A Different Kind Of Journey - 51 Arc 3: Phase 2: Daily Life

51 Arc 3: Phase 2: Daily Life

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: The next chapter will be a continuation of the Tenchi Bridge Arc. This chapter will show the happenings back in the village while Boruto and Sarada are away for the retrieval mission.

Expect some grammar and spelling mistakes along the way.

Thank you for Understanding :)


Chapter 17: Daily life of an Uzumaki girl

(Perfect Day By Hoku Playing in the background)

Dawn had finally arrived once again. The once night sky had began slowly to give its way for the rising sun as its brightness began to bring back the day to the world again.

Himawari yawned as she stood at her apartment unit's balcony witnessing the sunrise. The coldness of wind breeze through her as she grabbed the hot cup of chocolate, which was placed on top of the balcony wall. She took a sip of the hot drink to erase the cold feelings that she was currently having at this moment.

"Best Hot Chocolate ever!" Himawari commented. She felt relieved as the feeling of warmth took over.

This was one of the things that the teenage girl often does during the morning ever since she was a kid. It was a bit obvious that she inherited the early bird habit from her one and only mom, who was a considered a morning person to begin with. Since then, it was already a part of her body clock.

The usual morning routine consists of the Uzumaki teen waking up earlier than the rest, having her hot cup of chocolate milk at the apartment balcony and lastly, cooking and preparing breakfast. Although, this time, the routine had changed and since the two were currently on their mission, she found herself just having her hot chocolate milk and then the rest is free time.

The new routine was bit new to her since she was the only person in the apartment, it was kind of a first time being greeted by a silent atmosphere that she'd never gone through before but it was alright. The lavender haired girl Uzumaki had already planned out on what she was gonna do while the two were away for their mission.

From the apartment balcony overviewing a good chunk of the village, Himawari moved her eyes around and observed the view of the she had right now. The streets were still quiet but were now slowly coming to life. The lavender haired girl gave a smile as excitement and adrenaline began to rise up from the inside.

She had been waiting for this time to do it and she was really gonna do it. What's a girl going to do when there's nothing else to do? Why not try changed the routine a little bit and put some energy and pa.s.sion in it?

Why not bring back the s.h.i.+n.o.bi routine of training and improving again?

So to speed up her time, Himawari finished her hot chocolate milk and went back inside.

She knew that were things that still needed to be readied but she was going to managed the time. In fact, she had the time to do whatever she wants and she chose it wisely. Like her big brother, she was going to set up her own exercise routine, which was a good thing. In order to make this work, she needed to get that energy and pa.s.sion which starts by getting herself ready.

Himawari raced back to the room and on towards a certain cabinet which her clothes were stored. She searched through the neatly ironed stash of t-s.h.i.+rts, shorts, and pants in order to find her training outfit.

It didn't took long as she was able to find the training clothes, which she was looking for all this time. Once, she found it, she wasted no time dressing up, preparing the necessary things that she needed and in several minutes, she was now ready.

All that she needed to do is to start the routine at any time she wants.


"I was really excited to bring the kind of routine, I had just done only one mission and I think it's the right time to continue where I left off, and also just in case if there's going to be another mission."


Along the way, the lavender haired Uzumaki thought of her big brother and her big Uchiha sister were here to join her but unfortunately, they were still away on their mission. She also wondered on how they were doing right now? Were they enjoying the adventure so far?

There were so many questions running around her head that she would like to entertain but she didn"t have time to dwell in them. The girl then proceeded to leave the room and headed towards the living room enroute to the only door outside. Along the way she pa.s.sed by a certain book which was laying on the living room floor nearby the couch.

With an excited grin on her face, Himawari opened the door as the newly raised sun greeted her, it was a sign that things would be really fun. So with one last move by putting on her s.h.i.+n.o.bi Headband, the girl decided that it was finally time to start the day with fire.

"Oh, this is going to be fun!"


Location: Sarutobi Residence


Loud snoring was all that a certain small cute crimson nine-tailed fox could hear. Kurama gave a puzzled face as he observed a sleeping, drooling, and snoring Konohamaru, who was still on his bed despite the efforts of the alarm clock which was already ringing like crazy.

"Should I wake the kit up?" He asked himself before turning to the screen." Do you think I need to?"

