A Different Kind Of Journey - 52 Arc 3: Phase 2: Journey To Tenchi Bridge

52 Arc 3: Phase 2: Journey To Tenchi Bridge

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: Looks like the Tench Bridge incident is finally steps ahead. This chapter will tackle Boruto and Sarada's journey to the bridge along with the team.

Expect some grammar and spelling mistakes along the way.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 3: Phase 2

Chapter 18: Journey to Tenchi Bridge

"Sarada's Diary Log"

"Being in this journey and this mission is both a blessing and a curse for us. A blessing because it felt like the old times, when the team was still together. A curse, because we were still not familiar with the places that we went by during the journey. It was like a new world for us, and we were just only our way to the Tenchi Bridge, which looked very way different back in our time.

"I have to say that there is a big difference, that I recently noticed, during the mission. I noticed that the traveling aspect was more harder and longer than I thought, compared to our time when traveling itself was made easier because all of the technological advances made for the transportation. Although, that's a different story, we're in the past so we really have no choice but to adapt.

Moving on from that, the mission is still in progress, after the team's vacation-like experience back at the public hot spring resort, we were finally back and now continuing on the journey to the Tenchi Bridge, where according to Sasori, his a.s.set was supposed to meet him exactly at noon. We really don't know the a.s.set's true ident.i.ty but something tells me that it will not be a good meeting. Since this was considered an S rank mission, we really had to be careful from now on.

Going back to my thoughts, I've been recently thinking or rather envisioning scenarios on how would it be like meeting the younger version of Papa and my mind kept repeating the same thing all over again, Was it true that he was a very different person? Was he really that bad according to Mama?

So far the only few things that I can depend on is none other than the stories that Mama told me. Stories about the past, that I considered very much useful on this mission and journey. I'm not sure about Boruto but, I guess he has the same thoughts as well.

Another thing that I took note of is what Miyuki had told us days before. She really didn't go in exact detail but she had warned us about the enemy and their watchful eyes. Who knows what they'll be like or what would they looked like but we have to keep our guard and be alert for the meantime.

We just have to focus on the mission for awhile."


"Do you remember when travelling around the coutryside was much easier than in past?"

The first voice was finally heard in the midst of the windy silence but only to the two time travelling teens themselves. Something had just came up into the blonde's mind, while he was observing the country side, and nearing of that stage of the journey, he was able to start a conversation.

Sarada's ears raised up as she caught her teammate's voice and then turned to him." Easier? You mean travelling easier because of the advance mode transportation back in our time right?" She said.

Boruto simply nodded while giving his teammate a small smile" Yup exactly! Although, if you try to look back, you start realized that the many trains in our time really helped a lot of travellers, especially s.h.i.+n.o.bi like us going on missions." He explained.

"I see your point Bolt, but we are in the past and it's a different story, Most of the country side is still in its underdeveloped state." She explained." I'm sure modern trains would be invented and developed in the near future, but I guess not in this timeline."

Boruto blinked and gave a small chuckle." Well, I guess in twenty years or so" He said." Then we might ride those trains again." He said.

"Are you guys talking about that cool steam engine machines that travels to far places?"

A familiar voice had entered the conversation and it was none other than Naruto himself, who had overheard the topic that the two rookies were talking about not too long go. The teen himself was interested because he had seen an actual train before.

"Uhmm, Yes I think so" Boruto was the first one to reply." Have you rode one before?" He asked.

Naruto simply grinned." Yup! I did rode one, but that was a very long time ago." He said. He would then go on to the explained that it was 2-3 years ago when they were a.s.signed to escort an actress, playing the role of a action princess of a movie, who turned out to be a real and actual princess in real life.

"Then during that mission, we rode this kind of moving machine which turned out to be a "train" and I was really stoked about it Dattebayo!" Naruto continued with a grin. He still remembered those good old days when everything was seemed to be fine.

