A Different Kind Of Journey - 42 Arc 3: Another Bonding

42 Arc 3: Another Bonding

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note : For the readers who doesn't like this story and kept bas.h.i.+ng it. I really don't care what you say or what you think. You are just wasting your time here and If you don't like the story, just leave.

Take Note : Looks like we are already nearing the Sasuke mission arc and by the way this is just a filler chapter.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on

Arc 3:

Chapter 9: Another Bonding

It was probably the most unexpected thing that ever to him yet. He knew that he was all by himself when he was heading back towards the apartment. He also never expected that He would suddenly crossed paths and finally meet his G.o.dfather, which he had never met before, for the first time.

Boruto took the time to observed the man in front of him. He described him as very big and tall, having broad shoulders, and confident. He began to wonder if this was really his dad's sensei, in fact the man really is. He was just in this moment of disbelief, He heard many stories about him from his dad and other people when he was a kid.

He was on his way to conclude that this was indeed, G.o.dfather.

As for Jiraiya, He was probably having the same thought as him, He also wondered if this was the "Boruto", the one that his former teammate was also talking about. In fact, this was really the person that he was searching for, the blonde hair, cerulean eyes, the whisker marks which was obviously hidden underneath those white patches.

This was no doubt his future G.o.dson.

There was a brief moment of silence that took over, Jiraiya noticed that the young man's face was still in the midst of confusion and figuring out.

"Well if you' re confused, let me explain again, Tsunade personally told me all about you three and how you are not from this time but from the future, But don't worry, the secret is safe with me."

"I just really want to see my G.o.dson and G.o.d daughter that's all."

The white haired Sanin explained. He had no bad intentions or whatsoever, He just wanted to meet the kids and get to know them.

It was like a test or trial for the man himself, He was on a mission to convinced the blonde teen that he was telling him the truth. He was also a bit afraid that the blonde might just shrugged it off and leave him be. He feared of being rejected.

He felt his heart beating a little bit faster as He stared and observed the teenage blonde in front of him. He really looked a lot like his student, as if he had a twin brother. He wondered if He already met Naruto.

As for Boruto, He sensed no lie or immediate threat from the man, Deep down inside, his heart was telling him that this man was really indeed the Jiraya that his dad was talking about. Not for too long, He gave a smile and hugged the man.

Jiraya was taken by surprised as he never expected that the blonde would give him a warm hug. When the kid hugged him, He felt this emotion that he couldn't explained, it was no any ordinary hugged, it felt like as if this kid was already a member of the family for a long time.

Boruto never really felt this happy and relieved to see and finally met another loved one or important person. It felt like as if he was this little kid being lost for a long while and that he finally found someone that he could looked up to for awhile. Of course, He knew his responsibilities but as for now, He was really going to treasure this moment.


"This was probably the second time that I met the geezer, If I can recall in a similar situation way back with that small turtle machine."


"Well, He really does look like Naruto minus that scar and patches, He could pa.s.sed as his twin brother to be honest.(Chuckles)



Dinner time was the best part at least for a certain lavender haired girl. The sounds of onions, garlic and vegetables being chopped could be heard rattling all over the kitchen area, followed by the sound of water boiling on a pot indicating that the food for tonight was none other than beef vegetable soup. There was also steam that can be seen coming out from the rice cooker.

Himawari smiled as she poured all the ingredients, including the beef on to the boiling water, she also had her timer set on a specific time so when the countdown ends, she can finally say that dinner is ready.

It was already 6pm when Himawari finished everything, she just have to wait for the timer to end, but as for now she took the time to prepare the plates and utensils on the table. As the lavender haired teen was setting up the plates on the dinner table, her eyes noticed a small picture frame, with stand attached to it, on the table.

It was a picture from the time she was a kid and the picture consists of her, her big brother, and her mom and dad. The Uzumaki girl gave a small smile as she recalled the time where this picture was taken which was at the local park.

As she continued to examined the photo, she focused more on her parents, who were happily smiling in the photo, She and her mom were giving the peace sign while the her big brother and dad were on conflict as they struggled to squeezed in the photo.

"Oh Nii-chan." Himawari chuckled. She recalled how her big brother would always wrestle their dad whenever there is a family group photo, these two were the clowns of the family, they would always create a hilarious scenes everywhere they went together.

