A Different Kind Of Journey - 5 Arc 1: Realization

5 Arc 1: Realization

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers! I'm back with a new chapter! This one is a bit short. Just a filler. Hope you guys enjoy :)

Expect grammar and spelling mistakes

Beta Editor: Akame3 and Vapor0907 is also here

Arc 1: Realization

Morning had arrived. It was a sign of the new day dawning, another chance to start the day over. And for one teenage blonde, this new morning would be his chance to start all over again. Birds chirped loudly in the forest like an alarm clock awakening the people who had fallen asleep that night under the cover of the leafy green canopy.

Boruto's eyes slowly cracked open. The first thing that greeted him when he opened his eyes was the beautiful morning sky, the sun still rising on the horizon. He blinked a couple times before attempting to rise from his sleeping bag.

His eyes squinted at the light piercing through the leaves but soon came to his senses as he scanned the greenery around him. The blonde groaned as he rubbed his eyes. As his vision cleared he found the old man and the young boy sitting across from each other at a small fire, nibbling on some bread and sipping some coffee.

"Bolt-san!" Inari shouted catching Boruto's attention.

"Breakfast is here if you're hungry." The boy informed him as he took another chunk out of his bread dipping it in his dark drink.

"Thank you, I'll be right there." Boruto yawned as he finally stood up.

Before he proceeded to join the others, he went up to the two sleeping girls to see if they were alright. When the teenage blonde finally got to them, their sleeping figures filled his vision.

"How long are they going to sleep?" Boruto whispered as he observed the two sleeping girls. His little sister was still in a deep sleep as usual but as for his Uchiha teammate, there was something different.

Instead of the quiet and peaceful sleep from before, now she was a bit livelier. Muttering some words that the blonde couldn't understand. Of course, Boruto dismissed it, but upon a closer look, she was actually talking to someone.

So, when the blonde got a closer look he saw that the raven-haired girl's lips were slightly moving as though she were actually talking. He moved a bit closer and her voice filled his ears.

"B-Boruto." The dreaming Sarada muttered loud enough for him to hear it.

"Is she dreaming about me?" Boruto asked puzzled. He wondered of all people that the raven-haired girl could have dreamt about, why him?

Then she spoke again. "Boruto. . ." She mentioned his name again.

So far, the blonde was confused. She kept mentioning his name over and over again. Boruto could only sigh, He thought that this would take longer and decided to leave and let her daydream for now.

As he was about to leave, the Uchiha girl spoke again. "I love you."

Boruto, who already had stood up raised his eyebrows in confusion. What had she said? Boruto hadn't heard very clearly so he leaned down to her again and listened.

As Boruto moved closer, he accidentally tripped over a rock and found himself falling on top the dreaming Sarada. But before he could fall on her, he quickly reacted and spread his arms which held him right above Sarada, their faces only inches apart.

"Phew! that was close," Boruto thought to himself as he took a breath.

But what scared him, even more, was that second later, Sarada's eyes suddenly flew open. They stared at each other in a moment of shock, neither moving nor reacting. Boruto could hear his heart beat loud and clear as he stared at the raven-haired girl who was staring back at him. His cerulean eyes meeting hers.

Sarada didn't move as she felt the blood rus.h.i.+ng to her cheeks, flus.h.i.+ng her face.

"Umm, good morning, Saradchan?" Boruto said embarra.s.singly. "Saradchan, are you al-" He said but was cut off with a fist to the face from below him.

The punch was so strong that it sent the blonde midair before landing on the ground.

"What happened?" Tazuna asked almost dropping his coffee.

"Hey gramps, that girl is finally awake," Inari said pointedly.

On the other hand, Sarada, who came back from a dream, was a bit disoriented at first as she suddenly regained her senses from her deep sleep. She also noticed that she had no gla.s.ses, so her vision was a bit blurred. She tried to look for them and successfully found them just beside her. She then put on her red gla.s.ses and first saw her blonde teammate on the ground rubbing his chin.

"Oh no, Boruto are you alright? I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" Sarada said rus.h.i.+ng to the blonde.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Boruto nodded. His voice struggled to say the words.


"I honestly didn't expect that was going to happen. I thought I was saved by the bell but instead I got the morning greeting from her." (Sighs)


The Morning went on. Boruto found himself staring at Sarada the entire time, who had a strong appet.i.te at the moment as she devoured piece after piece of bread and cups of hot chocolate.

