A Different Kind Of Journey - 40 Arc 3: A Day In A Life Part 3

40 Arc 3: A Day In A Life Part 3

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: I was very busy during the weeek because of school But I was able to find time to write.

Take note 2: I also published a new story called " Anthology Story 1: Soul Transfer Jutsu" You can find it under my profile. Feel free to read the first chapter:)

Take note 3: For the readers who doesn't like this story and kept bas.h.i.+ng it. I really don't care what you say or what you think. You are just wasting your time here and If you don't like the story, just leave.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on me

Arc 3:

Chapter 7 : Day in a Life Part 3

It seemed like one of those days when Neji had a chance to spend the day freely without the clutches of the " "Youthful" training regimen of his sensei. Apparently, since his bushy brow teammate couldn't attend to the training, because he hadn't recovered yet from the injury that he sustained during the last mission.

As a result, his sensei cancelled a number of trainings that will be held sometime in the future, because He believed that everyone must be present and complete for every training that the team had.

But as for Neji himself, He finally gets the time to enjoy a day without worrying all of those things. He rarely even gets a time to enjoy because almost everyday there was often a team training but now He has that time for himself.

However, there was this one tiny problem that He didn't expected to happened on this very day.

When all seemed to be going well and smooth, his little cousin then came into the picture like sneaky bomb. It was also a time when coincidentally, Hanabi had no training scheduled on this very day thus that means that she also had the freedom to do whatever she want on this very day.

Since, Hanabi already had figured out about Neji's schedule, She thought it would be another great time to drag him along into one of her adventures yet again or maybe the usual things that she always does.

It really turned out a very exciting and fun day at least for the young Hyuuga girl as she and her big cousin found herself having a couple of adventures in the village. As for Neji, it was always the usual stuff of him being dragged along as if it was often meant to be like this all the time.

Of course, this was his little cousin that He was talking about and He deeply cared for her even far as accompanying her to a Horror house. Yes, a legit Horror house that would eventually scared the c.r.a.p out of him that his screams could be heard all over the place while Hanabi was really on to it instead of squeeking in fear like her big cousin.

The next stop of their little adventure was none of than one of Hanabi's favourites which was enjoying the time by renting a Karaoke room for a couple of hours just to showcase her hidden talent for singing. As for Neji, He found the Karaoke experience very loud and defeaning as his little cousin began to sing the poppiest to the rockiest of songs that almost made him crazy.

His little cousin was really introducing him to a whole new world. No wonder why she is the most different amongst the whole family. The only thing that she didn't have right now was a boyfriend of her own..


"Hanabi is something else I tell you that, She is probably the only Hyuga who has that lively and carefree att.i.tude."

- Neji

"Well, I just love to explore what's out there and I think my cousin here is not just used to it (Chuckles)

- Hanabi


It was already past noon when the two Hyuuga cousins found themselves walking along a quiet street somewhere in the village. Both of them were also in the midst of their own conversation. Hanabi was enjoying her popsicle while Neji was drinking his bottled water.

Hanabi walked with a huge smile on her face." Thanks for coming along Big cousin!" She said as she gave a small fist on her big cousin's shoulder.

Neji, who was exhausted and a bit drained from the little adventure, just simply nodded." Yeah, No problem Hanabi." He said as he took a sip of his drink.

"I guess all that fun really drained you, I'm sorry then." Hanabi said. She also expressed concerned about her big cousin, maybe He wasn't used to these kinds of stuff yet.

Neji widened his eyes and immediately turned his head towards the younger Hyuuga." No I mean, I really enjoyed it! It's just that-"

"It's just that what?"

"Uhmmm, It's just that-" Neji was sweating. He really can't let the words out. He was struggling.

In a few seconds, Hanabi finally figured it out." It's just that you're gonna spend the whole day trying to find yourself a girl, is that it?" She said while giving that smile on her face.

Neji widened his eyes in shock." How the heck did she figured that out!?" He thought.

"Oh come on Hanabi, Why would I spend the whole day finding a girl while I got a lot of important things to do?" Neji asked.

Hanabi raised an eyebrow." Are you really sure? Last time I checked you were looking at your Academy yearbook photo checking on the girls." She said.

"No I wasn't! I was just checking on them and wondering on how were they doing these days that's all." Neji thought of an alternative way to expressed his original goal.