It was some kind of prank war between her big brother and Dad, Similar to one of those viral prank videos, they would really go at each other.

Speaking of her big brother, He really should be home at this point in time, What was taking him so long? Was He dealt into another overtime s.h.i.+ft at work yet gain? Does this mean that her big brother is going home late again?

Himawari just sighed. With all these thoughts overwhelming her about him, She attempted to divulged herself into other things to get rid of those thoughts. After setting up dinner, she went on to get the remote control and turned on the TV. She then pressed the b.u.t.ton to switch the channels to the one that she usually watch which was none other than the comedy and especially the horror channels.

Himawari gave a smile. She was secretly a fan of movies, especially the horror movies. She remembered watching her first horror movie which was about a white hockey masked villain killing naughty people somewhere in a camp or a lake.

The lavender haired girl to the few minutes to relax for awhile. She also felt a little bit sleepy as her eyes were slowly shutting down as finally her consciousness faded away.


"I guess I'll be stuck to watching movies and cooking for the family all the time now. But still, I don't want to end up like that forever.



It was not too much of a long journey towards their final destination which was none other than the apartment of the time travelling trio themselves. The journey was considered a good time as both were engaged in very pleasant converstation.

"So you, your little sister and your friend lived altogether in that very apartment?" Jiraiya asked. He really had a lot questions in mind.

Boruto nodded." Yup, It's kinda fun actually, It's like your living in a whole new world." He said. He would go on to explained that when they first arrived here in the past, they felt like strangers in a new world. They didn't knew anybody else except that they had to really adapt and meet new people.

Jiraiya gave a surprised looked" Really? then I'm really amazed on how you three managed to adapt that fast." He commented. He was impressed.

Boruto gave a smile and simply nodded." Yeah, and I think we've pretty much come a long way." He said as He stared at the beautiful night sky.

Jiraiya smiled. Although, there was one thing that he really wanted ask that Tsunade never really told him and it was about the trio's past and how they got here in the first place. He has yet to know on how the trio got there in the first place.

By the time He asked that question to his future G.o.dson, the latter just kept quiet about it. Jiraiya raised both eyebrows in confusion. Why doesn't He wanna talked about it? Was it something very sensitive? If it is, then He must apologized.

So Jiraiya did.

"Well, I apologized for asking, I think it might be a very sensitive topic for you."

Boruto just sighed, He stopped his tracks and turned to the man, He also gave him a smile to a.s.sure him that it was alright to talked about.

"Well, I was just thinking that Himawari would do a great job on telling the rest of the story."


"It's still a very sensitive topic to talk about even until now, the memory is still fresh but I had toughen myself, if you know what I mean."



Sarada really didn't knew what to do or what to say right now, She had just gotten up from bed after short nap, and was now heading to check if the food for dinner is finally ready.

The first thing that greeted her was the sound of screaming coming from the living room, the raven haired teen was startled as she rushed to see what was happening.

By the time she got to her destination, She was greeted by a snoring Himawari who was slumped down on the couch like a lifeless doll. She was also drooling as a small portion of saliva was dropping down from her mouth.

She also discovered, that the main source of scream was coming from none other than the television itself which was showing a horror movie right at the moment.

Sarada sighed, She thought that something bad had might happened, but it was a simple misunderstanding. She also just forced a smile as she just observed the sleeping and snoring Uzumaki girl on the couch.

"Just like her big brother." She muttered. They really have that Uzumaki blood in them.

Speaking of Boruto, where the heck was he? What was taking him so long? She hoped that he wasn't going to overtime yet again, She was really hoping for that complete dinner with all of them seated at the dinner table.

She then darted her eyes to the wall clock and noticed that it was already in the midst of dinner time.

The raven haired girl sighed, with Himawari now fast asleep and her being the last person awake in this apartment, She had no choice but to go to the ramen shop and try to fetch the knucklehead and bring him home so that dinner could finally be started.

As she was about to prepare herself to go outside, there was a sudden knocked from the door which caught the attention of the gla.s.ses wearing teen.

Sarada then darted her eyes towards the door, She wondered on who could that person be from outside, and when she quickly realized that it could be the knucklehead himself.