It was like promise that had never been fulfilled or just simply been broken. The brown haired boy told him in multiple occasions that he will always wake up in the morning on time, but it seemed that things were a long way to go. It was like he had found himself being turned into living alarm clock or maybe the second one. It seemed that everyday had been like this since, and it's already familiar to him considering that he had been into this kind of situation before.

Kurama sighed." Well if I don't, then He might possibly get into trouble again." He said to himself.

So it was finally decided as the cute nine-tailed fox, took a few steps towards the boy's head. Once there, he leaned for a little bit, directly near to the boy's ear. He then took a deep breath as he got ready wake the boy up as immediately as possible." Here we go." He whispered before fully opening his mouth.


The second alarm clocked through Kurama had finally sounded thus fully waking up the boy, who's eyes instantly opened wide like an owl. Konohamaru jolted up from his bed and not knowing that he accidentally pulled out an uppercut on the poor fox right in the face." Oh c.r.a.p! I'm late again!" He exclaimed.

"Oh that freaking hurts." Kurama commented as he landed hard on the wooden floor for the hundredth time. This was always the thing what he gets for bringing himself and working so hard just to wake up the boy who cannot wake up all by himself.

As for Konohamaru, He was a bit busy searching for the alarm clock that he had set up last night. He knew that it just beside his head and he can't seemed to find it. Although, after a few seconds of processing his brain, He finally remembered and found it on the other side of his bed.

He immediately grabbed the alarm clock and to his shocked, it was already pa.s.sed the time that he was supposed to wake up." d.a.m.n, I'm so in trouble for this." He said as he removed his blanket and slowly got up.

At the same time, He took noticed of Kurama who was on the wooden floor and was still feeling dizzy from the uppercut that he had sustained awhile ago." Good to see that you're awake Konohamaru." He said while forcing a smile.

"Kurama?" Konohamaru raised both eyebrows in confusion. He was a bit puzzled on the situation but didn't bothered enough to go deep down with his thoughts as he had only one goal in mind and that was to immediately dressed up, get ready and hurry up.

As for the still dizzy Kurama, He attempted to explained on what actually happened but he wasn't able to as the now fully dressed up brown haired boy from the Sarutobi clan, immediately suddenly grabbed him before he can say his first words.

"No time for explaining Kurama, we gotta hurry up or else I'll find myself in detention again!" Konohamaru said while carrying Kyuubi no Youko like a football as he zoomed pa.s.s by the dinner table, grabbed a piece of bread and headed straight to the door.

On the other hand, Kurama found himself being almost squeezed, and while stuck underneath the boy's right arm pit, he gave a sighed.

"And I haven't eat my breakfast yet."


"Trust me, I'm already used to this."



Location: Konoha Training grounds

It was a very light hearted and engaging morning at the training grounds. There were a certain group of individuals that were currently present at the said area. Right in the middle of the open field, Team Gai's Neji Hyuuga and Rock lee were currently engaged in a friendly sparring match, while from a few distances away, were the spectators: Hanabi Hyuuga and Tenten, who were yelling motivational words as if they were the boys' coaches.

"Come on Lee, You can do it!"

"Kick his a.s.s, Neji!"

It was basically full of yells around the area. The two guys could only sighed and chuckled it off but although there also astonished on how these two girls were very much supportive of them and it was a good thing as that fueled the intensity of the sparring match even more.

Rock Lee gave a small smile." You know Neji, something tells me that this going to be a really good sparring match." He said while giving a high kick that directly went towards his teammate's face who was able to blocked it.

"Yeah, no doubt about it Lee." Neji smirked as he blocked the kicked against him. He then move swiftly and attempted to counter it with a strike which the other was able to avoid again.

Rock Lee replied with a smirked as he decided to go at his teammate and unleashed a series of combos which mostly consists all of his Taijutsu prowess. His speed was his major factor in the match which won him a lot of one on one battle. Although, the only one problem was that his leg, which was injured in the previous mission, still gave him a little bit of pain, but overall, he was good to go.

Neji, on the other hand, took on a defensive role. Similar to his teammate in front of him, he would mostly go towards the offensive side but as of now, he wanted take a different route and found himself learning on how to counter the attacks and find a way to end the game with one move even though he knew that it was going to be impossible.


"Well sometimes you have to find new ways to end a match smoothly and quickly, but the trying part is the hard part."


For the meantime, the two teens traded roles, with Rock Lee switching into the defensive side while Neji going at the offensive role and then vice versa. A sparring match much like this was already the usual to them. It was first taught by their sensei, who also valued the physical combat skills and reflex and by doing this often, it made things sure that they were on the right path.

