point of no return. We could stop and pretend the other night didn't happen, or we could cross into the friends-with-benefits zone. Even though I'm not getting everything I want, I'm still with her. Fuck it!

My hand trails down her side, her skin pebbling from my touch. She hitches her leg over my hip, telling me what she wants. I'm not one to deny her, so I slip my finger into her panties. Her eyes start to close, but she fights it. She's watching me watch her as my finger works her over. Her heel pushes into my ass, encouraging me. When her hips start to rock, I know she's close. I'm a selfish man and want to feel her clench around my cock and not my finger.

I sit up and rip her panties away from her and unclasp her bra. She follows and pushes my boxers off of me, taking me in her hand. My eyes roll back, and I can't help but thrust into her hand.

"Do you want me?" she asks, as she lies back down. I inch forward and rub the head of my cock against her clit.

"Is this what you want?"

She bites her lip and nods. I push in slowly and hiss at the connection. I keep going, pulling out and starting over. My hands cup her breast as I slide in and out of her. Her head falls back, her eyes closing. I lean forward and capture her mouth, pressing my body against hers. We move in unison, creating friction and heat.

"You're so beautiful." I kiss her again, increasing my tempo. She moans, her nails pressing into my back.

"Fuck, you're so wet, Yvie." Her hands trail down my back and push into my ass, and I move faster. She screams out, asking for more. I flip her over, not giving her time to adjust before I'm slipping into her again. I pull her up, using her flexibility to my advantage. I hold her to my chest, my hand fondling her breast. She rocks into me as my finger finds her clit. I rub her frantically, feeling that she's close.

"Alexander," she lets my name fall from her lips in ecstasy. I increase my ministrations, pushing into her with all that I am.

"Fuck," I groan when I feel her squeeze my cock. Yvie pants as I reach my climax. We fall forward, in a heap of sweat and heavy breathing.

I roll over, pulling out of her, but taking her with me. "That was . . ."

"Orgasmic," she says, with a laugh.

I chuckle and kiss the top of her head before getting up and heading toward the bathroom. I clean up, and bring back a wet washcloth for her.

Crawling toward her, I let the cloth lead a path up her body. She shivers, but doesn't push me away. Yvie takes the washcloth from me and throws it over my face. I pull it down in time to watch her walk out of room, naked.

I close my eyes, and wait for her to return. I want to keep her and not let her go back to New York, but that's not possible. When she comes back, she crawls over my body, stopping to blow on my semi-hard dick. He starts to spring to life again as she lays her body over mine. I hold her there, relishing in the moment.

"You called me Alexander; I think that made me come."

Yvie laughs. "I found your name on a piece of paper at my brother's. I was going to call you Alexander earlier, but it just slipped out there."

"I like the way it sounds coming off your lips." I instantly regret saying those words, and we both go quiet. "Hey, can I take you to the airport tomorrow?"

"I have a rental car," she says, sitting up partially so I can see her.

"Harrison and I can take care of it. I'd just feel better if you let me drive you."

She nods. "Okay, Alexander."

I growl and roll over the top of her. "Say it again, and you'll be sorry." I thrust my hips into hers, showing her that I'm ready and willing for another round.

"Show me what you have, Alexander Knight." I push into her and that shuts her up. As I move over the top of her, I realize that this woman, whether she's a friend or lover, is going to be the death of me.

Chapter 11Yvie.

It's four in the morning when I open the door to Harrison's house. The walk of shame has never felt as good as it does now, but with that I'm fighting back the tears and heartbreak for a friend. It was evident tonight that Xander may want more than what I can offer. I'm not a mind reader, but body language speaks volumes and his was yelling.

I should listen, but in doing so I would be admitting that I'm ready to give up on my dream. Falling into a pattern, an easy life, with Xander would be so easy and refreshing if he just lived in New York. That's where I've wanted to be ever since I was a little girl. I dreamt of dancing on the big stage in front the biggest crowds, and I'm almost there. Even with Enchantment being on Broadway, my theater is small. I strive for the grander theaters with the crystal chandeliers so big you imagine yourself swinging from them. Dancing is a childhood dream that I've never given up on.

I turn on the Christmas tree and watch the white lights twinkle against the ornaments. Sitting down on the couch, I wrap up in the afghan and marvel at the presents under the tree. Five people live in this house and there are enough gifts under there that I feel overwhelmed. This will be my biggest Christmas ever, and I'm just here to watch.

"Just getting home?"

I startle at the sound of Harrison's voice. He saunters into the living room and takes the seat next to me, stealing some of the afghan.

"Can't sleep, Santa?"

He looks at me and shrugs. "What's going on with you? We haven't really spent a lot of time together since you arrived."

"You're busy, and I sort of just showed up on your doorstep. I didn't expect you to drop everything and entertain me. I'm a big girl. I can fend for myself."

"I'm still your brother. I'll always make time for you. You know that."

I nod, knowing that he'll do whatever he can to make me happy. I stare at the tree, letting the colors from the ornaments and lights blend in. "Remember when we were little and we'd try to stay awake to see Santa? We'd get so excited when we woke up and there were some presents under the tree only to get to school and hear about all the toys that everyone got. I used to lie to my friends and tell them that I got that Barbie everyone else did and you pulled her head off. When I got older it was clothes. I'd lie and whine to my friends that "the hottest jeans ever" shrunk when I washed them. I felt so bad but couldn't tell people the truth.

"Look at what you've done for Quinn and even the twins." I nod toward the tree. "It looks like the toy stores exploded under there and in a few hours they'll come thundering down the stairs to tear open everything under that tree. Within ten minutes it'll be over."