There was this feeling of excitement that surged up from inside of her as she took the steps towards door, and by the time she got to her destination, she reached her hand for the door and when she finally grab the k.n.o.b to open it, the door suddenly opened, indicating that it has been unlocked from the other side.

As a result, Sarada found herself being hit by the door directly to her face, and she felt as if she was knocked out by a boxer hungry for the champions.h.i.+p, and was sent to the floor.

"Hey guys! I'm Home!" The teen announced, before following up the first announcement.

"And I got a surprised! Dattebasa!"

A certain blonde haired teen burst out from the door and entered the apartment unit with a brand new energy and excitement. He was ready to show and introduced Jiraiya to the rest when he found himself being greeted by quietness, except for the TV which was still showing that horror movie.

"Uhmmm h.e.l.lo?" Boruto raised an eyebrow in confusion as He survyed his surroundings to see what was going on.

Jiraiya, who was behind took a peek to see what was happening." Looks like a very quiet welcome." He commented.

"I wonder what happened here." Boruto said as he continued his small investigation. He first went to the living room and saw his little sister who immediately woke up.

"Oh my gos.h.!.+ Nii-chan! What happened!?" Himawari jolted up from the couch as she then found herself staring at her big brother.

"Well, I don't know Hima, I just arrived here, Where's Saradchan by the way?" He asked.

Himawari cutely scratched her chin, as the short haired girl, tried to remember the whereabouts of the raven haired teen.

"I guess she's in her room taking a nap." Himawari guessed. She recalled the older girl telling her that she was going to take a short nap for awhile.

"Hey kiddo, Looks like I found your friend and she's sleeping on the floor alright." Jiraiya's voice was then heard.

Both Uzumaki siblings turned around to face their G.o.d Father, staring at a familiar raven haired teen that was laying on the floor from behind the door.

Sarada, on the other hand was almost completely knocked out from the ordeal. She can't believed that this really happened to her and it was apparently her first time being knocked over by a door that hard in her life.


"Well, getting knockout by a door is probably an embara.s.sment, I mean what's the worst thing that could happen besides that?"



Dinner started right after Boruto had arrived with a certain spiky white haired man, both girls were very much surprised to see that this person. As for Sarada, this was indeed the legendary toad sage and the sensei of the seventh, Jiraiya, which she read all about in the history books.

As for the Uzumaki siblings, they see this man as a member of the family. A long lost father figure, that they never met before in their lives, and only now that they were given the chance to finally meet him in person.

Jiraiya sat down with the rest as the dinner was finally served, The main dish was one of the lavender haired girl's usual cooking which was really delicious.

"This is amazing!"

The man commented, He never really tasted a food so delicious like this before. It was phenomenal for him. He wondered on who taught the girl to cook like this, and when he asked that question, He got answer immediately.

"My mom taught me, and if you are wondering how, then you just simply put your pa.s.sion and heart into your cooking." Himawari gave a smile and explained.

Boruto gave a grin." Yup! Mom is the best cook that ever was." He added. He really liked his mom's cooking since he was a kid.

Jiraiya smiled." Well, you're mom must be a really lovely person." He commented, but there was one thing that was bothering him.

"May I asked, since you two are my student's children, then who did he end up with?" He asked.

Boruto and Himawari gave glances at each other, both of them giggled which confused the man even more. He was really in for a surprised. Most of everybody thought that their Dad would end up meeting someone else but fate was just the love maker it is.

"Well, believed it or not, but our mom's name is Hinata." Boruto explained, he was referring to a certain Hyuuga heiress.

"And she's a Hyuuga by the way." Himawari added finally completing their answer.

Jiraiya almost dropped his chopsticks when the big revelation had finally came to him like a giant tidal wave. He was very much surprised, He never expected that his student would end up with girl from the Hyuuga clan. Of course, He heard of Hinata, she was dubbed the "Hyuuga Princess" and Also Naruto's number one fan.

"Well, it's a really long story but let's just say that our mom is secretly in loved with the old man for a long time, and it really took a few years for dad to realized that someone really loved him." Boruto explained as he took a drink of his gla.s.s water.

