Against The Gods With An Anime System - 97 And That Takes Care Of Tha

97 And That Takes Care Of Tha

Looking around, Mesa noticed that there were fewer people left than he had expected. Of the 12 people that he expected should be in the barrier, only ten were left. The ones that managed to escape were an elder of the Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect, Mu Tianchou, and a disciple of the Burning Heaven Clan, Fen Juange.

"Hmm… it would seem like some rats have managed to dodge the trap." Mumbled Mesa to himself.

"Hey, Jasmine." Said Mesa.

"Yes, what is it Mesa?"

"Two people have managed to slip through the cracks of the trap and are now running away. Can you take care of them?" Said Mesa.

"Hmmph! Why should I come out and take care of those people? You're the one who missed them, so you should take care of them yourself!" Said Jasmine, huffing, crossing her arms in front of her chest and looking the other way.

"Because they have seen Ophis and it would be a chance for you to use the Age Seal and the Mystic Eyes without any problems, now that the One Above All removed the poison from your body." Said Mesa. After a few seconds there was still no response.

"Jasmine… Jasmine… Are you there?" Asked Mesa.

"She is gone Mesa. She was gone right after you said she could use her Mystic Eyes." Said Ophis. Hearing this made Mesa sweatdrop.

"Anyways… back to the matter at hand." Said Mesa as he concentrated himself on the people in front of him.

"So… as you can see! You are stuck here inside this barrier with me!" Said Mesa to the remaining people inside the barrier, who were looking absolutely horrified.

"So I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is, you f.u.c.ked up big time by rus.h.i.+ng head-first into an overly obvious trap because you were being a bunch greedy idiots who thought they could score big and easily. And now, you are about to die." Said Mesa. The people who were left in the barrier had all been paralyzed by fear. Some had even lost the light in their eyes as they knew that there was nothing they could do. The one they had intended to kill and take his treasures had turned out to be faking it the whole time and was way stronger than any one of them. And to make matters worse, they were trapped inside a barrier with their supposed target. Basically their roles of hunters and hunted had completely flipped.

"But I've good news too. You see, there's no need to wonder where your G.o.d! Cause he's right here…" Said Mesa as he took an evil grin on his face and continued in whispering tone: "…and he's fresh out of mercy." After Mesa said that, the Burning Heaven Clan and Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect group started p.i.s.sing and s.h.i.+tting their pants in fear. Some were even crying.

"What was it you said to me earlier Fen Moli. 'Give us all your treasures and I might consider letting you die painlessly.' How about I give it you. All you have to do is catch it." Said Mesa as a golden portal appeared next to him, out of which a spear appeared. Looking at this spear, everyone present was in shock, because it was much more powerful than any weapon they have ever seen. Before they could even comprehend what was happening, the spear shot out at a speed that none of them could even register. And next thing they knew they heard an explosion, with snow and dirt being kicked up. After it settled down, they saw what was left there. The body of a Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect elder, Mu Xuwen, was impaled on the spear and nailed down to the ground. Looking back at Mesa, their nightmarish h.e.l.l just continued to get worse as more and more of those golden portals started opening behind Mesa's back and out of these portals sword, spears, hammers, halberd and all kinds weapons were sticking out. And every single one of these weapons was an even greater treasure than the last one.

"Awww… Looks like he couldn't catch that treasure. Well, I've still got many more treasures to share with you. Let's see if anyone else can catch these treasure then." Said Mesa.

But just before he could launch these weapons at them, Fen Moli, through sheer force of will, managed to speak up: "M-M-M-Mesa Uchiha!! I-I-If you dare kill us, you will suffer the consequences!"

After Fen Moli said that, Mesa aborted his attack and looked at Fen Moli seriously without saying anything. Thinking he had Mesa on the ropes, Fen Moli immediately became arrogant and started to speak so against Mesa, hoping his bluff would work: "That's right! You may be more powerful and you may have these powerful treasures, but you are all alone! Both Young Master Fen Juecheng and second Young Master Fen Juebi have a soul imprint on their bodies. If you dare kill us, the Master of the Burning Heaven Clan will find out immediately who killed them. And then, the entire Burning Heaven Clan will come after you! No, not only the Burning Heaven Clan! But also the Xiao Sect and the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa will come after you! And you know that you can't fight against all of us!"

