A Different Kind Of Journey - 48 Arc 3 Phase 2: Public Hotspring Part 2

48 Arc 3 Phase 2: Public Hotspring Part 2

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: Looks like I managed to finish the chapter earlier than expected.

Take note 2: For the readers who doesn't like this story and kept bas.h.i.+ng it. I really don't care what you say or what you think. You are just wasting your time here and If you don't like the story, just leave.

Take note 3: This chapter is quite short.

Expect some grammar and spelling mistakes

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 3: Second Phase

Chapter 13: Public Hotspring Part 2

Yamato enjoyed the silent ambience inside the room. Donning a Kimono, He sat on the wooden floor as he observed a set of doc.u.ments that were placed on a small round wooden table. The doc.u.ments, which consists of five files were none other than, background information regarding the Team 7's main members.

He had already read the first three files, which belonged to the main members: Naruto, Sakura, and Sai. As for the short raven haired teen, Sai was already considered a main member, even though he was just an addition or replacement, because usually teams should have a maximum number of three members.

Along the way, He picked up several interesting things from the three main members, especially Naruto, who hosted the Kyuubi No Youko inside him. When he read his background information, He was surprised to learn that this kid had been living and surviving on his own in an apartment since he was at the age of 10. According to the file, his parents pa.s.sed away during the Kyuubi's attack that killed a lot of people. He was then taken to an orphanage and years later when he was old enough to take care himself, he was then given his own apartment by none other than the third himself.

"He must've gone through a lot." Yamato commented as he moved on to the next file, opened it, thus revealing Sai's background information.

Sai's past was very much mysterious, since most of the information only consists of him being a member of the root division, besides the fact that he was an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. He also noticed that the teen had no surname or whatsoever, only having his first name. He had a little bit of suspicion that the name was somehow just given him because no one really knew about him and his life.

"Just like me, who doesn't know his past." He commented yet again.

Sakura was the only member that had the normal background, other than her being an apprentice of the Fifth Hokage, she had a peaceful upbringing, studied in the academy, and so on. So far, there were no new interesting information regarding her.

As completed reading the first three files, He placed them down on the other side of the table. He then relaxed himself for a little while, grabbed his hot cup of tea, and drank it. His also began to ponder with his thoughts. He really had to admit that, it was a bit difficult to be an instructor managing five members, It was his first time that he had to used his wallet just to bring the team together in a public hotspring and resort.

He really wondered on how did Kakas.h.i.+ was able to handle this kind of stress?

He took a sighed and darted his eyes back to the table, He noticed that there were only two remaining files left that he had not yet read. So with a brief glanced at the wall clock, he then proceeded to read the last two files which belonged to the two teens that were a.s.signed as observers in this mission: Bolt and Sarada.

To be honest, He really never heard the term "Observers" in his life. What are the roles of an observer in a mission? Were they gonna do nothing and be just audiences when danger comes? It was a very confusing concept, Lady Tsunade hadn't tackle and explain the position to him that much, now, he was all in his own to figured it out.

As He read and disect the information in these two files, His interest had caught up to him along the way, as he learned that these two teens had the most interesting background amongst the rest. He learned that these two teens were friends and both lived in a small village somewhere in the land of fire. Unfortunately, their village was destroyed and ransacked by raiders and bandits.

He felt a little bit saddened that they really had to go through with this, although, it was a fact that the world was not a safe place and everyone could be just a victim of this unfair world.

Getting away from the bad side, He also took note of that the blonde observer, Bolt, had striking similarities with Naruto, when he first saw him, he thought they were twins but something told him that it was all just coincidence. The last thing that he wondered about the two is that why Tsunade would a.s.signed them on an S rank mission much like this? Were the two really strong enough to handle the dangers in this mission, considering that this will involved Orochimaru and Sasuke Uchiha, who were both deemed dangerous?

Although, No matter what happens, it was his responsibility in the end. He had to guide them properly in this mission.

At the same time, the door behind him slided open to reveal a staff from the resort, who was greeted by the brown haired man himself.

"I apologized for interrupting sir but I'm here to inform you that your food will be ready soon." The staff member explained.

"Oh I see, thank you informing me." Yamato smiled as the staff member just simply nodded, slided the door back and fully left the room.

Silence then took charged yet again. Yamato sighed as he placed the two remaining files on the table. He then glanced back at the clock and to learn that the time was already nearing six o' clock and that dinner time was upon them.

