A Different Kind Of Journey - 11 Arc 1: Finale

11 Arc 1: Finale

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers, I'm back with a new chapter! Although this one is a bit short, so I Hope you guys enjoy!

Take note: Since I am going to be a little busy because School works. I will have to adjust the schedule on updating the story. Maybe a twice or once a week.

Thank you for Understanding:)

Beta Edited by: AbyssDarkness

Arc 1: Finale

Sarada rested her head on one of the metallic chairs in a corridor just outside the room where the siblings were in. She was just silent and closed her eyes. She had recapped on what happened during the rest of the afternoon. It was eventful yet tiring for her. Facing the Hokage and doing everything she can to convinced her. The confrontation really drained her physically and a bit mentally. In the end, her efforts were successful, and she was just waiting for the Hokage to do the DNA test. Although, she had to take part of it, even she had shown the Sharingan in front of her. Maybe this was just to make sure that she was really telling the truth.

Sarada took a deep breath to relax. She really needed a nap right now but at this rate, she cannot. She had so many things to do at the moment. She just used this short time to take a little bit of rest. At any minute she would be called by the Hokage inside.

She thought of the Uzumaki siblings who were inside the room conversing with the fifth Hokage." I hope they are alright. She muttered. She was a bit concern about them. This Lady Hokage was different, she still had that strict and serious att.i.tude. She could be interrogating them right now!

Sarada opened her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and then yawned. She was not doing anything good for her to have a good little rest.

"Is something wrong?" The raven-haired teen then heard a familiar voice and she turned to her left and saw Hanabi holding two cups of hot drinks.

"Yeah, I'm fine Aunt Hanabi." Sarada replied but she was obviously looking not alright. She then accepted the cup of hot drink which was revealed to be hot tea this time.

Hanabi just sighed. She then sat down beside the latter. She then took a sip of her hot tea that she bought from the nearby tea house. The Hyuuga girl then stared at the raven-haired teen, she deduced the fact that she is thinking about Lady Hokage again.

"You know if I were you I would be celebrating right now." Hanabi spoke towards the latter.

Sarada then looked up from her drink and then turned to latter and raised her eyebrows in confusion. Why would she say that?

"I mean just think about it. You managed to convince the Hokage by coming along let alone made the duel between you and her a draw." Hanabi explained. She witnessed the whole event unfold, why would she have worried. The outcome turned out to be successful.

"Maybe, she still in a bad mood after that ordeal." Sarada replied. She was thinking the other way. Yes, she did convince the Hokage to come with her, but it also ruined her day and her face will be forever remembered by her as an annoying girl.

Hanabi sighed." Don't think about the fact that she is in a bad mood!" As the latter stood up from her seat and went in front of the latter.

"You didn't have to cause her bad mood, but you did the right thing by showing the truth into her face." Hanabi explained. She was just pointing out the facts.

Sarada was surprised. She was just telling the latter she was a bit afraid of the Hokage of what she can really do to a person when provoked. She did not want to get heated on by a legendary figure in history.

"You don't have to be afraid, you gotta believe in yourself!" Hanabi said. She was trying to lift the girl's spirits. It doesn't make sense on why she should be feeling down.

The raven-haired girl, just stared at the latter. She was just speechless. Who knew this Hyuuga girl can really motivated a person that much. n.o.body has seen this before in Hanabi.

Hanabi smiled." You know once this DNA test is over, everyone's gonna owe you apology." She explained. The girl can see the positive outcome in this situation. They just need to be patient that's all.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened. Both girls turned their heads towards the person who came out. It was none other than s.h.i.+zune who had positive smile on her face.

"Well, Your Sarada is it?" s.h.i.+zune asked.

Sarada blinked a couple of times before realizing that she was asking for her name." Yes Ma'am." She replied politely.

"Well, Lady Tsunade wants to see you inside." She explained.

Sarada then gave a glanced at the Hyuuga girl who gave her a smile of encouragement. The Uchiha girl then took a deep breath. She then looked at s.h.i.+zune and nodded at her before she stood up from her seat and headed inside.

s.h.i.+zune decided to stay outside of the room for a while. She sat down beside the Hyuuga girl's seat. The black haired young woman sighed. She took a deep breath and let out all the tiredness that she had.

