All I Want - All I Want Part 32

All I Want Part 32

One of her friends made herself comfortable in Drake's lap while her other friend went for Eric's lap.

"I don't need to know your name," I said as I looked at her. All I need is for you to distract me.

Stacey was pretty in a slutty kind of way. I knew her kind, and they were my type. I'd fuck them, give them their five minutes with the band, and then go on my merry way. It was that easy. They never made my heart race, and they sure as fuck never made me feel nervous.

I spent the rest of the night focusing my attention on Stacey, but every time Amber so much as lifted her ass cheek a centimeter off her chair, I was aware of it.

I almost sighed in relief when Amber's friends decided that they wanted to leave. I ignored all of them as they said their good-byes and left the bar. The minute she disappeared, I lifted Stacey off my lap and stood. Without a word, I grabbed her hand and led her to the back room where we stored our instruments.

"Where are we going?" Stacey asked.

"To fuck. That okay with you?" I opened the door and slid inside. She followed closely behind.

As soon as I closed the door, Stacey pulled her dress over her head. Apparently, it was more than okay with her.

It was too bad that the entire time I was fucking her as she bent over the speaker, I was picturing a petite brunette with blow-me lips.

Present July "Adam?"

My name was barely a whisper on her lips, but I instantly jerked upright.

"What's wrong?" I asked groggily.

"Nothing, it's just . . ." Amber trailed off.


"I can't sleep without you next to me," she whispered from her hospital bed.

I grinned as I stood and stretched. Attempting to sleep in that godforsaken chair was about the dumbest idea I'd ever had-okay, maybe not, but it was in the top ten.

"Why didn't you just say so?" I walked over to the bed. "Scoot over."

I waited until she shifted to the edge before climbing onto the bed with her. The bed was narrow, but we made it work. I shifted halfway onto my side and pulled her close. Amber snuggled deeper into my chest and sighed contentedly.

"This feels nice," she mumbled. "You realize, this is probably the last night of peace we're going to have for the next eighteen years?"

I chuckled. "I know, babe. Try to get some sleep, okay?"

"M'kay," she mumbled, already drifting off.

I held her tightly as I thought about the past few hours. Watching her bring our daughter, Gabriella, into the world had altered my life. I'd had nine months to prepare for that moment, but I was a fool for thinking I'd been ready for all of it. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was a father. The little pink bundle who was currently sleeping in the nursery was my blood, my child . . . my daughter.

My gut clenched. Daughter.

Jesus, it was like God was getting his revenge on me. All the women I'd slept with over the years were people's daughters. Now, I had one of my own. I'd kill every little shit who came near her. There was no way I would let her turn out like most of the women I'd been with.

No. Fucking. Way.

Unable to sleep, I watched Amber as she slept peacefully in my arms. My heart warmed when she mumbled my name in her sleep.

This was what love felt like. I'd thought I knew what love was before, but it was nothing compared to this.

Amber was . . . everything. She was my goddamn everything, and now, Gabriella was, too.

Past January My dick constantly throbbed. One would think that after three months of constant throbbing, I would have grown used to it, but that was a fucking joke. Anytime Amber was in the same room as me, I would be as hard as a rock.

I had yet to speak a word to her.

I would laugh at the ridiculousness of my situation if it wasn't for the fact that I was suffering-badly. I'd been fucking anything that was decently pretty, but still, I throbbed. If something didn't give soon, I was going to lose my mind.

I'd spent Christmas in blissful peace, very much aware of the fact that Chloe-the blonde who seemed to have Drake by the dick-and Amber had been several hours away from me. There had been no chance that she'd suddenly appear in the bar, and I'd have to go find the nearest whore to shove my dick into as soon as she disappeared. I hadn't even had sex that entire week. That was a new record for me.

When I'd walked up onto the stage twenty minutes earlier, I'd actually been in a good mood. A week free from the constant urge to search for Amber, wanting to fuck her senseless, had been like a damn vacation. I was pretty sure I had been smiling up until the moment she walked in.

I felt the air change before I even saw her, and I wasn't the only one. Heads turned as Chloe and Amber walked through the bar. I couldn't tear my eyes away. Both of them were dressed up. Usually, they kept their outfits pretty casual, especially Chloe. Tonight though, both of them were wearing outfits that screamed, Fuck me. Chloe was wearing a black dress that should be considered a shirt, but I barely paid any attention to her. My eyes were firmly planted on Amber, and I wasn't sure I would ever be able to look away.

She was a walking wet dream-ripped stockings, miniskirt, and a top that clung to her like a second skin. Her makeup was darker than usual, and her hair was carefully styled. The one thing I knew for certain was that both women had come to this bar with expectations. I just had no idea what they were.

Drake finished out the final line of the song with a scream before opening his eyes and smiling at the crowd. "All right, guys, one more song, and you get to pick. Tell me what you want!"

The crowd went wild as people began shouting song titles at him. I jerked my eyes away from Amber when Chloe suddenly stood from the seat at our table and walked to the front of the stage. Drake's eyes instantly snapped to her. Even from here, I could sense how much he wanted her, how much he was holding back.

I had no idea why those two hadn't fucked each other's brains out yet. Oh, right. It was because Chloe had a boyfriend, and she was obviously trying to be loyal to him. Go her. At least, that meant not all women were cheating bitches.

"I have a request!" Chloe shouted over the crowd.

They had quieted slightly when they noticed the looks Drake was giving her.

He walked over and leaned down until he was eye level with Chloe. "And what would that be?"

"'Gentleman' by Theory of a Deadman. You know that one, right?" Chloe asked sweetly.

His eyebrows disappeared into his hair as the women in the crowd started whistling. I smirked. I considered that particular song to be the anthem for my life.