The ending was left open to the audience to wonder. They were not sure who will have the last laugh or last move but it was sure a heck of match. For Tenten, she was just really enjoying the scene. She had to admit that she's still improving her Taijutsu while her teammates' were already way above her but she wasn't going to give up yet.

"So who usually wins the fight?" Hanabi, who was beside her, asked.

Tenten gave a smile." Well, it's like an alternate thing, Neji wins on the first match, then the next day, Lee took the W and then the next day, Neji wins again and then vice versa." She explained.

"Oh I guess that's cool." Hanabi raised both eyebrows and nodded." It's like an endless series of rematches."

Tenten nodded." Yup, and in fact I did tallied the points and number of wins and loses." He explained." Yesterday, Neji lost by a small margin but I have a feeling that he is going to get his W today."

"Oh you mean like that?" Hanabi asked as she pointed to the scene of the sparring match.

Tenten then turned her head and was surprised to find her bushy brow teammate, who was almost at the ends of the ropes but was able to recover from the barrages of combos that the brown haired Hyuuga gave him.

"Well, that was a close one to be honest." Tenten gave a small chuckle.

"Yeah, I know, looks like those are the best of friends." Hanabi commented.

Tenten nodded." No doubt about it, when it comes to sparring matches like this, they do really get along and have fun." She said.

Hanabi simply smiled and nodded. A memory suddenly came to her and she remembered the sparring matches between her and her big sister. It was a series of compet.i.tive but friendly matches but nowadays, it was all but a rare thing.

At the same time, Tenten had released a question towards the younger Hyuuga." So how's the sibling relations.h.i.+p thing so far?" She asked.

Hanabi sighed but smiled." Well, to be honest, it still in progress but I'm glad to say that things are on the right track." She said. She would go on to explained that the three Hyuugas were on paced to have a family outing today after all these training sessions.

"I'm glad to hear it, I hope you guys enjoy your family outing." Tenten smiled and said." By the way where it will be held?"

Hanabi stayed quiet for a little while and gave a smile, she was the one that decided on where it will be held and it was going to be a surprised." Well, let's just say that the outing would be a surprised for a certain someone." She said.

Tenten raised both eyebrows." Oh, okay And I guess that surprised would for Hinata, and speaking of her, where's she by the way?" She asked.

Hanabi smiled." As of now, Big sis is with her team and doing their stuff I guess." She simply explained.

"Looks and sounds like what their team would do." Tenten commented as the two chuckled.

"You know I noticed a few things about your big sister." Tenten said as she remembered the last times she met and conversed with the older Hyuuga girl.

"A few things?" Hanabi asked.

Tenten simply nodded." Yup and I think there's more, but from what I noticed, she is more confident now than before." She said." Plus, She rarely stutters now."

Hanabi blinked a couple of times as she just stared at the older brown haired girl before shooking her head to reality." Oh yeah, I get what you mean, she really had a personality upgrade." She said.

"You sounded like as if this was the first time you heard it." Tenten said. She was wondering on why Hanabi looked so surprised and a bit new to the news.

"Well, maybe I'm just tired." Hanabi gave a small grin.

Tenten simply nodded and continued. "In fact, I'm quite surprised that she also wears a different outfit at times." She said. She would then tell that she saw the older Hyuuga girl wearing this beautiful and simple dress, when she pa.s.sed by the public market weeks ago.

"Yup, she goes to the market to buy the ingredients for lunch or dinner, kinda like how our mom used to do when she was still here." Hanabi explained.

"Well, I guess she's following her footsteps then." Tenten said." In fact, she went to visit me not too long ago and gave me some of the food she herself cooked and they're delicious! " She added.

Hanabi gave a small smile." Well good to hear that, big sis makes the best dish in town." She said.

"I gotta say that you're really lucky to have a big sister like her." Tenten commented while the other girl simply smile and nodded.

"Let's just don't let Neji be too much overprotective of her or something might happen." She added."

Hanabi nodded." Yeah, I understand." She said as she turned her eyes back to the middle of the field where the sparring match was held and was now finally over.


"There's often something about Big sis nowadays, it's like switching personalities back and forth, but maybe it's just in my head."



Rock lee was breathing heavily in and out as he dropped to the gra.s.sy ground in defeat. He never thought that he would lose this time again to his teammate." You're getting faster Neji." He commented.