As for Boruto and Sarada, they just go with the flow while the future seventh Hokage told them more stories about the particular mission. They were somehow really enjoying the company of the blonde, who was surprisingly a good story teller and entertainer. They realized that this was how Naruto appeared and acted towards to the people, that he felt comfortable interacting with. It was like interacting with a happy kid near

"And so that's how we rescued Ms. Yukie-chan and saved the day." Naruto paused as he finished telling his story." I know it's corny but that's how I saw it, so yeah hehe." He gave a little chuckle.

"It's actually kind of cool to be honest, to be able to summarized all that in one go." Sarada spoke this time and commented.

"Ya think? I'm so flattered Dattebayo!" Naruto replied with grin while scratching the back of his head." I guess Sakurchan would like to tell her side of the story." He said as he turned eyes towards his pink haired teammate.

"Hmmm, that seems strange, She's really quiet today." Naruto wondered.

"Is she okay?" Boruto asked.

Naruto sligtly nodded." Well, she is fine but sometimes she's having this occasional headaches which I can't figured out." He explained.

"Headaches? I thought they were gone, when did those headaches start appearing again?" Sarada asked. She was surprised when she heard about this.

"Not too long ago, although I think she is just stress and tired." Naruto said. His tone of voice immediately changed from bright to gloomy. He was a bit concerned for his teammate as two straight missions in a row seemed to have an effect on her well being.

Sarada nodded in understading. She began to observed her young mom from behind and gave a slight worried face. Was she really alright? How was she? She remembered her being alright back at the tea house, except for a moment when the headache appeared again and she became dizzy and held her head in pain for a bit.

She really need to monitor her young Mama from now on.


"Well, if you ask me, I think it's mainly the stress of this mission, I mean there were too many conflicts that happened."



The travelling throughout the countryside part was finally over, the team had reached the next stage of their journey. What was once a beautiful view of vast greenfields just awhile ago had been slowly changing into a place run by a lot of trees.

The sounds of the wind rustling through the trees acted as a signal or message that they arrived at the forest, which was welcoming them with open arms. Yamato observed his surroundings, thinking which way or route should they take later on. They were still on the main road for now.

"So which one is the right route?" The brown haired instructor thought to himself. He was slightly moving his eyes all around the place, looking for that area where a shortcut was located that will lead them immediately to a small open field in the middle of the forest.

"Need any help Yamato-sensei?" The voice of Naruto was heard.

Yamato slightly turned around to face the blonde." I'm fine, It's just that I'm locating an area where a shortcut is located." He explained.

"A shorcut?"

Yamato simply nodded." Yes Naruto, It's been a long time since I've been into the Tenchi Bridge." He said." Maybe that particular area is now overgrown by trees."

It was kind of a surprised for the rest of the members, that the brown haired man himself had been into the bridge before. The only problem was that it was years ago and the man had already forgotten on what the spot actually looked like.

"Well, I'm afraid to say that we have to take time to search for that spot." Yamato said as he was about to instruct the rest of the team to a.s.sist him on searching for this spot where the shorcut was located.

Unbeknowst to the man, a certain Uchiha girl had secretly tapped into her Sharingan and was able to locate the spot in just a matter of seconds." Uhmm, Yamato-sensei, I think the spot is that way." Sarada said as she pointed to a certain distance.

The rest of the team turned their heads towards her. All of them except for Boruto, where surprised to hear that she finally found the spot earlier than expected.

"You mean that way?" Naruto asked.

Sarada simply nodded." Yes, the area is just ahead, so we need to pa.s.s a few distances to reach there." She explained." It's only a walking distance to begin."


There was a moment of silence that took over for awhile before Yamato broke the silence and spoke." Now I remember, She is right, the shortcut is just a few blocks up ahead." He said as he turned around and continued the journey.

Naruto and Sakura gave glances at each other before continuing and following the man, Sai gave a few moments to observed the girl before going as well. As for Boruto, the blonde just gave his teammate a pat on the shoulder and nodded at her.

Sarada just sighed and gave a small smile." Phew! That was a close one." She commented.

