A Different Kind Of Journey - 50 Arc 3: Phase 2: Prelude To Tenchi Bridge

50 Arc 3: Phase 2: Prelude To Tenchi Bridge

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: Sorry for the long wait, I took a break from writing to focus on school and studies, plus going on a continous writing which stretched up to 50 chapters, really makes you feel burnout and for several days, not a single idea came into my head. Although, thanks to some brainstorming, here's a new chapter.

Expect some grammar and spelling mistakes along the way.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 3 Phase 2:

Chapter 16: Prelude to Tenchi Bridge

Sarada groaned as her consciousness slowly came back from her long slumber. The first thing that greeted her were the rays of the sun that penetrated through the window of her room. It was kind of a natural alarm clock her for as she often tend to sleep by facing the window.

The raven haired Uchiha cringed as she immediately turned away from the brightness that greeted her. It took a a few moments for her vision to recover and the next thing she knew was that she found herself staring at the familiar ceiling of her hotel room.

"What?" Sarada thought as she slowly rose up from her bed. Her memory was somehow blank at the moment. She moved her eyes around the room and slowly began to realized that she was back in her room.

"How did I get here?" She muttered. She had no idea on what happened or transpired before all of this. It was really strange for her.

As she continued to moved her eyes and observed her surroundings, she immediately stopped right on a specific area of the room where a neatly folded sleeping bed and a familiar backpack were located.

Sarada blinked a couple of times as her brain began to process thus slowly bringing back some of the memories from yesterday." Boruto?" She muttered and mentioned her blonde teammate's name while grabbing her gla.s.ses and putting them on.

It was somehow puzzle game. She really attempted remember everything that happened but was unable to, until a certain backpack instantly activated her brain cells and in one swoop, the memories showered her mind like waterfalls.

She finally remembered on what happened yesterday. After dinner with the rest of the team, her teammate went outside to take his usual stroll and to enjoy the fresh air and she decided to follow him. She ended up locating him on a a nearby small river, resting under a lone tree and the rest was history.

What Sarada wondered was on how did she managed to get back into her room until she finally realized the most possible and only answer to her question which was that her own teammate carried her throughout that night. She widened her eyes in surprised and realization.

At the same time while having those thoughts, the door to her room suddenly slided open to reveal a certain blonde teen, who was the one the responsible for bringing her back the room.

"Morning Saradchan!" Boruto greeted with a smile." I never thought you would wake up this early!"

Sarada blinked a couple of times before opening her mouth." Boruto? What happened?" She asked.

Boruto gave a sighed." Well, I'm not really sure where to start but I guess during our conversation last night, you suddenly fell asleep right on my shoulder." He explained.

"Then that means?"

Boruto simply nodded." Yeah, I carried you all the way here." He said as he placed both his hands on his pockets.

"Oh." Sarada muttered under breath. She was starting to feel a little bit awkward about the situation right now. Not a single thing was coming to her mind right now thus leaving her loss for words except that she wondered if anyone saw her unconscious and being carried by her teammate during that night.

As for Boruto, he just sighed but gave a smile." Hey listen by the way, since you're awake now, maybe we can go outside and have breakfast, My stomach is killing me right now." He said while giving a slight chuckle.

There was a little bit of quietness that took over for a few moments. Sarada blinked a couple of times as her brain absorbed the information that her teammate had given to her just now. When she finally snapped back to reality, another question popped into her mind.

"So is it gonna be your treat?" Sarada asked, giving her hopeful and puppy eyes.

Boruto gave a sighed and nodded." Yeah, it's my treat, so hurry up and get dressed or else." He said.

"Or else what?" Sarada asked. She was a bit confused on this one. She wondered why the knucklehead was impatient and eager to go outside when they still have a lot of time.

It was another question that caused the blonde to scratched the back of his head with a little annoyance. He knew that he was in a race against time and he had little time left. He was glad that his teammate woke up this early but it wasn't time for slow poking. So he got straight to the point.

