After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Chapter 294 Harvest Sweet Potatoes

"Sweet potato grows underground, the sandy soil is loose, the ventilation is good, and the ventilation is good, and it is less constrained when it grows up.

In addition, the temperature difference of the sandy soil is large, and relatively speaking, the survival of pests is not used. "Zhou Ying replied.

"I really didn't see that you were quite good at farming."

"There, I also heard from the old farmers. You can refer to peanuts. Peanuts are actually suitable for sandy soil."

"So it is." Zhou Huaiming nodded thoughtfully.

After a few chats, Zhou Ying and his wife went home.

Because the second hospital was full of men, Zhou Ying was really uncomfortable living there alone as a woman.

In the evening, Gu Chengrui killed a sheep in the space, and after dividing it up, the next morning, he sent out each family's boxing gifts.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye. As the weather gradually turned cooler and the water consumption decreased, the water level in the well finally stabilized.

And people are busy putting away sweet potatoes.

Zhou Ying's family was naturally the first to collect them. At the same time, she also called a strong laborer from each family to come and learn. After all, harvesting sweet potatoes is also a technical job, and if you are not careful, the sweet potatoes will be damaged.

People were learning on the side, and naturally they were embarrassed to watch, so they started to fight, so the eight points were collected in less than half an hour.

Zhou Ying looked at the hills of sweet potatoes and smiled with satisfaction. With these sweet potatoes as cover, the next life of their husband and wife would not be too sad.

Afterwards, he said to everyone: "Everyone understands it, and if you understand it, go back and collect it quickly. Remember to pick up the broken pieces, wash them and cut them into slices or small pieces and dry them, otherwise you won't be able to put them away. ."

"Okay, it's not difficult, every family should go back and collect sweet potatoes quickly." The patriarch said.

"Wait, if anyone doesn't want sweet potato vines, they can sell them to me, one mu of sweet potato vines for a tael of silver." Zhou Ying said at this time.

Everyone exclaimed after hearing this, but no one answered her words. After all, the age was unknown, and they thought about drying it and grinding it into grass noodles and mixing it with sweet potatoes.

The patriarch felt a little embarrassed when he saw this, and then quickly opened his mouth to relieve the siege: "Okay, let's hurry up, remember that you can sell it to Zhou Ying if you don't want sweet potato vines at home."

After waiting for everyone to leave, Uncle Gu who stayed behind walked up to Zhou Ying and said, "Zhou Ying, you're crazy, and you're not bad for that stutter, why are you paying a high price for sweet potato vines?"

"No way, there is still a herd of cattle and sheep waiting to be eaten on Zhuangzi.

But at present, even if the price is so high, I am afraid that it will be charged a lot. "

Second Uncle Gu was stunned for a moment, knowing that he had misunderstood her and was a little embarrassed.

Thinking of the reaction of the crowd, I didn't know what to say for a while, so he hesitated for a while and said, "The family has a total of fifteen acres of sweet potatoes, and I will give you ten acres of sweet potatoes for free."

Zhou Ying looked at him in surprise and said, "Thank you second uncle, but you should go back and discuss it."

Second Uncle Gu was stunned for a moment, just about to say that he could call the shots, but thinking of Liu's and his daughter-in-law's behavior, he finally swallowed the words that came to his lips.

But thinking of their husband and wife's help to the old house, he finally patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, this matter will be settled by the second uncle."

"Okay, then thank you, Uncle, but don't be embarrassed, it's fine if you don't."

"Family, you're welcome." After Uncle Gu finished speaking, he turned around and went out.

As soon as he left, an ordinary carriage stopped at the door. Zhou Ying was stunned and walked over. Before he could speak, he saw Zhou Huaiming walking in with half a slaughtered sheep.

followed Shopkeeper Liu, turned around and walked to the front of the carriage, then respectfully waited in place with the curtains.

(end of this chapter)