"So, what's your problem?" A female voice then asked. The young woman turned to The Hyuuga girl who gave her a look.

s.h.i.+zune sighed." I think I need a very long vacation." She replied. Of course, who would want to have this job as the a.s.sistant now that the slug princess is the Hokage, things became busier in her life. She was turned into a 24/7 a.s.sistant for the rest of her life until a Sixth Hokage come into existence.

She was the apprentice of the Legendary Sannin. An accomplished medic-nin and Jounin. Now she found herself in a situation where every routine is the same for her everyday life. From carrying paperwork to managing the lunch and dinner schedules, and lastly escorting the Hokage to the gambling areas. This wasn't the life that she wanted.

Uncle Dan would be so much disappointed to see this.

It was a whole new other life for young apprentice of the Hokage. s.h.i.+zune then rested her head on the chair and closed her eyes. She also wondered on who the group of teens are, she felt a strange feeling that she had met them before.

As for Hanabi, she just sighed and proceeded back on her business of drinking her hot tea. She really needed to some peace for a while.

Sakura smiled as she finally found the jackpot that she was looking for. The blood samples of her Blonde and raven-haired teammate. She was currently at the blood storage room in the hospital. She then took the two blood samples that were stored in a cold refrigerator and carefully placed it on a small tray.

She then observed the two blood samples for a while. It's been two and half years and she had not seen these two guys. What were they doing nowadays? Naruto was currently in his training trip with Jiraiysensei while Sasuke was in the hands of the missing nin criminal, Orochimaru.

Sakura could only sigh. She gave a downed face. She wondered when she'll ever see them again. The Team has been inactive for two straight years now while the rest of the other teams were still there and taking on missions a.s.signed by the Lady Hokage.

Sensing that she was drowning in her thoughts. She then shook her head as she snapped from reality. She then sighed and closed the still open door of the cold refrigerator.

Heading back towards the room.


It was an apparent good and enjoying sight that the raven-haired girl witness inside the room. She did not expect that the siblings would have the power to loosened up the serious Hokage.

Sarada watched the fifth as she continued to laugh with a mix of irritation from the jokes of the Uzumaki siblings that range from different aspects. Jokes such as Tsunade would need a personal punching bag to let out all her frustrations or Tsunade needing a larger table for her paperwork

It was a scene that was impossible for the raven-haired girl. She darted her eyes to her blonde teammate who gave her a winked in return telling her that she should sit back and relax. They can handle this with their power of talk no jutsu.


Sakura observed the medical kit that she had brought from the equipment storage. She was wondering why Lady Hokage would do a DNA test right at this moment. She thought it was impossible for the siblings to be related to Naruto and Sasuke. As matter a fact, the blonde Uzumaki had no siblings of his own and Sasuke's only brother had been gone in the village for a very long time.

Unless, Lady Hokage wanted to compare their blood types to the siblings? It was strange right now and speaking of the siblings where do they come from?

When she had arrived at her destination. She found herself staring at Neji and s.h.i.+zune who were sitting at their respective seats.

"s.h.i.+zune?" Sakura called out to the dark-haired a.s.sistant of the Hokage who had took a brief nap for a while.

s.h.i.+zune immediately opened her eyes and woke up from her nap. She was not aware that she had fallen asleep for a moment. She then stood up and faced the pink haired girl.

"Sorry about that, I must've fallen asleep hehe." s.h.i.+zune explained as she gave a nervous smile. She was a bit embarra.s.sed.

"Nah, It's alright, by the way here's the medical kit and the blood samples of the two guys." Sakura said as she handed the medical kit and the small tray containing the two blood samples.

"Thank you so much." s.h.i.+zune smiled as she took the two objects that the blonde Hokage needed right now. She then entered the room immediately to give the two important things to the Hokage.

As the door closed right in front of her. Silence took over once again. Sakura sighed. Her job was done, and she was free to go home.

"Well I guess my work here is done." Sakura said. As the pink haired teen decided that it was time to go home. She yawned and stretched after a hard day's work. But before she could leave, Neji had called out to her.

"So you're going home already?" The Hyuuga teen asked.

