A Different Kind Of Journey - 49 Arc 3: Phase 2: Public Hotspring Part 3

49 Arc 3: Phase 2: Public Hotspring Part 3

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: This should be one of the final filler chapter before things get serious for awhile.

Take note 2: For the readers who doesn't like this story and kept bas.h.i.+ng it. I really don't care what you say or what you think. You are just wasting your time here and If you don't like the story, just leave.

Take note 3: This chapter is quite short.

Expect some grammar and spelling mistakes along the way.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 3 Second Phase:

Chapter 15: Public Hotspring Part 3

Awkwardness was the only word that could fit to describe the current situation right now, especially for Boruto, who was just sitting still in his spot and moving only his eyes around his surroundings. Questions were already beginning to form inside his head as he wondered on why everyone was so quiet and hadn't grabbed any of the chopsticks placed on the table.

Dinner was already on the table and the rest of them weren't doing anything but just staring at their food or maybe in the blank s.p.a.ce.

Boruto slowly moved his head and darted his eyes around the rest, He observed the main members of Team 7, who were strangely just quiet and staring at the blank s.p.a.ce, He first observed his young dad, who was obviously nervous because of what happened just now, he also noticed Sai who's eyes was just staring at one direction.

The weirdest thing that he noticed was Yamato himself, who was somewhat like a statue and just stared at the blank s.p.a.ce of air. It was like he was in a trance or something, muttering words that he really didn't understand. Are the rumours really true on what many said about him?

That he was really a weird person.

Sarada was also not faraway from the her blonde teammate's thoughts. She too wondered on what was really going on right now, she looked at her young mom who was just hungry as her and waiting for the rest to start eating their dinner, although the team's newest sensei was just so into his prayers.

As for Boruto, He successfully made an eye contact to his raven haired teammate. He had this very wide confused his eyes that directly asked her on what's the deal with their brown haired sensei right now. Sarada responded with a few hand gestures and body languages which suggests that their sensei is somewhat silently praying in a weird way to gave thanks for the food.

"Is this really in the script?" Boruto aaked and whispered.

"Beats me, I'm really not sure." Sarada simply replied and shrugged at the same time.

Both were wondering if this scene really happened in the past or maybe because that they were here and the prank, a few changes had already been made.

"You know Yamato-sensei is really starting to creep me out." Boruto whispered yet again.

Sarada just sighed and gave her teammate a nod." I know, no wonder why Granny Tsunade describe him as a weird guy." She replied and whispered back.

"Oh." Boruto gave a surprised expression and just nodded.


"Even after that incident, Yamato-sensei is still calm and alright with that. I mean the prank is pretty brutal to be honest."


It was also this time that the silence was finally broken when Yamato finished his silent long prayer for the dinner. He gave a wide smile as he grabbed his chopsticks and prepared himself to eat the food.

" Let's dig In fellas!" He happily exclaimed as startes eating.

There was quietness among the rest as they gave glances at each other, but eventually they all shrugged and started eating their dinner as well. Before digging their food, Boruto and Sarada gave another glance at each other as they just gave a quiet chuckle and shook their heads about it.

Dinner continued on being normal after that strange scene. The lighter atmosphere had took over as laughter and joy had entered room and continued to thrive. It was seemed that everyone had just moved on after the pranking incident, although when Naruto managed to summoned some b.a.l.l.s to speak up about the incident.

"I'm really sorry for what happened just now Yamato-sensei, It was my idea to have that kind of prank, I didn't really mean to harm someone." Naruto apologized with all his heart. It was just a misunderstanding but at the same time, embarra.s.sing.

"Yes, a harmless prank indeed." Sai fired some of his sarcastic words which nearly made the Uzumaki twitched in frustration but was able to calm himself down.

As for the team's brown haired instructor, He just sighed and decided to get directly straight to the point." Listen fellas, I really don't care much about what happened awhile ago." He said which caused the rest give their surprise reactions.