"Sure do. I'm a pro at it." Drake walked back to the center of the stage and motioned for the band to start.

I couldn't hide my grin as I started into the song. By the look on Drake's face, it was obvious that I wasn't the only one having trouble controlling what his dick wanted lately. I had to admit though that Drake was throwing himself into that song like no other. It was as if he wanted to prove to her just how true the lyrics were. Chloe might be fucking with Drake's head, but she was doing wonders for his singing.

When the song finished and Drake thanked everyone for coming out, we joined Chloe and Amber at our table. Unable to stop myself, I sat down next to Amber. When she'd walked in here, she'd known exactly what kind of attention an outfit like that would bring. She obviously wanted it. And I was pretty sure that I was going to crack if something didn't happen between the two of us. I wouldn't care if it were a five-minute fuck in the back room. I'd take whatever I could get.

I turned to look at her. "Amber, right?"

"Yeah, and you're Eric?" she asked.

My eyes widened before I could stop myself. I'd been watching her like a creeper for months, and she didn't even know my name.

Eric, who had just sat down between Jade and Drake, choked on his beer. "Dude, you just got burned. You've been sitting at the same table as her, drooling in her lap for months, and she doesn't even know your name!"

I flipped Eric off. I turned back to Amber and smiled. "Nah, that douche over there is Eric. I'm Adam."

She smiled, her cheeks turning a light pink. "Whoops. Sorry, Adam."

"It's all right. Let me buy you a beer?" I asked.

She nodded as I motioned for the waitress to bring a round over to our table.

I opened my mouth, unsure of what I was going to say to her, but I was cut off when Drake growled like a caged animal. My eyes darted to him. He was glaring over my shoulder. I glanced back to see a guy approaching our table.

"Hey, I'm Chris," the guy said as he sat down next to Chloe.

She gave him a small smile. "Hi, Chris. I'm Chloe."

"Can I buy you a drink?"

Chloe shook her head and held up the half-empty bottle in her hand. "No, thanks. I'm good."

"Come on, that one's almost empty. Just one."

Before Chloe could speak, Drake broke into the conversation. "She said no, buddy. Why don't you take the hint and go back to your table?"

Chris glared at Drake. "I don't remember asking for your opinion, buddy."

"Well, you got it. Move along."

Chris glanced back at Chloe. "You with this asshole?"

She shook her head. "No, definitely not."

Chris turned to give Drake a smug smile. "Looks like you don't have a say then."

Drake clenched his fist on the table before pointing to the door. "You need to leave-now. Or I'm going to help you leave."

Chris laughed as he threw his arm around Chloe's shoulders. "I'd like to see you try."

Everyone at the table was deathly quiet as Drake stood so fast that he knocked over his chair.

Chloe quickly removed herself out from underneath Chris's arm. "Guys, chill out. Drake, sit back down. Chris, thank you for the offer but no thanks. I have a boyfriend who isn't him." She pointed at Drake, who was still standing and shooting murderous glares across the table at the guy.

Chris frowned but stood to leave. "That's too bad. I'll be over there if you change your mind." He gave Drake one last glare as he walked back to his table.

"Asshole," Drake muttered as he picked his chair up and sat back down.

Everyone was staring at him as Eric started laughing hysterically. "I have seen it all. Drake Allen just took up for a girl."

Chloe rolled her eyes as everyone started laughing with Eric. "Shush. And you"-she turned her gaze to Drake-"I don't need you to take up for me. I can fight my own battles."

His eyes turned hard. "Sure you can. Sorry. It won't happen again."

"Those two need to get laid," I mumbled under my breath. I'd never seen Drake act the way he did when Chris approached our table.

"As long as it's not with each other, I'm cool with it," Amber said.

I turned so that I was looking at her again and grinned. "So, Amber, tell me more about yourself."

She grinned. "Do you really care?"

I did, more than she knew. There was no way I was going to admit that though.

I scooted closer to her, unable to stop myself. "I've been watching you for three months, but I know nothing about you. Call me curious."

She leaned closer to me. "There's nothing interesting about me. I'm sure you have more on your mind than my birthday, my favorite color, and what classes I'm taking."

She shocked me when she rested her hand on my upper thigh. My breath hitched as her hand slid higher up my leg. I wanted to take her home and fuck her senseless, and I wasn't sure if I could stop myself from doing just that.

My eyes flashed to Chloe and Drake before returning to Amber. "I don't fuck my friends' friends anymore. It always turns out bad."

She grinned. "Do I look like I'm the type to cause problems?"

"No, but you look like a fucking angel. That's almost just as bad." The words had slipped out before I could stop them.

Unable to resist, I rested my hand on top of hers. Her skin was as soft as it looked.

Amber jumped when Chloe poked her in the ribs and motioned to the door.

"You ready?" Chloe asked Amber.

Amber glanced back and forth between Chloe and me. "Actually, I was going to hang out here with Adam for a little longer." She pulled her keys out of her purse and handed them to Chloe. "Take my car. I'll catch a ride back with someone."

I had a pretty good idea who she'd be riding tonight. My dick twitched in my pants, letting me know that he approved.

Chloe looked back and forth between Amber and me before winking at Amber. I watched as Chloe told everyone good-bye and left.

As soon as she disappeared, Drake stood. "I'm out of here," he said without looking at any of us.

He stormed to the door and disappeared. Maybe he would end up getting laid tonight after all.

"I'm tired, too. You ready to head home, Jade?" Eric asked.

"Yep. We'll see you guys later," Jade said, flashing a smile at Amber and me.

"Guess we know how to clear a room," Amber joked.

I studied Amber, unsure of what to think of the beautiful woman who fucked with my head. I watched her so intently that she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" she finally asked.

I shrugged. "I'm just trying to figure you out."