After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 295

Chapter 295

Chapter 295 The Third Prince

Later, a man about the same age as Zhou Huaiming walked out.

The man was wearing a black brocade robe embroidered with silver borders. He was young and looked extraordinarily calm and tall.

Unfortunately, a handsome face that looks like a knife cut looks extraordinarily cold, giving people the feeling of an iceberg, and people don't want to get close when they see it.

However, seeing that Shopkeeper Liu treated him more respectfully than Zhou Huaiming, he suddenly had an answer in his heart.

This person is probably the third prince who guards the Dongyang Navy.

I just don't know why he suddenly came to the door.

After that, he hurriedly stopped Er Zhuang who was screaming: "You guys are here, please come in."

After sensing her scrutiny, Zhou Huaiming asked in surprise, "Why don't you know my cousin?"

Zhou Ying nodded and said, "But I guessed it."

However, because he didn't take the initiative to introduce it, she didn't feel embarrassed to cry out, but bowed according to the original owner's memory and welcomed them into the house.

After they sat down, Zhou Huaiming asked curiously, "Brother and sister, guess who he is?"

The third prince frowned and glanced at him, but still looked at Zhou Ying curiously.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that Miss Zhou, who had lived in the capital for many years, would not know him.

"Gu Zhoushi, a civilian woman, has seen the third prince." Zhou Ying stepped forward and gave a salute.

"Pingshen, I take the liberty to visit today to disturb you." The third prince said.

"Prince Xie, wait a moment, the women will go make tea." After Zhou Ying finished speaking, she turned to leave.

Zhou Huaiming hurriedly stopped her and said, "Wait, you can bring this mutton too. Let's have hot pot at noon. Please prepare a table for eight people."

Zhou Ying thoughtfully took the mutton and said, "Okay, wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, he took the mutton and went to the kitchen. After making a pot of Longjing tea for them, he took nine teacups in, poured them a cup each, and said, "You can do it yourself, I'll go to the kitchen to prepare meals."

Not long after she went out, Gu Chengrui soon came back with a horse-drawn carriage, along with the magistrate Sun, Tian Jingzhong, the village chief and the patriarch.

Gu Chengrui also carried a mandarin duck copper pot in his hand. After sending them into the house, he brought them over to Zhou Ying and said, "Girl, I'm afraid you won't be able to get to the table today, so leave yourself a stutter."

Zhou Ying nodded and asked, "Is that person here because of sweet potatoes?"

"80% of the time, I am afraid that some sweet potatoes will be collected from the village and shipped to the south."

"So it is, there is boiling water in the pot, then you can serve them yourself." After Zhou Ying finished speaking, she began to seriously prepare hot pot in the kitchen.

It was definitely too late to cut the meat with a knife, so after Zhou Ying had finished processing it, she took the meat to a space for quick freezing, and then cut it with an automatic slicer, but made it as thick as possible.

There are two kinds of spicy and sour soup prepared as the base of the hot pot.

Side dishes, mainly the existing vegetables in the village, such as white radish, pakchoi, rapeseed, lettuce, donggua, pumpkin and sweet potato.

Finally, I took some yuba, vermicelli, fungus, and taro wide powder and soaked it.

After was ready, Gu Chengrui came over and asked, "Do you need help?"

"Is the matter finished?" Zhou Ying raised her head and asked.

"It's over." Gu Chengrui nodded, and then continued: "In the village, according to the head, each strong worker will leave 500 catties of sweet potatoes, the children will leave 300 catties, and the rest will be shipped to the south."

"The magistrate Kong didn't say anything. Are there many disaster victims in the county?"

"The third prince said that a batch of rice and taro will be delivered soon, and then they will be ground into powder together with sweet potato vines or various dried vegetables."

(end of this chapter)