Sakura nodded." Yeah, my s.h.i.+ft is over and its probably night time already." She explained as she pa.s.sed by the older Hyuuga.

Neji just stared at the pink haired teem. It happened so fast that she was now going home. He also noticed that they haven't been home yet, and the old man might be wondering...

As Neji then turned back towards the entrance to the room., He was suddenly met by her cousin's puzzled face.

"Hanabi?" Neji asked." Is everything alright?"

Hanabi, who was about to call her big cousin back inside the room, took noticed of the big black bruised covering the older teen's right eye.

The brown haired Hyuuga raised an eyebrow. Why was she giving him that look? It was strange case that he needed to get the bottom of this right away.

Hanabi then finally spoke." Is it just me or you have a really huge black eye right now?" The Hyuuga girl asked she stared at her big cousin's face.

"Uhmm, I don't wanna talk about it." Neji replied with embarra.s.sment. He did not really want anyone to see his recent black eye. It was a forgettable moment for him. Getting punch in the face because of that stupid c.o.c.kroach just made him shook his head and cover his face.

The older Hyuuga pa.s.sed by the girl in silence as he entered the room.

Hanabi could only gave him a confused and puzzled look, before shaking her head.

"What did he gotten himself into this time?"


It often makes me wonder why my cousin always gets himself into weird situations. I mean where the heck did sustained that black eye of his? Don't tell me he gotten into a fight with someone.



"Well, s.h.i.+t. He looks like one of Naruto's shadow clones rather than an individual person. Take the scar away and they're practically twins."

It was her first comment by the time she had entered the room. She was greeted by two pairs of cerulean eyes and both voices calling out to her name with a "Baachan" at the end of it.

Tsunade, already irritated by being called that once today, felt her eye begin to twitch. "For crying out loud," she snapped.

"Stop calling me by that NAME!"

She exclaimed, Startling everyone inside.


"I always hated being called by that name, but I guess this time I will let it pa.s.s since I found them strangely adorable.


Neji and Hanabi found themselves witnessing what appears to be the most nerve-wrecking yet comical reunion they have ever seen in their lives so far. They could only stand there and watch the events unfold.

With her eyes still fixated on the siblings, She proceeded and first walked up to Boruto, and he gulped. Neji a.s.sumed that if Boruto was anything like Naruto, then he too will probably fear Tsunade's presence. Tsunade leaned closer to Boruto and inspected his face with an unreadable expression, her eyes digging deep into his. Suddenly, she pulled herself up and a large syringe appeared in her hand, surprising Boruto and making him jump back.

"Well, I almost believe you now," she told Sarada while walking to a cabinet situated next to the wall to their right and pulled out a rather huge syringe from it after a few moments of searching. "All that's left is the blood sample from him and I'll be on my way."

Boruto carefully raised both of his hands. "Hold up for a second, blood sample? And what's up with this syringe's size?!" He eyed the nightmarish tool nervously with a grin.

Tsunade had already taken the liberty of pulling up his sleeve and purifying the skin underneath it with alcohol. "Hey wait minute! What the h.e.l.l are you doing Granny?!" Boruto tried to pull his arm away from her, his face losing color by the second.

"Pshh, don't tell me you're afraid of a little blood sample? It's just a small needle," Tsunade gave him an unimpressed look. "So stop being such a little brat and let me stab you with this thing already." A terrifying slightly s.a.d.i.s.tic smile crept on her face.

"Eh? Did you just say stab?!" Boruto was now trying harder to flee from the Hokage's grasp, though her iron grip did not even allow him to move from his seat. She kept him glued to his place, and his face kept losing color rapidly, now looking more like the white walls behind him other than their normal color.

"Oh come on, You even act like Naruto." Tsunade rolled her eyes. "Stop being a pansy and take the shot like a man."

Boruto wanted to yell at her but held his tongue. It seems shots were definitely something he didn't like. he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but closed it again. inwardly, Neji agreed with his decision. Yelling at Tsunade might not be the smartest move while she's holding a larger than life needle in her hands.

"Pfft," Hanabi giggled at him. "Geez, why are you such a baby.s-

"Hey, you're crossing the line there already!" Boruto replied with annoyance yet his cheeks redden in embarra.s.sment. Neji understood his reaction. Sure, she was his aunt, but to be called both a "baby" by an eleven-year-old is a low no man wanted to stoop to. He has some dignity to maintain as a male.

