Against The Gods With An Anime System - 95 The Heaven Secret Basin Realm

95 The Heaven Secret Basin Realm

Deep into the direct north of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa stood the Heavenly Sword Mountain Range. And in the north of this Heaven Sword Mountain Range was a flat clearing. This place was one that was completely different. The atmosphere was calm and quiet and even the sounds of the wind were exceptionally soothing.

At noon, a group of people arrived. This group of people were all of the ten sects who had ranked in the top 10 of the Ranking Tournament. This was the entrance to the Heaven Basin Secret Realm. Everyone here carried varying levels of excitement, especially those who've yet to enter the Heaven Basin Secret Realm before. Their eyes were oddly bright and looked as if any possible encounters were already in front of them, within reach.

Representing Blue Wind Imperial Family group was Mesa Uchiha and no one else.

Ling Yuefeng stood at the front and announced: "Shortly, the entrance to Heaven Basin Secret Realm will appear. Before that happens, I will need to remind all of you of some things."

"Heaven Basin Secret Realm can only take at most 70 people at a time. With that said, each sect can send all 7 representatives that have come. After entering the realm, you will only stay for 4 days. After 96 hours, you will all be teleported back here against your will. There's only one exception to this ruleā€¦"

Ling Yuefeng coldly said: "And that is a dead person!"

"Do not think that the Heaven Basin Secret Realm only contains innumerable resources and treasures. At the same time, it also contains immeasurable danger! If you pay no heed to your safety and are driven by greed, you may very well lose your life! The Heaven Basin Secret Realm is unbelievably huge and there has never been anyone who was able to travel to the end. At the same time, what you see within the Secret Realm changes every single time. Even if you've once traveled deep into the Secret Realm, you might see a completely new world this time around."

"While exploring the Secret Realm, you can choose to travel alone or travel in a group. But in order to truly gain experience, the young and older generation should split up."

Ling Yuefeng's speech had left everyone in deep thought. If the younger generation still needed the older generation's protection, that would be wasting this precious training opportunity. But not all thought this way. The Burning Heaven Clan were doing their best to contain their glee at seeing Mesa Uchiha present and they were determined to kill him there and take all his treasures. The Xiao Sect were also doing their best to contain their greed, they were excited that Mesa Uchiha would enter the Heaven Secret Basin Realm and they were prepared to go and take all his treasures while they were there.

"Within the Secret Realm, sound transmission does not work. n.o.body will be able to communicate via sound transmission. The Secret Realm is a place for exploration and training, it's not for settling grudges! If you wish to settle your grudge within the Secret Realm, I would advise you to not do so. Do not waste this precious chance to train! Especially the older generation, I hope that you wouldn't stoop that low and disregard your dignity and attack someone of the younger generation. If I happen to find out, you wouldn't like the outcome." Said Ling Yuefeng in a threatening tone.

"Even if there's conflict between the younger generation due to a treasure found at the same time, the older generation is not allowed to intervene. The deeper you go into the Secret realm, the higher the danger! If you are not strong enough, do not try to push your luck. Even the season within the Secret Realm is not fixed. Sometimes we'll get the warm spring season, sometimes we'll get a cool summer season, but if luck is not on our side, we might get a harsh winter..."

The younger generation who did not have experience entering the Secret Realm earnestly listened to Ling Yuefeng's long speech and took them to heart. At this time, a "whoosh" sound came from behind Ling Yuefeng, beckoning people to look towards the sound. Behind Ling Yuefeng, s.p.a.ce started to distort and collapse until there was a portal behind him.

"This is the entrance into the Heaven Basin Secret Realm." Ling Yuefeng stood in front of the entrance, looked at the crowd who had faces of astonishment and excitement, and said: "Each time the Secret Realm has been accessed, there will be two or three people who get left within the realm on average, never to return. Now that the entrance to the Secret Realm has opened, it will only stay open for seven and a half minutes. Anyone who wishes to back out may choose to do so now!"

Looking around at the people gathered, n.o.body showed any signs of backing out. Nodding contently at the fact that n.o.body backed out, he beckoned Mesa to step forward: "I've already said what has to be said. Let us enter the secret realm based on the results of the Ranking Tournament. Our friend from the Blue Wind Imperial Family shall enter first."