The raven haired girl had apparently immediately and quickly used her sharingan to locate the area in order to speed up the process and mission. She knew that showing off her clan's eye in front of everybody could have drastic effects on the timeline. Although, it was for the best and she was able to get away with it.


"I think Sarada needs to lower down the abilities, when everything is in the mood of suspecting anything. I mean just for the safety of it."



It didn't take too long enough for the team to finally reached their destination and locate the area where the shortcut itself was located. Surprisingly, it was not overgrown as expected and the shortcut was revealed to be an entrance to a certain forest.

"So this is the shorcut?" Naruto asked. He was wondering why everyone was just staring at the certain direction.

Yamato simply nodded." Yes Naruto, this is indeed the shortcut that I'm talking about." He said." It's quite surprising that the place hasn't changed a bit that I thought it was finally been blocked by all of these overgrown gra.s.s.

"We better moved on now." He added as the he continued on and headed straight to the forest itself.

He was then followed by Naruto and Sakura at the same time while Sai was behind and also ahead of the two rookies.

Boruto stopped his tracks as he noticed that his raven haired teammate was not moving and only standing at her spot. The blonde immediately went to the girl with confused eyes.

"Hey Saradchan are you alright?" He asked.

Sarada gave sighed and a small nervous smile." Of course, I'm fine Bolt, It's just that no dark creepy forest can stop me on this mission." She said. In truth, she was a little bit scared that she remembered a time when she, accompanied by Boruto, entered a a famous horror house which had a forest setting and this really creeps her out right now.

"Oh come on, you're better than this! You've been to a lot of places like this and you managed to get through all of them Datteba.s.sa." Boruto said." I'm sure that no creepy dark forest will stop you, Saradchan." He tried his best to motivate his teammate.

"Don't worry, I got your back." Boruto added.

As for Sarada, she gave the blonde a smile and a nod. Her teammate was the best at motivating people to overcome challenges and she doesn't see any reason on why she shouldn't continue on. She then took a deep breath for a moment and continued on.

"Alright, Let's do this!"


It was like entering a new place to begin with. The rays of the sun could barely get even through the huge trees that stood tall and dominated the entire area of the forest. It was not only that, the team had been traversing the forest for quite sometime now and there were hardly any signs of the right way out.

Yamato had instructed the rest of the team to stay together in order everyone not to get separated or get lost. It was always a part of team traditions, in situation like this, hostile forces could be anywhere.

"Stay together team, this is only temporary." Yamato announced while leading the rest. He was quite confident that the rest were ready and mature enough to handle situations like this. They were born and raised to be hardened s.h.i.+n.o.bi.

Moving on from the brown haired man's perspective, It was something different on what was happening right now. It wasn't the results that he was expecting and he was very much unaware to what was happening to rest of the team right now.

A few walking distances from behind, Chaos or rather a series of freak outs had plague the young group. Aside from Sai, who was normally walking and catching up with Yamato, things had been a bit adventurous and humorous for Naruto, Sakura and the two rookies.

In a synchronized manner, it started with the two blondes telling the girls some jokes to lightened up their mood and give them confidence as they traversed the forest. It was all going well at first until it slowly turned into some kind of a teasing scare fest. Naruto didn't meant harm when he teased his teammate about ghost, which led to a small series of pranking jumpscares, which also led to the blonde getting accidentally smacked in the head by the pink haired girl and almost getting knockout unconscious.

As a result, Sakura had no choice but to a.s.sist her teammate along the way.

As for the two time travellers, their experience in the creepy forest was more in the real side stuff. Boruto, on the other hand began to cheer his teammate up all he can just to keep her mind occupied from being creeped out in the forest. This attempt had a successful but short run. It was all going well when a spider appeared from a random tree startling the two especially Sarada, who had fully freaked out.

Boruto was about to calm her down when he was unexpectedly grabbed and carried off by a freaked out Sarada like a sack of rice blasted off the scene just to escape a very confused spider, who just coincidentally was there and crossed paths with the two.