Hanabi sighed." Whatever you say so but I'm still believing that you're gonna spice up your lovelife." She said as she stood ground on what she believes in. She knew her big cousin to well.

As for Neji, He finally succ.u.mbed to his little cousin" Okay fine, you're right I'm trying find a someone that could be potentially be my girlfriend, but I'm not what you think that I would be." He explained.

"You're saying you're not a pervert?" Hanabi clarified.

"Yes! I'm not a pervert! I'm doing this for our clan and for the sake of my personal life too." Neji explained. He was really into it now. He was on a mission to prove that He was already a man at least on this day.

Hanabi sighed but smiled." Oh Neji, at least try to wear a different outfit if you wanna do it. Take Big sis for example, She is like wearing a different set of house clothes ever since." She explained. She was referring to Hinata, who donned this simple dress nowadays.

"Yeah I guess I could, but speaking of Hinata, do you have any idea on what she is up to today?" Neji asked.

Hanabi shook her head." Well, She told me that she was going have training today with her team and that's all I know." She explained.

Neji raised an eyebrow." Are you sure She is not going to stalk Naruto again? She's been doing that all the time you know?" He explained. His overprotective side slowly coming out yet again. He never really like the fact that his cousin had become a stalker.

"I know that Neji. Have you already forgotten what Boruto and Himawari told us before." Hanabi said.

Neji raised an eyebrow." What are you talking about?" He asked.

Hanabi sighed." What I mean't was that Big sis and Naruto are their actual parents in the future!" She simply explained.

Neji scratched his head." Oh yeah, I kind of forgot about that part, sorry." He gave a small grin. Even though, His future niece and nephew already told him of his cousin's future and who will she actually end up with, He will still protect her no matter what.

Hanabi just sighed and shook her head. Indeed, this was her big cousin. He was the most forgetful person that she had ever met but when it comes her big sister, He will often remember everything and Speaking of her big sister, she hope that the lavender haired girl was enjoying her time this day.

They still have that sibling/cousin dinner still hanging around that was yet to be held.


"I really wanted to spend time with them, it felt like eons had pa.s.sed, I really do wish all these training sessions are over, luckily for Neji he had that time off."



Hinata took a deep breath as she prepared for another unexpected meet up with her crush, the one and only Naruto Uzumaki. She can really feel her heart beating faster every second pa.s.sed by.

"Come on Hinata you can do this!" She kept repeating the same sentence in her mind.

The Hyuuga Heiress credited her two teammates for helping her out since the beginning. She never really knew on how they were this supportive to her. In fact, everytime, she had run ins with Naruto, they would always be there to give her time to prepare herself.

It was past noon when her two teammates saw the blonde unexpectedly heading towards their direction, they immediately informed her thus she went hiding behind a fence nearby.

Now, she was just waiting for the big moment to come and not too long she could finally hear footsteps heading towards her. Not a moment too soon, a human shadow could now be seen closing towards her.

"Oh no, Here he comes!" Hinata exclaimed inside her mind. The most antic.i.p.ated moment was just a few steps away from her.

The lavender haired teen gave one big smile. There was this sudden surge of confidence from inside of her that she cannot explain. There was this feeling of excitement and joy that was so overwhelming, that she knew that she can do this.

However, There was one small mistake that she made the moment the human shadow, which probably belonged to the blonde himself, finally reached her spot. Hinata was so excited for this that she left her spot and confronted the person that she really wanted to see.

By the time she turned around, She greeted the person with a very big hug followed by:

"N-Naruto-kun! I just wanted to tell you How much I really liked you and Let's eat some Ramen at your favorite shop!"

Hinata exclaimed as she gave it all from the heart. She just hoped that her crush wouldn't looked at her in a very weird way right now. She just confessed her feeling to him.

There was this sudden silence that she cannot explain. It was all too suspiciously quiet. A few moments later, a voice then spoke which was not that she had expected.

"Uhmm, Hinata? I think you got the wrong person, It's me s.h.i.+no." The voice of her teammate said.

Hinata then opened her eyes to see a very familiar sungla.s.ses wearing teen. The lavender haired girl widened her eyes in surprised as she immediately let go off the person that she was hugging.

