Against The Gods With An Anime System - 96 Hook, Line And Sinker

96 Hook, Line And Sinker

"Man… this is boring. You'd think walking around in a snow world wouldn't be boring at all, but it sure is. Should we do something while we wait for those idiots who are following to attack us?" Said Mesa, bored out of his mind.

"Sure, what do you wanna do then?" Said Jasmine.

"Uhmm… Oh! I know! I am gonna sing this song from Earth that was one of my favorite ones." Said Mesa as he started to play a song on his phone, not even caring that those who are following and watching can see him.

"This one is for you Chester. May you rest in peace." Mumbled Mesa to himself as the music started and he started to sing along with it. (Linkin Park – Breaking the Habit)



Memories consume like opening the wound

I'm picking me apart again

You all a.s.sume

I'm safe here in my room

Unless I try to start again

I don't want to be the one the battles always choose

'Cause inside I realize that I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for

Or why I have to scream

I don't know why I instigate

And say what I don't mean

I don't know how I got this way

I know it's not alright

So I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit tonight

Clutching my cure

I tightly lock the door

I try to catch my breath again

I hurt much more than any time before

I have no options left again

I don't want to be the one the battles always choose

'Cause inside I realize that I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for

Or why I have to scream

I don't know why I instigate

And say what I don't mean

I don't know how I got this way

I'll never be alright

So I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit tonight

I'll paint it on the walls

'Cause I'm the one at fault

I'll never fight again

And this is how it ends

I don't know what's worth fighting for

Or why I have to scream

But now I have some clarity to show you what I mean

I don't know how I got this way

I'll never be alright

So I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit tonight



As Mesa was singing out loud and feeling the emotions in the song, tears started to stream down his face.

"Mesa, are you alright?" Asked Jasmine concernedly.

"Yes, I am ok. This song just reminds me of a very dark period of time I had back on Earth. It was shortly after I learned what happened to my birth mother, I went through an period of an incredibly deep depression and alcohol addiction and I was considering suicide. When I heard this song, I could feel the emotions behind it and the emotions that the singer brought out and it helped me through that dark time." Said Mesa, airing out his heart and sharing his past with Jasmine and Ophis. After he said that, Ophis came out of the Sky Poison Pearl and immediately hugged him.

"I am here Mesa. I am not going anywhere. We are friends and friends help each other." Said Ophis as she tightly hugged Mesa.

"Thanks Ophis. I am really happy that I have met you." Said Mesa.

"And Jasmine, just so you know. I know life has been really hard after your father tried to sacrifice you and your brother so that he could ascend past Divine Master Realm and after that Qianye Ying'er killed your brother. But I want you to know that I… no, WE are here for you. Right Ophis?" Said Mesa with Ophis nodding along.

"…[sniff]…[sniff]…Thank you." Said Jasmine in a soft voice, while tears were streaming down her face.

(A.N.: For those wondering why I put this in it. I have a good reason. Yesterday, I heard this song played out loud by my neighbor and it resonated with me. This song reminded me from when I had been going through a very rough time and very nearly committed suicide. Thankfully, my family was there to help me out and thanks to them I pulled through. So for anyone here who struggles with depression and feeling of suicide, know that you are not alone. Your family is here with you and they would be devastated to see you suffer like that. So tell them about your depression and let them help you out. You'll see that they will be there for you. For everyone who don't have a family and are struggling with depression, know that there are suicide prevention foundations who are more than willing to help you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Talk to people! It helps more than you can possibly imagine.)

(A.N.: I wanted to get this message out to you, my dear readers. But I know what you truly came here for. And now, I will go back to Mesa owning a bunch of arrogant p.r.i.c.ks who sprinted head-first into a very obvious trap)

As this was going on, the people who were watching Mesa very closely, were puzzled at the weird music that they suddenly heard and the sudden appearance of a little girl that hugged Mesa. What they couldn't hear was the conversation Mesa had with Jasmine and Ophis. Every one of them were having the same thoughts.

'What is this guy doing?'

'What is that music and where did it come from?'

'Who is that little girl that suddenly appeared next to him?'

"Mesa, they have arrived. I have sensed 14 people following you. Though, one of them isn't here to kill you. And they've seen Ophis, make sure that they're all either dead or you've erased their memories of Ophis." Said Jasmine.

"Thanks for the warning Jasmine. I have been tracking them as well. And I think I know who the one is who doesn't want to kill me. Ophis, go back inside and watch me as I take care of them. And besides, I think Jasmine needs a hug as well." Said Mesa to Ophis, who went back into the Sky Poison Pearl. And immediately after, he kicked it into high gear and took off like a bullet.

"DAMMIT! He found out about us! After him! Don't let him escape!" Bellowed out Fen Moli as the Burning Heaven Clan and the Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect groups came out of cover and rushed after him at full speed. After they were gone, Xia Qingyue herself also came out of her cover and rushed after Mesa.

As Mesa was running across a very rocky, snow covered wasteland in search of an ideal place for the ambush. Meanwhile he could hear angry screams form behind him, telling him to stop. But obviously, he paid no attention to it and kept on running, until he found a perfect place for the ambush. A flat snow covered clearing with gentle hills and nothing else for miles. What he did next was weird for his pursuers. He took out 4 giant shurikens. And instead of throwing them at his pursuers, he threw them to the side, nowhere near his pursuers, so they ignored it and kept on running after Mesa and pa.s.sed the giant Shurikens. After every one of his pursuers had pa.s.sed the Shurikens, including Xia Qingyue, they exploded into smoke and revealed four Mesa clones. And these clones ran after the group, but kept their distance.