Jiraiya nodded in understanding, He would go on to learned that his student's attempts on getting his pink haired teammate's heart was really just useless since the beginning.

"But have you finally got the chance to meet your dad?" He asked.

Both of the siblings simply nodded. They would go on to explained that they were able to spend time with him during the rescue mission and get to know him as a person. According to the blonde himself, Naruto was actually a very nice guy contrast to the rumours that he was a demon or whatsoever, and behind the mask that he was wearing was a sad person that just wanted a something to be belong to.

Jiraiya nodded, He also knew what his student was going through and he was glad that the siblings were here to give him the moral and emotional support that he needed all these years.

There were a lot of questions that he finally managed to asked during the whole dinner conversation. One revelation, that he learned was that Tsunade would end up still single in the future, this gives him the idea that he can have the chance to expressed his feelings for her or maybe asked her out on a date even though they were at this stage of their life.

Another thing that he learned was that the Rokudaime Hokage would be none other than Kakas.h.i.+ himself, who was an avid fan of his books. He really knew from the beginning that the instructor of Team 7 would have that kind of potential to lead the village even though, He was a bit of a pervert.

When the topic came about himself and his future, He received this weird silence from the siblings, before telling him that He would become a very successful writer in the future and that would be all as knowing one's whole future would be really too much already so he put that aside.

So when it was his turn to tell his story, He first informed the trio that they were a.s.signed to a mission by Tsunade herself to keep the secret safe once more. He told them that the main mission detail which was about a rescue mission. When he was asked about the rescue mission again, He simply told them that the rescue mission was about rescuing a certain important person named Sasuke Uchiha.

All of three, were caught by surprised when they heard this news. They were excited about a rescue mission again, but they were shocked to hear that the person that they were going to rescue was none other than Sarada's young father. This was really unexpected.

Jiraiya sighed." I know you three are shocked right now but if you want to learn more about the mission, then I guess Tsunade will see you tomorrow for the mission briefing." He explained.

There was a brief moment of silence in the whole dining room, the trio were in their thoughts right now, Boruto was thinking of getting ready for a surprised first time meet up with his Uncle and Mentor, Himawari was having the same thoughts as her big brother but she was still had yet to decide if she was going to partic.i.p.ate or just take a rest.

As for Sarada, She was the most affected of the news, Thoughts overwhelmed her as She began to think about her Papa once again. These thoughts about him were really bothering her for awhile now. She gave a nervous and worried looked which was immediately noticed by her blonde teammate.

Boruto directed his eyes towards his raven haired teammate, as He observed her, she just sat there and quietly ate her dinner, but she still had that bothered looked on her face.

He could only sighed and gave her a concerned look. He was going to get the bottom of this later on.


"Everytime that certain topic comes into the conversation, she would just turn pale and worry herself to death, which is really bad-ttebasa."



The night continued on as usual as dinner time had finally came to an end. Sarada found herself on the small apartment balcony, she enjoyed the fresh air and gazed at the beautiful night sky, especially the moon which is in its majestic form right now.

Sarada took a deep breath to calm herself down, right after dinner, Boruto and Himawari went on to entertain and play board games with Jiraiya at the living room, while she chose to be alone for awhile.

For the past couple of days, she was already thinking on their next mission, through her guessed, It was another rescue mission and this time, it involves mostly of her Papa, because He was really the target of this mission and according to Jiraiya, the mission will start tomorrow.

"Saradchan." The familiar voice of Boruto can be heard from behind calling her name.

Sarada then turned around to face the blonde, who was holding a small gla.s.s of water on his right hand

Sarada raised both eyebrows in surprised." I thought you were playing those board games with the rest of the guys?" She asked.

"Well, I was going to but I just decided to check up on you for awhile." Boruto explained to the Uchiha girl.

Boruto smiled as he offered the drink to his friend." Here you go, I guess you haven't drank your water during dinner." He explained.

"Oh, thank you." A bewildered Sarada said as she took the the gla.s.s of water and drank it. She was trying to figure out if she really did drank her gla.s.s of water or maybe not, because she was so overwhelmed with thoughts during supper that she forgot about it and just left the dinner the table.

When she finally realized that what he had said was true, she just sighed as she immediately took gla.s.s and drank it.