"Or else those buns would be gone in a matter of minutes."


"The moment he said that it was his treat, I immediately thought this was a dream inside a dream, but it doesn't matter, I want those buns so bad.



Sarada wasn't really exactly sure on whether she should've just gave up awhile ago or continue the fight as she found herself almost being squeezed like a pancake by the ma.s.ses of customers, who were insanely and currently flooding a bakery shop which sold Yakisoba Buns that her teammate was craving all this time.

Sarada was tasked to find seats for themselves while the other went on to buy the buns in the midst of the little chaos.

It was like a stuff of nightmare as if she was thrown in some kind of zombie horror movie where she found herself beginning to get overwhelmed and buried under the sea of customers. She tried to fight her way through but, it was too much as she was suddenly tripped by a random foot and was now on her way to the ground.

However, it was not until something unexpected happened. Sarada had already cringed and closed her eyes for a moment to braced for impact, only to be caught by an unsuspecting hand which belonged to the crowd.

"Careful there Miss." A male voice was then heard at the same time the Uchiha girl was save from falling.

Sarada immediately regained her balance and stood up straight. Her first thought was to thank the person that helped and caught her." Thank you so much for helping me." She then said while turning to the good person that helped her.

By the time, she looked up, she finally met face to face with a young man that she'd never seen or met before. He appeared to be older than her, specifically in his late teens to early twenties. He had medium dark brown s.h.a.ggy hair, dark bluish eyes, and a kind smile. He donned a simple thin brown sleeveless V-neck s.h.i.+rt, gray pants and a pair of black sandals.

"Don't mention it." The young man smiled and said." What brings you here in this chaotic mess by the way?" He asked.

Sarada was quick to shook her head and raised her hands mid air." Uhmm, No, I was just finding a seat for me and my friend." She explained as pointed to her teammate who was somewhere around the crowd of customers. She was quick to deny that she herself was gonna buy the Yakisoba buns, which was on a promo today.

The young man raised both of his eyebrows and nodded." Oh I see, I hope you guys enjoy your meal then." He said." I should be going now." He added.

Sarada gave a surprised looked." You're leaving so soon?" She asked.

The young man sighed and simply nodded." Yeah, I really do." He said as he beckoned the raven haired teen to looked at his hand, which holding a plastic bag which contained a number of Yakisoba buns, that he slightly raised to get her attention.

"I'm just a humble traveller buying breakfast for his other fellow travellers." He added and gave a small grin." And I have to admit that it's a big world out there."

Sarada slightly chuckled." I guess It's a big world but I think you should hurry up or they'll be really hungry." She replied while the young man just simply nodded and smiled as he prepared to leave the area.

Although, The raven haired teen had one thing left to say." I'm Sarada by the way, what's your name?" She asked.

The young man stopped his tracks, giving a small smile from behind, he then sighed." You can call me Tensai." He said before fully disappearing from the scene.

From Sarada's point of view, she just stared at the brown haired young man, now known as " Tensai". There was something eerily mysterious about that person which to which she noticed and can't figured it out. She was left pondering with another mystery yet again.

"Saradchan!" A familiar voice was then heard calling her name.

Sarada then turned to face Boruto, who had finally gotten out from the crowd as he was able to finally buy his Yakisoba Buns and along with two drinks." Oh you're done buying already?" She asked.

A slightly tired Boruto simply nodded." Yup, I'm sorry it took a little while but I think we should go to the small park nearby the river and eat breakfast on the way there." He explained as he presented the plastic bag which contained a box that has a set of Yakisoba buns inside.

"It might be a better place than this noisy mess." He added as he was referring to the noisy crowd of customers that were still flooding the area.

Sarada didn't say anything, she just gave the blonde a nod and a blanked look which made the other teen confused.

"Uhmm, is something wrong? Are you alright?" Boruto asked. He noticed that his teammate was bothered by something.

Sarada immediately snapped back to reality. She shook her head and gave the blonde a smile." No, I'm fine!" She simply replied. It's a very long story by the way, so I might tell you along the way." She added.