He also noticed that they should be here by this time and wondered on what they were taking so long.

Yamato sighed once again as he finished his tea and stood up from the wooden floor. He really can't believed that he was going to fetched the resr of them one by one.

Definitely, a very difficult task for an instructor.


It was probably the first time that Sarada had spent time with her young mom longer than she had expected. From having a heartful conversation back in the tea house, the whole day turned into some kind of mini adventure as they explored the whole resort, especially its shopping district.

The raven haired Uchiha felt as if it was Deja vu all over again, a smile formed around her lips as she fondly remembered the times that her mom would often bring her out to the downtown district of the village just to have their shopping spree after her pay day. She described her mom as really outgoing and adventuristic person to hangout with and even in the past she was still like this.

It took them exactly a few hours before ending their shopping spree and along the way, they bought themselves a few souvenirs to take home after this mission. Now, They found themselves currently walking along a path way back towards their hotel room. They were also engaged in another conversation.

"So you also work full time in the village?" Sakura asked.

Sarada simply nodded and smiled." Yeah, I work as a clerk/cas.h.i.+er at a Bakery shop somewhere around downtown." She explained." The job itself is okay, it's just that I do this to earn a living and to also pay the rent."

Sakura just stared wide eye at the raven haired teen. Besides Ino, this was the first time that she heard a person doing her s.h.i.+n.o.bi duties and at the same time, working full time in a normal job.

"So what about Bolt? Does he work too?" Sakura asked.

Sarada simply nodded." Well, in fact we both have our own full time jobs to pay the bills. Bolt is currently working full time as a cook/staff at Ichiraku's Ramen shop." She explained.

"For real!?" A very surprised Sakura exclaimed. She really can't believed that the teen worked in Naruto's favorite place.

"In addition, that's how the two blondes met together." Sarada added. She learned this from the blonde knucklehead himself, who told the story during that fateful night.

"So that explains why Naruto was so suprised and shocked during the start of the previous mission." Sakura commented. It was such a small world to be honest, she was really glad to have met them.

"Speaking of the two blondes, do you really think they would get along and be bestfriends in the future?" Sarada asked this time.

Sakura gave a chuckle and shrugged." Well it depends, but I guess it would be the end of the world when these two combine forces just execute their pranks together." She explained in her point of view.

Sarada gave a smiled." I guess your right, who knows what those two are capable of." She said. It was somehow true, she had seen how her teammate was deemed dangerous when it comes to pranks. Although, she had to admit that the knucklehead's pranks were very much simple and yet creative.

It kind of came to her that the pranks that the blonde had executed over the years somehow reminded her of a horror movie that she had watched. The movie was about some little white puppet with spirals in both of its cheeks, that would often had the lines of "I want to play a game" "You've got sixty seconds." and such. Maybe it was just a coincidence?

On the other hand, Sakura just sighed. A thought came to her that the beef between Naruto and Sai had not ended yet. The tension was still burning and rising. It was only a matter of time when her blonde teammate is already planning a revenge against him.

Same goes for Sarada, who had the same thought as the pink haired teen. Both were having feelings of worrieness that somehow these two were planning something mischevious right now.

So they have no choice but to walked faster and hurry before someone gets victimized.


"It's just that feeling I was having at the moment. I somehow knew that the knucklehead would eventually join in whatever their fun is."


Operation: Uzumaki Vengeance

This was indeed the name or t.i.tle card of their soon to be prank against the short black haired teen. It was actually Naruto, who had the idea of naming the simple prank that was going to take place anytime soon. It was upon decided that they were going to held the prank at their own room, which was not theirs but also the rest.

The hotel room that the team had checked in was quite big enough to have its own bedrooms inside. It was like a fully furnished house, complete with a living room, two sets of bathrooms and so on. They wondered if their new sensei was this rich to afford a type of room like this.

Unknown to their knowledge, Yamato had left the room in search of them minutes before their arrival. By the time they arrived at the room, they wasted no time and immediately set up their pranking materials which they bought along the way.

It was like something out of a movie, two creative minds joining together to create the most satsifying prank that they could ever done. Naruto was in charged of setting up and bringing the idea to life while Boruto was in charged of keeping the idea simple to make sure that no innocent person would get involved except for their target.

"I had to admit, you're really good at making the prank simple." Naruto commented as they were finis.h.i.+ng the last stages of the prank.