"Looks as a team, we really need to work together and the first step is to create friends.h.i.+p and forget the bad side of things." Yamato explained.

Naruto widened his eyes in surprised." So that means, you have no hard feelings about the accidental prank Yamato-sensei?" He asked, hoping to get both forgiveness and acceptance.

Yamato simply nodded and smiled." Of course! like I said, always forget the bad side of things and enjoy dinner!" He said as he took a big bite of his sus.h.i.+.

Most of everyone was pretty much surprised on what the brown haired man had just said. A wide smile formed around Naruto's lips as he formed a fist on his right hand." Yeah!" He happily exclaimed." You're the best sensei!"

Sakura just sighed at her teammate's loudness, but although she was surprised that their sensei really forgave him that fast. She was a bit amazed on how cool-headed the man was.

Dinner continued on with a blast, most of the conversations were either jokes and praises coming from Naruto and Sakura themselves, they expressed their grat.i.tude and thankfulness that all of these things were just to improved the team's overall chemistry. Although, at some points in time, they would really go over the line.

"Yamato-sensei I guess we really should stay here for a little longer, the food here is mind-blowing dattebayo!" Naruto expressed his joy over the delicious food.

"Since, Yamato-sensei is paying for everything, Let's order some more!" Sakura happily added, although her intention was just for gags only.

Yamato secretly was taken by surprised when he had heard their statements. There was a slight panic that began to rocked his heart out. To be honest, it was really a pain in both of his pockets and critical wound to the wallet when he paid all for just wasn't sure if he could deal more blows to himself and his savings.

"Alright, let's not get carried away, remember, everything has its limits." He explained while slightly raising up his hands in the air.

This also caused laughter amongst the rest, especially for now Naruto and Sakura, who was just really enjoying the time. They were beginning to think that their brown haired sensei was not that bad after all.

"Alright then! I nonimate Yamato-sensei, to lead this team for eternity!" Naruto said as raised his hand as a symbol of his vote.

"You're right! I seconded it!" Sakura followed the blonde's cheers and raised her chopsticks to vote and nominate the brown haired man.

Yamato just shook his head but gave a smile." You guys are too much." He commented while giving a chuckle.


"Everybody was enjoying their time and there's no reason for us to join in the conversation, We're just here to learn and help."


It was quite a very happy ending for the night, as for the two time travellers, Boruto and Sarada just decided to stay on the sidelines and listen to the conversations. Much has happened in just one day. They were just really going with the flow on this one before something unexpected happens yet again.

As Sarada enjoyed the food, she also took occasional glances at her blonde teammate, who was just at the other side of the table, just to check if he was doing alright and so far he was. Although, there was something different that he noticed about the knucklehead, he seemed bothered about something and she doesn't have any clue on what it is.

She was just concerned about him.

It was at the same moment when Boruto's cerulean eyes suddenly turned and darted directly towards her and Sarada automatically looked away as there was a slight hint of red began appearing on her cheeks.

She really shouldn't have done that.


Night time was probably the time when Boruto would often go outside and take his occasional strolls. In any place that he has been to, he would always take this strolls to enjoy the fresh air, peacefulness and to review his thoughts that he had collected throughout the day.

Since he was in a hotspring resort, the only quiet place that he can find was this open s.p.a.ce with a narrow pathway which led to the small river near the resort. The area also had a lone tree which stood near the river and this is where the blonde time traveller sat down.

Currently, He found himself holding the smartphone that he had borrowed from his raven haired teammate and repeatedly watched video which contained the whole prank scene that he'd recorded not too long ago.

It was just like a scene from a movie, everyone suddenly arriving just to see their new sensei being a victim of a harmless prank thus causing a very awkward situation to happen. How he hated being in an awkward situation much like that. Maybe this was the reason why he didn't prank anymore, it always backfired as a result.

"I guess I shouldn't have done it."

