A Different Kind Of Journey - 6 Arc 1: Arrival

6 Arc 1: Arrival

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers! I'm back with a new chapter! I was kind of busy with school and work, but I managed to find time to write a new chapter. Hope you guys enjoy :)

Beta Reader: Setsuna Eien


"Time Travel, No one would really believe that the so-called old phenomenon from the old books that our parents would tell us during bed time is real. Heck! even children would also get the point.

It was just an Urban Legend like many of those legends. However, In my case I was seeing the impossible before my eyes. The village that I called Home, was very much alive and well. Different from the apocalyptic version that I witnessed back then, in my own time.


Arc 1: Arrival

The teenage Uzumaki and Uchiha were in extreme disbelief, they were seeing a place that should have been completely obliterated. But here it was, welcoming them with open arms. The huge green wooden gates with the village symbol in the middle send a message to anyone that the place is full of opportunity and hope.

As the wagon finally stopped its tracks. Tazuna observed the place that had not seen in years. He did have to admit that the place was quite different the last time he saw it. But still, it was Konoha.

"Alright, looks like we arrived at our destination kids." Tazuna informed them.

"Man, I can't wait to explore the whole place and see Naruto-san again!" Inari said excitedly. This was his first time here, so he was naturally curious.

He can't wait to see the s.h.i.+n.o.bi of this village, the ninja academy, The Hokage mountain and maybe even the Hokage herself. There was so much to see, as if this place was a major tourist destination hub. No wonder this place looked so awesome.

Tazuna sighed. "Just calm down Inari, you should better check the kids on the back." He suggested to the boy. They were going to have to go through the two chunin at the guard house for inspection before they were allowed to enter the village.

Inari nodded and went to the back of the wagon to check on the rest.


During that time, The teenage blonde and raven haired girl sat in their respective seats. It was just silence inside except for the occasional small snoring of the midnight haired Uzumaki girl. Both were looking at blank s.p.a.ce as if they were deep in thought.

Boruto stared, darting his eyes towards his sleeping little sister. He sighed as he thought about what he was going to have to do with her while she was still in this state. There were choices and options that were going around inside his mind. At least two options. One is that they should go to the Hokage building immediately, and have an important talk with the Hokage. Although, that would be the most absurd thing to do as they were just travelers from a different era and arranging an immediate meeting with her wouldn't be very easy. The second is that they should find a place to stay to rest and recover for the time being, which was in hindsight the more sensible option.

With his mind set on what to do next, he also wanted to explore some of the problems that he had to face on the way. One being his uncanny resemblance to his father, the blonde hair, whisker marks and cerulean eyes. He's sure that he will be mistaken for his father. Another thing is the tattered clothes that he had right now, not only were they uncomfortable, but all the tears may cause some unwanted attention.

Boruto then darted his eyes towards the Uchiha. She was silent yet again as she was in her thoughts. He couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking. Perhaps it was about seeing her home and family again even if they wouldn't recognize her.

As for the blonde himself, he had to make a way and at least have a kind of different look for now so that he would not be mistaken for his dad. He observed the wagon's surroundings and finally saw a box of patches, masking tape, and a pair of scissors. He also noticed some clothes which were a black jacket and black jogging pants that were enough sizeable for him to fit.

Boruto smiled." Jackpot-tteba.s.sa" He whispered as he went to get the things that he needed. Overall, it was going to be a slightly serious makeover for him.

As for Sarada Uchiha, she was just staring into s.p.a.ce, deep in her thoughts. She wondered how the situation was going to turn out since they've arrived here already. Was she gonna see her mom again? But this time a different mom, which was gonna be her past self, since this was a time travel situation.

There were so many thoughts entering her mind at the same time.


"I just really can't believed that we were in the past. It something that I didn't knew I would get involved to. All the familiar faces, especially Mama and Papa, There is a chance that I would seeing them again, but in different kind of form."


Sarada took a deep breath. She was going to make it through this no matter what. She was not a weakling inside, She had her mother's confidence and fire inside of her. She also thought of seeing her Papa again, although she was not sure whether her Papa was still living in the village. There was a time when he left the village and didn't come back for another 3 years.

"Hey, Saradchan!" A familiar voice interrupted the Uchiha girl's thoughts as she looked up to see the new Boruto in front of her.