After a few minutes of non-stop running, he could see two blurry silhouettes in the distance. After coming closer, he could see that is was Fen Juebi and his brother Fen Juecheng.

"s.h.i.+nji and s.h.i.+nji Junior?! Oh my G.o.d! How ARE yo- Oh G.o.d, wow, that's enough of that. What do you want?" Said Mesa in an overly fake enthusiastic way and much to their anger.

"Mesa Uchiha. You didn't think that our meeting here was a coincidence?" Said Fen Juecheng.

"Oh what could have possible given it away." Said Mesa with a fake surprised face.

"Maybe the fact that you idiots have been following me around for hours and have been yelling after I started to run." Said Mesa seriously.

"Laugh all you want. Cause soon, you will be going somewhere where you will never laugh again!" Said Fen Juecheng threateningly as he took out a deep-red longsword and pointed its tip at Mesa.

"I see. So, if you don't mind me asking. But what could possibly be reason for all this hate? Prior to this whole tournament, we've never had any grievances or even knew each other." Said Mesa.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Juebi laughed heartily: "No prior grievances? You're actually innocently stupid. Alright, seeing as you're about to become a dead man, I'll explain why I want you dead. In the Ranking Tournament, you have severely injured me in a malicious way and outside of the match. You have woefully and maliciously a.s.saulted our ill.u.s.trious Burning Heaven Clan's great elder Fen Moli!! And worst of all! The Blue Moon Princess is a woman my Big Bro has taken an interest in and you actually dare to touch her! You truly don't know how death is written!! Even a thousand deaths are not enough to pay for your crimes!"

"Oh really? Well, Princess Cang Yue and I are a happy couple together and she hates your "Big Bro", or s.h.i.+nji as he is really called, with every fiber of her being. So what makes you think that she would like you, even if you managed to kill me. How about you idiots stop deluding yourself and move on!" Said Mesa as he did a "shoo-shoo" gesture in their direction.

Listening to Mesa humiliate him and calling him s.h.i.+nji again, drove his anger through the roof. But just as he wanted to attack him, he saw the rest of the group arrive behind Mesa.

"End of the line, you little b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You did surprise us for a bit when you discovered us and with your speed. But you have done nothing but delay the inevitable. And now, you will pay for all your crimes against the Burning Heaven Clan!" Said Fen Moli. Looking around, Mesa found himself surrounded. Everywhere he looked, he could see either a Burning Heaven Clan or a Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect guy standing there with an evil and arrogant grin on their face.

"So, how about you give us all the treasures you have and I might consider letting you die painlessly." Said Fen Moli arrogantly as Mesa was being surrounded.

"And what makes you think I would just roll over and let you do whatever with me!" Said Mesa.

"Hahahahahahaha!!! What makes you think that YOU! A Cripple! Has any say in this!" Bellowed out Fen Moli.

"Hahahahahahahahah....!!!" Laughed Mesa out loud.

"What's so funny?! Are you losing your mind because you're scared, knowing that you will die!" Said Fen Juecheng.

"Hahahahahahah… f.u.c.k no! I am not laughing because of that! I am laughing because you idiots fell for my overly obvious trap that I laid out for you and you are all acting just the way I had expected you greedy, arrogant sect p.r.i.c.ks would!" Said Mesa much to their anger.

"Great Elder Fen Moli! Young Master Fen! I will not let him insult us any longer! I will kill him myself in the most painful possible!" Said Mu Tianbei as he launched himself towards Mesa.

As Mu Tianbei launched himself at Mesa, he and everyone else saw him reach for the ring on the pinky of his right hand and took it off. Immediately after, Mesa's level 7 Emperor Profound Realm power, who was supposed to be a cripple, exploded outwards and far, far surpa.s.sed all of their level of strength. Everyone watching was horrified at Mesa's strength. Mu Tianbei was also horrified, but he was too late to stop himself from attacking Mesa with his spear. Holding up his left hand, Mesa caught his spear between the tips of his index finger and thumb.

Lifting up his right hand towards Mu Tianbei, Mesa holds his hand in a finger gun gesture, pointed it towards Mu Tianbei and says: "Bang."

And faster than they could see, Mu Tianbei's body exploded in teeny tiny bits of flesh and gore. The only thing left of him was his arm, that still held on to the spear. Throwing the spear aside, Mesa looked over at the ambush group surrounding him and couldn't help but smile.

"So, like I said earlier. You've all walked straight into the obvious trap that I've laid for you. And judging by the looks on your faces, you know you f.u.c.ked up big time." Said Mesa with the most terrifying smile they had ever seen.

The first one to awaken from his terror induced paralysis was Fen Moli, who yelled out: "RUN!! HE WAS NEVER CRIPPLED!! HE LURED US INTO A TRAP! RUN!!"

Hearing Fen Moli's terrified voice, everyone bolted in different directions, trying desperately to get as far away from Mesa as possible.

"ALRIGHT BOYS! HIT IT!" Yelled Mesa out loud.

In the distance, the four Mesa clones were ready and in position. With the 'Ram' hand sign ready, they simultaneously initiated the trap.


In the distance, a red barrier suddenly forms that reaches up into the sky and completely encloses them. Those who b.u.mped into it tried to break through with all their strength, but were horrified to see that not only couldn't their attacks not break through. Their attacks had at most, only locally distorted the shape of the barrier before it went back to normal.

"And where do you think you're going. The party has just started." Said Mesa. Turning around, they saw Mesa approaching them with an evil grin on his face.