Boruto said as he took a deep breath. He then turned his eyes away from the screen, and placed the phone down on the ground. He then rested his head on the tree, which gave a good view of the moon and from then on, he gazed at the night sky.

"This is more better than watching TV."

He thought to himself as a smile formed around lips. He had to admit that gazing at the night sky along with the moon and stars is much better way of catching a good sleep rather than staring at a gla.s.s screen all day. A memory managed to snuck into his mind and he was taken back to the good old days. He remembered his old portable video game that he would always play everytime he had the time.

It was all those compet.i.tive long hours of multiplayer with Inojin, Denki and s.h.i.+kadai. They were really like brothers when it comes to these kinds of stuff, they even took part in a tournament involving this games and won the champions.h.i.+p.

The only time the he couldn't play was during the night, but he dared anyway and was often being caught by his mom, who really didn't understood the whole process of gaming or being a gamer. Speaking of her mom, she was the greatest person that ever was.

Boruto gave yet another smile and chuckled. There was some growing hope inside him that maybe some of his friends had survived the attacked. He mean't that if they really survived then that means they would also be caught by that explosion and were probably in the past right now.

It was a really good theory, although there were hardly enough evidence so far that some of them had survived. Maybe things were just destined to be like this, his home being erased from the face of the earth along with his friends and family. Fate probably had the final call all this time around.

If things were probably destined to be doom, then why did they were spared? Why did they survived and lived? Is there something more that fate had stored in for them?

Boruto shook his head just to erased his thoughts. He had enough of this thoughts for the day. He had a goal, and that is to just relax and lay low. Although, something was missing that he really can't figured out right now.

Whatever that is, he'll probably figured it out when he shut his eyes because he was really feeling drowsy right at the moment.

"Enjoying the scenery without me huh?"

A very recognizable voice suddenly said and asked which broke the peacefulness.

A startled Boruto immediately opened his eyes as he suddenly met face to face with a familiar raven haired girl looking down at him." Saradchan?" He muttered aloud. He was now questioning the fabrics of existence as to how did the girl actually located him?

Sarada gave a warm smile." No Boruto, you're just seeing things hehe." She jokingly said and gave a chuckle.

Sensing that this was indeed his raven haired teammate and realizing that this was not a dream, the blonde gave a sighed but smiled." I guess I'm not dreaming, but I've got to admit you're jokes are improving." He commented as he adjusted himself.

"Says the blonde, who had been turned into somewhat like my Papa and rarely makes jokes now." Sarada replied back as she sat down beside her blonde teammate.

"Hey there, I'm not turning into Uncle Sasuke datteba.s.sa!" Boruto said while scratching the back of his head He was himself and not a clone of anyone.

Sarada just sighed and rested her head on the blonde's teammate shoulder which made him a bit surprised but eventually accepted the fact that he had become a human pillow for a while.

"Boy, I'm really tired." Sarada said as she gave a little yawn. She really enjoyed having the blonde as a pillow.

"You mean that you're just feeling sleepy and don't really want to show the guys that you're sleepy." Boruto said. It was often easier to get through her excuses.

Sarada gave a chuckle." Alright, you won. So what if I'm feeling sleepy? You're the one that told me that girls should get a good enough sleep." She replied.

Boruto sighed but gave a smile." Yeah I know, I hardly had enough sleep for the past several days, I never really knew that we would be a.s.signed to another mission again." He tiredly said.

"At least, we get to know spent time with our young parents and get to know them more." Sarada said. She was looking on the bright side.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, so what do you think about Aunt Sakura lately?" He asked.

Sarada gave a moment silence as she took a deep breath." Well, actually young Mama is really a nice person to hangout with!" She said." I never really thought that one day I would hangout with her not as a mom but as a friend."

Boruto widened his eyes in surprised." You think so? I thought, Aunt Sakura probably spends more time doing ch.o.r.es." He said.