Neji simply smiled and walked up to his bushy brow friend and offer to a hand to helped him get up." Well, I guess all that training really paid off." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah, I agree with you on that." Rock Lee said as he chuckled along." I guess you'll be taking the number one spot for awhile."

"And I hope that you're leg gets a full recovery soon." Neji said as he finally helped his teammate recover from the ground.

"By the way Neji, Can I ask you something?" Rock Lee said.

"Yeah, what is it?" Neji said.

"Well, It's about Bolt, you know the rookie that was a.s.signed during the previous mission." Rock Lee said." Do you think he is fast and strong too?"

Neji stayed silent for a little while, He quickly remembered the Uzumaki siblings, his nephews from the future." Well, I'm not really sure because I haven't seen him in a battle or match before." He said." Why do you asked?"

"I just wanted to know more about him, I got a feeling that he is not just rookie if you know what I mean." Rock Lee explained." He might be a prodigy."

A small smile formed around the Hyuuga's lips." Yeah maybe." He said.

"And by the way!, I think his little sister too is a prodigy!" Rock Lee added. He was a bit hyped about the Uzumaki siblings or Maybe it was just his Youth side fueling him up.

Neji could only sighed at his bushy brow friend. Although, he thought about the siblings, especially Himawari. How were they doing nowadays? Have they fully adjusted? There were so many questions forming around his head and the only thing he can do is pay the guys a visit.

"I hope they're fine."


"Isn't that what I thinked it is?

"Isn't that Himawari?"

"You looked awesome Himawari-chan!"

Those were the words that the lavender haired teen heard as she pa.s.sed by the shophouses of the village. It was kind of surreal for her as if everybody knew her, and in fact most of the people from those shops were. She could only smile and waved at them back, even the some of the kids tried to catch up with her but couldn't as she was just too fast for them.

"Bye guys!"

Himawari said to the kids, who were just energetic as her and she never looked back. As of now, She had one goal in mind and that is to go to a certain place that she usually goes to almost everyday. She then took the familiar route which will led her to the public market in about minutes time.

Himawari really liked to take power jogs in the morning, and that is when she has the time. But this time, she was kind of adding this to the routine which was very much successful to say at least, and the morning power jog would be really boring if it weren't for the obstacles ahead of her.

There were actually three of those obstacles that she had to face before the reaching the finish line. Himawari smirked as she went right through the heart of those obstacles. The first one obstacle involves traversing through stretches of alleyways around the village. It was something like of those Parkour games, where one had to aim to get from one point to another in a complex environment, without a.s.sistive equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

To Himawari, she just smiled and calmly took the challenge, she dodged and avoided most of the complex things ahead of her in the alleyways. One such thing is trying to pa.s.sed through stacks of abandoned furniture that had been turned into walls all over the years and a a little obstacle of avoiding stray angry dogs around the area. There were actually a lot of obstacles and the lavender haired teen managed to pa.s.sed them all.

When she got out from the alleyway, she then immediately entered the second obstacle which was to simply get pa.s.sed through the growing number of crowds as the day continued on.

"Looks like, I'll just take this easy then." Himawari thought. There was really no reason to speed this all up, and considering that the crowd was growing, she decided to heat the brakes for awhile and continued by doing the slow jog along the way.

It was at the same time when the Uzumaki girl unknowingly pa.s.sed by two certain individuals, who were also walking along the streets as of now. Those two people were none other than Konohamaru and Kurama, who were on their way to their own destination.


Kurama widened his eyes as he stopped his tracks for awhile. He felt a familiar energy or aura which belonged to a certain person that he can't figured out, that pa.s.sed by them. The fox moved his crimson eyes around the growing crowd and he attempted to find the source.

He would later sighed in a disappointment as the familiar energy slowly faded away.

On the other hand, Konohamaru found himself confused and wondering on why the fox had suddenly stopped his tracks and began looking amongst the crowd.

"Hey something wrong Kurama?" He asked.

As for Kurama, He decided to just let it go and turned back to the kit." Nah, I'm fine, It's just that I thought I saw someone from the crowd" He explained." Someone that I somehow knew."

Konohamaru blinked a couple of times before replying." Oh I see, I didn't know you had a friend here in the village?" He asked.

Kurama could only sighed." Nevermind, let's just moved on." He said." We still have time before you find yourself late again."

"Oh, you're right about that! Let's go then!" Konohamaru said.