"Yum. This is really good!" Sarada commented. Her day was going great so far, especially the breakfast part of it. She really can't believed that she was somehow enjoying a simple meal of bread and hot chocolate. Was it really a new sense of taste or was she really just hungry?

As for the Boruto himself, the teen was quite surprised to see his Uchiha teammate in front of him and widely awake. He did not expect his teammate would wake up from her deep slumber so soon. In fact, he had expected her to be still continuing on sleeping for a couple more days.

As for Tazuna and Inari, they were just as surprised as the blonde. With a new person joining to the scene who was also a girl. This morning couldn't get any better.

"Umm, Sarada?" Boruto called his teammate. She still was busy eating.

"Saradchan?" He called the second time, but the girl just ignored him yet again.

"Saradchan, are you done?" He asked as he called for the third time.

The Uchiha teen had finished the last of her bread and was now drinking her chocolate milk.

Then She suddenly realized that the blonde was talking to her throughout the time she was eating her breakfast.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Boruto, how could I not notice." Sarada quickly apologized. She didn't know what had gotten into her. First, she unknowingly punched her teammate in the face, second, she was eating breakfast like a hungry wolf and third, she wasn't even listening to her friend and just kept eating.

But Boruto could only sighed back. Yes, this was the Sarada Uchiha that he knew, and quite obviously loved he was really glad that she finally woke up. That would also mean that his load of carrying unconscious people in the back would be reduced by 50 percent.

"It's alright, Saradchan, I understand, you don't to be really that apologetic-datteba.s.sa," Boruto explained. For Sarada, she couldn't even count the number of how many "Sorrys" that she had said.

"Oh," She muttered. Silence encompa.s.sed the group.

Boruto was observing his teammate. There was a certain innocence in her. She was acting as if nothing serious happened. Of course, she was unconscious for almost 2 days now, but can she not remember what happened during the events before they were unknowingly sent here by mysterious circ.u.mstances.

"Umm, Saradchan, there is something that you should know." Boruto said calmly and carefully. He sure didn't want to shock the girl.

"Yes, what is it?" Sarada asked then kept quiet. Although, after a few moments she remembered suddenly the whole ordeal before.

"Oh no! Where's Himawari!?." Sarada exclaimed. Her Panic had managed to catch up with her.


"Boruto, we got to go back to the village! They might be still alive!" She exclaimed non stop. She was on the verge of fully freaking out.

"Saradchan, please calm down."

"Oh no, Boruto, we have to do something! We can't just stand around and wait!"

Boruto who was finally getting annoyed finally yelled out to the girl." SaradChan! If you don't calm down, you won't get any answers, so please will you listen to me first!" Boruto scolded.

Sarada immediately shut her mouth up. She was surprised that the blonde would say something like that. She still remembered the hyper knucklehead blonde when she was a kid, but this was a different person.

Boruto sighed. This was getting embarra.s.sing and awkward for the people that were watching them argue the whole time. The blonde then turned his direction to the two and gave them an apologetic smile.

"I think we should talk somewhere privately." Boruto then said. As the blonde proposed to the latter to talk somewhere else to avoid further awkwardness.


"I was kind of in the mood at the time. So many things were just happening inside my mind to the point where I'm not aware of what I'm doing and It was pretty embarra.s.sing for me and to the rest of them.


The sounds of water can be heard from a stream. Sarada just stared and watch the water flow down in a certain direction. There was a sense of disbelief in her mind. Right now, she didn't know what to do or think instead of wondered on what she was going to do for the rest of her life now.

Her home was gone. There was no turning back. All the people that he knew and loved, His Parents, Cho-Cho and everyone else had been the victims of the destruction that plague the village. She never really knew who or what caused the destruction. Her only knowledge was that this person named Kawaki was mainly responsible for what has happened. The man, who would become the cruelest person in the world that she had ever met.

Her thoughts also went far by reliving on how she became a witness on the death of her parents during the destruction. She tried to calm her mind, but it wouldn't cooperate. Then she felt someone tap her on her back.

"Hey, Are you alright?" Sarada snapped out from her thoughts. As she looked up to see the blonde staring at her with a concerned look.