"Oh, okay." Boruto said. He was really confused. What really happened just now? and How could it be such a long story?


"I really don't know what happened back there but seems to me she met some hot guy and is now seriously starstruck."



Sai took a deep breath as he enjoyed the fresh air around him. He sat down on a cemented ground nearby the small river. It was also the exact same location where a certain blonde rookie used his time to enjoy the peace last night.

The young man from the Root division observed his surroundings for a little while. After a few moments He grabbed his bag, zipped it open, drew out a sketchpad and a pencil. It was an obligation for him to be inspired and that's why he was going to sketch out the forest and the small river in front of him.

He really enjoyed the silence that was with him right at the moment. He considered it as his only friend for years. He was not like the rest of everybody, He grew up as an orphan in a small orphanage with no goal in life. Although, He had this interest and talent in drawing which continued to grow until he was recruited, and with this newfound skill, a dream started to form.

A dream that would eventually fade away.

Sai did dropped his thoughts and continued on his sketching, He had just started and was now drawing the layout for the forest. He paid more attention to every detail, even including the small birds that were occupying the branches. He really had pa.s.sion for this doing, so that he would even prefer himself to be alone rather than socialize.

Not too long, his thoughts began to flood his mind yet again. He thought about being a member of this team and the rest of its members. In fact, He was just a.s.signed here to go as an undercover for the real mission that he had that was deemed extremely cla.s.sified and he had to make sure that not a single one of them would noticed.

He never really cared about the main members of this team. To him, they were just hindrances to his goal, especially the Naruto person which he find very weird and annoying. He had no reaction except for the fact that he knew only how to smile or fake a smile. He was the master of that technique. He did gave a few of his cents to the two rookies who were a.s.signed as observers in this mission, His only thoughts about them that they were just innocent and confused fellows who just throwned in the middle of this mayhem. Although, there was something about them that he can't figured out.

With another attempt, Sai dropped his thoughts once again and continued on. His goal was to achieve a sense of quietness and he wasn't going to be bothered yet again.

However, in a few moments time, it would return yet again with a final message. A strong gush of wind suddenly blew pa.s.sed by the black haired teen which in turn removed the pencil from his hand and went right straight into his open back pack.

Sai had no idea on how to swear but he did narrowed his eyes in annoyance as he then turned to get his pencil back. By the time, he was rumbling the insides of his backpack, something caught his attention as he darted his eyes to a certain book placed neatly inside his back pack.

Without hesitation and wonder, He grabbed and drew out the certain book, which was revealed to be an old but well maintained picture book. For a few moments, Sai observed the picture, he just stared at before deciding to open it through the hundreds of pages, sketches, and drawings that he was responsible of.

Along the way, his memories started to flash in front of his eyes as he flipped every page of the picture book, and it reached to point where he found himself looking at a certain drawing of him and a certain white haired person that he considered as a brother.

The memories were too much and had overwhelmed as he immediately closed the picture book. He was mentally exhausted by just taking a look at the pages and he didn't want anything from his past to return to him. As he was about to put back the book inside his back pack, a familiar female voice then called him.

"Hey Sai!" The female voice greeted.

Sai immediately recognized the voice as Sakura's and he turned around to see the pink haired girl standing in front of him. He then made a surprised look, as he did not expect that the girl would be here. He felt a bit shocked as he was thrown into a situation that he was not used to. Awkwardness also started to grow inside of him.

He didn't knew what word to say or to reply, and because of the overall social pressure, instinct took over and he opened his mouth to say:

"Who are you again?"


"I gotta say this is one of the best things that I've ever ate Dattebasa!"

A very much hungry Boruto commented. He wasn't devouring his Yakisoba buns but enjoying every moment as he took multiple bites. It was like a piece of heaven that fell right straight towards his hands. He was surprised that this kind of bun existed in this time and besides the burger, this was his second favorite.