Staring down at each other, Fen Moli was starting to believe that his bluff was working and so he stood back up in an arrogant way and encouraged the rest of the group to do the same. But just as they were thinking they had won, they heard laughter. Looking over to the source of the laughter, they saw Mesa laughing his a.s.s off.

"Hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahah…!!!! Really?! Do you really believe that I wouldn't dare to kill you because of that?! Do you really think I am afraid of the Burning Heaven Clan, or the Xiao Sect or the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa?! Hahahahahahahhahahahhahahahah…!!! That is a good joke!" Said Mesa, laughing out loud. Just as the group had hoped they could intimidate Mesa, their hopes were starting to dwindle.

"Let me tell you a story Fen Moli. A few days ago Ling Kun - yes THAT Ling Kun! - came over to my room. It was the day that I had first showed off the Boosted Gear and he came to my room to threaten me into giving it to him. And do you wanna know what happened?" Said Mesa as he looked over to the horrified faces of the group.

"Let me tell what happened. I teleported the both of us to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range and there we fought. Of course, I beat the living s.h.i.+t out of him and tortured him for an entire night. After that I teleported us both back to his room and erased his memory of that night to prevent the ha.s.sle that would come with it if I had killed him. So if I can do that to Ling Kun, an elder of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region! Why would I be afraid of a tiny little piece of s.h.i.+t sect like the Burning Heaven Clan or the Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect!" Said Mesa.

"LIES! Those are all lies!" Yelled out Fen Moli.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. Now, goodbye and good f.u.c.king riddance." Said Mesa as he launched all the weapons out of the Gate of Babylon that have been standing by. After the explosions and the snow had settled down, the carnage became visible. Everyone had been impaled and nailed to the ground in a hail of weapons. Everyone, but one survived. There in the corner of the barrier was Fen Juecheng, cowering on the ground in a fetus position, a crying mess covered in tears and snot that had soiled himself.

Walking over to him, Mesa could see him curling himself up to make himself as small as possible, all the while screaming in fear: "NO! PLEASE NO! SPARE ME! I AM SORRY! PLEASE, DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE!"

"I am not gonna kill you s.h.i.+nji. I am having too much fun messing with you. But I am gonna change your memories." Said Mesa as he grabbed Fen Juecheng by the throat and used Kotoamatsukami on him. Using it, he erased his memory of seeing Cang Yue and Mesa f.u.c.king each other. He also erased the memory of him killing all of them. Earlier he had used the String-String Fruit powers to take control of Fen Juebi and make him look the other way. This way after he had killed him, the Burning Heaven Clan Master, Fen Duanhun, wouldn't be able to see who had killed him. He replaced those memories of him and Cang Yue f.u.c.king each other, with memories of them close to each other without having had s.e.x with each other. He replaced the memories of him killing their entire group with memories of them encountering a Tyrant Profound Realm Beast that exterminated their entire group. He had managed to escape with sheer luck only. And most importantly, he erased the memories of Ophis.

"And with this, n.o.body will find out what happened and I am spared all that ha.s.sle that would come with it." Mumbled Mesa to himself as he left Fen Juecheng behind, who was lying unconscious on the ground, and walked over to the barrier that disappeared as he arrived there. And just outside, stood a wide-eyed and frozen Xia Qingyue, looking shocked.

"Ah Xia Qingyue, it's so good to see you. How have you been? Have you had any luck finding some treasures?" Said Mesa.

It took a while before Xia Qingyue even moved a muscle. And the first thing she said in a fearful tone was: "Wh-wh-who or what are you?"

Smiling at her, Mesa approached her and put his arm around her shoulder as he led them away from the site and said: "Come and let me tell you a tale of my master, the single greatest man to have ever existed."

As they were walking away from there, the clones that had been keeping the barrier up all dispersed.


Jasmine's POV. A few minutes earlier.

"Hey, Jasmine." Said Mesa.

"Yes, what is it Mesa?"