Boruto gave a smile and shrugged." Well, let's just say that I'm just being careful, we might not want to trash the whole room that Yamato-sensei paid for." He explained. Money is very precious nowadays.

"I guess you're right, but let me ask you this, what made you start doing pranks like this, this is like the first time I met a person who does pranks like me dattebayo?" Naruto asked while the other blonde gave a slight chuckle.

"Hey what's so funny?" He asked.

Boruto just sighed and shook his head. He then darted his eyes towards his young dad and gave him a small smile as if he was going to tell a story." Well, you won't believed this but the reason why or what made me do pranks is because of a certain person." He explained." And that person is none other than my dad."

There was a little bit of silence that took over before Naruto raised both eyebrows in surprised." You're dad? What does he got to do with all these pranks you did?" He asked.

"Well, let's just say that he was the village leader and He had no time for his family and whatsoever." Boruto simply said as he began to reminisce the good old times. He would go on to explained that he did all those pranks just to take his attention away from the toxic work of a village leader that took over him since then. He wanted his old man to focused on his family first and other important things.

Naruto just gave a sad looked." It must've been hardcore for you and Himawari, I mean if I were to have a family of my own, I would really spent time with them more often." He said. He also hoped that being a Hokage was not that toxic and stressful. He was also afraid to see himself transformed into some kind of a workaholic robot, that had no time for bonds and family if he really becomes Hokage in the future.

A small smile formed around the blonde's lips." I hope what you said is true." Boruto thought to himself. He had to admit that this young version of his dad was very much full of hope and promises and a very cool person to hangout with but he wondered on what really changed him as the years pa.s.sed by.

So did you managed to get along with your dad?" Naruto asked.

Boruto simply nodded." Yup, It was a kind of a miracle for him to change back into the old man that we loved and know but at the same time, all of that was short-lived when our village was destroyed." He explained.

"Oh I forgot about that part, I'm sorry for what happened to your home." Naruto apologized, He was just getting to know more about the rookie, and the first thing that he hears is a tragic background story about his past.

Boruto sighed but smiled." It's alright, We've pretty much moved on from it, that's all in the past." He simply explained with a smile as he looked at the blonde straight in the eye.

Naruto gave a slight chuckle."I guess you're right, moving on is the best thing to do, but if you guys are stuck in a problem, don't worry, we'll be here to help you out!" He said. He also attempted to cheer the rookie up much to Boruto's amus.e.m.e.nt and surprised.

"Yeah, thanks Naruto." Boruto thanked the blonde.

"No problem!"


" You could really see that he was telling it from his heart and I never expected that. This was only the second time that I've been spending time with him.



"I guess I should just wait for them."

That was the first thing that Yamato said after giving up as he headed back to the room. He had apparently spent the whole time searching for the rest of the team in the entirety of this resort only to fail in the end. Although, He was able to locate Sai who was near the small river, sketching up the landscape of the forest.

The spiky brown haired man was able to informed the teen to head back to the room for the team dinner after he finished on what he was doing. As for the rest of the members, He could only hoped that they were on their way back, especially, Naruto who was probably somewhere or maybe still at that hotspring.

He really did understood the whole conflict going on between the two teens, He also can relate because he already had been in a situation much like this before tracing back to his early Anbu days when he had a friendly rivalry with Kakas.h.i.+. However, cooperation and peace is what he needed in this mission. He wasn't going to tolerate in such angsty feuds like this.

When everybody is finally at that dinner table, He was really going to do his best as the mediator and worked things out between them.

As he was walking along the hall way and nearing his destination, He stopped his tracks as he suddenly saw a couple of the hotel staff members, specifically from the kitchen division and banquet division standing in front of the door. Apparently, the food that he had ordered had finally arrived.

"Looks like they're here." He thought.

By the time, Yamato got there, several sentences had already formed inside his mind." I apologized for being late, I guess I owe you guys a lot of tips." He gave a slight chuckle while scratching the back of his head much to the confused and silent reaction of the staff.

This left Yamato awkwardly laughing at himself with a very much confused audience. Deciding to move on from the awkward situation just awhile ago, he then gave a grin before grabbing the door in an attempt to slide it open, however, it somehow won't cooperate and slide open.

"What?" Yamato was very confused and shocked. He deduced that the door was somehow mysteriously locked from the inside.