Sarada, who was also normally eating her bun, could only rolled her eyes as her blonde teammate continued to make lovestruck expressions of his favorite food. She wasn't sure whether to conclude if he was just overreacting or playing jokes right at the moment.

In fact, there was this limit on how long she would take things. If these things became too immature already then that how she will take things into her own hands. Right now, she was on the verge of exploding and after a few moments:

"Would you please stop doing that! It's quite embara.s.sing, you're making me looked like that I'm babysitting you!" Sarada slightly exclaimed. In fact, it was her voice that caught the attention of the people walking along the pathway which led to the small park and river.

Boruto gave his trademark Uzumaki grin."Why not? plus you looked more like a librarian to me." He commented, while the other narrowed her eyes directly at him.

"Well, a cool a.r.s.e librarian to be exact hehe." He added.

Sarada could only sighed back. In fact, she did try to apply for a job back at the Konoha Public library as a Librarian but since she doesn't have the enough credentials, she put that aside for awhile and to be honest, A librarian that kicks bad guy a.r.s.e sounded good.

The conversation between the two continued as the knucklehead continued to bring more of his jokes to the tables while the Uchiha girl tried hard not to cracked at the jokes that he was giving to her. It was just impossible to laugh at her teammate's jokes.

On the other hand, Boruto enjoyed lighting up the mood, He really loved to make people happy and even in the darkest times, he would often try to find the lighter side of things. Although, he also had so many questions in mind, specifically about the other things that they're going to encounter in this mission.

"By the way Saradchan, Have you ever thought of what granny Miyuki told us? About the after life and stuff?" He asked.

Sarada raised both of her eyebrows in surprised." Yeah, what about it?" She said.

"Do you actually believed all that?" He asked.

Sarada paused for a little moment." Well, at first I was skeptical but something told me that she was really telling the truth if you know what I mean." She said." Do you believed her though?

Boruto simply nodded." Of course, I believed her, It's just that I noticed she was giving all the important details that we needed to know and she has yet to the truth behind those mysterious white cloaked people." He explained.

Sarada raised both her eyebrows." Oh, she never got the chance to tell it?" She asked while Boruto simply shook his head.

"What about the book from the library that you photocopied?" She asked." Does it contain information about those people that you're talking about?"

For a few moments, the blonde stared at the blank s.p.a.ce, He scratched his chin while wondering if the book really told him the information that he needed until he remembered some of the important details and some useless details.

"Actually, It did contained information but the problem is that I sorta forgot to bring it along for the mission." He explained while scratching his head and grinning nervously.

Sarada could only sighed, of course her teammate was sometimes forgetful of his own things, she kind of already expected that to happen, and it really did it." So what do you plan on doing now?" She asked.

Boruto scratched his head yet again." Well, I have no choice but to go to Plan B." He said.

"Plan B?" Sarada asked.

Boruto gave a smirked." Yup, and it's quite simple to be honest." He explained." All we have to do is to wait as things will be unfolded right in front of our eyes."

"So that's your Plan B?" A skeptical Sarada raised an eyebrow.

Boruto simply nodded." Of course! I mean, Hima was right all along, If you really want an adventure, you gotta add the suspense and thriller in it!" He explained. He mean't that for an adventure to be awesome, it needed the mystery in it, which will make the person even more hooked into it.

Sarada continued to stare at the blonde for a considerable amount of time. She realized that the knucklehead would always get excited whenever an idea would popped inside his head.

"Well, suit yourself but I still prefer to have basic knowledge on a situation." She said while giving a small smile.

Boruto gave a little sighed." Oh come on Saradchan, It you give yourself to the spoilers then things wouldn't be interesting."He said.

The two finally reached their destination as they stopped their tracks. Boruto still continued to explain his side of the story. He mean't about the spoilers which were really a b.u.mmer.

"For example, Everyone doesn't know a lot about Yamato-sensei, but what if I tell you that He has a secret." He continued.

Sarada raised an eyebrow." What secret?" She asked.