All those things happened beyond Yamato's awareness, by the time he decided to turned around to check on the crew, he became confused as he saw the two girls a.s.sisting both exhausted blondes.

"Are you guys alright?" Yamato asked.

"Yup, we're fine sensei!" Both blondes replied in unison as they gave a grin.


Several Hours had already pa.s.sed since the team entered the forest.

it was not all the humorous side of things that happened during their journey through the forest. As the team finally reached the end point of their little forest experience, they arrived at a small open field.

This was already expected by Yamato himself, the area was mostly used by some travellers to set up their own camps. Since the afternoon had arrived unnoticably during their time inside the forest, it was a good and practical idea to set up their camp in this empty s.p.a.ce of lot.

Yamato stopped his tracks and observed the area for a few moments." Looks like we're on the right place." He thought to himself.

"Uhmm, Yamato-sensei? Aren't we going to continue on?" Sakura asked. She was wondering on why the brown haired instructor wasn't moving on.

Yamato then turned around and said." I apologized for not telling you guys early, but we are going to set up camp here for awhile."

Set up camp? but we only have a limited amount of time to reached the bridge, Sensei." Naruto explained. He was also surprised, they really can't waste time right now. They need to be at the bridge before the spy reaches it first.

Yamato just sighed but smiled." Just calm down and don't worry, the bridge is just up ahead." He replied much to the surprised reactions of the rest.

"Up ahead?, you mean the bridge is just a few blocks away?" Naruto asked.

Yamato simply nodded "Yes, and so I was saying that we should set up camp here so that we can plan and prepare on what's ahead." He explained." Remember, it also could be a potential ambush by the Akatsuki themselves."

The rest of the team just nodded in understanding while their main instructor proceeded with his next plan. He walked a few steps facing towards the middle of the field. He then took a deep breath before forming a hand sign thus performing his own signature jutsu.

"Mokuton: Four Pillar House!"

Yamato said in the midst of a windy silence. At the same time, the ground began to shake for a little bit, and in the middle of the small field, a series of huge woods began to erupt from the ground on towards the sky. It soon began to take shape into a large two storey building complete with a Konoha symbol displayed on the middle of the entrance.

The rest of the team just watched in awe as they found themselves staring at their new camp house. Reactions were mostly coming from Naruto and Sakura, who were very much amazed on what their new sensei can do.

Meanwhile, the two rookies were having their own thoughts about it.

"This is quite cool, I never knew Yamato-sensei can create a house with a nice design." Boruto commented." How does this Mokuton thing work again?"

Sarada nodded." Well, it's quite simple, I read about that in a book and the Mokuton works By sending chakra into the ground, the roots of the plants are converted into raw materials. This technique allows for a building to be constructed, by forcing accelerated growth. The size and shape of the building are taken from the user's imagination or memories." " She explained.

"Wow, talk about a natural conversion." Boruto commented as he continued to observed the huge wooden house.

Sarada continued." And by placing tags around the house, the user creates a barrier, making it impossible for the enemy to detect it and allowing the user to "camp" in peace." She said.

"Well, better than having those CCTV's back home." Boruto commented." If only this house has "WIFI" then we could really camp in peace datteba.s.sa."

Sarada just sighed." Oh come one Boruto, We're twenty something years in the past, the s.h.i.+n.o.binet or Social media doesn't exist yet." She explained. As much she wanted to have her timeline's treasure, she didn't have any choice but to live without it.

"Hey at least, you got the smarthphone, maybe we can watch your saved movies or whatever is inside that memory storage." Boruto pointed out. At least they can enjoy for awhile.

Sarada sighed yet again." Suits yourself." She said as she took out her smartphone, which really didn't belong or supposed to exist in this time, and handed it to her teammate.

Boruto immediately grabbed the smartphone and started to take a photos of the large two storey wooden house.

"Well, might as well save this into the memory box." He grinned.