Boruto gave a small smile, He then decided to finally get straight to the point." Is there really something bothering you? Could it be the mission that Jiraiyjiji told us?" He asked.

Sarada looked down and simply nodded." Yeah." She replied. She was planning to explain the whole reason on why she was bothered, but the blonde quickly figured it out.

"Is it about meeting Uncle Sasuke? Is that why you are worried?"

Sarada nodded for the second time. She really didn't have to explained everything, her Papa's name was already enough for the blonde to get the whole picture.

Boruto sighed but smiled." Yeah, I'm worried about it too, from what I've heard, He was a very different person in this timeline." He explained. He guessed that his mentor's personality in this timeline, could be compared to that of a brooding Kawaki.

Sarada just kept quiet, She really didn't expected this sooner, she hasn't really prepared herself on meeting her younger Papa. For all she knows, she doesn't really want to engaged him in a fight.

She then turned back and continued on watching the view.

The raven haired girl then, felt a hand placed on her shoulder, she then turned to her left and saw the blonde already beside her. She darted her eyes towards his face and met his cerulean eyes.

Sarada commented on how his eyes were hypnotizing and how the whisker-like marks were cute, overall her blonde teammate was really handsome, He was just now aware about it.

On the other hand, Boruto was having the same thoughts, as he observed her face, He took note of how she would be much beautiful if she would just removed that gla.s.ses, She can't be a nerd forever.

He then gave a smile." Don't worry about anything Sarada, No matter what happens, I'm always here to protect you and Hima." He said. It was his responsibility.

"I know that there are things in this timeline that we do not know yet, but the only way for us to overcome this challenges is that we should stick and face all these together." Boruto added. He was attempting to bring out the positive side of things to his teammate.

"As I said before, I will always be there to protect you girls." He said while giving the girl a wink.

There was a moment of silence that took over, Sarada continued to stare at her teammate, with all those things that he had said to her, it really gave her the hope inside once again, She also felt this stranged urged to get closer to him, as she closed her eyes and unconsciously attempted to kiss blonde on the lips. Maybe this was her inner feelings for him coming out.

As for Boruto, He just stood there and kept staring at her as if he was in a trance, there was something about her that he really can't figured it out. He began to wonder if the raven haired girl did really have feelings for him and if he did, How should He returned those feelings back to her?


"Well, I really have no problem about that, If Sarada did have her feelings then so be it. I just suck handling it to be honest.(Chuckles)


By the time their lips were on the verge of turning into a full blown kiss, it was suddenly interrupted by a certain lavender haired girl who popped out in front of them like a ghost.

"Hey guys! We really need two more players for this board game that we're playing."

Both of them were startled, especially Sarada, who immediately pulled back from the blonde's face, her cheeks were slightly red indicating that she was blus.h.i.+ng.

Himawari raised an eyebrow in confusion. she immediately noticed the commotion going on.

"Uhmm, your cheeks are really red Saradnee." She commented. She was in her detective mode again.

She then turned to her big brother, who was just standing there like a lost kid." You seemed lost Nii-chan, Are you alright?" She asked.

Boruto blinked a couple of times before snapping back to reality." Uhmm, Yeah, I'm fine Hima." He nervously grinned while scratching the back of his head.

Himawari could only sighed." Well, I'm just gonna be at the living room, just tell us if you guys are ready to pick up your characters and start the game." She explained before disappearing from the scene.

There was a brief moment of quietness that took over, Both of the two give glances at each other, Sarada gave a smile while Boruto raised both eyebrows in question.

"So you wanna go and join them? I think they're playing Monopoly." He asked.

Sarada shook her head and smiled." Well, I guess so." She said.

Although, as time was really getting impatient, Sarada wasted no time and made her move by giving the blonde a quick kiss on the cheek, before leaving him and heading back to the living room.

For a few moments Boruto just stood there: bewildered and surprised. Did she just kissed him on the cheek? It was very unexpected yet it was somehow very heart warming as his cheeks turned red for a short while.

His lips then formed into a smile as He also headed to the living room to the catch up with the rest of the pushed his thoughts aside as he made sure that he was going to enjoy this night before another storm comes again.

What a night it has been!


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter:)