As the two continued on their journey, Kurama was still left wondering about that familiar energy. It was like the energy somehow wasn't from this time and that really blew his mind a little. There was this hope that began to grow inside of him and he thought that the others might have survived and been living in this time line.


"It's impossible and It's not going to happen. Only in dreams and that's all."



Location: The Clinic

"I got some interesting news for ya."

With one eyebrow raised, Miyuki, who was sitting in her desk, observed the tired-looking Showtaro, who had just came back from the Pure land and accompanying him is a sealed enveloped with a doc.u.ment inside, which he was holding right at the moment.

However, it was not the envelope that she spoke about." What happened to you? You looked as if you survived being grilled alive." She commented and the way she really voiced her concerned.

Showtaro just gave a nervous grin. "Yeah I know, I did what all I could to be invisible from them." He explained." So far, I'm still in one piece." He said while sighing in relief.

It was a good thing that n.o.body was noticing his actions, many still thought of him as still being part of the council or maybe as one of those low profile employees and it was good thing for his boss as he can act as the second eyes towards the Pure Land. As for Miyuki, she really cared for her friends and a.s.sets and she would always advice them to be careful whenever they go back there.

"So what's this doc.u.ment all about." Miyuki asked as she examined the sealed enveloped.

For Showtaro, a sweat can be noticably seen dropping from the side of his head. He was a bit hesitant to give the doc.u.ment at first and was also nervous to reveal it with his own words. He figured that it would be best for the woman to know the information by herself.

It didn't take a few seconds as Miyuki immediately opened the envelope and took out the doc.u.ments inside. The doc.u.ments were revealed to be several papers and which discussed about the happenings in the council and especially the enemy's plans.

She didn't wasted any time as she immediately read the doc.u.ments contents which discussed three important news. The first news that she'd learned was about suspicious movements amongst the council as there has been a ongoing discussion about changing the the main system of ruling, which was in its current state of democratic rule. The reason for the changes was that everything waa going nowhere.

To Miyuki, it was all to suspicious. The plan was basically to changed the current governing system into some form of an authoritarian one and by doing this, Ammendments are going to have to implemented to make way for a new const.i.tution and laws. So in simple terms, His goal was to be the new leader under the guised of legal ways, which was a clever thing to do.

"Sounds like a move that he would do." She commented.

The second news that she'd learned was about the Otsutsuki clan. It seemed that there were efforts to search for the clan's missing princess. Most of everybody have no clue where she was located but the clan had already sent its investigators to find the long lost heiress. Only a handful of people knew where she was exactly located, and that includes Miyuki herself, who was the one to oversee her sealing on the new moon, a long time ago.

"So do you think freeing her from the moon is a part of his plan?" Showtaro asked.

Miyuki simply nodded." Yes, that was his plan all along since from the beginning, He even used the Black Zetsu, which was basically Kaguya's will and spy to set up a long chain of events that will eventually lead to her release." She explained.

"So the only way stop all of this is track that Black Zetsu guy and stop him first?" Showtaro asked.

Miyuki nodded." That's just a part of the bigger picture." She said." He's not just the only one that has to be stopped" She paused for a little while." There's the Akatsuki, the other people that had been turned into p.a.w.ns, and his henchmen."

"Oh, I kind of forgot that part." Showtaro said as he scratched the back of his head.

Miyuki just sighed as she then proceeded back on to reading the final doc.u.ment in a form of a letter from the council itself. When she read the letter, her eyes widened in disbelief." Is this is some kind of joke?" She asked as she gave the duck a look.

"Well, I woudn't call it a fake news either." Showtaro said." What you're reading right now is true." He explained. "They're giving you a warning, and if you exceeded your leave, they will have to summoned you back to the cage if you know what I mean." He said.

Miyuki could only held her forehead in disappointment and annoyance." You've got to be kidding me, are they crazy!? I just filed a leave about a couple of months ago!." She said. She wondered on what in the world happened this time. She really disliked the way how those people from the council act and boss around and after all these years, they still haven't changed.

"Just calm down Miyuki, everybody knows the council is a lost cause, they're just a bunch of people who cares for themselves." Showtaro said. There was really no choice about it. They had to face the consequences.

"I know that, although are there any news about those henchmen?" Miyuki asked.

At the same time, Showtaro widened his eyes as he finally remembered what he was going to say." Oh yes! I almost forgot about to tell you that one of them is on the move." He said with serious tone in his voice.

