After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Conspiracy

This end, after the man went up the mountain, he gave the green onion to his mother and asked her to help make the green onion, white and **** soup.

Angrily found the woman hiding behind her parents-in-law.

He stepped forward and pulled her out, then dragged her directly out of the Mother Temple, raised his hand and slapped him: "You bitch, you are embarrassing for Lao Tzu, they just saved your child, you turned around Just stealing other people's things, is it still human to give it back?"

"What are you doing, what are you doing, how can you hit someone." At this time, the man's father-in-law ran over and dragged them away.

"If you ask her what she did, I'm too embarrassed to say." The man pointed at the woman's nose.

Father-in-law smiled and said, "Hey, what's a big deal for me, one is a few handfuls of sweet potatoes, they don't lack them now, are you so angry?"

Hearing what he said, the man thought of something, grabbed the woman again, glanced at her two empty pockets and said, "Where's the sweet potato."

"In the pot, it's not exactly noon, so..." Halfway through the father-in-law's speech, the man snorted coldly: "Eat what's inside and outside, since you're all about your mother's house, then you can spend it at your mother's house."

After finished speaking, he turned back to the Mother Temple.

Seeing this, the woman chased after her and said, "Head of the house, head of the house, please don't drive me away, my mother is really..."

"What about your son, get out of here." The man pushed him away and walked into the small shed they built.

Father-in-law didn't pay any attention to the woman when he saw this, and turned around and went back to his small shed.

The woman burst into tears when she saw this, but no one paid her any attention.

In the end, he obediently returned to the man's side, but without her food, he could only be honest and hungry.

After eating at noon, the man took the hatchet and went to the mountain to chop wood. Whether they needed it or not, he had to send two bundles of wood to them to express his gratitude.

By the way, look for ginger, this thing is indispensable in winter.

At this time, at his father-in-law's house, the old woman was her mother-in-law, and said cheerfully, "I didn't expect this sweet potato to be really hungry, and only two handfuls can drink at most a bowl of gooey."

"That's right, otherwise, the third prince could pay such a high price and buy them and ship them to the south as seeds." The father-in-law shook his head and said, "Hey, if I knew there was such a good thing, I should have gone to the village ahead of schedule. , I won't drink bark tree leaf wild vegetable soup every day."

"Father, it's not too late, they have a lot of share per household, and the ones that are planted late are still growing in the fields." At this time, their son came over and whispered.

"No, there are not only patrols, but also officers and soldiers, I'm afraid..." Father-in-law shook his head.

"What are you afraid of, their patrols don't keep staring at the foot of the mountain, and then they just rush over when they walk away."

"That's right, we don't even go to the house to steal, just dig some in the field, otherwise, we can't stand it without grain." The mother-in-law said.

"This..." Father-in-law hesitated for a while, and then said, "Then we need to contact more people, otherwise we will be caught and killed."

"I'll contact you about this. In fact, most people have this idea, otherwise how will we spend this winter."

"Yes, but you must find a reliable person, and don't let the rumors leak."

"Don't worry, we'll get in touch now, and we'll take action at night."

In the evening, the man gave Chai Shisan to Qian Shisan and asked Qian Shisan to help him deliver it to Gu's house, then turned back to the Mother Temple.

Seeing his son's rolling eyes, he walked over and touched his forehead: "I didn't expect it to work, and the fever really subsided."

(end of this chapter)