"Two people have managed to slip through the cracks of the trap and are now running away. Can you take care of them?" Said Mesa.

"Hmmph! Why should I come out and take care of those people? You're the one who missed them, so you should take care of them yourself!" Said Jasmine, huffing, crossing her arms in front of her chest and looking the other way.

"Because they have seen Ophis and it would be a chance for you to use the Age Seal and the Mystic Eyes without any problems, now that the One Above All removed the poison from your body." Said Mesa.

Hearing that, Jasmine had immediately left the Sky Poison Pearl, exiting it through the clone that was the farthest away from Xia Qingyue.

"Oh hey Jasmine, if you're looking for those two who had managed to slip through the barrier, they went that way." Said the Mesa clone with a wood clone growing out of his body and pointing in the direction where they went.

"Why are you using a wood clone to tell me where they went. Can't you point yourself in which direction they went?" Asked Jasmine, who was curious about it.

"No I can't. I have to stay exactly like this in order to maintain the barrier." Said the clone Mesa.

"Ohh, alright then. Well, I am of. See you later." Said Jasmine as she took off in the direction where Fen Juange and Mu Tianchou went.

Running through the forest at top speed, Fen Juange mind was in complete chaos. The only thing on his mind was to get out of there and get as far away from there as possible.

'Monster! Monster! That guy is a monster! I have to get back and tell everyone about this! I have to tell Master Fen Duanhun about it him!' Thought Fen Juange as he was running away in a panic. At some point, he had gotten tired from all the running and leaned back against a tree and catching his breath.

"Huff…huff…huff…huff…huff… I think…huff… I got away." Leaning against the tree, Fen Juange was huffing and puffing, trying to catch his breath and always keeping an eye out for Mesa. While he was catching his breath, he blinked his eyes, when all of a sudden a red-haired girl in a red dress, wearing a pair of suddenly appeared before him, scaring the living daylights out of him.

"W-W-WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" Yelled Fen Juange. In response, the little girl just smiled at him, scaring his even more than before.

"Hi there, name's Jasmine. Where do you think you're going?" Said the little girl as she took of her, showing her previously red eyes that turned into a rainbow colored eyes.

Looking at those eyes, Fen Juange was overcome with a sense of dread the likes of which he had never felt. Not even the dreadful feeling he felt after Mesa Uchiha showed off his true strength was nothing compared to the feeling of dread he has looking at this little girl's rainbow colored eyes. But just before he could do ANYTHING, he suddenly loses all feeling in his body and the light in his eyes go out. The last thing he saw, was the little girl holding a knife in her hand.

"And that takes care of that. Time to go to the next one." Said Jasmine as she looked up at the sky, in the direction that Mu Tianchou was fleeing and she took to the skies, going after him.

Flying through the snowy skies at top speed, Mu Tianchou, was in complete panic, when all of a sudden a red haired little girl appeared in front of him. He never even saw her approach him. She just… Bang! And there she was! But the most terrifying part of this, was the little girl's eyes. Her beautiful rainbow colored eyes, filled him with more dread than he had ever felt before. Even more than what he felt just earlier when Mesa showed off his true power.

"Who…who are you?!" Yelled out Mu Tianchou in fear. In response, the little girl opens her mouth and the last thing he saw, was that red headed little girl with a black haired little girl that also appeared out of nowhere before the lights went out.

Deciding to finish this off quickly, Jasmine didn't want to say a word to him. So she just clicks her teeth together and stops time. Taking out her knife, she quickly cuts Mu Tianchou in pieces by severing his 'Lines of Death'. But before she could let time go back to normal, she hears something behind her.

"Big sis, what are you doing here?" Turning around, Jasmine sees Ophis right behind her, floating in the air. Being understandably confused, Jasmine asks her how she get there.

"Ophis, how did you get here? I am pretty sure I stopped time." Said Jasmine.

"Oh… that Age Seal Power Mesa gave you. That doesn't work against me." Said Ophis with her typical emotionless gaze.

"Huh. Neat. Well anyways, I am done here. Let's go back inside. We still haven't finished watching that movie." Said Jasmine as she took Ophis' hand and clicked her teeth again to let time flow again.