"Wait, so you finally managed to tracked one of them down?" Miyuki asked.

"Well sort of, one of our a.s.sets managed to tracked one down in the forest and near a bridge known as Tenchi." He explained." I guess that's where the blonde kid and his friend are going to right now."

Miyuki nodded in understanding." Hmmm, I guess you're right, Maybe you should go there and keep on eye on the two kids for awhile." She said." They need the guidance on their mission and on how to deal with them."

Showtaro simply nodded in agreement." Of course Miyuki, I'll be there as soon as possible." He said. Looks like another mission is upon yet again and this time, it was in the human world.

"Be careful." Miyuki gave a smile.

Showtaro replied with a nod and as he was about to leave the place, he immediately remembered a question that he was going to ask.

"Uhmm, Miyuki I wanna asked you something before I leave." He said.

Miyuki, who was gone back into her daily paperwork, then looked up." Yeah sure, what is it?"

Showtaro then took a deep breath first before releasing his words." Well, do you feel comfortable in that appearance?" He asked.

"Yeah, why do you asked?" Miyuki raised both eyebrows and said." Is there something wrong the way I looked nowadays?"

Showtaro then immediately shook his head." Uhmm, No there is nothing actually wrong, but I just I kind of forgot on what your real form looked liked." He said. He only remembered pieces of vague memories which shows a mysterious beautiful young woman.

Miyuki just sighed and smiled." Well if that's the case then, I'm sorry that you've forgot all about it, but I'll tell you that It will be really scary for idiots who dared to take me out. by themselves" She explained.

"Oh well then, I guess I should be going now." Showtaro said as he headed to the open window and left the scene.

"See ya around."

As for Miyuki, she gave a little smile. She was also a bit surpised when he asked her about that subject, but that was way back in the past and she has moved on from all of that. Right now, she has to focus on the game first and try win.


After going through all those obstacles and pa.s.sing all of them. It was alright to say that Himawari had finally arrived at her destination, which was the Public Market. With sweat all over her head, she immediately took her headband of and placed it inside a plastic which she brought for the journey.

Himawari wiped all the sweat around her head using her trusty small towel. She was just preparing herself yet again for another time at the market. She needed to buy something, which was basically ingredients for supper later on and she also didn't want to be smelly when she enters the place.

So after preparing herself for a few minutes, she was finally ready and entered the market with her goal in mind.

By the time she entered the market, she was then greeted by the growing ma.s.ses of customers. The lavender haired teen then checked her time and soon discovered that two hours had already pa.s.sed since she began her power jog.

"Looks like this will be another long morning in the market for me." Himawari thought to herself. Although, it wasn't considered to be a problem for her since she already has the experienced to be in places like this.

So another adventure in the market began.

"Let's see here." Himawari said as she checked her list of ingredients that she needed to buy. "Looks like we'll be doing veggie stew with fried salmon for dinner." She added as she then headed to the vegetable section first.

There was a reason why she would buy the ingredients for dinner only. Basically, it was that she had planned on eating lunch outside for the first time in awhile and since her big brother and adoptive big sister were on their mission, why not?

Himawari walked through crowd and pa.s.sed by the other sections of the wet market. Along the way, she saw a mother and daughter walking along the areas of the market. She gave a smile as it brought the feelings of nostalgia yet again. She remembered those times when she was little, where her mom would often take her to the market to buy ingredients.

It was kind of surreal for her to be here right now. The atmosphere and ambience was so perfect, and it wasn't a coincidence.

After immersing herself with nostalgia, the Uzumaki girl continued on, not knowing that she had finally reached the seafood section of the market. " Well, I guess it can sneak in first." She said. She was supposed to head to the veggie section although, she found herself in a different area and the veggie section was a few blocks away from here.

So the Uzumaki teen did what she had to do and proceeded to the section where the salmon was located. It was also at the same section where the seafood vendors that she met and made friends with were stationed.

"Hey Himawari! Good to see you again!"

"You looked wonderful today!"

Comments much like that were often to enter the girl's ears whenever she enters the place. She really appreciated the greetings and her secret was simple. Stay Positive and Humble all the time as she engaged a conversation with a certain vendors

"May I have 2 pieces of Salmon?" Himawari said as she placed her orders.

"Coming right up!" A seafood vendor young man said as he prepared and cut off the salmon's meat, while engaging a conversation with the girl.

"Haven't seen you in awhile lately, what were you up to?" The young man asked.