"Remember, this is just an example, but what if I told you that He is some kind of creepy stalker that often hides behind trees and watches random people." Boruto explained as he pointed to the lone tree of the park where coincidentally a certain brown haired man was standing and watching someone from a distance.

"You've got to be kidding me dattebasa." Boruto muttered under his breath as he laid his eyes on the team's brown haired instructor who was watching three persons nearby by the river, who were revealed to be none other than Naruto, Sakura and Sai.

"What do you think is he doing?" Sarada asked her teammate.

Boruto simply shrugged." Beats me, maybe he really is a secret stalker." He commented. He wasn't sure about it.

"That's kind of creepy but let's just find out." Sarada said as they went to the lone tree to investigate further.


"Yamato-sensei has been doing weird things lately, Is he really that weird to be honest?"



Donning his green jonin attire, Yamato stood behind the tree as he continued to watched the three teens from a few distances. He was pretty much aware that this was kind of a weird thing to do but he had no choice. He had to make sure that the three main members were getting along.

Accompanied by his trusty small telescope, He observed them as they seemed to be having a conversation right now. He hoped they were all getting along, He'd worked hard so far just to improved the team chemistry in this mission.

"Looks like my hard work pays off." He muttered and gave a smile. Although, Unbeknownst to him, two certain rookies were already watching him from behind.

"Uhmm, Yamato-sensei? What are you doing?" A familiar voice called his name and asked.

Yamato widened his eyes as he found himself being startled by a sudden voice. He immediately turned around to face Boruto and Sarada, who were just staring at him with very confused and weirded out expression.

"c.r.a.p! How do I explain this?" He thought. He really didn't expected this to happen and get discovered. Although, He just stood up straight and acted his usual self.

"Boruto...! Sarada ! I didn't knew you kids would be here." He said." Did you guys have your breakfast already?" He asked.

"Yeah, just awhile ago sensei." Boruto said." Uhmmm, are you trying to stalk those three right at the moment?" He asked as he was referring to the three main members, who were at the viewing deck of the river.

"Boruto!" Sarada raised both her eyebrows as she slightly exclaimed. She then gave the blonde a stern look." Is "Stalk" really the right the word to use?" She said.

"I'm not really sure Saradchan, you're good at words, maybe you can looked it up in the dictionary for me-ttebasa." Boruto attempted to reasoned out with the girl.

"Okay, you two please stop arguing." Yamato spoke this time. He had enough of the arguing." Yes, I'm trying to spy on the three right now not as a stalker but as an instructor that has great concern for their overall chemistry." He explained.

Boruto and Sarada gave glances at each other before staring back at the brown haired man with a confused looked.

"Uhmm, I guess you're doing a great but weird job?" Boruto said.

"Are there any ways that you could do besides just watching them? Maybe like try to talk and get to know them more?" Sarada added with a suggestion that really put the nail in the coffin.

Yamato sighed in defeat." Alright fine, To be honest, I'm not that good of a communicator or team leader or whatever you call it." He explained." But, I really cared for this position since Lady Tsunade a.s.signed as instructor."

"I just want to make my first stint as instructor to be memorable." He added.

There was a few moments of silence that took over until Boruto and Sarada gave a series of chuckles which confused Yamato even more.

"Come on, Yamato-sensei you don't have to be like that because it's not you. If you really considered it to be your fear or weakness, then why not try conquering it." Boruto explained." I mean if Sai is socially weak, then I doubt that He would give up that easily."

"You really think I can do it?" Yamato asked.

Boruto simply nodded." Of course you can sensei! You can be like a real leader if want to be dattebasa!" He cheered.

Yamato felt encouraged as he felt this burning pa.s.sion growing inside of him. It was like bringing the youth in him to served as his motivation. He then took a deep breath and smiled.

"I guess you're right, I can be the instructor that I wanted to be." Yamato said as he gazed at the sky while raising a fist mid air.

Sarada just stared at her teammate who's arms was folded around his chest and with a proud look. She sighed and gave the blonde a little shove at his shoulder.