"Here," she gave him her hand. "You can hold my hand while she's taking the shot." Boruto looked at her surprised. and Neji felt a bit surprised as well. His cousin might be brash at times, but she can really show that compa.s.sion when needed and that her sister tended to do.

"What's the hold-up?" Tsunade was losing her patience. "Take her hand already and let me take your blood already!"

"Don't tell me your're vampire too and..…" Boruto murmured at the phrasing of the Hokage, but he took his young aunt's hand nonetheless. Hanabi smiled at him and nodded to Tsunade. Tsunade got closer to his arm, and he braced himself for the sting.

"Hey, knucklehead." Hanabi called him out again. He automatically turned to her, only to be slapped and squished in the face multiple times.

"Dammit!" Boruto touched his cheek with his hand. "What the h.e.l.l was that for?!"

"Done!" Tsunade exclaimed in triumph, placing a bandaid on where she inserted the syringe.

"Man, That's it?" Boruto was surprised. "But I didn't even feel it,"

Hanabi looked smug. "why do you think I slapped you in the first place?"

"You did it so I won't feel the needle?" Boruto gaze warmed when he looked at her...

"And because it seemed like fun," Hanabi said, placing both hands behind her head as support and shrugged.

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..the warm gaze suddenly lost his light became detached.

"Little Auntie," he mumbled with sulking.

"Baby," Hanabi teased once more.


"It was a real struggle for me, that syringe is a stuff of nightmares. No wonder n.o.body likes to get a shot or get their blood taken at any hospital.


"Alright, looks like my work is done here for now." Tsunade gave a sigh and explained. While she held the blood samples.

The second step was to compare and too see if the DNA matches to that of the two guys. She also explained that it might take 2-3 days for the results to come in. Although if it were to happen faster, then that would be a miracle.

She turned to leave, reaching the door before turning back. "I'll have someone bring two folding beds for you two to sleep on," she told Boruto and Sarada. "I'm guessing you wouldn't want to be far from your sister right now." She smiled at them before turning back and leaving.

It was already night time as Neji and Hanabi finally told the guys that it was time for them to go home. They bid farewell to the trio and promised that will come by and visit when they have the time.

"Hey, take care you guys." Neji said as he said good bye to the Uzumaki siblings for a while. The lavender haired girl gave her "Uncle" a big adorable hug thereafter while Boruto shook hands with his young Uncle.

Hanabi smiled as she gave the raven-haired girl a sister's hug. "Be strong Okay?" She said. She told the her that she will be back soon or maybe even tomorrow. The raven-haired girl smiled. She will always remember her advice from now on.

It was already night time when the two Hyuuga left the hospital. Each of them had wonderful memories of meeting the trio. As for Neji, He enjoyed spending time with the Uzumaki siblings, He felt like they were already his family. As for Hanabi, she also bothered to tell her big cousin the truth but decided that it wasn't the time now.

Boruto sat and rested his on his seat. There was only bed for one person, so he had no choice. He turned his eyes towards his raven-haired teammate who was already fast asleep and was laying on the only small bed that was reserved for a visitor or companion.

He was still waiting for the additional beds.

Boruto smiled. He thought that she deserved a good rest. She had been really exhausted from confronting the Hokage. SDhe did job well enough to convinced her. He then directed eyes to his little sister who was sound asleep in her bed. It was only a matter of time before she will get discharge from the hospital.

The blonde then turned his thoughts about starting a new life in this village, first they're gonna a house or place to stay in, second a job to sustain a stable life and lastly, they will have to cooperate with Lady Hokage for further instructions once the results of DNA test were out.

Right now, there was a possibility for them to be inducted on a team. They were gonna do missions just like the old days.

Boruto sighed, he was starting to get sleepy. He felt that his consciousness was starting to fade away. As he closed his eyes, his last thoughts were.

"I'm still a s.h.i.+n.o.bi no matter what."



"I was thinking maybe we could get a good night stay at some awesome inn or hotel. Hospitals really creeped me out by the way.


AN: Thank you very much for reading the Chapter:)