Sarada was just shaking her head, but still she couldn't stop the millenial side from coming out from him. There were things from the future that still remained with them.


"We really do miss our home, and when we think about it, life was pretty much easier because of the technology and eventually things don't last that very long."



"This totally awesome Dattebayo!"

Sounds of praises and amazement were heard inside the huge two storey wooden house. It was none other than the blonde knucklehead himself, Naruto Uzumaki, who felt as if he was seeing the best thing that he had seen, even though it was just a big house made of wood.

"I wonder which room will I be in?" Naruto wondered. He was just all over the place like a little kid.

The excitement was really there and the others could only stand there and watch him explore the place like a happy go lucky kid. Sakura was just sighing and shaking her head off even though, she was already used to the blonde for a long time. Sai didn't bother to care, while Boruto and Sarada were amused to see the future seventh Hokage like that.

"And I wonder what the rooms will looked like?"

It was all full of expectations and hopes for everyone to have their own room. Although, all of those was single handledly shut down by Yamato himself, who told the rest of the group that all of them will be staying in one room since the huge two storey house only had one room to begin with.

As for Boruto and Sarada, they took the time to explore the place for a bit and gave their own feedback of the house itself.

"Well, at least the house itself had a lobby which is cool for me. I always wanted a lobby for a house." Boruto commented while checking a sign that says "Welcome Team Yamato."

"The interior the design is top notched! I wonder why Yamato-sensei didn't took his career on being an architect or an interior designer, he's really creative when it comes to those." Sarada commented as she shared her feedback.

"That's what I call another mystery to solve, Saradchan hehe." Boruto joked while the raven haired girl just gave the blonde a looked and narrowed her eyes.

"Are you trying to test me knucklehead?" She asked, while placing her hands on her hips and narrowing her eyes at her teammate.

Boruto just gave an Uzumaki grin in response as he then tapped the girl on the shoulder and headed for upstairs, where the others had finally settled.

"Last one to reach the room will sleep without a blanket hehe." The blonde mischeviously said while heading upstairs.

As for Sarada she took a few moments just to stare dumbfoundedly at the blonde before realizing on what is happening.

"What the heck Boruto, you knucklehead!"


"it's nice to see him getting back into his original self, yet I do prefer his calmer side though, I mean he's been like that for three years now, all those events drastically changed him.


Settling down was always the easiest part for the rest of the team. Naruto was the first one to settle down. With his trusty back pack he immediately laid down on his spot which was coincidentally beside Sai's spot, who was unpacking his things.

Once the blonde laid his sight on the black haired teen, he gave an annoyed face and immediately scrammed off from his former spot to where Boruto's spot was located. Sakura was a witness and just sighed all the way. She was right that the guys were still bitter towards each other.

Boruto, on the other hand, was busy organizing his things and his sleeping bag when he noticed his young dad heading towards his area." Yo Naruto what's up!" He greeted.

Naruto grinned as he placed his backpack on the wooden floor." Mind if I take this spot?" He asked.

Boruto simply nodded. "Sure man, what's the fuss all about?" He asked while his young dad just beckoned him to looked at Sai.

"Oh I see." Boruto said." I guess the rivalry is still there?"

Naruto just smirked as the blonde fully relaxed himself on the wooden floor with his back pack acting as a pillow for his head.

Boruto secretly sighed and shook his head. He really had no choice but to see this teen version of his old man. The Uzumaki pride was up there and he didn't have the power to handle it yet, he's just gonna have to go with the flow.

Meanwhile, Sarada who had finished preparing her sleeping bag was currently at the pink haired girl's area. As promised, the raven haired Uchiha had went over to her young mom to check to see if she was okay and to also start a conversation with her.

"So I heard from Naruto that you were having those headaches again." Sarada asked, giving a concerned face.

Sakura, who was still unpacking her things gave a smile." 'Thank you for your concern Sarada, but I'm alright now." She said.

"Oh, great to hear that." Sarada said." I guess you're pretty much exhausted during the journey." She said.

