After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 304

Chapter 304

Chapter 304 was discovered

"It does work, but it's better to grab two pills, just in case." The man's mother said.

"That's right, it's going to be troublesome if there's a commotion at night. I'll take him there after dinner." The man nodded.

After the meal, the man carried the child down the mountain by himself, but after reaching the foot of the mountain, he went to the shed to find the official guard who was guarding the mountain at night, but was sternly rejected.

The man also guessed the reason to some extent, but he looked down at the child in his arms, and still pleaded, "I beg you, sir, this time it's just the two of us, just let the brothers from the patrol team follow me."

"No, just wait here, I'll send someone to call Doctor Gu." The officers and soldiers shook their heads.

The man had to sit down with the child in his arms and said, "Thank you, brother."

The officers and soldiers didn't give him a good face when they saw this. After the patrol team came over, they asked them to report to him.

Gu Chengrui already knew about it from Zhou Ying's mouth, so after being informed, he went directly to the foot of the mountain with relatively cheap medicine.

After diagnosing the child's pulse, Gu Chengrui gave him three medicines and said, "This child is mainly due to malnutrition and lack of qi and blood. If you have time, you should go to the mountains to find some red dates or yam, otherwise you will arrive. In winter he would catch cold from time to time.

After taking these three medicines, it should be almost the same. "

After he finished speaking, he gave him the medicine.

"Thank you, thank you so much, how much is this medicine?"

"No, send two more bundles of firewood down, it will save us from going up the mountain to chop firewood again."

"You need firewood?" The man's eyes lit up.

Gu Chengrui looked at his expression and knew what he was thinking, and then nodded: "Yes, to prepare for the winter, if you have extra firewood, you can sell it to me, a bundle of fifty catties of firewood, five Wen money, three cents for bush firewood."


The officer saw this and said, "Remember that you can only chop branches as before, otherwise you will be discovered, and you may not even be able to live on the mountain."

"Little one wrote it down." The man replied, and then he carried the medicine and carried the child back to the Mother Temple.

After returning home, I told my brothers about it, which made them a little excited for a while. Anyway, with this income, they could go to the village to buy some sweet potatoes to eat.

Then the family went to bed happily, but they were too happy.

In the second half of the night, a dozen or so laborers with sacks crept out of the Mother Temple, and two of them also carried two boards and quietly rushed down the mountain.

However, they did not go down the mountain directly, but walked along the mountain to the outside of the village, near a ditch with lush grass. After the patrolmen passed, they immediately got on the board and quickly crossed the ditch.

Then the group quietly rushed to the ground.

After arriving in the sweet potato field, the group of people dug up the sweet potatoes quickly and greedily, and even smoothed a few radishes, green onions, etc.

After everyone had filled most of their sacks, they turned around and walked back.

But carrying things on his back is not as light as when he came here, and his size is also much larger.

So when we were halfway there, we were discovered by the patrol team.

A group of people wanted to leave the sweet potatoes and run, but they were not reconciled. Finally, the man's brother-in-law said, "We are ten people, and they are eight people. It's really impossible to fight, but we need to fight quickly."

"No, what if they find the mountain?"

"Stupid, let's not go back to the Mother Temple first. With these sweet potatoes, we can hide for half a month."

(end of this chapter)