"Oh yes the keys!" Yamato said to himself. He sighed in relief as he checked his pocket and drew out the key to the door.

"I thought I didn't locked the door when I went outside." He said as he used the keys to finally unlocked the door and was greeted by a suspiciously empty room.

Yamato then turned to the hotel/resort staff delivering the food." Alright guys, you just wait here while I'll get my wallet." He said while giving a wink at them before stepping inside.

Unbeknownst to him, he was in for an accidental and unexpected surprised.


It was at the same time when the two blondes heard the door being unlocked from the otherside. It pretty much startled the c.r.a.p out of them, but the good thing was they were able to finish setting the prank up in time. The only problem that they had was that they were not sure if the certain person entering the room was indeed Sai.

"We gotta hide ASAP!" Boruto said and alerted his young dad, who instantly agreed with him as they hid in their respective areas where no one can find them.

The two blondes split up as they hid in opposite sides, Boruto went to the left and hid near a cabinet while Naruto went to the right and hid near the bathroom. Both of them also gazed at the clock and set up their own countdowns.

Boruto on the other hand, immediately realized that he had borrowed his teammate's smartphone, which she had unexpectedly brought from the future. So in a several nicks of time, He went to his back pack which was near his room, drew out the device, returned back to his position and set up the smartphone into camera mode. He was really gonna record this entire scene. From the otherside, Naruto was very much confused as he observed his blonde counterpart, holding some black unknown device that he was not familiar with.

After a few moments of waiting, the door finally slided opened to reveal a person that they never really expected that enter the door.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Both Boruto yelled in his thoughts shocked and disbelief were on his face as he didn't expect that it was his new sensei that entered the room contrast to Naruto, who just was just really overwhelmed by excitement and was not fully aware.

Borut decided to act quickly as possible but it was too late as Yamato had already fell into the prank. Boruto just stared wide eye while holding the smartphone as it began recording the whole prank.


"We were pretty much stoke, I am really glad in someway that vengeance would be serve, until something goes horribly wrong, which it did.


Meawhile, Yamato was caught off guard as he found himself, specifically his face hitting some kind of transparent plastic, which had glue on it, that was unnoticably hanging in front of him. He was taken by surprised that he began to struggle and attempted to remove the sticky plastic on his face, while he was trying to removed it, he suddenly stepped on some kind of wooden board with wheels on it, which turned out to be part of the prank.

Yamato slided off with the wooden skateboard a few small distances before finally losing balance and slipping and cras.h.i.+ng on the wooden floor thus entering the last stage of the prank which involves a bucket of ice cold water, attached to the ceiling fan from above, which turned and pour the ice cold liquid on him.

As the prank had come to an end, there was silence that took over as the hotel staff were very much confused and shocked what has happened and just stared at the scene. It was also at the same time when Naruto came out from his hiding spot and began to celebrate.

"Looks like we got him Bolt!" Naruto exclaimed in triumph, while the other slowly stood up.

Boruto gave a face of worry as he tried to alert his young dad about the situation but it was too late.

As for Naruto, He gave a smirked and began to taunt the person , who he thought was Sai, laying on the floor." How'd you feel now Sai? Who's the wimp now? Dattebayo!" He really felt satisfied right now, it was like sweet revenge, although the celebration was short lived.

Reality would soon come knocking on his doorstep as he heard a familiar voice coming from the door.

"I guess you still are a wimp Naruto."

Naruto widened his eyes in surprised as he then turned around to face the real Sai standing on the entrance and giving him a smile." Sai!? What the Heck!?"

'Then if your standing there, then that means..." Naruto trailed off along the way as he then looked back at the person laying on the floor and was apparently the victim of the prank.

"Oh shoot." He muttered to himself as he then glanced back at Boruto.

They really screwed up right now.

At the same time, Sakura and Sarada had arrived at the scene and were pretty much greeted by shocked right now. They were looking at their sensei, who had just become the victim of a harmless prank.

There was another round of quietness that took over, It was at this time that Yamato was able to finally remove the plastic on his face as he desperately gasped for breath.

"What "Gasp" The heck "Gasp" Just" Gasp" Happened!?" Yamato said while gasping for his breath.

This whole scene was all recorded by the smartphone that Boruto was holding right at the moment. Both of his hands were visibly shaking and he was just speechless as the rest of everybody right now. Although, He did managed to utter several words which formed into one complete sentence.

"We are in serious trouble."


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!