"What was that all about?" Sarada asked.

Boruto gave a grin." It's what I call the Talk No Jutsu." He said.

"Talk No Jutsu?" Sarada said as she raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yup, it's like a hidden talent that everyone is not aware of." He explained." It can literally really turn a bad person into a good person."

Sarada stared at the blank s.p.a.ce for a moments, wondering if this Talk No Jutsu is really for real and she immediately realized that she had actually used this hidden talent on the former Akatsuki member, Sasori.

"Oh, now I understand." Sarada muttered.

"No wonder why the guy returned back to his own village." Boruto added as he yawned and stretched his arms freely in the air.

"Interesting." Sarada said as she nodded to herself. She had to admit that this was quite interesting to sat the least. Still, there was a question that came into her mind.

Could this "Talk no Jutsu" save the world?


"So tell me about your drawing, What is it all about by the way?"

Questions much like this were the things that Sai had been hearing for awhile now. Since the pink haired teen arrrived, he was hearing nothing but a barrage of questions or sometimes comments about his current sketch from the girl.

As time pa.s.sed by, the forest and river that he was supposed to replicate on his sketch pad had took itself into a different direction and become somewhat of a strange abstract-like drawing accompanined by orange spirals that plague the sky. It was because of the social pressure that the deep recesses of his instinct took over his hand and continued on the drawing while he himself tried to converse with Sakura.

The only thing that He can do right now is smile and give short awkward replies.

As for Sakura, She only did her best to befriend the teen. In fact, she was also currently studying Psychology and emotions. So far she was beginning to believe that Sai could be an Introvert or just socially weak. So she continued to ask more questions.

"When you draw something, do you add the emotion in it?" Sakura asked.

Sai smiled." Of course not, I don't feel anything when I draw." He explained." Except for the fact that I just loved to the draw."

There was a moment of silence that took over the area, unbeknownst to the two, a certain blonde Uzumaki stood behind them.

"Make sense, no wonder you're a douchebag dattebayo!" A very familiar voice exclaimed.

Donning his signature black and orange jumpsuit, an annoyed Naruto stood from behind the two s.h.i.+n.o.bi, his arms were folded, and was repeatedly using his foot to tap the ground. He also sucessfully caught the attention of both as they turned heads to him.

"Yamato-sensei has instructed us to gather back at the hotel for a brief mission meeting." He announced to the two while slowly walking towards them.

By the time he got there, He immediately took a look at the teens drawing and gave a digusted face." Ya know what? your drawing really sucks." He commented.

Sai smiled in return." Yes, just like your b.a.l.l.s." He said which in turn irritated the blonde even more while the pink haired girl simply covered her mouth and looked away.

"Let's make this perfectly clear, If you really got a problem, why won't you say it straigh to my face dattebayo!" Naruto replied with his fist mid air." Do you really wanna settle this now!?"

Sai just sighed and smiled." You know it's a waste of time, and plus I really don't have an opinion on you or whatsoever." He simply said as began to pack up his things while a silent Naruto just stared at him.

Sakura also began to a.s.sist the teen on getting his things back to his back pack, it was also at this time when she noticed a small picture book which had a photo of a white haired boy." Who's this by the way?" She asked.

"It's my big brother, and this picture book belonged to him." Sai simply replied as he placed the picture book back into his back pack.

"He has a Big brother?" Sakura thought. She concluded that the teen was pretty much a mystery for now. To start things off, He had no surname, shows lack of emotion, and a mysterious past.

As for Naruto, He had only one comment on this.

"What the heck is he talking about?"


The whole Public Hot Spring Experience was indeed a very weird yet fun adventure. At least for the two time travellers, who were able to get themselves involved in spending more time with their young parents. No one had topped the charts other than prank attempt by Boruto and his young dad that went horribly wrong.

Although, other than that it was quite an enjoyable experience for them as this maybe the last thing before they head straight to the place where the storm lies.

"Thank you for staying! Please do come back again if you can!