Sarada's eyes widened in surprise. She was staring at her teammate who had change his torned clothes into a new white t-s.h.i.+rt covered by a black hoodie jacket. He also had two separate white patches on both of his cheeks to cover his whisker-like marks.

"What's with the new look?" Sarada asked. She was a bit confused.

Boruto grinned." Well, I suspect that many will mistake me for my dad so I donned up this new look." He explained with confidence. He was feeling new again, inspired by a game called "Grand Theft Auto" that he used to play when he was still a kid.

He recalled that there was a feature there where he can diguised his character and so that gave him the idea of dressing up to his new look to also avoid suspicion.

"Oh, whatever." Sarada rolled her eyes. It was one her teammate's wildest ideas again.

Although, she had to admit that she was glad that his teammate reverted back to his old knucklehead self for the time being.

He also had point though, she really needed her own diguise as now. People would be freaking out if they saw the Uchiha crest on the back of her attire. Yet, the good news was that the symbol had faded due to some events that had transpired back home. Mainly because that dirt and dust played a major factor.

The Uchiha girl gave a sigh, she was going to go through without a disguise so far.

At the same time, Inari entered the scene.

"Hey guys, There is gonna be a inspection for awhile so hang on tight." Inari informed the rest. He would always would warned people whenever there will be an inspection. To him, guards were very strict and they were often tough to engaged in a conversation with.

"Oh okay then, Thank you for informing us Inari, We'll be ready." Boruto replied back with a nod and a smile.

Inari nodded but when he was about to go outside, the boy also noticed the blonde's new look." Hey, awesome look by the way!" Inari pointed his index finger and gave his own comment before returning back to the front seat of the wagon.

Boruto smiled." Yeah, thank you very much." He thanked the latter before turning his direction to the raven haired girl and gave her a goofy look.

Sarada could only sighed back and shook her head.

"Oh knucklehead." She rolled her eyes and muttered to aloud.

There was something about that signature Uzumaki smile. It would often light up any person's mood and her blonde teammate was the best in showing the smile. Somehow, she was glad to be seeing that smile in front of her despite the fact that he was an idiot.


" I wasn't sure if I was going to cry or not. The trauma of war and death was still there yet I really could not feel it since He started talking."



The inspection wasn't that strict as they were expecting. The two guards who were on duty today turned out to be Izumo and Kotetsu, the duo immediately recognized them as two guys were known for being the nicest s.h.i.+n.o.bi guards back home. They were the heads of the guard division, who change the system as they ease out the very brutal and strict way of inspection.

However, in this time, they were just humble s.h.i.+n.o.bi guards, who only dream of making it to the top.

Boruto and Sarada found themselves standing outside of the wagon as they watched and observed the wagon being inspected while Tazuna and Inari a.s.sisted them, guiding them to the different areas of the transportation.

The inspection was process didn't took long. It was a good thing that they didn't bother the blonde's little sister, who was still in her slumber. After several minutes, the whole thing was done.

"Well, looks like your cleared to enter the village." Izumo informed the rest as he held his clipboard and pen. Engaging a conversation with the old man, he gave them a clearance pa.s.s, which was already signed by the Hokage.

Tazuna gladly accepted the pa.s.s." Thank you very much! It's great to see you again Izumo!" He replied back.

"It's good to see you again, Tazunsan." Izumo replied back with a smile, before darting his eyes towards a certain kid." Looks like you brought someone with you." He added.

Tazuna smiled." Yes! This is Inari, My grandson!" He said while formally introducing the kid." He's following the footsteps as a master carpenter." He added the additional information.

As for Inari, he just gave simple peace sign and blurted out his usual greet phrase." Hey what's up!"

Izumo nodded in understanding." Nice to meet you!" He said before turning his attention towards the two new faces, to which he hadn't seen before.

"What about them?" He asked.

Tazuna was about to reply back when he was suddenly beaten to it by his grandson.

"Oh! There are my friends back in our village! They wanted to come along so, I brought them here with me!" Inari blurted out a simple background story for the two.

Izumo nodded in understanding but there was a small confusion and a concern that took over as he observed the duo." Oh I see!" He said." Are they okay? They looked really exhausted and tired." He added.

Tazuna was about to speak up, although he was beaten once again by the ever idealistic grandson of his.

