After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 293

Chapter 293

Chapter 293 Treat 2

The strong smell of lamb chops attracted all the residents of the village.

Zhou Ying was not stingy. Every household gave them a big bowl, including those brought by Mr. Liu and the others.

Then he gave Qian Zhuang and other long-term workers a bowl each.

Although there are not many left, it is enough for several of them to have a bowl each.

After starting the skewering, Zhou Ying asked Chang Shun and Lao Li to come over and sit and grill the mutton together.

Of course, after it was cooked, we also gave each long worker five skewers for them to try.

After eating almost, Zhou Huaiming rubbed his stomach and said, "This is the most filling meal I've eaten in the past six months. I'm really uncomfortable."

"No, you can't get enough to eat in the military camp?" Gu Chengrui asked in surprise.

In his opinion, although the food in the military camp during the disaster year is not good, it is not enough to eat.

Zhou Huaiming nodded and said, "Half full, you can make sure you can pick up the knife."

Gu Chengrui nodded clearly, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Zhou Ying quickly remembered the cattle and sheep that Zhuangzi could not afford to raise and asked, "Does the military camp collect cattle and sheep?"

Zhou Huaiming's eyes lit up and asked, "Receive it, how much you have, but are you sure you want to sell it? Without us, we can't make it back and forth."

"Sell, I'm afraid this restaurant won't be able to open for a while. If the key is to reproduce, I can't afford it."

"How much can you sell now?"

Zhou Ying did not reply after hearing this, but looked at Lao Ling.

Old Lin was startled for a moment. After understanding what she meant, he quickly chewed the meat in his mouth a few times and swallowed it before saying, "General Hui Zhou, there are 200 cattle and 1,000 sheep that can be stopped so far."

Shopkeeper Liu said: "Our village should be able to squeeze out a hundred cows and five hundred sheep."

"Okay, okay, with these cattle and sheep, it will not be a problem for the military camp to last until a few years ago." Zhou Huaiming nodded again and again.

Afterwards, he said worriedly: "But these are all living creatures, I'm afraid it's bad luck."

"Like human traffickers, except when eating, all the time is spent using drugs to get dizzy." Gu Chengrui replied.

Zhou Huaiming shook his head and said, "There are too many refugees now, mainly because the road is not safe."

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Well, three days, three days later, pay the cattle and sheep with one hand, and pay with the money. The price will be paid according to what we said before."

"Okay, then let's talk about it in three days." Zhou Ying nodded.

After Zhou Huaiming finished speaking, he looked at Chang Shun who was sitting beside him and asked, "Isn't it Chang Shun, there are a few people above Zhuangzi who can grow sweet potatoes from start to finish."

Chang Shun was stunned for a moment, then sat up straight and said, "Back to General Zhou, there are about a dozen of the old guards in Zhuangzi."

"That's good, you inform them. After the sweet potatoes are collected in a month, let them go out with me." General Zhou said.

"You mean, pull the sweet potato to the south to plant?" Gu Chengrui asked.

"Yes, there is a shortage of food in the entire Ming Dynasty, so we must plant it as soon as possible, otherwise people will be starving, and they may do something."

"Then it's best to find sandy land with sufficient water. In addition, there are many kinds of insects in the south. The land must be deeply cultivated and prepared for insecticide, otherwise the sweet potatoes will be eaten by insects." Zhou Ying reminded at this time. road.

"So much trouble?"

"It's not too much trouble. I think the local old farmers will understand it. You can ask the local people for advice."

"That's right, one place has one climate. You really need to pay attention to this." Zhou Huaiming nodded in agreement, and then asked curiously, "Then why did you choose sandy land?"

(end of this chapter)