These were the words of the staff that bidded farewell to the team as they prepared to depart the resort. It was kind of a send off to his or her own final destination, that's what the two teens from the future saw. It seemed like things appeared to be strangely scripted such as why the staff members were coincidently and perfectly aligned in a row? They looked as if they were telling them that they will end up dead soon!

It was kind of creepy and weird but a mission is a mission and they gotta face whatever is ahead of them. Of course they've encoutered so many strange things before, but couldn't this get anymore ridiculous in the future? It will probably.

Both knew that second part of the adventure is expected to be more on the serious side of things and it had just begun.

An Uzumaki Girl's Life

Location: Village of Konoha

Dawn had finally arrived once again. The once night sky had began slowly to give its way for the rising sun as its brightness began to bring back the day to the world again.

Himawari yawned as she stood at her apartment unit's balcony witnessing the sunrise. The coldness of wind breeze through her as she grabbed the hot cup of chocolate, which was placed on top of the balcony wall. She took a sip of the hot drink to erase the cold feelings that she was currently having at this moment.

"Best Hot Chocolate ever!" Himawari commented. She felt relieved as the feeling of warmth took over.

This was one of the things that the teenage girl often does during the morning ever since she was a kid. It was a bit obvious that she inherited the early bird habit from her one and only mom, who was a considered a morning person to begin with. Since then, it was already a part of her body clock.

The usual morning routine consists of the Uzumaki teen waking up earlier than the rest, having her hot cup of chocolate milk at the apartment balcony and lastly, cooking and preparing breakfast. Although, this time, the routine had changed and since the two were currently on their mission, she found herself just having her hot chocolate milk and then the rest is free time.

The new routine was bit new to her since she was the only person in the apartment, it was kind of a first time being greeted by a silent atmosphere that she'd never gone through before but it was alright. The lavender haired girl Uzumaki had already planned out on what she was gonna do while the two were away for their mission.

From the apartment balcony overviewing a good chunk of the village, Himawari moved her eyes around and observed the view of the she had right now. The streets were still quiet but were now slowly coming to life. The lavender haired girl gave a smile as excitement and adrenaline began to rise up from the inside.

She had been waiting for this time to do it and she was really gonna do it. What's a girl going to do when there's nothing else to do? Why not try changed the routine a little bit and put some energy and pa.s.sion in it?

Why not bring back the s.h.i.+n.o.bi routine of training and improving again?

So to speed up her time, Himawari finished her hot chocolate milk and went back inside.

She knew that were things that still needed to be readied but she was going to managed the time. In fact, she had the time to do whatever she wants and she chose it wisely. Like her big brother, she was going to set up her own exercise routine, which was a good thing. In order to make this work, she needed to get that energy and pa.s.sion which starts by getting herself ready.

Himawari raced back to the room and on towards a certain cabinet which her clothes were stored. She searched through the neatly ironed stash of t-s.h.i.+rts, shorts, and pants in order to find her training outfit.

It didn't took long as she was able to find the training clothes, which she was looking for all this time. Once, she found it, she wasted no time dressing up, preparing the necessary things that she needed and in several minutes, she was now ready.

All that she needed to do is to start the routine at any time she wants.

Along the way, the lavender haired Uzumaki thought of her big brother and her big Uchiha sister were here to join her but unfortunately, they were still away on their mission. She also wondered on how they were doing right now? Were they enjoying the adventure so far?

There were so many questions running around her head that she would like to entertain but she didn"t have time to dwell in them. The girl then proceeded to leave the room and headed towards the living room enroute to the only door outside. Along the way she pa.s.sed by a certain book which was laying on the living room floor nearby the couch.

With an excited grin on her face, Himawari opened the door as the newly raised sun greeted her, it was a sign that things would be really fun. So with one last move by putting on her s.h.i.+n.o.bi Headband, the girl decided that it was finally time to start the day with fire.

"Oh, this is going to be fun!"


"Well, while Nii-san and Saradnee are away, It's time to try out new things!!"



AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!