"Well, there was one time that the Wagon had tough time crossing a river and we really had to-" A surprised Inari and his story was cut this time as he found his mouth being covered by his old man.

"It's their first time travelling across the countryside." The old man gave a force smile while struggling to cover the talkative mouth of his grandson.

"Enough with the stories young man!" He secretly whispered to the kid, who looked like he was going to explode.

Izumo had a sweat dropped. He didn't knew what to say right now as he just watched both grandfather and grandson argue with each other.


"So what brings you here to Konoha?"

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Kotetsu asked the first question. It was a protocol or part of the inspection process for them to give the travellers a little interview before letting them continue on towards the main village.

"I apologized for this little interview, It's a part of our protocol." He immediately went on to apologized to the two with a very humble and guilty expression

Boruto and Sarada simply smiled. They both understand what he mean't and they were willing to cooperate and respect their rules and protocols.

"It's alright!" The blonde replied back." We've been through into this kind of process before." He said, before getting straight to the point.

"Well, My name is Bolt and this is my lovely and scary childhood friend, Sarada." He officially introduced themselves to the nice guard, before being pinched by the raven haired teen on his arm.

"Hey! that hurt ya know!" He protested.

"Say scary again and I'll pinch in the nose." Sarada replied back with a sarcastic threat. She gave a pinching sign right in front of her teammate while giving a playful evil smile while her gla.s.ses gave out a s.h.i.+ne.

These creeped out Boruto, who raised both his hands in surrender." Okay Okay! You win!" He quickly said.

Sarada gave out a victorious smile while folding her arms around her chest much to the annoyed reaction of her blonde teammate which followed after that.

As for Kotetsu, He was just giving them the awkward stare. It seemed that he finally realized that these two were the most lovely dovely visitors that he had met so far and it was somehow a good thing since he also wanted to ask if they were a couple but eventually didn't dwell in that side.

He was also not sure whether to continue the interview since, they were good people anyway.

"Uhmm, Excuse me." The man cleared his throat to get the attention back to him.

"Alright, so who's the girl sleeping inside the wagon?" He asked the second question.

Boruto quickly raised his hand." Well, that would be my sweet little sister, Himawari." He replied back with a smile." She's exhausted from the journey as well." He added.

Kotetsu simply nodded as he wrote something on the clipboard." Oh well, I guess this interview is now concluded." He said before looking up and giving them a smile.

"I hope you guys enjoy your visit!" He said as he extended his right hand to the two.

Boruto and Sarada both accepted it as they both shook hands with the man. It was a sign that they were welcome here and the only thing that they needed to do is to find their way towards the village.

"Thank you!" Sarada spoke this time." I hope you guys are enjoying your jobs." She commented.

Kotetsu gave a slight chuckle, the man was amused. In fact he was flattered to see that these people appreciated on what they were doing." No problem! We actually wanted to make the process easier and lighter." He explained.

"Oh I see." Boruto said.

Kotetsu scratched his chin." Maybe, when we get promoted in the future then we can implement a more hospitable way of welcoming visitors." He smiled, finally sharing a dream that he would like to achieve someday.

Boruto and Sarada nodded in understanding. They were really not expecting this level of humbleness from him. The humbleness that would promote them to their current positions in the future.

"Don't worry, You'll be promote someday."

These were the last words that Boruto gave before He and the rest continue on with the the journey.


Moving on with their journey, Inari was feeling like a tourist and was also awestruck by every area they pa.s.sed in the village. It was like already a city for him. He was used to always seeing the old hillbilly life in his village, but this was different from what he was seeing now.

"You've got to be kidding me Gramps, This is Konoha!?" Inari excitedly said to his grandpa Tazuna.

Tazuna could only sighed on his grandson. "Yes Inari, It's very different compared back home." He replied.

Inari just couldn't over the hype that he was feeling right now. He also thought of exploring the whole village all day but since his grandfather had some appointments, he was unable to do so.

Although, Inari's main goal was to see his idol and he was going to stick to the plan somehow. He was not even sure where he lived here. This was definitely a big place to find him, one would need a guide to help someone his or her destination here.

As Inari was sightseeing his surroundings, he suddenly felt a rumbling in his belly.

"Urgh..." Inari groaned, as he had just realized he was very hungry.