"We open our stockings first, eat breakfast and then I sit down and hand out a present at time. Katelyn and I like to see their expressions for each gift. It makes it last longer." Harrison sighs. "You know when I first got here, Peyton was being bullied at school and Quinn sucker punched the kid. I was angry at him, but also thrilled that he did that for her. I wish someone had done that for me because then maybe I wouldn't hate my childhood so much. There wasn't anything Mom could do about it either so I never told her. Had I not found those drums, we'd probably still be living in that dump of an apartment."

Harrison pats my leg and stares off. I don't want to think about what our lives would be like if he hadn't come across the discarded drums in that alley way. I wouldn't be where I am today. Once he started playing, he did anything he could to make money. First it was five dollars then ten. That ten became a hundred quickly. The first time he was paid a hundred for a gig, he took Mom and me out to dinner. It wasn't anything fancy, but to us it was like we were eating at the Ritz.

He gave up college for me and always made sure I had money for dance lessons. When the private dance company offered me a spot, he took a day job and started living off two to three hours of sleep a night to provide for us. As soon as the gig opened at Metro he was able to cut back, and then everything changed when Liam got signed and took Harrison with him. Liam made Harrison feel like he mattered.

"What's going on with you, Yvie? You dodged the question. I'm not trying to pry, but you don't seem yourself."

I poke my fingers through the holes on the afghan to avoid looking at Harrison. He pulls my hand away. He's not going to let this go. I thought that I could show up and everyone would just be happy. We'd do family activities, and I'd be on my way back before anyone could figure out what's going on with me.

"Have you ever felt that you weren't good enough?"

Harrison groans. He relaxes into the couch, putting his hands behind his head. "Every day. I'm always questioning whether I'm a good enough father, a good enough partner for Katelyn. Can I be better? What can I do to improve? I'm no different than you, Yvie. I remember what we came from and how we got here."

"How you got us here, Harrison. Don't short change yourself."

He shakes his head. "We did this. If I didn't have the support from you and Mom, I would've never gone out and started playing in public. Everything that has happened to us did so for a reason. We struggled, but we overcame it and now I want to know why you think you're not good enough."

"He tells me I'm not. He tells me I'm fat, or that I don't extend properly. He tells me my hair isn't pulled tight enough."

"Oliver?" he asks and I nod, wiping away a tear. "Is that why you left him?"

"Yes, and he wants to settle down and I don't, at least not with him, but I'm so torn because he can make or break my career. I want to leave Enchantment, but am afraid he'll give me a bad reputation, and I can't afford that."

Harrison pulls me into his arms, and I let the tears fall. It's Christmas, and I shouldn't be crying-especially over Oliver.

"What's up with you and Xander?"

I pull back and wipe at my cheeks. "I like him, but he's here and I'm there. We're friends and it's good to have friends, especially someone who isn't in the business."

"Yeah, I know what that's like."

Harrison trails off and the room grows quiet. It's only a matter of time before the kids wake up and the house is crazy.

"Have you ever talked to Liam about how he ended up in California?"

I shake my head.

"Do me a favor and ask him today when we go over. His story might help you figure out yours." He leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek before getting up and leaving the room. He starts banging around in the kitchen, making enough noise to wake the house.

The first one down is my mom, and when Harrison returns with coffee, the three of us cuddle on the couch. We haven't done this in years, and it feels good. Five minutes later, Katelyn comes down, followed shortly by Quinn. He climbs in between my mom and me, and Katelyn takes an awkward family Christmas photo. It's going to be one that I look at every day to remember this morning. As soon as the girls wake, the stockings are passed around. When Katelyn hands me one with my name on it, I can't fight the tears. It's easy to see how Harrison fell for her so fast.

Once breakfast is done, Harrison dons a Santa hat and starts the process of handing out present by present. Each time my name is called, my heart stops a little. By the time we're done, we have just enough time to shower and head over to Liam and Josie's. The thought of seeing Xander has me on edge. Memories of last night haven't escaped my mind all morning. Each time I'm not focusing on what's going on around me, it's because I'm reliving last night.

The night we had in the gym was erotic and I'll never forget it, but standing there in his room with the moonlight shining through the window as his fingers moved lightly over my skin, is engrained in my mind forever. The softness of his lips as they created a fiery path over my body is still being felt. The way my fingers curled around his hard muscles when he rocked into me. Knowing that he was the cause of my head falling back and my eyes closing on their own free will is something I've never experienced before. We were slow and precise, everything that we weren't before. There wasn't a piece of flesh that our mouths didn't cover. He was making love to me and that scares the shit out of me.

The kids run into the house, yelling and screaming as Josie and Liam greet us at the door. Kisses and hugs are exchanged as if we haven't seen each other for years, not hours. Liam and Josie's house is almost twice the size of Harrison and Katelyn's and decorated like a window display on Fifth Avenue. Garland, lights, and red ribbons are everywhere, reminding me of home.

"Would you like a tour?" Liam asks when he catches me looking around. I smile sheepishly as he takes my hand and starts showing me around. We start upstairs and he shows me Noah's room and the room where all the magic happens. I pretend to gag and slip out of his grasp when he rubs his knuckles on my hair.

We walk down the stairs to the basement and when he flips the light on, the studio comes to life.

"This is the magic room," I say, staring into their recording room.

"Yeah, I guess. We're getting ready to go on tour again. It's big this time though. The kids won't be able to join us until schools out."

"No tutor?"