"S-s.h.i.+no!? W-Where's Naruto-kun? I-I thought He was supposed to be heading here?" Hinata asked as her mind was all over the place.

s.h.i.+no sighed." Well, we tried to convince him to go your spot and Yes He did!" He explained.

Although, by the time the blonde was heading to Hinata's hiding place, He suddenly stopped his tracks as He remembered something thus rather than going to the said spot, He went on a different direction instead, leaving the rest with dumbfounded faces.

Hinata's face went from Hopeful to a full blown disappointment in just a few moments. She really can't believed the total results, even though they gave their full effort on this, they will beaten by the blonde's knucklehead nature.

Looks like they're going back to the drawing board again.


"Oh Naruto-kun....."



The day continued uneventfully as Boruto headed back to the Ramen shop. He was traversing his way to every street in the village via his trusty wooden skateboard yet again. As he rode all the way back, his thoughts began to entertain his mind.

He began recapped the events that happened this morning and noon, especially the time where He had first met the client, Naimaiki Miyuki, who was the doctor of the small clinic.

The blonde never really expected, that she would looked like a little girl in lab coat. Ayame only told her that the client would be short and young looking but she never really specify on how exactly young would the client looked like. Speaking of the physical appearance, He also wondered on how old Miyuki was. Maybe she was older than Uncle Kakas.h.i.+, or maybe even Tsunade? Who knows?

She was really a mysterious person to begin with. The first time the blonde stepped foot inside her office, He really had this very strange feeling and when He finally met her face to face, He really can't figured out if she was an ordinary doctor or something else.

Although, There was something telling him that she might be a very important person. He just can't see or get the whole picture.

He then diverted his thoughts to the current situation now. He looked at every area, corner or street that he was in right now. He observed those places for a little while before his mind was then flashed back to the future.

He began to see images of a once a peaceful and progressive village that has been left in ruins. Dead bodies having been left scattered around the rubbles and remnants of streets all because of the destruction that the enemy had caused.

Boruto remembered those last days that led up to the destruction of his home and everything. He recalled being sent on an important mission, days prior to the destruction. The mission was about meeting his Uncle Sasuke, who was investigating a new lead about the Otsutsuki clan and their motives.

He was also sent along with his good friend, Kawaki accompanying him throughout the journey.

However, what was once a normal mission had been turned into something very shocking and unexpected as the whole mission was trap set up by the enemy themselves.

Boruto began to suspect that something was very wrong, He then decided that it was best to alert the village on what was happening when Kawaki suddenly backstabbed the blonde and tried to kill him. However, a weary and exhausted Sasuke intervened and came to the rescue thus him and Kawaki on a battle while and temporarily incapacitated Boruto was on the ground. The only mistake that he made was that He tried to intervene in hopes of helping his Uncle Sasuke which eventually led to his mentor's death as Kawaki took the opportunity to stabbed the man while He was caught distracted and off guard.

Boruto cringed at the memories. It was that one simple move that he will always never forget. He shook his head as He erased them from his mind. He wasn't going to lived on the past, He was focusing on the present and looking forward to the future. He considered that being sent here in the past was a second chance for him to redeemed himself and prevent the bad future that was to come.

If He really wants to change the future for the better, then He really needs to be careful on who to trust.

As He finally neared his destination, He unknowingly pa.s.sed by a certain white haired man and a blonde woman who were heading towards a certain street and an apartment.


"I still have the occasional dreams of that day, it's sad that He gave himself up to that Otsutsuki b.a.s.t.a.r.d and now he's gone for good."



Cerulean eyes observed the place that she was currently at. The Konoha Public Library was such a huge place, it was almost like a big shopping mall where you could potentially be lost somewhere. There were also a lot of people inside the place right now.

The atmosphere was very quiet as the lavender haired teen described. She found herself sitting on a one of the seats at the reading section. Himawari looked up again to search for Sarada, and she immediately found her checking some books at a particular spot.

Himawari gave a smile as she turned back into reading the book that she took which was a book, recommended by Sarada herself, about the famous and lesser known historical figures in history of the s.h.i.+n.o.bi world.

It was a book that she took interested off because she wanted to learn more about the the people that were very significant to her Homeland's history and transformation. Maybe her grandparents were in this book too since they were very famous people.

However, when she first opened the pages of the book, she was unexpectedly brought to a topic which very much discusses about the famous wars that happened in history, especially the s.h.i.+n.o.bi wars.