His grandfather having noticed this just smiled at him." Inari, I know a place where we can eat delicious ramen." Tazuna suggested as once a blonde boy took him to that place for a treat to eat and he didn't regret it.

Inari was puzzled. " Ramen huh?"


Boruto observed the streets of village they pa.s.sed through the back of the wagon. He was seeing shops, houses and other establishments, fully alive and breathing. He found it strange to see them in their prime state contrast to several hours ago where he witnessed them being burned and razed to the ground, accompanied by the screams of innocent civilians.

He shook his head to bring himself away from those particular thoughts.

"I never thought that I would come back to see these place alive again." Boruto sighed. It was surreal for him as if like he was given a second chance.

On the other hand, Sarada was also doing the same thing as the blonde. She was both reminiscing about and observing the village she called home. She even recognized a shop that her Mama would take her to when she was a kid back home.

She was really enjoying every area they pa.s.sed. It was like a trip down memory lane. Whoever is responsible for sending them back in time, he or she would be showered with blessings as this was a BLESSING for her and her blonde teammate.

"Time travel, I never thought you can make me this relaxed and happy." She commented inside her mind. Things that her parents would tell stories about time travel. It was just another fairy tale to her and was impossible in real life. Although, she was able to time travel with her friends. How did that sound?

And then a thought came to her mind. What if she met her Mama and Papa's past self here? What was she going to do? She was so unsure of what to do if they met, or considering her luck when they met. She doesn't know the situation of her Mama and Papa's past self yet.

"Saradchan." A familiar voice then interrupted her thoughts yet again. She looked up to see her Uzumaki friend giving her a small concerned look. "Are you alright?"

Sarada smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. So, what's new so far for you?" Sarada asked as she followed up a question to her blonde teammate.

Boruto chuckled." Well, I'm not used to seeing the Hokage mountain with five heads ya know." He explained. It was true, He grew up seeing the mountain with seven and it was weird for him to see it minus the additional two heads.

Sarada smiled." Oh come on now, if you cared about that mountain as much as you say you do you wouldn't vandalize it as much as you do." She said jokingly.

"Hey, cut me some slack." Boruto said "My dad did it too when he was a kid so I'm just keeping up the family tradition."

"You sure? Last time I heard, you were made to clean up all the paint." Sarada said smugly.

Boruto shrugged "As I said keeping the family tradition. Besides I got to be on the Headline news."

"Breaking news: The Awesome Boruto Uzumaki added new makeover to the Hokage faces to make it appealing to ma.s.ses of awesomeness." Boruto acted out as if he was a newscaster.

This also made the Uchiha girl laughed out loud for the first time. She hadn't heard a joke for a while now and it was really time to have fun now. She was so glad and lucky that she had the blond knucklehead jokester with her. She then looked at her teammate mischievously. "You know, I remember reading a different story."

"Hehehe" Boruto laughed nervously "Is that so?"

Sarada then stood up and pretended to hold a microphone "Breaking News: local idiot defaces mountain."

Boruto laughed. "Oh come on Sarada, that was unnecessary." His voice slowly changing into embarra.s.sment.

"No if I don't correct you you'll start to get a big head. A bigger head." Sarada corrected smirking. How she really liked debating with him, even the smallest things.

Boruto sighed, He didn't want to continue the debate and he looked forward to a new topic, which was more realistic. "But joking aside to be honest, when all of this is over, I think we should settle here and start over again."

Sarada was a bit bewildered. Why would he want to stay here in the past? Does he even belong here? They were strangers in a different era. She also wondered if they would be even welcomed here fully.

"What I mean't is that after this long process of settling down, I wanna start fresh again." He explained." Far away from the...well you know."

Sarada gave a sad look. She was beginning to understand what her teammate was trying to tell her and she respected that.


"We all went through tragedy during that time and I guess Boruto had a point when he said that he wanted to start a new life again.


Boruto sighed yet again." Well, it's just an idea that I thought of." He explained as he rested his back on the wooden wall of the wagon.

"Living a peaceful and uninterrupted life is a thing that I want to strive for now." Boruto explained. He was eager to live an uneventful life far away from the clutches of war and destruction.

