After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 305

Chapter 305

Chapter 305 Refugees scattered

"Then let's fight, otherwise we will have to peel off our skin if we are caught."

After finished speaking, the group put the sweet potatoes aside and rushed over.

The patrol team was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, Qian Jiaxi, the leader of the team, said, "Mummy, a group of white-eyed wolves, none of them can be let go."

After finished speaking, the people on the two sides were on the verge of hitting each other, and they hit each other in an instant.

There was a sudden scream, which soon attracted the attention of the other two patrol teams and officers and soldiers, and they surrounded it after a while.

Moments later, a group of refugees was pinned to the ground.

Qian Jiaxi breathed a sigh of relief: "Everyone check each other. Those who are seriously injured go to Doctor Gu's place to bandage them. The others tied them up and sent them to the ancestral hall with the sweet potatoes over there."

"Okay, then let's split up." Gu Chengye responded, and then rushed to Gu Chengrui with the injured person.

After being woken up, Gu Chengrui was startled when he saw a group outside and said, "Second brother, are you...?"

"Someone went down the mountain to steal sweet potatoes, and was bumped by the patrol team. It would be **** if he didn't make a move." Gu Chengye pointed at his forearm.

"Then come in quickly, I'll wrap up everyone." After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he took them directly to the kitchen.

After lighting the lamp, he asked them to wait inside and said, "There is a cool white opening in the crock pot. If you want to drink it, pour it yourself."

After finished speaking, he went out and went to Westinghouse to get a medical kit and started dressing them up.

After finishing his work, he ordered them to send them out.

The next morning, Tian Jingzhong and the village chief brought all the officers, soldiers and patrolmen to drive down all the refugees from the nearby mountains and arranged them to the empty house in the town.

As for the arrested people, including their families, they were all arranged to be milled in the mill.

Just in the afternoon of the same day, a deputy general delivered the food promised by the three princes, but rice was in the minority, and taro and sorghum accounted for the majority.

But this made Tian Jingzhong extremely happy.

After that, I collected the same sweet potato vines that were dried in the village, and then I collected some dried vegetables in the village, which were mixed with rice and ground into miscellaneous noodles.

Then the miscellaneous noodles and taro were distributed to the grain shops controlled by various officials and began to be distributed in limited quantities.

With the sale of miscellaneous noodles, it may be the cause of the flood in the south. The groundwater is slowly recovering, and most of the wells have begun to produce water.

The number of refugees gathered nearby suddenly decreased a lot, especially the refugees in Qingshui Town. Except for those from other places, basically all began to prepare to go home.

However, refugees from other places gathered in the warehouse again, but they were far less than before.

The village also became lively. This morning, Zhou Ying was drying sweet potatoes in the courtyard again. Aunt Gu walked in with a smile and said, "Cheng Rui's family is busy."

"Sixth Aunt is here, why don't you rush out the sweet potatoes while the weather is good, how is your family's handling?" Zhou Ying said after she finished speaking, she brought her a stool.

"According to what you said, most of them were dried in the sun, and some were dug and buried." Sixth Aunt Gu said after sitting down.

"It's good, but it's freezing, you have to watch it more often, or it'll be over once it's frozen."

"Yes." After Aunt Gu finished speaking, she helped her wash the sweet potatoes, and then said: "In the past two days, many people from the village have come to buy sweet potatoes. I heard that there are still some sweet potatoes in your village. Would you like to sell some? ."

Zhou Ying shook her head and said, "The sweet potatoes on Zhuangzi are our county's seeds for next year. If I dare to sell it privately, the magistrate Kong will dare to throw me in a frying pan and fry me."

(end of this chapter)