There was one topic that she read which discusses a historical account that happened during the Third s.h.i.+n.o.bi war. The historical account tells of nations using children as a.s.sa.s.sins or hired killers to subdue or kill generals or leaders that were leading their own respective nations into battle. They would disguised themselves as poor children and they would infiltrate the camps, where the general resided, without difficulty and kill them in any means possible.

There was this one person who was known as the most deadliest killer of them all, nicknamed as the " Deranged Killer." Not much is known as about this person. The only known fact was that the person was a mercenary which a.s.sa.s.sinated hundreds of people during the war and was in fact a girl maybe around the same age as her or maybe older.

Himawari gave a surprised looked, whoever knew that during those times, even children, without any experience were forcibly put into the battlefield. It's just goes to show how the world was very unfair until now.


"The book really did show important things and this "Deranged Killer" is a product of the world we lived in."


If only there is a way to stop all of these from happening.

"Hey Hima." The voice of Sarada then called the lavender haired girl's name.

Himawari then looked to see the raven haired teen, who had just came back, from exploring the library, and had taken several books with her to read later on.

"Oh, Saradnee have you finally decided some books to read? She asked.

Sarada simply nodded." Yeah, just a few would be okay, too much knowledge is not really good for the brain, you know." She explained while giving a slight chuckle.

"Well, I guess you're right, and I never knew that the library here would be this huge." Himawari said. The library, that she grew up with back in her home, was smaller than this.

"Yes, in fact this was indeed the original library that stood before the Akatsuki leader, Pein invaded and destroyed the village before." Sarada explained. It was all doc.u.mented too well in the future. Because of the Seventh, all these people, The Akatsuki, the villains of history were being learned from schools, teaching the future generation about valueable lesson that could be learned.

"Oh! That's pretty interesting!" Himawari smiled.

As for the Uzumaki girl, she was just

here to go with the flow or in for the ride. She had a feeling that this was going to be a very big adventure and she was excited about it.

"Speaking of big Adventures, What do you think our next mission will be?" Himawari asked.

Sarada simply shrugged." Well I'm not really sure but somehow I got a feeling that this mission would be much bigger than the previous one." She simply said.

At the same time, Sarada gave a sad smile and looked down. A thought just came to her that this next mission, whatever or whenever it is, will definitely involved his Papa.

Sarada directly learned from her Mama, that there was a time when Team Kakas.h.i.+ was sent on a mission to investigate a hideout which had the possibility of where her Papa was located. It was during those days where the man was still a missing nin and a criminal that there were attempts to try and search for him in order to bring him back to the village but in those times, every attempt was unsuccessful because of the failure to locate his exact location.

In fact, in that very mission, they finally had the chance of meeting him face to face. However, the main goal turned out unsuccessful as a fight ensued between the members of the team and Sasuke himself which resulted on him as the victor and he escaped along with Orochimaru and Kabuto.

Sarada sighed. She was indeed thinking about this for awhile now. She was nervous on meeting her Papa and She didn't knew on what kind of person He was back then. Was He cruel? Was He more brooding serious? What kind of person was He?

She was just going to have to be ready on what's ahead.


"The thought of Papa, his teenage self, still bothers me all the time, and I had the feeling that I'll be meeting him soon.



Tsunade tiredly sighed as she stopped for awhile to take a break from the paper work. It was yet another stack finished and she had one more to go before she can finally go home.

She currently observed her surroundings and noticed that the rays of the sunset was penetrating through the window and there were shades of red orange that can be seen in some parts of the office.

It was a message to her telling her that the afternoon had finally arrived and she was still here doing on whatever a Hokage was doing all the time. The blonde woman really wanted to go now. She would rather spend time hanging out Jiraiya instead of doing this.

Although, She can't really escaped the huge hands of being a Hokage. If she really wanted to leave right now, then she would just finished her work first.

Putting these thoughts aside. Another one came in right after. She thought about the upcoming mission for Team 7 that was to be scheduled in a couple days time. She also made sure that the time travelling teens would get the message through Jiraiya, who was on his way to the apartment.

Apparently, she had a.s.signed the three on a another mission yet again. There were a couple of reasons why, first she had to sticked to her plan of protecting their secret and she had a feeling that the other fellas were already taking noticed of the three newcomers. Second, the mission was about another attempt on rescuing Sasuke Uchiha as the exact location of the hideout had been finally found through the testimonial evidence of Sasori.