"Himawari would be happy to see mom and dad again. Maybe Uncle Neji too." The blonde added. To be honest, the two siblings had not met their Uncle Neji, but they had heard that he was a great person and a great family member.

"I guess you'll be happy to see your mom and dad too!" He added with a smile." Well, I mean their younger selves to be exact."

Sarada gave a small smile as she stared at the blank s.p.a.ce. "I don't know. I hope I'll see Mama around. But I'm pretty sure Papa was away from the village during this time. I wonder how old they are now?"

Boruto gave a shrugged." Well, maybe they're the same age as ours." He explained." Considering the fact that there are five heads, which means this was Granny Tsunade's time as the Hokage."

Speaking of the blonde haired woman, That's it! Tsunade could help them, and she was the Hokage! No one would there question her authority except for her enemies but, she was the real deal!

Well, if there's one person we can trust with the information of us being from the future it's the Hokage. I have some ties with her, so maybe I can pull some strings since I am a part of the family and we are distant relatives."

"That's a bad plan, Boruto." Sarada shook her head. "You're forgetting that Lady Tsunade doesn't know who you are yet. And remember how much you look exactly like Lord Seventh at this age. She'll think it's some kind of prank. We need to get some proof we are who we say we are."

Boruto nodded. Sarada's plan sounded a lot smarter than his.

"And we need to think about what we are going to do with Himawari." Sarada reminded him. "Seriously, how much can that girl sleep?" She looked amazed at Himawari's snooze prowess.

Boruto shrugged. "It must be the aftereffect of the destruction. She fought a lot. Saw a lot of deaths as well. I think she's as exhausted mentally as she is physically.".

There was silence that took over. They weren't sure when will the Uzumaki girl regain her consciousness. Although, the only thing that they can do is to prepare themselves.

At the same time, doubts and problems had entered the conversation.

Sarada simply nodded." So how could we really live a peaceful and uneventful life from now on?" She asked "I mean what if Kawaki is here too and is looking for us. Not to mention this is most likely before the fourth world war."

Silence had taken over for a brief moment.

As Boruto wondered what the latter had said to him. Could they make sure they will be living a life full of peace from now on? This was not an easy thing to do. Since there is a possibility that Kawaki is here in the past since that explosion also engulfed him.

There was a choice that he had to make, he knew that the past will catch up to them no matter what. There are enemies everywhere, the blonde had to make sure that they will have to be careful in order to survive. He would have to prepare himself for future situations that can be deemed dangerous. He was already planning some ways for them recover and gain their s.h.i.+n.o.bi strength back.


"We really had to go back to the basics in order to survive and this was just the start."


At the same time, the wagon stopped its tracks which broke the silence, surprising Boruto and Sarada. A few moments later, Inari came into the scene clearly excited.

"Hey guys, we will stopping at a ramen shop to eat for a while." He informed them.

Boruto and Sarada glanced at each other with both confusion in their faces.

"A ramen shop?" Sarada asked. It really sounded so familiar to her.

Inari nodded." Yeah, Ichiraku's ramen shop to be exact." He explained before leaving the area. He didn't give much information.

Boruto gave a look to his teammate. "Well, might as well enjoy the ramen at my dad's favorite shop." He said, giving a grin and showing his excitement.

For a few moments, Sarada just stared at the blonde before blinking a couple of times and then snapping back to reality. "Yeah, that sounds like it would be fun."


Ichiraku's ramen shop was a famous ramen shop located on one of the busy streets of the village. The shop was a bit messy after a big tide of customers that swept the area like a storm. The crew arrived just in time to see the owner and his daughter cleaning the long table from the empty bowls left by the customers.

"Looks like they're still going strong." Tazuna commented as he was the first one to enter and lift the banners.

The daughter of the owner, Ayame took noticed of the new customers and called her father. "Hey dad, we got customers again." She said, which immediately alerted the big middle aged man.

When the owner of the ramen shop, Teuchi was greeted by surprised when he noticed a familiar face which turned out to be an old friend from the mist.

"Tazuna? is that really you?" He asked as he didn't recognize the face but as the old man got a closer look, it was really his old friend accompanied by his grandson.

"Long time no see my friend!" A happy and surprised Ichiraku greeted his old friend as the two shook hands as a sign of greeting.

"Yeah, it's been years, but I finally got a chance to visit here again." Tazuna explained. He also explained that he had an appointment in the village.