Himawari gave a smile." Well, I was a.s.signed on a mission with my big brother and friend, and I think it took one full week before we got home." She explained." But, it was worth the journey, you're really gonna loved it, Genzo!"

"Oh I see, so you're one of those s.h.i.+n.o.bis now huh?" Genzo asked.

Himawari simply nodded." Well sort of, I was a.s.signed an observer and I'm still considered rookie for your information." She explained.

"Then I wish you the best on your s.h.i.+n.o.bi career, I heard they often go to dangerous places." He said.

"Well, that's a part of the whole process, you really have no choice but to go through it." Himawari explained. Trust me, it's not easy being a s.h.i.+n.o.bi if you're planning to be one."

The young man gave a small chuckle." I understand, but I guess we'll see in the future." He said as he handed the two pieces of salmon, which was contain inside a plastic bag." Here you go."

Himawari grinned." Thank you very much." As she also offered the money to the young man.

It was also at the same time when the young man spoke yet again and told the short haired teen about the happenings in the market while she was away.

"Ya know, there was this beautiful girl that had been coming here in the market for quite sometime now, and at first, I thought it was you but not really." He explained with a slight chuckle.

Himawari raised both eyebrows." What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"Well, she really looked a lot like you except that she has longer hair and she even has the same hair color as you!" The young vendor informed." It led me to think that you girls are from the same clan or somehow?"

Himawari gave a puzzled looked." What do you mean by clan?"

"I heard that she belonged to the clan with that cool white eye ability or whatsoever." He said.

Himawari then widened her eyes surprised." You mean the Hyuuga Clan?"


There was a moment of silence that took over. It was impossible to think that the young lady was her mom. She heard first hand from her Aunt Hanabi that her mom was shy and not a type of person that would go to the market and buy some stuff. From what all she knows, there were a lot of long lavender haired girls from the Hyuga clan, not just one. So it was really impossible for that person to be her mom.

Himawari then went back to reality and smiled." Well, I guess so but I really need to go, see ya around!"

"Take care." The young vendor said.


"That's really weird for me, I mean to actually see my shy teenage mom, who really doesn't go much often to the market, is actually here.



As the day continued on, Himawari then proceeded to the vegetable section. She walked along these small pathway filled with customers. The atmosphere had finally reached its peak as the place began to get morw busy as ever.

"Alright, next on the list is onions, gingers, and veggies." She thought while looking at her list.

She tried to keep her mind occupied from the thoughts of that certain person that her friend mentioned not too long ago. She tried to shrugged it off as just a random person that she didn't know.

"Come on! Get hold of yourself." Himawari annoyingly thought to herself as she continued on.

After several minutes of walking, she finally reached her destination. The familiar scent of the vegetables was proof that she was in the right place. Himawari then smiled as she took the few steps towards the stalls. Although unbeknownst to her, there was a certain individual heading towards her direction at a fast paced.


That was the first thing that the Uzumaki girl heard when she was then tackled by a huge white furry dog that almost put her to the ground.

"Woah!" Himawari immediately regained her balance as the huge dog began to act playful with her." Easy there boy, you're really hyper today." She said as dog continued to playfully barked at her.

"Slow down Akamaru!"

At the same time, a female voice was then heard calling out the dog and there was another person heading towards her direction. It took short while as the person finally arrived at the scene.

It was teenage girl to be exact, she had long lavender hair, bangs, and was wearing a light pink s.h.i.+rt, light grayish skirt which stretched all the way to her ankles, and a lavender colour coat covering them all together. She had this warm and bright aura that s.h.i.+ned all throughout.

"I really apologized for what happened." The girl said and she mean't it.

"No, it's okay, He's actually playful." Himawari said as she patted the huge white dog, who was trying to play with her.

"It's my friends do actually, I'm just taking him for stroll when he suddenly took off to somewhere." The girl explained."

"Oh I see, what's his name by the way? He really looks so familiar." Himawari asked.

"His name is Akamaru." The teenage girl smiled and said.

Himawari smiled." Well, that is a really cute name for huge dog." She chuckled." Oh, and my name id Himawari by the way." She said as she formally introduced herself while at the same time, looking up only to meet a very familiar face which really surprised and shocked her.

On the other hand, the teenage girl simply smiled as she offered her hand to the Uzumaki girl."Nice to meet you Himawari."

"My name is Hinata."


AN: Thank you for reading Chapter!