Tsunade's only worry was on how the raven haired girl would react seeing the younger version of her father. Because the Sasuke in this timeline is a very different person from the Sasuke of the future, that the Uchiha girl had told her about.

She wasn't sure on what the scenario will be like but she was definitely sure that it would be a big help for them to capture the teen. Naruto would also go into lengths again just to rescue and bring back his friend. This is where Himawari and Boruto will come into the picture, if her theory is correct, then they will act as a preventive measure if the blonde was going to tapped into the Kyuubi's power again.

Speaking of the Kyuubi, She also heard the news on how Boruto managed to subdue his young Kyuubified dad and brought him back to normal using the paper seal she was amazed that He didn't get a single scratched from him.

With that said, the only thing she had to do was to wait for the day of the mission to come and by the time trio would arrived in the office, she can finally brief them about the mission.

She also just hope that her teammate wouldn't get himself lost again.


It was in the afternoon when the school had officially ended for the day. The academy saw its students finally going out from the premises one by one towards their respective homes.

Konohamaru walked along the premises of the school towards the gate which was the only entrance and exit of the academy. He found himself walking alone this time as He sooned find out that pets or foxes were really not allowed inside the Academy or maybe He just forgot about it overall.

Although, He told Kurama to wait for him outside of the premises once cla.s.s was dismissed so that they can go home together. When that time finally came for him to go home, He would soon discover that no one was waiting for him outside.

Konohamaru sighed." He must've overslept yet again." He commented.

Kurama had a tendency to sleep all the time whenever he was doing nothing and that's probably what He did the whole day. Sleeping.

"Oh well, I guess I'm going home alone again." He muttered as He proceeded to head towards the gates.

Although, as he was walking along, a voice suddenly called him.

"Hey Konohamaru!" The voice of a boy said.

Konohamaru then turned around to see a very familiar black haired boy who was none other than Kenta, a fellow cla.s.smate of him and the one who he had gotten a fight with on the field. He was very surprised as He had not seen him for awhile and He had this very silent and calm look that he found really uncomfortable.

"Hey Kenta what's up?" He casually asked.

Meanwhile, Kenta just stood there and smiled at the brown haired boy." Hey I just wanna say that I'm sorry for saying bad things about you back at the field." He said as He apologized to the boy.

"Hey, it's no big deal alright? I moved on from that but thanks and I must be going right now." Konohamaru explained as He then turned around.

"Hey Wait!, Can I asked you a favor?" Kenta said.

Konohamaru gave a confused looked." Yeah what is it?" He asked.

"Can I talk you for awhile, somewhere? There's something that I would like to talk to you about."


"Dammit! I'm late again!"

A very irritated Kurama exclaimed as He dashed his way through out the streets of the village en route towards the academy.

He really can't believed that He had done it yet again. He promised to himself that He wouldn't overslept and that He would be pretty much waking earlier, although, the damaged had been done and He found himself running as fast as He can to catch up to the time. Apparently, He told the boy that He would be heading home to take a na for awhile. Although, that nap soon turned into a full blown sleep as the fox slept his way throughout the day.

He normally had this habit of oversleeping ever since. He just couldn't control this particular habit because it had been his trademark for many years. He was known to his other tailed beast friends as "Snore fox" because of how loud he snores while he sleeps.

Kurama shook his head to erase the thoughts and focused on his current goal.

As He finally reached his destination, which was the Academy itself, He soon found out that there was no trace of the boy at the gates.

Kurama gave a confused and puzzled look." Hmmm, that's strange? He's supposed to be here waiting for me." He said as he neared the premises.

There was this feeling of worrieness and danger that the nine tailed fox had immediately sensed. Kurama felt that something was very wrong.

The fox then surveyed his surroundings as there seemed to be not much people already as most of them had gone home. He then immediately entered the academy premises in search of the missing boy.

Kurama really dislike playing a game of hide and seek, or a game of searching, But right now, He had no choice as proceeded on with his new and current goal on finding Konohamaru.

He just hoped that the boy is alright.


"I hate situations like this, It kinda reminds me of how little Hima got lost in the village and I have to sniff my way through to find her.


AN:Thank you for reading the chapter:)