"Oh, and this is your grandson?" Teuchi asked as he was referring to the boy beside the latter.

"h.e.l.lo sir!" Inari greeted with respect.

"He's a young man already!" Teuchi commented accompanied by a few chuckles.

"Yes, He is training to be a master builder under my guidance." Tazuna explained.

"That's great! Wish your boy the best of luck!" Teuchi complimented.

Tazuna smiled." Thank you." Then after a few moments later, He remembered his purpose to treat the guys lunch here.

"Well to put aside, we'll ordering four bowls of your delicious ramen." Tazuna said.

"Miso?" Teuchi asked.

"You know me well." Tazuna grinned.

Ichiraku smiled "Alright, four Bowls of Miso Ramen coming right up." He said as he instructed his daughter to prepare the bowls for them.

Then a curious thought came to the daughter of the ramen shop owner, named Ayame. "Excuse me but I was just wondering but you just ordered 4 bowls. Are there more people with you guys?" A curious Ayame asked.

Coincidentally right after she asked the question, that Sarada and Boruto entered the shop and were greeted with a delicious tempting smell of the ramen.

"Yum, I can't wait Dattebasa!" Boruto excitedly expressed his eagerness to eat his lunch here while Sarada could only sigh and shake her head.

The presence of the newcomers alerted Ayame as she proceeded to greet them, not knowing that she was in for a surprise.

Welcome!" Ayame greeted them as they took a seat on the bar stools. "What would you like to- eh? Naruto?!" She yelled when her eyes landed on Boruto.

Teuchi, who had gone back to the kitchen, appeared next to her and stared at Boruto as well, both too shocked to act.

Boruto internally sighed. He knew his similarity to his father would cause problems. He'd have to take care of that soon.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but my name is Boruto, not Naruto. You must be confusing me with someone else."

Tazuna then came into the mix as he proceeded to clarify the confusion.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. This is Bolt and Sarada, they're the ones who will be having the other two orders. He explained." They are also from another small village faraway from here." He added.

"h.e.l.lo." Sarada said politely

Boruto, less bashful, grinned widely "Hey there!"

S-sorry about that," Ayame apologized, still staring at his face. "You just look so much like one of our customers, it's almost uncanny!"

Boruto waved her off, feeling a tad uncomfortable. He did have a scar on his right eye, right? He wasn't imagining that? Sure, they both had blonde hair and blue eyes, but that's where it ended, right? Those people were acting like blue-eyed blondes were a rare thing!

Teuchi then smiled. "Well then, nice meeting you two! Enjoy your lunch then!"


As noon went by, lunch time pa.s.sed as they ate their ramen. There was nothing but conversations and stories, with everyone finally getting to know each other.

"So what brought you here to the village?" Ayame had asked the first question. She along with her father were eager to know more about the two.

Sarada took a deep breath as she opened her mouth to speak." Well, we were actually moving out since things back home were kind of hectic." She explained. She was having a hard time giving them a background story.

"Our village has been destroyed by bandits," Boruto intervened.

Ayame gasped, and Teuchi and Tazuna s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably while Inari stayed silent.

"Me and Sarada, as well as my little sister, are the only survivors. Everyone else was killed by the raiders. We tried fight them, but they knocked out Sarada and my sister, Himawari. We barely escaped. I carried them both on my back. Eventually, we ran into you when you were being robbed by those bandits and the rest is history. Although, my little sister still hasn't woken up yet. " He explained in careful detail. It was all the truth coming out from his mouth.

Sympathy and comfort from Ayame and Teuchi washed over them like waves. Ayame looked at them with sadness in her eyes.

"Oh, you poor things!" She looked like she wanted to jump over the counter and hug them. Boruto appreciated that she held back; he wasn't much of a hugging person.

"It's alright. You don't have to worry about us."

"You should definitely talk to the Hokage. I'm sure she'll let you stay in the village if you just asked her" Teuchi recommended them as he placed their bowls of ramen on the counter. "And then if you ever wanted ramen you could come here and I'll serve it to you for free!"

Boruto nodded. "Thank you. And about talking to the Hokage, believe me, that's on top of my to-do list." He gave them small grin.