Sakura gave slight chuckle." Yeah I know, all that walking really gave me the headache of my life." She said while her raven haired counterpart smiled.

"By the way though, may I asked about those headaches?" Sarada said.

"Sure, what about it?" Sakura said, raising both of her eyebrows.

"Well, when and how did the headaches started?" She asked.

For a few moments, Sakura stayed in silence, she was trying to recall on when did the headaches started ravaging her head. The only thing that she can recall was that headaches started appearing not too long ago, when she began to have strange dreams of a pink haired woman and a raven haired man that she wasn't able to recognized. It was just a mystery to her that certain scenes from what appeared to be coming from another life, began flas.h.i.+ng in her dreams.

When she did told the raven haired teen about it, it only gave more questions rather than answers. It made the mystery more deep to solve.

By this time, Yamato's voice had interrupted the conversation as he suddenly called the rest of the team to gather in the middle to have the meeting started.


It was often an unofficial tradition for a team meeting to be held. Once the rest had settled down. Yamato had everyone gathered as soon as possible to discuss their plan for tomorrow. They needed all the time they have to carefully set up. It started with Yamato asking the pink haired kunouichi for more intel about the spy that was supposed to meet Sasori at the bridge.

"I really wanted to ask about him sooner." Yamato said." But, I promised yesterday that I wouldn't talked about "work".

"I think now is the time to tell me everything on what you know about Sasori." Yamato added."

"I have a file from the sand village about Sasori but I need to know his mannerism, the way he speaks, his attidude and character." Yamato said." I wanted to make sure that the spy won't get suspicious and be convinced."

"Since, you're the one that has met and seen him after all." He added.

Sakura simply nodded." Yes sensei." She said.

As the plan was taking shape and form, the two rookies were listening from behind, Sarada actually wanted to share some of her ideas for the team plan but was held back by her blonde teammate, who told her to observed and dissect the plan carefully. The goal was for Yamato to be disguised as Sasori, and during the meeting with the spy, he will try to gather intel on the exact whereabouts of Sasuke Uchiha.

"Remember, This plan is just a remote possibility." Yamato said." You three will wait for my signal, if anything goes wrong then we go to the next plan which you three will come out from your hiding spots and proceed to the bridge." He explained.

"Yes, Sensei." The rest of the team agreed in unison.

The atmosphere in the room slowly became serious. Everybody had a feeling that they were in for a chaotic fest tomorrow. Yamato also told everyone that the other purpose of this mission was to also capture the target as well.

"Since, this will be a delicate mission from now on, then I will be make the first move." The Captain of the team added. He knew the limits. "If the second plan comes into play, the three of you will follow the buddy system."

Naruto raised both eyebrows in confusion." Buddy system?" He said." Oh you mean that system!? Of course, I remember it Dattebayo!" He gave a chuckle while scratching his head while Sakura can be seen sighing off.

"Naruto and Sai will team up and be stationed at their areas, while Sakura will be near the area to further monitor the events." Yamato added, ignoring the blonde's laughs.

Naruto, of course, was not surprised but however disappointed. He didn't want anything to do with the black haired teen, although he had no choice but to agree and cooperate before narrowing his eyes at the teen.

When Yamato finished talking to the main trio, he then turned his attention to the two rookies who were just carefully listening to the conversation.

"As for Boruto and Sarada, I have to apologized but, you two will not be involved in the main mission, it will be just too dangerous." Yamato said, much to the surprised of the two rookies. He then continued." However, you two will be a.s.signed to scout the area tomorrow to check if the coasts are clear, understood?"

"Yes, sensei!" Both of the rookies agreed. They already expected that to happened that way. The only thing that they can do now is wait.

Yamato simply nodded." Alright, now that we have discussed all the topics, you all can have your rest."


Night time had arrived once again. The moon s.h.i.+ned brighter than ever while the cold wind swept through the trees of the forest. A certain teenage blonde stood on the gra.s.sy grounds of the small open field, accompan him, was his one and only raven haired teammate.