Stepping forward, Mesa quickly glanced at everyone present before he stepped towards the portal and through it. The previous night, everyone had decided to let Mesa enter the Heaven Secret Basin Realm on his own. Seeing as how he was the one who had won the tournament, they decided to let him enter on his own. Though Qin Wushang protested at first, because he was worried for Mesa's safety, he was quickly convinced when Cang Yue told him that everything would be alright and that there was nothing to worry about.

Stepping through the portal, Mesa was met with a world of incredibly harsh winter. Everywhere he looked, snow had piled up several feet and the sound of the wind was deafening and constantly blasting him with cold.

After he went through, the rest of the partic.i.p.ants had entered as well. Ling Yuefeng was the last to enter, and he said furrowed brows: "Looks like we are very unfortunate this time. To have drawn Heaven Basin Secret Realm's harsh winter climate! This is the worst and most dangerous condition. However, this should be favorableā€¦ to our friends from Frozen Cloud Asgard."

"Yueli, let's go!" Said Chu Yuechan, not bothering to even listen to Ling Yuefeng. Without making eye contact with anyone, she took off into the distance

"Wushuang, Xuexin, you should both travel together. Qingyue, you should travel alone. It'll be up to your abilities to obtain benefits here." After a short exchange, Chu Yueli also vanished into the winter sky, following Chu Yuechan.

Ling Yuefeng helplessly looked in the direction Chu Yuechan left before floating up and saying: "It is time that we left too. Let the younger generation choose where they want to go. They will have to depend on themselves for everything from now on."

Without saying a word Ling Yuefeng, vanished far into the winter sky. The regions that the older generation explored could not be compared to those that the younger generation did. The rest of the elders did not object to what Ling Yuefeng had said and had only given at most, simple instructions before leaving in different directions and quickly disappearing from their line of sight. If they had stayed out of concern to protect the younger generation, it would cause more harm than good.

All that was left were the people of the younger generation. Among the younger generation, other than the disciples who had partic.i.p.ated in the Ranking Tournament, there were other outstanding individuals, such as Xiao Sect's Xiao Kuangyu and Burning Heaven Clan's Fen Juecheng.

Ling Yun walked towards Xia Qingyue and when he was in front of her, he said politely: ""Xia Fairy, would you like to form a group? I came here three years ago, so I'm somewhat familiar with this place. This place is extremely dangerous, but we should be able to handle any dangers if we travel as a group, and we'll also be able to travel much farther. If we discover any treasures, Xia Fairy will also have the priority in selecting them. How does that sound?"

Some distance away, Xiao Kuangyun and Fen Juecheng's both started to frown. They had also entered the Heaven Basin Secret Realm three years ago. And at that time, Ling Yun had left early by himself, giving no one any chance at all to partner with him. But now, he had actually taken the initiative to invite someone to travel together and with Xia Qingyue no less. It was clear as day what Ling Yun's motives were for doing this.

"I thank Young Villa Master Yun for the good intentions, but I have already decided to travel alone." Said Xia Qingyue, directly rejecting Ling Yun's offer without any hesitation at all.

Having already expected this result, Ling Yun just stayed calm and told Xia Qingyue to be careful. After that he took off on his own.

Seeing Ling Yun being rejected, Xiao Kuangyun was eager to give it a try and invite Xia Qingyue to travel together, but decided against it. He could only clench his teeth in frustration and accept his losses. He then looked in Mesa's direction and thought to himself: 'Well, guess I'll have to just swallow my pride and forget about Xia Fairy. For now, there are more important things to do.'

Mesa, who stood there for a little while and gazed at the snow world soon decided to set out on his own. He turned towards the rest of the people who were still there and told them: "Well, I'll be going now. Good luck to you all and I hope you all come back safe and sound. Preferably with some treasures."

After he said that, he set off in a northern direction. What people didn't notice was, that two Mesa's had left in different directions. What happened was that Mesa, just before he stepped through the portal, glanced at everyone and he had cast a genjutsu on everyone. This genjutsu made it so, that the Xiao Sect could see one Mesa that no one else could see. And everyone else saw the other Mesa. In order to ensure that both Mesa's could take the Xiao Sect, the Burning Heaven Clan and the rest who were targeting him. The Mesa who walked in a northern direction was targeted by the Burning Heaven Clan and the Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect. The other Mesa walked towards the south and he was targeted by the Xiao Sect.

As the Mesa's were walking in their directions, they had a single thought in mind: 'Well, let's see whether they're greedy and stupid enough to fall for this obvious trap I laid out for them.'