Both Ayame and Teuchi felt surreal. They haven't seen a grin like that since their patron had left the village for his training trip. Other than that, they were glad to help these two. .

Boruto and Sarada were surprised by the the old man's statement but they were glad they were welcomed here as family and not some strangers or outcasts.

"Thank you." Sarada said politely 'Maybe we can really start our lives again here.' She thought as she darted her eyes towards her blonde teammate and secretly gave him a smile.


"Our Hopes were pretty much back already, The encouragement that Ayame-san and Teuchi-san gave us. They were really nicest persons that we ever met, during the time we arrived here."


"Old man Teuchi, He is like the father figure of the Ramen Shop. I can't even count the number of advices that he gave to us.( Chuckles)



As the lunch time at the ramen shop had come to an end, Boruto and Sarada had built a new friends.h.i.+p with the owner and daughter.

When the teenage Uzumaki and Uchiha got out of the shop, they felt a new sense of beginning to them as if they were reborn. A fresh of breath air.

Boruto stared at the blue sky. "You know Saradchan, I have a feeling that this will be a very promising start for us." The blonde commented as he gave a yawn, inhaling the fresh air.

Sarada smiled. "Well, I guess you're right. Although, we need to talk to Granny Tsunade first and convince her that we are really from the future." Sarada added. If they were going to live here, they should be tackling the challenges and obstacles here first before reaching that goal.

"I'll get Hima, and then we can go." Boruto hoped that the Hokage would take a look at Himawari as well. Not that he didn't trust Sarada's judgment, but when presented with the opportunity to have the world's best medic have a look, one wouldn't turn it down.

Climbing up to the wagon, he rubbed his head and looked around. Something did not feel right. Blinking, he noticed the thin blanket the covered Himawari lacked one lavender-haired girl underneath it. Himawari was not in the wagon

"What the..." Boruto trailed as he scratched his head.

He searched every area inside the wagon and still he couldn't find any trace of his little sister. "This is impossible! She must be here!" He commented.

"What happened here!?" Sarada came into mix asked. Her eyes being greeted by the site of an empty sleeping bag.

As for Boruto, He bolted out of the wagon and into the street, scanning the faces of everyone around them.

Himawari wasn't in the crowd.

"You've got to be a kidding me, Dattebasa!," He muttered aloud in frustration." Where the heck had she gone to!?"

"That's impossible! She was in a very deep sleep." Sarada added as concern and worriedness took over the two again.

Thoughts were telling them that the Uzumaki girl could either been kidnapped or simply had just woken up and wandered into some place.

"Please, don't tell me we have kidnapped time traveller here." Sarada commented. It would be a really bad scene if the girl woke up into a place to which she doesn't know.

Meanwhile, as Tazuna and Inari got out of the ramen shop. they were greeted by a worried and concerned blonde and a worried yet calm Uchiha girl.

"What's seems to be the problem here?" Tazuna asked, much to the confusion of his grandson.

There was silence that took over a few brief moments before the two broke it at once.

"Himawari is Missing."


"When things were getting better, now that another problem has entered the situation without our knowledge.



The Uzumaki girl felt dizzy and tired. She was disoriented, and not sure what to do right now. When she woke up in a random wagon, she wondered where she was until the psychological effect of waking up in a strange place took over. Nevertheless, she attempted to escape.

She now had found herself in a place that she didn't recognize, wandering along streets that she had not seen before.

"Where am I?" She muttered and kept asking herself. Where was she exactly? She did not know what to do right now or what to think right now. She was lost, like a little girl.

She was walking for a long time and didn't knew where to go to the point that she had took herself into different areas of this big village. Until she stumbled upon an area which looked to be a like a community.

There was a big house that she saw, and she became bewildered. Wondering, what kind of place this is? It was beautiful and yet so familiar, but so different.

She noticed a big, shady tree at a playground nearby. She stumbled to it, barely managing to walk anymore. She felt ever dizzier, and her vision got blurrier. She sighed in relief before collapsing to the ground, unconscious. The leaves from the tree twirled in the air as they fell and coated the girl's hair, that already had a small sunflower tucked in it. A few other leaves fell from one of the branches..

For Himawari, She did not know that she was in for a surprise. The big house that was near the playground and tree had a sign on it which read to be none other than the famous Hyuuga Compound.


Author's note: Thank you for reading the chapter