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"Ummm, yeah I'm fine. It's just that I need to absorb the information that you told me." Sarada said. She then stared back at the stream.

Boruto could only give her a sad smile. What can he do now? Does he have the power to bring things back?

"Saradchan, it's okay if you want to let it all out." Boruto said as he gave an encouraging but sad smile..

Sarada then turned to the blonde." What makes you think that I wanted to cry?" The Uchiha girl said with a hardened face. Although, in truth, she really wanted to let it all out.

"Well, Umm-" Boruto was about to say something when he got cut again by the latter.

"Did you cry?" Sarada asked. As tears can notably be seen forming around her eyes.

The teenage Uzumaki could sighed. He in fact did cry, but in secret. He couldn't keep the pressure contained inside of him.

"Yeah, I did" He replied back. Expecting the girl to burst out at any moment.

Sarada turned her eyes to the flowing stream again. There was the silence that took over yet again. The blonde was about to say something again to comfort his Uchiha teammate, when she suddenly turned back to him and hugged him tightly. The raven-haired girl then planted her face on the latter's chest to keep anyone from seeing her from crying.

Boruto smiled and comforted the Uchiha girl. He understood what she was going through right now. The blonde then darted his eyes on his surroundings. Particularly, the other side and caught a glimpse of his Uncle Sasuke yet again who leaning on a certain tree. The latter gave the blonde a nod to the head and smiled.

"Hey, Bolt-san!" A familiar voice was then heard calling the blonde's name.

Boruto turned around and saw the boy, Inari who just arrived at the scene.

Inari was a bit confused. His grandfather instructed him to call the guys that it was time to leave but had arrived just to see that something was going on.

"Ummm, Is she alright?" Inari asked. He first noticed that the girl on the blonde's chest and seemed to be crying.

Boruto gave him a smile." Yeah, She's alright." He a.s.sured.

Inari blinked a couple of times before shaking his head." Well, just to let you guys know that we will be leaving soon but there is still food if you guys still wanted to it." He explained.

"Yeah, thank you very much, we will be right there after she finish-" The blonde was about to finish his sentence when the raven haired girl let go of him and turned to face the boy.

"Thank you very much, Inari. I would be happy to eat again." Sarada informed the latter while wiping her tears from her eyes. Of course, what better way to cope with this is just to have a nice breakfast again. At least that will take out the remaining stress and negative vibes from her.

Inari blinked a couple times again." Umm. . . Okay." He said with a bewildered look on his face.

"Just you make sure that you won't eat enough to be a contender for Cho-Cho hehehe." Boruto said jokingly.

As a result, he found himself on the ground receiving one of Sarada's fearsome punches. While she was still an Uchiha that ability came directly from the Haruno side of the family.


"The thing about Sarada is that she always had these mood swings. Sometimes, she's irritated, sad, angry and then happy. I could never really understand her. I am no Psychologist but I think she's the craziest person I've ever met." (Chuckles)


The day went on as normal with Sarada helping herself another round of breakfast. Meanwhile, Boruto helped packing some things and carrying his little sister safely to the wagon afterwards. The weather was a sunny but still pretty windy which was pretty standard for the Land of Fire.

When the time came to leave for the Leaf village. All of them had boarded the wagon and left the small open field. Boruto sat near the back observing his little sister who was still sleeping blissfully.

Sarada had already checked on why she was still in this current state. She concluded that the Uzumaki girl was fine since there were no serious injuries to be found. Her emotional state however was likely much more strained. It's only a matter of time before she awakes to an entirely new world.

Sarada stared outside of the wagon. She was seeing the forest and the road from the back of the wagon. She wondered on the most farfetched information that she received so far, which was they somehow sent back to the past, which wasn't impossible seals could do some incredible things but somehow Sarada thought that that wasn't what caused this. But the only way to truly figuring out what was going on would be to see it firsthand.

Of course, Inari's claims that the Hokage mountain only had 5 heads which was a ridiculous notion but expecting the unexpected was a ninja's job.

Boruto on the other hand was staring at his Uchiha friend. He had to be strong for her and Himawari. He knew that a lot would be expected from him.

As the journey finally comes to an end, the wagon stopped its tracks in front of two large wooden gates. Signifying that they finally arrived at their destination.

The Village of Konoha.


Author's note: Hope you guys liked the chapter. Thank you for reading!