"I really can't believed we're benched again." Boruto commented. He was not disappointed nor frustrated, but amused and bewildered to know that they were put into the sidelines again.

Sarada sighed at her teammate." Well, just to let you remember Boruto, but we were in fact a.s.signed as observers by granny Tsunade to begin with." She explained.

"Yeah I know that, I was just wondering if we're really gonna stay being observers forever." Boruto replied, with a little bit of quietness followed after.

Sarada was about to say something when her teammate continued to speak.

"But then again, I kinda like being an observer." Boruto added." It's like giving you the motivation to prove and a unique adventure from a different perspective." He explained. He mean't that in a position like this, one can focus on the other things and explore more.

"A different perspective?" Sarada asked." You mean't by focusing and finding out more about the mysteries and such." She clarified, with one eyebrow raised.

"Well, something like that, since old granny Miyuki told us about this worlds that no one has been before, I would really like to try and go this worlds for a change." Boruto grinned, a little excitement covering his face.

"Well, I'm not really sure about that, but wherever you go, me and Himawari will always be there to support you." Sarada said as she gave a smile.

A small playful smile formed around the blonde's lips." Even if it mean't by going to the Pure Land as well?" He said.

Sarada's eyes instantly widened in shocked." Pure Land? You don't mean by-?" She was about to finish her sentence when she was cut her teammate who bursted out laughing.

"Oh come Saradchan! I really didn't mean't going there by literally dying." Boruto said." What I mean't is that Old granny Miyuki will somehow take us there for a field trip or something." The blonde explained. He really didn't want literally die and go there, He was too young.

Sarada gave a sighed." You had me worried there for a second." She thought to herself. She really didn't like the sound of that even though it was just a joke.

There was a little silence that followed, before Boruto spoke again.

"You know, I'm starting to see on how Kami really cared for the world." He said as he turned his attention to the beautiful night sky, which surprisingly has something unique at the moment.

Around the beautiful night sky, the stars glittered in its glory and along with the moon, a majestic aurora began to appear. The aurora itself glowed with peace and hope to anyone who would see it right at the moment.

Sarada also turned her attention to the night sky and gazed at the aurora. It felt as if Kami was really there to listen. The raven haired teen had been wanting to pray or talk to Kami if she really had the chance. She was more of a logical person, but at times, she would eagerly go to her spiritual life and try to raised her faith up.

If she really had the chance to talk to Kami, then she would thanked him for protecting them throughout the hard times that they've been through.

Her only wished for now is for this mission to go well and finally save her young Papa.

As for Boruto, he turned to his teammate and noticed that were tears slowly falling from her eyes. The blonde sighed but smiled as he went up to the raven haired girl and comforted her.

He placed a hand on her shoulder to get her attention, once he met her eyes, he then drew out a handkerchief from her pocket and gently removed her gla.s.ses.

Sarada just stared at him, while Boruto wiped the remaining tears away from her eyes. As moments pa.s.sed by, the heaviness faded away, a small smile formed around her lips.

"Thank you Bolt." She whispered

Boruto simply nodded and smiled." Don't worry, we're going to get through all this, no matter what." He a.s.sured the girl that everything was going to be alright.

It was yet another good ending to an exhausting day. Both of them knew that they had a little short time of rest and this maybe the last stop for them before entering the storm itself tomorrow.

It was also decided that enjoying and gazing at the night sky was a much better thing to do right now.


"I gotta say, things will be different the next day. So we really gotta treasure the night inside DIY wooden hotel.



"Looks like nothing has change since I've been away."

Amongst the vast forest and an unknown mountain location. A male human figure can be seen standing on that very mountain top, He wore a white robe along with a hood which concealed his face. He stood there for the meantime while expecting their arrival.

He stared at the vast land overseeing the different villages including that of Konoha. It was just a matter of time before the plan will be implemented and executed. After all, everybody in the organization deserved the credit for contributing and volunteering. They all seemed to be committed than ever.