"She apparently does her ch.o.r.es, but from what I see, Mama really love to socialize when she is not doing anything." Sarada explained." Since Papa is in his travels all the time."

"Oh I see, looks like you've got an outgoing mom Saradchan." Boruto commented. He also began to compare the level of scariness between his mom and the Uchiha girl's mom and. so far everything between them is equal but he would say that his teammate was the lucky one to have a mother like her.

"So what about Lord Seventh? I-I mean your dad by the way? What was it like spending time with him?" Sarada was the one to asked the question this time.

There was a little quietness that took over, Boruto took the time to recapped the whole day, and when he was done, he took a deep a breath and let off his words." Well, if you were in my position, I would really expect to be sent to detention early but I would remain happy because, it's a very rare thing to see me doing pranks with the Hokage." He explained.

"And please you can just call him Dad or whatever, Lord seventh is too much-ttebasa." He added.

Sarada smiled." That would be really fun, I guess." She said. She understood her teammate's relations.h.i.+p with his dad. It really must've been hard to have a father, who works all day and had barely time for his family.

"I'm just glad that he realized that spending time with his family can benefit his health and well being as well, since he became Hokage, a lot of things changed." Boruto said." But, I'm glad that things changed for the better."

Sarada just gave smile." Don't worry, when I become Hokage, I will established a program that promotes the importance of family" She explained." Maybe that will help the future generation of parents."


"I guess, I won't be letting that dream go, It's what keeps me on going."


Boruto sighed but smiled." Thanks for the help Saradchan, that dream of being Hokage is still alive inside you, and I will probably be your protector or some sort." He said.

Sarada gave a little chuckle "Maybe more like a Saviour I guess, I have a feeling that you will be the one to save our future and our home." She added.

"Just a feeling, I'm still not sure on how things will work out now that we are in the past." Boruto explained." I mean, we all these things happening, I think there's going to be a lot of saving to do datteba.s.sa."

Sarada just smiled." I know that, but you gotta remember what Papa would always tell you." She said as she tried to remind the blonde of a certain person's words of wisdom.

"If you put your mind to it and not worry, you could accomplish anything."

Boruto gave a slight chuckle. Who could forget those words of wisdom by his mentor? " I guess you're right Saradchan, I maybe a little too much on things lately and-" He was about to continue his sentence when he was suddenly cut by the raven haired girl.

Like a little girl who wants to hug something, Sarada just fully rested as she unexpectedly enveloped her teammate in a hug." Thank you Boro." She muttered, her eyes slowly shutting down as her consciousness was slowly fading away.

Boruto just stared and observed her for a few seconds before snapping back to reality." You know, this is a job of a human pillow but whatever." He gave a sigh and commented. His teammate was now sleeping soundly on his shoulders.

There was quietness that took over the area, Boruto began swimming through his thoughts as he wondered on how was he gonna carry a girl like Sarada? She was heavier than a sack of rice despite her appearance." Here we go again." He muttered to himself.

Boruto then took one more gazed at the night sky and the moon that was now coming to its peak. He grabbed the smart phone on the ground, checked the time to see that an hour and half had already past.

"Looks like I'm already past bed time." He said as he then place the smart phone back into his pocket, adjusted himself to carry the sleeping Uchiha and stood up.

"Man, she's really heavy-tteba.s.sa!" Boruto commented as he cringed. He felt both of his hands and legs were shaking because of the load but he managed to regain his balance after a few seconds.

And so the carrying began.

"I just hope Uncle Sasuke is not angry with me for carrying his daughter in a bridal style." Boruto thought to himself. his Uncle Sasuke was indeed an overprotective father, he was also a monster when it comes to dealing with guys who would try to make their advances on Sarada.

He sighed and shook his head. He really needed a good night rest tonight. But as for now, He was just going to deal on carrying his heavy teammate back towards the hotel.

What a good way to end the night.


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!