It was like something that he would call as working together for the first time since?. Even though many of them had different personal goals to achieved since joining, they were altogether on fulfilling the dream that would trample all dreams.

The wind continued to grow stronger and all of a sudden, he felt a number of presence from behind and it only mean't one thing that the others had finally arrived.

In a blinked of an eye, a group of people appeared in front of him wearing the same white hooded clothing that he had. These people appeared in different physical aspects. Some were tall and some were short but all of them had different personalities to begin with.

There were about nine members as expected and they were all present.

The main leader of the group then observed the other members as they began to speak.

The first voice from the group was then heard. A voice coming from an young adult girl.

"You know, before this, I landed on a messed up pig farm!" She said, with sa.s.siness and annoyance in her tone of voice. The memory was still fresh in her mind.

A second voice then followed. A voice coming from a young man and it was just beside her.

"Hmmm, Why do I feel like I'm going to laugh at any moment?" He said, with a cool moronic tone of voice.

"Geez, says the guy who barely doesn't do anything much." The first voice sarcastically replied, pointing at him. She really didn't like his laid back att.i.tude.

"Hey, you know it's a rude way to point at people!" The second voice exclaimed, while there was no response from the first voice that followed.

"Quiet please!" The main leader calmly said, as the rest of the members stood straight and prepared to report.

"Everything is going as a plan, all we need to do is just to closely monitor the events unfolding." One of the members in the group spoke. A voice of a man said.

"Good." The main leader said.

One by one each of the members started reporting, giving their updates and situations of the events. Their task was to monitor specific groups of people or individuals at hand. They have to make sure these events happened as manipulated. One such event was Kazekage's capture and extraction of the one tailed beast, Shukaku which was sucessful. Although, one has to make sure that the other small details such as people that were supposed to die, must die.

Although, a member, who was a.s.signed to monitor the event, had something different to say in her report. She reported that there were these unknown trio of teenagers, that were part of the rescue team sent to rescue and retrieved the Kazekage back and these three individuals, at least one of them, somehow managed to saved a life that was supposed or mean't to be taken.

"And what about these three newcomers?" The main leader asked. He was surprised and hadn't expected that there were three new individuals added on the event.

"I'm not really sure, but it will take another investigation to find out more about them." She explained.

The main leader nodded in understanding." But have you kept tracked on them?" He asked.

"Yes, and looks like two of the three, are part of the mission regarding the Uchiha boy." She added.

"Alright then, thank you for informing." The main leader said as he then turned his attention towards the rest.

"For the meantime, you will return back to your respective a.s.signed tasks and wait for any new orders to be announced." He explained. He was dubbed the second in command. He was just following orders and instructions.

"Excuse me, but if may I asked. What about the three main leaders of the Akatsuki?" One of the member's asked. He was referring to the blue haired woman, The red haired Uzumaki and lastly the masked man member of the group. Those three were the toughest ones to closely monitor.

There was silence for a brief moment until the leader spoke.

"Don't worry I will be the one to handle them in the future." He replied." But for now, all of you stick to the plan." He paused.

"And now will that said and done, You are all dismissed. You may go and perform your a.s.signed task." He instructed.

When he finished his briefing. one by one, the rest immediately disappeared in a blinked of an eye. Only two remained in the scene, the leader in command of the group, and the young hooded woman.

"You've been really busy lately." She said as she slowly walked up towards him, while the young man just kept silent.

"Are things been too much for you?" She added, although there was still no response from the other.

There was a brief moment of quietness that followed before the young woman spoke again.

"So how is she? Are you planning to visit her? " She asked. She gave a little concern.

The young man formed a small smile underneath his hood." Don't worry, I know she's alright." He finally replied. It's been a long time since he had seen his little sister, who has probably grown up since he last saw her years ago.

With that, He returned and gazed back at the night sky, followed by moving his eyes onto a specific location where a familiar bridge can be seen up ahead.

"Looks like there's going to be a lot of work to do."


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter :)